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Saturday, September 22, 2018


Scene 1
Guru ask Ashok to stop it, will you tell me how to do justice, i know my duty for my people so dont teahc me, he shows Ashok some men which are caught, Ashok checks their body to find tattoo which beast had on his body.
Sushim says to Charu that Ashok saw tattoo on my body, if he tells Bindu about it then i will get caught, Charu ask why did you go to him? Sushim says i got this tattoo because of you, i know i did mistake, i am sorry, i shouldnt have left the pooja but when Bindu said that beast is alive, i got afraid so i went to Ashok, Charu stops Sushim from further speaking, she shows him dagger, he ask what is this, Charu says i am trying to save you from getting caught.
Ashok checks tattoos on people’s body and says no one is beast, Guru ask are
you saying truth? Ashok says cowards lie, i dont, Guru ask him to make tattoo which he saw on beast’s body, Ashok recalls it and paints it on paper, Guru checks. otehrside Charu burns dagger and removes tattoo from Sushim’s body, he screams in pain, she says your father didnt spend time with you so he must not know about tattoo, she applies medincine and says in 12 hours, this medicine will remove tattoo fully.
AShok says to Guru that if you have problem, then i will directly tell Samrat about Sushim being beast, Guru says you think will he listen to common guy like you? you even know about whom you are talking, Sushim is Bindu’s son, Bindu wont even listen to you, Ashok says this is problem, he has to listen the truth, Guru ask do you follow promises? Ashok says if i give promise, i fulfil it, Guru says youa re saying confidently so i will investigate the matter, but it will take time so promise me that till i investigate it you wont tell anyone that sushim is beast, Ashok ask why? Guru says before alleging Sushim, i have to find proofs against him otherwise if we tell people about it then they will remove proofs against Sushim, our work is to catch real beast so we have to do investigation under cover, Ashok thinks.
Charu says you will not come out of room till tomorrow and i will erase all proofs against you.
Bindu says to Acharaya that i feel nice after pooja, Acharaya says after such holy rituals, we feel content, bindu says you seem worried, Acharaya ask why did Sushim leave the pooja inbetween, Helena and Justin comes there, Bindu ask them to sit, they greet Acharaya, Justin says today’s function was very nice, Helena says i came to tell you that take rest, Justin says as per ritual you have to choose one queen to spend night with you, all queens are waiting for you.
Scene 2
Noor is in royal bath, she calls Dharma there, she says to Dharma that i listened that you have magic in your hands, make some herbal cream which will intensify my beauty that Binsu doesnt look at anyone else than me, Dharma sadly starts making the beauty cream, one dasi says to Noor that you are so beautiful that you dont need any cream, Noor says this night is important, i cant leave this chance.
Helena says to Bindu that i suggest you to spend night with Subrishri, she says very nice, simple lady, she doesnt involve in politics, she deserve your time.
Subrishri says to dasi that make Drupat sleep today as Bindu can come to take me, Dasi says dont worry, just wait for him.
Bindu says to Helena that i agree Subrishri is very simple lady but she doesnt speak musch, Acharaya says soryy to say in personal matter but i just want to tell you that you are attacked many times so people are asking questions that who will be next Samrat, tonight, to whose room you will you, that queen will be called most favorite of yours and her son would be next Samrat, take your decision wisely.
Guru comes to Charu’s room to talk to her but soldier stops him from going in her room and says she has ordered to not send anyone except Bindu in her room, Guru ask where is Sushim.
Sushim is with Bal Govin, he scolds Bal and ask him to pack weapons in his bag, Bal packs it, Sushim throws Bal away and is about to leave the place when Ashok comes there, he sternly looks at Ashok, Sushim kicks Ashok and leaves, Ashok ask bal where did that beast run away? Bal says what? Ashok says i mean Sushim is also like beast, Bal says you cant call prince as beast, he has gone for hunting, he packed all the weapons, Ashok thinks about him being the beast and has weapons, Bal ask why you didnt leave this place? Ashok says doctor was not beast, i told Bindu that till i dont catch real beast, i wont take reward, Bal says why you didnt lave the place when you got the chance, Ashok says i cant lie, i have no fear of beast, i have courage to find real beast, if you were in my place, you would have done same, Bal says if i got to knwo that beast is alive and is behind me then i would have run away from here, Ashok says you dont need to worry, i am with you, Bal thinks you are right, till you are here, i have chance to get free and go far away where there will be no beast.
Scene 2
Noor is getting ready. Bindu drinks medicine, he says to Dharma that i feel like resting in my room only, Dharma says i think you should follow the ritual, bindu says when heart doesnt say yes then the rituals become forceful thing, Dharma says you have some duties as husband and you have to fulfill it, fulfill your promises, Bindu recalls how Dharma said same words, he says some years back someone said this and to fulfill my duties, i left her who was most close to my heart, Dharma is stunned, Bindu leaves.
Ashok is with Acharaya, he recalls how Guru said that Samrat wont believe him and wont let Sushim get punsihed, he is about to leave when Acharaya says welcome Samrat vanraj, you are comtempleting to say anything? AShok says nothing like that, Acharaya says warriors dont contemplate to say truth, Ashok recalls how he promised Guru to not tell anyone about Sushim, he ask Acharaya what to do with culprit? acharaya says punish them, Samrat give them punishment, Ashok ask Acharaya that if i tell Samrat Bindu that someone close to him is real beast, will be partial? Acharaya says to Ashok that i assume you are common person, do you think that when you will tell Samrat Bindusar about his close one to be real beast, he will be partial towards him? Ashok says no, he wont be partial, Acharaya says its strange, you used to make fun of Smarat bindu, you used to say that he is ignorant but now you are saying he do justice, Ashok says we change our perspective after seeing person closely, i have seen his good side, the way he carried me when i was injured, he gave us royal food, Acharaya says when you know truth then why asking me? Ashok says i wanted your opinion, Acharaya says justice has nothing to do with welfare, Acharaya says if you want justice then you have to make your heart strong, whenever i found Bindu in situations where he can be partial, yes he did partiality there, you are kid, you will understand things with time, Ashok says i dont need time to understand justice, if Samrat doesnt do justice then i will do it myself, he leaves.
Scene 3
Radhagupt says that why did you make Ashok doubt Bindu’s justice? Acharaya says the kid we see as next Samrat, he has developed trust factor for Bindu, i manipulated Ashok so he will doubt Bindu and will try to understand bindu more closely, he will test Bindu and that test will bring Ashok closer to Bindu, Radhagupt says that when Bindu loves Dharma alot then why you dont tell him that Dharma and Ashok is here, i know you are not afraid of khurasan or Helena, Acharaya says i have fear, Radhagupt says i always saw you fearless, Acharaya says here we have many enemies, all are selfish, they all want throne, in this situation we cant even protect Bindu so it is must to protect Dharma and Ashok, if royal family gets to know that there is one more person to claim throne then they will go crazy and will try to finish Ashok, Radhagupt says till when we will hide this, Acharaya says till Ashok gets the power, Bindu recalls how Acharaya said that to whose room he will go tonight, it will give message that he loves her most and will choose her son as next Samrat so think as Samrat not as husband.
subrishri is getting ready. Bindu comes out of his room, he is coming towards Subrishri’s room. Dharma is coming from otherside, she is covering half face with dupatta, she comes infront of bindu, he looks at her.
Dasi informs Charu that Bindu is not in his room Charu throws things away assuming he went to Noor’s room and says bindu loves Siamak more than sushim, it cant be possible, she sits to do black magic, she burns some puppet, she says Noor will have to pay for stealing Samrat from me tonight, she laughs.
Bindu comes to dharma, he says to Dharma that i know all my queens are waiting for me but i am Samrat, i have to take decision wisely for my people, i dont know who will next samrat and i cant choose him in haste, Dharma says but as per ritual you should spend night with your favorite queen, Bindu says as per ritual i should spend night with the one i love most, so i have taken decision where to spend my night, come with me, he takes Dharma to some place and says i have not shown anyone this place, but i have brought you here as you will like this wife of mine, Dharma is shocked seeing something.
PRECAP- Dharma is stunned to see something, she is in tears, her dupatta falls from face, Bindu is about to turn to her. later Bindu is sitting on horse Gul bhushan, Gul goes out of control, AShok says to Bindu that hit him with hunter then he will calm down, Bindu shouts on Ashok and says are you mad, will you beat this innocent animal, have you ever seen me doing something like this? Ashok says not you but i have seen Sushim doing things like this, you didnt scold him, Bindu says if he had done any such thing infront of me then i would have punished him right away, Bindu leaves, AShok says Samrat Bindu cant to partiality, if i tell him Sushim being beast, he will punish him. later Sushim is in jungle, Ashok throws cloth on his face and beats him with wooden stick.

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