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Thursday, September 20, 2018


Part 1
Sultan is feeding Meera… as she plays with the toy..! She smiles suddenly and Sultan smiles too..! Meera asks what is this.. kids dun feed parents. .they feed kids..! Sultan is about to feed Meera when she says..she should feed him n feeds him instead…! She again lost in the toy n rues that her kid is too small he cant eat.. dal chawal roti..! Sultan is about to feed Meera when his moby rings..its Madhu…! Sultan cuts the call …! Madhu tries again..! Sultan gets up and puts the phone away. n goes n sits with Meera.! Aryan comes in the room…! He sees the moby and receives the call before Sultan can stop him!
Aryan says Madhu n Madhu says how are u? Aryan says.. m angry on u..for not coming to meet me..r u angry? Madhu says not at all ..! She
asks how is he? Aryan says good..! Sultan calls out to Aryan to handover the moby! Aryan tells Madhu that someone has come to their home.. n Sultan says..she is his granny n Sultans mom! Sultan chides Aryan n Meera stops him says.. talk nicely to kids…dun scold! Sultan comes to Aryan n asks for the phone n Aryan gives the moby to him..! Sultan sends Aryn to Kaka…!
Sultan says hello…and Mahdu says.. Sultan n Sultan asks Madhu to stay away from this n not interfere..! Madhu asks why talking like this to me? Sultan says..coz she is notrelated to this so stay out! Madhu says.. RK is my hubby so she is related to this..! Madhu tells Sultan that whatever happened with hs mom is wrong.. n she sympathises.. but what he knows.. or believes may not b true..! Sultan says..its all true.. it may be regrettable but Mohan si his dad..! Madhu asks Sultan if he cant sit with RK n talk.n all will be ok? Sultan asks..he n her rk talk? No one can talk to RK ..coz RK never lets anyone talk… he wont agree to meet n talk n! Madhu says..he is ready.. to talk! Madhu says.. its about RKs dad… his repute.. n RK dun want..there is any blot on his dads name.. ! She has talked to RK n he is ready is he? Sultan is quiet..! Madhu requests Sultan to tmeet RK n talk ..once..! Sultan fumes.. but looks at Meera n says.. ok..! Madhu says thanks..!
RK-Madhu arrive outside Sitara studio .! Its raining..! Madhu tahnks him ..for agreeing to her n meeting Sultan! RK says.. Sultan agreed too..! Madhu thanks him for .leetting her come with him! Bittu calls RK n he says all ok ..n thanks! MAdhu asks RK if he will be calm? RK says.. till Sultan is quiet.. n calm ..he will be calm too else.. he will react! Madhu says.. all will be well . .n it was small mu so all will be ok! RK hugs Madhu n says..yes all will be ok . Madhu says..her heart says so…n RK says.. if it wont be ok ..he will make it ok!
Sultan arrives in his car..! He is walking in the rain towards RKs car n RK wsatches his reflection ..thru the mirro… and keeps huggingh Madhu! Sultan knocks on RKs car window n RK turns to Sultan.. while hugging Madhu..! Sultan taps again n Madhu spots him .. n rolls down the window..! Sultan says.. wante to talk? Madhu says..thanks.. for agreeing to meet.. n asks him to come inside..! Another car arrives …! RK gets out of his car…! Madhu sees Bittu …and RK asks her to leave for home.. n asks her to stay with Radha..! RK tells Madhu that he will fulfil his promise.. so go home n says whatever will happen will happen between Sultan n RK ..n that it stays between them .. is better..! Sultan tells Madhu to go. .as its betwheen them..! RK tells Sultan ..not to talk inbetween..! Madhu says.. RK said..he will be calm..! RK says. .m calm..! RK asks Madhu to go home n Bittu asks Madhu tocome with him ..! Madhu leaves.. unsurely.. but keeps glancing at the duo…! She gest in the car n Bittu drives off wit hher…! RK watches Madhu drive off and Sultan tells RK that he is surprised that RK is ready to talk to him about this..! RK says..he can be very calm .. if required… he asks if they can start.. to talk ..calmly? He says..he will start first..!
Sultan sits by RKs side on the car bonnet… (RK)! Sultan says..start. .it doesnt matter who starts.. on whose word it ends matters..! RK says.. there is nothing attached to his name..that can give him identify so he wants to atttach Kundra..! Sultan tells RK not to be so proud of this name.. its not matter of pride.. but shame..! RK says..his talk is not over..its an allegation not question! RK says..he wants ot be part of this fmaily … what did he think ..before playing this game? That he din get Madhu so .. play this game to get Madhu? Sultan says..this is notr elated to MAdhu n RK is..! RK says.. this all started coz of revenge.. coz of desire to get Madhu .. can see in ur eyes..! Sultan glares at RK..! RK asks Sultan what he thot to make thsi sotry? That..he will tell tyhis sotry to Madhu ..her heart will melth. n he will get her sympathy n her love? Sultan fumes..! RK tells Sultan .. Madhu is my wife.. n she wloves me not u! Sultan tells RK ..that.. Madhu is not realed to this..! RK poitns to his eyes n says..can see in ur eyes.. can see pain of getting Madhu in ur eyes.! Sultan says.. knew u had vcome to say this. .thot Madhu made him understand.. to feel what his mom went thru.. to open eyes .. about RKs dads torture on Sultans mom ..! RK get sup the car bonne n says… du ncare what happend to his mom ..30 years ag ol… but after 30 yrs.. someone comes n says..he is Late MKs son… ?? RK tells Sultan he is a knowledgebale guyy . .amek a good story.. . he wants to get Madhu by beeing part of family … n he feels ..funny .. on this story! Sultan says.. the one that is a story for him being faced by his mom since 30 years.. MK may be an ideal.. man .. hubby father. .but for Sultans mom he was no more than a cheaater.. liar… lwoly person!
PArt 2
Sultan fumes on RK n tells .. if RK thought. Sultan is telling a story. .then why did he make the effort to come there? RK says.. coz it was needed.. aka needed to stop him! Sultan asks so what did RK think.. by insulting Sultan .he will stop him? Sultan comments that he used to think RK was intelligent.! RK says… he is right.. RK is intelligent..! He knows Sultan doesnt have fear of losing respect but has fear of losing freedom! Right then Cops arrive at the place.! Sultan turns n watches..cops surround him..! Sultan glares at RK n RK smirks.. at him!
Part 3
RK tells Sultan .. that stopping is now the compulsion of Mumbai ke Sultan! RK tells cops ..that .. here is the goon…take him away..! RK says.. today morning he fought with me.. earlier he had forcefully entered Rishbala wedding and also threatened his wife..! He says..there are many more files to be opened..but this is it for now!… RK tells Sultan that..he can be very calm ..n composed.. but ..tonight was about being crooked. .coz.. one has to be crooked. with such people..! Sultan is handcuffed n taken away! Sultan glares at RK while walking towards the cops jeep..! RK sits back on his cars bonnet..! After the cops drive off, Sultan says… Biwi.. had promised..that will talk calmly …so well he din even raise his hand..! RK smiles..!
Precap — Madhu ( in her red kurti/white paijamas) asks RK (in grey tee-shirt/trackies)..what did they talk? Madhu asks..they must have talked something… else why would he (Sultan) come to the puja! RK shushes Madhu..! Madhu says.. RK is hiding something… n asks him to tell .. how did the matter get resolved?
rest coming…
Part 1
At the mansion .. Madhu is dabbing RKs wet hair n says thanks to him n asks how did things get resolved n RK says …like it should be.. i spoke.. he spoke.. n things ended..n we went separate ways..! Madhu asks how come?
RK says. .no action at all .. only dialogue scenes..! Madhu says..he is hiding.. say the details.. !
RK says.. not now.. later..! RK asks.. packed for honeymoon? Madhu says.. started..but how many clothes to pack ?? RK says..they are going on honeymoon..why need to pack? Madhu chides him
RK says…meant.. we will shop there..what did she think. .n sings Badtameez dil n Madhu runs off..!
Bittu is on phone n Sikky is busy tailing him with measuring tape! RK – Madhu are ready to leave.. but RK says..dun think should go n Madhu too agrees..!
Radha says. .fine.. n they are going…! Bittu tells them he is going..for sure n RK asks..why so excited?
Sikky is tailing him n Bittu chides him ..! RK says..he n Madhu are going for honeymoon not exam.. why dahi shakkar? Dips says.. for shagun..! Dips watches.. n says.. one after another nautanki …!
Sikky asks Dips to eat dahi shakkar for good beginning of evil plans..! Someone brings coconuts and RK says.. Madhu cant break with head..! Bittu says.. one should be broken to ward off evil eye…! Radha does the nazar utaring..and Bittu is about to break coconut when Sultan intervenes n glares at a surprised RK! He breaks the coconut himself..!
Sultansays…this is for the first step of his mother in this house..! He breaks second coconut for the woman who got back her family … breaks third coconut… for his mothers self respect…which was snatched from her…!! He breaks fourth coconut and says.. its for his life..which begins today..!
Sultan says…MAA… Meera enters..n Sultan protectively hugs her.. n escorts her inside the house..! Meera is nervous..and Sultan says.. SWAGAT hai tumhara.. apne ghar me..! Sultan introes.. the family to Meera..!
Meera wants to leave. .but Sultan says..this is her house…their house.. n they will stay here forever..! Meera asks about the others and Sultan says..they all stay here .. in HER house.. n he leads her inside..! RK asks Sultan the name of med..which brings him to his senses? Sultan says..came for his mom! RK tells Sultan to show this gundagardi somewhere else.. Sultan asks else cops n hide behind them like last night? Madhu is shocked!
Sultan says surprised to see me here… ! Sultan says.. spent half age behind bars so know how to come on other side..! Sultan says.. no one can make the iron bars that can keep Sultan inside for 2 days..! RK says. .nice dialog will use.. and give credit..!
RK asks Sultan to leave n Sulta n says.. its his too …n he has equal right..on it..! RK asks.. if he din read the nameplate? Its RK mansion ..its his! Sultan says..if he writes name on sky.. will it be his? Sultan says.. where he has erected RK mansion ..the land is Mohans.. so ..its .. first Meeras..then his . n then maybe theirs..! Radha is shocked..! Meera… gets hyper hearing Mohans name n says.. he stole my son..! Sultan comforts Meera…n says..he is with her.. her son is with her..!
Sultan says.. if RK can see what THAT man has done .. n dare he ask him to leave..! Sultan says.. till his mom gets the respect n identity taken from her..he wont leave.. this Mohan Kundra..! RK says..dare to take dads name …! Its insult of that name.. if Sultan takes the name..! Sultan says..was my dad too but hurts to add..! RK says..CHUP…!!!
Part 2
RK says.. OUT .. right now.. from my house..! Sultan asks..else what?? Call cops.. call media.. do press con… they will ask questions to me too ..n will say. .who Meera is. .n why she is here. .n who he is …!
Radha begs him not to call cops or media or do drama..! Radha passes out saying..RKs dads name…! RK asks to call doc n asks for water …!
Meera asks who is this woman n Sultan says. no one. .n says not to worry n walks inside..! Dips n Sikky wonder where Sultan is going ! Meera selects a room!
Part 3
Sikky tells Dips that.. they have entered their room … will go n bajao his band! Sikky tells Sultan. .its his room ..!
Meera asks who? Sikky says.. owner of the house n Sultan stares at him..! Sultan says.. they are both RKs step bro.. ! Sultan says.. Meera has chosen this room n is comfy here! Sikky says..its his room n Sultan shouts on him n Sikky relents n asks them to enjoy n runs off!
Precap — Madhu says.. a drunk told Sultan a story n he believed it? She asks Sultan if he asked for proof? Sultan says.. he has heard.. his moms screams…about Mohan snatching her child..! This proof… Isnt it enouf? RK says. .no its not enouf…of a proof!

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