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Monday, September 17, 2018


Mo Ne looks at Jae Wan’s old and new scars. Tears welling in her eyes. Jae Wan sees her reflection in the glass window. She apologizes and he asks her to leave and pretend she never came here and saw anything. Dressed Jae Wan looks at his table and knows someone was here -duh his pencil holder is down.- He takes the key which he hid in his one of his robots. Opens the locked drawer and see the file. -what’s in it?-
Joong Goo is with Yoon, the betrayer. Both baddies say they are doing all this for the previous chairman. Joong Goo doesn’t seem to trust Yoon the betrayer.
Mo Ne looks at Jae Wan’s resume and searches about him on the internet. From there she knows that he was an orphan and thinks that’s why he had scars on his body. His adoptive parents must have hit him.
Jae Wan enjoys his morning coffee and he hears Mo Ne’s voice. She has become his new neighbor. All the maids again talk about Mo Ne and she hears them again and the maids are scared again.
Mo Ne waits for Jae Wan in front of his house as this is his usual time for exercise. Sure enough he comes and Mo Ne says it’s all a coincidence. She says she is going to follow him and learn from him. She has started to trust him. They pass by Joong Goo’s house and he is not happy to see them together. -Okay why does everyone live near each other?-
Jae Wan and Mo Ne report to duty together. Jae Wan always bows while Mo Ne waves her hand. Jae Wan says to her that her father always bowed and she follows suit. Chae Kyung buys a decoration piece for her restaurant and Jae Wan helps her carry. Mo Ne tells him not to and says she will carry it. Chae Kyung says seems like Mo Ne knows about his injuries. Jae Wan takes the piece from Mo Ne’s hand though she keeps saying she can carry.
The flirty guy brings the documents he found to Jae Wan. And the perpetrator behind the shares is Yoon the betrayer’s wife and they have previous chairman’s assets as well which Jae Wan had no idea about.
The sweeper guy goes back to the hotel. He remembers, Mo Ne asked him to get his degree and come back and she will give him the job. Jae Wan finds him outside and asks him about the name but he is still mum though later he says he wants to tell him something. Mo Ne has a painting delivered to her and the sender is her father. He ordered the painting three months ago. Mo Ne asks about the painter but he has already left Hyun Woo says he will go after him. There is a ribbon attached to the painting and something is written on it but no one notices.
Police arrives to arrest Yoon the betrayer. Jae Wan is the one who called them. Joong Goo pretendsthis is news to him and puts some more blames on him and poor Mo Ne can’t believe it. Joong Goo tries to comfort Mo Ne by patting her but Jae Wan stops him. Mo Ne comes back dejected and the maid has already collected the ribbon for the trash.
Joong Goo and Jae Wan has one of their personal meetings. Joong Goo wonders what would Jae Wan do when Mo Ne successfully completes her three months thanks to Jae Wan. Would he give her the hotel or would he take it for himself and then he laughs like a psycho maniac, leaving Jae Wan fuming with anger.
Joong Goo’s daughter and Chae Kyung chat. Chae Kyung offers her to work in her restaurant. Chae Kyung has a visitor and he is her son. Yes we already know they are not on good terms.
Someone, a female takes the discarded ribbon and sees the message written on it. You’re the captain if there is no wind use the oar/paddle. Jae wan asks spy girl what does Mo Ne do when she is angry. Spy girl is surprised and so is Jae Wan at himself. She says Mo Ne likes to eat sweet things and watches movies while dubbing it herself and names the baddies the people she dislikes which few days ago was him. Sure enough that’s what Mo Ne is doing and Hyun Woo comes with cakes and sweets. That cheers her up more. Hyun Woo plays his harmonica, a tune Mo Ne’s father loved. Jae Wan is doing something with his model plane he too hears the tune and he has a cake prepared for her. Jae Wan has put the painting back the one he removed, the late chairman loved so much. Mo Ne is happy about it.
New customers arrive it’s a father and a son combo. The little boy acts like an adult. Maids are still gossiping but this time about Mi Nyeo. Funny guy takes his maid away by grabbing her hand. He tells her didn’t he say not to say anyone anything. They totally look like a romantic couple. She sends him seductive looks and he hovers all over her. Anyways he scolds her and she points that someone is behind him and its Jae Wan. -Oh I thought it would be Mi Nyeo or someone else but not Jae Wan.- Funny guy shows Jae Wan the hidden place where Mi Nyeo hides her food but there is nothing there. Jae Wan seems suspicious.
Jae Wan meets Mi Nyeo he shows her the usb and tells her some one put it on his table and the contents in it are private. Seems like someone is listening to the conversations. Jae Wan says Mi Nyeo helped Mo Ne all along even though she gave the three-month ultimatum but whose side is she actually on. Mi Nyeo says she is like him. She wants to save the hotel so she is on his side.
Emergency strikes. The father of the boy collapses. Mo Ne agrees to stay with the child. The child is told that his father is busy with work and can’t come tonight. Mo Ne says she can sleep with him. The boy says he can’t sleep with a woman and says he wants to sleep with Jae Wan. Mo Ne suggests Jae Wan’s home.
Mi Nyeo opens the breaker behind the painting and there is a hidden place where she takes the usb and goes somewhere underground to listen to it. -Ohh a secret passage. Who else knows about it?-
The little boy wants to touch everything in Jae Wan’s room. I swear Jae Wan is about to cry. The boy takes a robot and puts it back but the robot falls and Jae Wan catches it. No need to be happy because a second later Mo Ne breaks it. Poor Jae Wan is stunned. Jae Wan places all his robots on the top shelf but he says it’s not because the boy wanted to touch them. The boy asks for a horse ride and Jae Wan the genius thinks he means the real horse. Jae Wan becomes the horse and after a while he starts to enjoy himself. Spy girl arrives at the scene and Jae Wan clears the misunderstanding. He asks about the boy’s father. He has passed away. Jae Wan comes back to the room. Mo Ne and the little boy are asleep. He says they are similar. -I think he meant the three of them. Jae Wan has no one same with Mo Ne and now the little boy too lost his father.- He takes the boy to the different room. While he thinks what to do with Mo Ne she lays her head on his lap and he has to settle down there. Mo Ne wakes up and looks at Jae Wan who is sleeping. She looks at his bruised knuckles and remembers what everyone said about him and the time where she was scared about the bird and he comforted her saying its alright. She cries and blows at the bruises and calls his name saying its alright. Jae Wan now awake silently looks at his favorite painting with tears in his eyes.

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