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Monday, September 3, 2018


Nerina is chatting with Rem. She feels guilty that her handicapped Tin had to go through all that hardship alone. She must get him back and make him believe that she never forgot him.
Back at Clawdia’s (you guys must remind me who came up with this nickname, because I cannot remember right now to give credit, but it is awesome!), Claw and Tin (with no visible signs of burning ears) are discussing mommy dearest. Clawdia tells him all about the tiny little room in the pension Nerina is renting. Tin thinks that makes sense, what with her being a singer. So you know? – Claw is surprised. And if you do know, how come mom was so incredulous that you were in a wheelchair? Tin can’t believe Claw told her everything. How did she react? You know, put a whole dramatic scene on, cried, how was I supposed to know it’s a secret – responds Tin’s loving sister. We are half expecting a demonic laugh out of her to go along with that happy smile as she recounts making her mother cry. Tin is much less amused at this cruelty. Claw wants to know if Tin has any desire to meet with Nerina – she promised her she’d check. Never! They are both dead to each other, says Tin. Fine, Clawdia is bored with the conversation anyway and is off to call our dream beau Mariano.
Meanwhile at Tio’s Ana Le has evicted Viridiana off the couch to the chair, , handing Viri her things, and took her rightful place as an arm candy wanna-be next to TioM. Ana Le thinks they should all either go to dinner or else she will whip something up in the kitchen. (Viri better think quick of an excuse, we have a feeling her plate will have a special portion of something in it.)
Tio’s phone rings and he is off to answer. Ana Le quickly says it must be a woman – the pattern is familiar: phone rings, and he excuses himself to answer. Actually, it must be Clawdia. You don’t say Ana Le, but hey, how was that seamstress I sent you? – Viri wants to know. Just terrible – if Viri counted the number of needle prick wounds poor AnaLetMeeee has, she may as well be a pin cushion. Viri is surprised. The only reason Ana Le kept this dress was because her loving Tio paid a fortune for it. Viri helpfully adds – a fortune you bid on it. Ana Le doesn’t see what Viri’s point here might be. Besides, she thinks she should fire her seamstress - she was sobbing and crying. Well, Viri has an alternative suggestion – why doesn’t Ana Le come to the boutique to either repair or replace her dress? Ana Le tells Viri not to worry about it with scorn in her voice. Tio comes back and is shocked when Viri asks him about Clawdia’s health. He stares at Ana Le, who is practicing her innocent lamb expression.
Suddenly it’s next morning already and Ana Lu is practicing her…bicep ropes? tricep silk pulls? while Sole sneaks up on her to tell her she is leaving for work and she loves her. Ana Lu doesn’t turn around.
Ana Le is having a healthy breakfast with Santi. He points out she came home very late last night. She gives him a hateful look to imply he should mind his own biscuits. Santi wants to refresh his memory on how Ana Le feels about Ana Lu and the semi-incestuous mistress situation, so he carefully probes with what he thinks are innocent questions. Thankfully for him, Ana Le is either hungover or is drinking a giant portion of gullibility with her odd-looking green shake, so she just reminds him to follow their three rules. It’s not that easy to be faking happiness for her either – actually he disgusts her. Well, he disgusts himself, says Santi, he didn’t want to hurt anyone. It finally dawns on Ana Le that it’s not Marcelo in front of her.
Unsatisfied with having shown only half of his cards to our resident psychopath, Santi continues by berating Marcelo and stating Ana Le’s life was much better without him. He knows she and Marcelo declared war, but he hates Marcelo and has nothing against Ana Le, so he is happy to do whatever she wants to make amends for this pain he caused her. Everything? Ana Le is interested now. Well, how about we start with you taking me to my sister? (Wow, tumor surgery for this galan cannot come soon enough. No really, if it doesn’t come soon, we might reach in through the screen and extract that tumor ourselves, as well as set a couple of other things straight in this novela crazy land. )
Viri is back to her boutique and wants to see Soledad. She spoke with Ana Loon and needs to know exactly what happened during Sole’s memorable visit to Alvarez del Castillo? Nothing, says Sole, why – did she say something? She certainly did – she said Sole left crying and Viri wants to know what Ana Le did to provoke Sole.
Back to the tumor boy and Ana Crazy: he needs time before taking Ana Le to see her sister, as Ana Lu is unaware of any of it. Ana Le wants to know if Santi can make her the same promise Marcelo made her: that he will not touch Ana Lu. Not to worry, Santi already told Ana Lu that he is the worst thing that has ever happened to her, and he wants to distance himself to not cause further harm. Well, since Ana Le can’t see her little sister, would Santi then just tell something about her? How did she survive the accident? Oh, you know, says Santi, a nice woman found her and raised her as her own. Ana Lu thinks this is her mother and loves her very much. (We can see the little devil-shaped neurons firing in Ana Le’s brain as she is probably remembering the tearful story of Soledad and Sofia Hernandez. Such a nice detective work on  Santi’s part to make sure he kept Ana Lu’s trail well covered up. I’d like to change the title of this recap and request a baseball bat in place of the scalpel. If you are not with me yet, stay tuned.)
Viri is still trying to get an answer on why Sole cried in Ana LetMe’s house. Finally Sole gives in, starts crying again and recounts how she was humiliated and scared and nervous, and Ana Le yelled at her! (Of course she conveniently omits the part where she was already scared and nervous when she rang the doorbell, but Ana Le did yell, and we do dislike her more that Sole, so we’ll let this one by). Viri claims she will have a serious talk with Mariano. No, no – says Sole – she doesn’t want Viri having any problems, she just doesn’t want to go to this house ever again. Promised, says Viri.
In a third round of giving up all his trump cards, Santi tells Ana Le that Sofia Hernandez was the actual daughter of the woman, who found Ana Lu. That daughter died and she raised Ana Lu as her own. Santiago will tell Ana Le everything, as long as she promises that she will not confront her sister until Santi tells her it’s ok. He - Santiago – is very different from Marcelo. Ana Le says she noticed, and by the giant smile on her face, looks like she is liking it. The one thing she doesn’t understand is those personality changes. What did the doctors say? Santi looks worried. Ana Le demands to know, she is his wife. Well, they said he has a tumor and may die. (Ok, time for a reality check: Santi was foaming at the mouth that he needs to protect Ana Lu from her sister. He was given an opportunity to tell the truth to Ana Lu, but declined to do so. Not only that, but he didn’t even tell her about his tumor, knowing that he may die. But now, at the end of his long three year life, he is tired of lying, so he will just pony up the information about the lamb to the wolf and hope wolf isn’t hungry. At least his conscience will rest easy. Doctor!!)
Well, Ana Le, feeling that she hit the jackpot and a little unnerved, fakes a worried spouse and tells Santi she will help him through it. Surely there is a treatment out there for him.
Ram is at Mariano’s for an urgent convo. Ramiro needs to know exactly what Mariano did to Tin to deserve such hate and he is not leaving until he gets this info.
At Tin’s palace of cirrhosis, a hungover sounding Tin with a bottle of rum by his side, is calling Llora to confirm she is ready for the rehearsal. (We would like to find out how a wheelchair-bound guy will be able to get cleaned up, showered, and dressed in time, if he is still drunk and in a track suit.) Llora is excited about the rehearsal, but Tin wants to talk about sending her virtual kisses. Llora hangs up and rolls her eyes. (sure, Llora – doesn’t sound like he has an ulterior motive. Ramiro is insane and there is no reason to trust someone just because he is your boyfriend!)
This boyfriend is still trying to get the truth out of Mariano bargaining with Llora’s safety, which hangs in the balance. A couple of threats later, Ramiro isn’t backing down – why does Tin hate you so much? Because I left him paralyzed! – shouts Mariano.
Santi and Ana Le are still hugging in her attempt to express her humane side. Santi thinks she is too generous, caring, tender and understanding with him – he doesn’t deserve it. Oh, but he is here now, says Ana Le, and he loves her – perhaps since he remembered Ana Le all along, it is her that he loves , and not her sister? No, he sincerely loves Ana Lu as well, says our Truth Soldier.
Back at Mariano’s the news was so shocking that the boys had to take a break for a couple of shots of whiskey. Ramiro doesn’t understand why TioM feels guilty if he paid the compensation to Tin. Well, Gina actually stole all of it, says Mariano. Not only that, but also left Tin as soon as it was clear he will never walk, adds Ramiro. Ram can’t believe he was ever involved with her, but he also has a feeling that Mariano is hiding something else. As he mentally gets his fight face back on, which helped him so much with this battle of wills, TioM is back in his own memories: left alone with Gina and a gun, he threatened her with the pistol until she told him where she hid the money she stole from Valentin. TioM opened the door and invited Marcelo’s employee in, who apparently had instructions to not leave Gina for a second. Mariano left Gina all the money and also a plane ticket somewhere, and left her there with that guy, who was to take her to the airport.
Abue and Leonor are chatting about life and loss. Finally the search for Ana Lu has come to an end, as they believe she is dead, but Erni now needs to find the third sister. Even though Leonor feels uncomfortable talking about it, they must, as Leonor is also Erni’s sister. Leonor doesn’t feel herself part of the family – her place is not as the sister of the rich lady. The most boring nonsensical conversation ensues that amounts to: “We can’t change the destiny and I was destined to be your maid and deserve no better” and “Well, fine, if you insist, I will continue to let you wait on me hand and foot, even though you are really my sister.” Although we did learn that Erni’s mother was cruel to Leonor, and that Erni and Leonor did not find out about their familial bond until after Erni’s parents died.
Ramiro was preparing Rodrigo’s taxes and thought he found a clever solution: why don’t they reduce his taxes by donating something to charity? And lookie here, Ram even has a charity in mind: Erni’s almost bankrupt foundation. Otherwise docile Rodrigo bites Ramiro's head off to come up with something else and not bother him with the Ernestina business. Ramiro changes his mind by telling him about the embezzlement in the foundation and the possibility that the foundation will not survive, and he also doesn’t forget to add that under no circumstances is Erni to know Rod is helping the foundation, what with her weak heart and all.
Erni tells Leonor about her conversation with Rodrigo and they both realize that there are three of them – three sisters. Erni thinks the third sister must have been born around the time she got married, so her daughter Lourdes would have been younger than that woman if she lived (so the ages make sense, at least theoretically here with Sole being Ana Lu’s “mother”). Erni must find that woman.
Meanwhile that same woman is crying inconsolably at work and Ceci is startled. (Viri ought to take a look at that – perhaps it wasn’t all Ana Le’s fault after all… ) Sole tells Ceci she is fighting with her daughter. Ceci asks if Ana Lu is pregnant from that married man she was seeing? No, thank goodness no, says Sole – her own mother got pregnant by some man Sole never met, Sole herself was left alone and she was hoping for a better life for Ana Lu, but now doesn’t think that will happen.
If you can believe it, Santi and Ana Le are still at the breakfast table. Santi wants to know if Ana Le can forgive him. Ana Le is willing to give it a shot, but needs more Ana Lu information. So Santi waxes poetic about Ana Lu and her zest for life, her eternal smile. She is an acrobat and dances so wonderfully. When she is up in the air, the whole world stops to admire her in her splendor and nothing else exists but her beauty. (Question, Santi: why don’t you just mix some poison in Ana Lu’s coffee yourself and make sure she drinks it? That would at least spare us this never-ending soul-baring scene of utter stupidity that we have to witness?)
At Danze Aire training session, Orly is missing. Tadeo is outraged at such a lack of responsibility. Orly, in the meantime, is watching Ana Le’s house and recording everyone going in and out. Nerina arrives in a taxi.
Santi finishes reminiscing about Ana Lu’s awesome dance moves and asks Ana Le not to tell anyone about the tumor. No problem, she says. It looks like Ana Le’s watch is inching towards work o’clock, but if Santi asks her to, she can reset it back and stay home with him, she wants to get to know him better. Naïve Lassie Santi can’t believe Ana Le is so good to him. It is because she never stopped loving him, explains Ana Le. Every person has a good side and a bad side, and with Santi and Marcelo they are just separate. Which side does she like better, asks Santi? Ana Le wants to find out and kisses him, as Nerina watches from afar.

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