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Sunday, September 30, 2018


Evaristo is glad to see Marcelo and his steely resolve. Ev wants to die so much he even hands over the key. Apparently Remedios's husband put whatever's in the box in there, but Marcelo won't kill Ev, he wants him to suffer like Marcelo
suffered w/o memory. Ev tearfully begs Marcelo to kill him but Marcelo walks away and leaves him there (alone. In the middle of nowhere. This is how those news stories about endangered elders w/memory problems getting lost far away from
home happen ya know)
Llora's crying spate is over (for now) but she wants Ramiro to stay w/her and hug her and maybe more - will she or won't she?
Bad Ana is freaking out, Inaki only slightly less so and they throw blame for the dead guy back and forth for a while. They have the excuse that he was going to rape BadAna but they're still gonna get rid of the body and clean up the
evidence instead of calling the cops.
Facundo (have I ever mentioned I hate him? Well I do. Lots.) and Analu talk - ya she knows Santicelo never really loved her it was all a confusion b/c she looks like his wife, but he has a brain tumor and needs her so she won't leave
Looks like Llora nd Ramiro are gonna do it, but Llora is scared he won't like what he sees when the clothes come off. He says she's complete as is and urges her not to be afraid, but when she goes to change he has to take a few shaky
breaths b/c he's nervous too. Llora gives herself a pep talk in the mirror and heads back into the bedroom in a very large robe. When she drops the robe in front of Ramiro, with all the lights still on, she's wearing a silky nightdress
that's still more modest than most of BadAna's street clothes. Ramiro says all the right things and the lovin commences.
Inaki and BadAna dump the corpse down a ravine all the while being filmed by Orlando on his phone. Then Inaki goes back to clean up the crime scene(maybe he should take his shirt off while he cleans so he doesn't get blood on it ;P ) and
BadAna puts the suitcase-o'-cash  in her trunk. She looks pleased with the night's work. We skip the clean up (darn it)  and go straight to next morning and BadAna having a nightmare/memory montage of the not Marcelo in the morgue and
then killing Jenny and then the ugly scene w/Isidro and Inaki and wakes up to Orlando calling demanding his $$  She remembers Orlando telling her where Analu lives and dropping Inaki off there.
Llora has a much better morning, waking up in Ramiro's arms and with sweet nothings.
Inaki gets home w/a headache and finds Marcelo waiting up to yell at him for spending the night w/his wife and threatening to kill him. They fight.
Analu and TioM - He tries to convince her that Sole is a bad guy but doesn't tell her that he had Sole arrested even though Analu is worried for her not knowing where she is. he giveser hugs while swearing nothing will seperatem again
and tellser he loveser and Badana arrives and gets to hear all that. She has a look on her face like her world is falling in, but TioM seeser and then Analu turns around and seeser and gets a shock. BadAna recovers first, after all she
did go there to see Analu and she pretends to be happy to find her. TioM encorages Analu to go in for the hug and behind her back BadAna gets crazy eyes all while professing her love for her sister. BadAna notices Analu's bracelet is
back w/its owner and shows her own, more fake nice w/a slight crazy edge.
BadAna persuades TioM to leave them alone together. He wants Analu to get her stuff and move in w/Abue but Analu isn't ready and Badana reminds him Abue has that heart thing, they'll wait till Llora gets back in town.
Llora and Ramiro are in love and happy. They say the sweet things tn lovers say and stroll and hug and kiss.
Abue needser meds cause the hawt messages from her internet silver fox are making her heart pound, (Old Flame you devil you) but she doesn't want to meet in RL for fear he won't like what he sees. Leonore tries to pursuade her but her
bestie takes action, stealing her phone from her and accepting the invite, now she has to go. Old Flame gets the msg and has to take a minute, looks like his heart's pounding too. For some reason he's in the hospital visiting Remedios.
Inaki tries to convince Marcelo he fell in love w/BadAna when he still thought she was a widow, yeah they fought at first but it turned into something else and he couldn't just tell him b/c it was so very complicated. Marcelo thinks
Badana doesn't love Inaki but Inaki says when she's divorced she'll marry him. Marcelo tells Inaki BadAna can't love anyone, she's all messed up and she actually tried to have him, her own husband killed, so watch out. But he just signed
the divorce so she and Inaki can do whatever they want he doesn't care anymore (so the threatening to kill him and beating him up was for what? kicks?) just don't hurt Analu or bothe Santi and Celo will come get'er.
Nerina brings Valentin breakfast in bed just like she did when he was little and marvels at his strenghth as he levers himself into his chair. Actually its not too much trouble to bring the food to teh room she usually eats in her room
alone b/c she's so very reserved (or stuck up, either way) but lately she and the other ppl living there have become on big fam. Val wants to meet them.
Ram's dad tells Abue Valeria at the office stoled from the foundation.
Analu pacifies BadAna by saying her thing w/Santi is over for good and she won't go after him and that she knows he was always in love w/his wife and his love for her was just an illusion and she's given him up. BadAna says she does love
him but she'll give him up for her little sis cause sisters before husbands. They are blood after all. More hugging more crazy eyes.
Analu shows Badana Santi's room but oops her stuff is in there too, um we weren't sleeping here together, see what happened was... Nope don't explain BadAna don't need no explanations, she just compliments Analu's taste and then wraps
one of her scarfs around her neck just a few too many times and just a bit too tight. Analu starts to look uneasy. aaannd......
Will BadAna grab both ends of the scarf and yank?
Will Inaki kill again for BadAna?
Will Marcelo go get that brain operation while he's got control of the body?
Will Facundo fall down an open drain and drown in sewage?
Find out next time on 3xAna

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