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Saturday, September 22, 2018


Ram & Llora sweet talk/convo Abue has a surprise for them, Ram looks concerned over what it could be- Analu eavesdrops and learns afterward that not only does he have a novia they're getting married and Analu is invited to the wedding as "the guest of honor" (which she should find weird but doesn't say anything about)
Chana takes the opportunity to 'I told you so' to Ramiro about accepting that gun. He acknowledges she was right and will never doubt her again. She also reminds him he's the only one who can save the girl.
Evaristo doesn't recognize his grandson and thinks he was sent to kill him so he threatens him at gunpoint despite the grandson telling him multiple times who he is. They fight over the gun and it goes off and the grandson is killed. Henchies enter the room. Ev yells at them for letting this guy get so close to him. The henchies tell Ev the dead guy is his grandson. NOW Ev believes it. He takes a moment to pull himself together and tells them he knows that, of course and totally killed him on purpose. Now disappear the body! And Ev goes in his room to cry and rip up his book and mourn his grandson.
Llora wants Valentin to invite his mom to their recital. He doesn't want to and doesn't want to talk about it. The only person he needs is her. *deep and meaningful look* Llora continues trying to mend fences in the Valentin fam b/c he's her only friend (what about foundation friend? You've known her for way longer and she's in more trouble right now than Val what with the embezzling thing and losing her job.) Anyway Llora really cares for Val but Val takes it a step farther than meaningful looks now and tells her he loves her and always will.
Aaand Ramiro walks in. Awkwardness ensues. Val leaves. Llora and Ramiro argue about how each treats Val.
Oh yah Remedios is gonna be ok (don't remember when that info was given but, yeah)
Maribel is pretty upset to learn from Analu that Ramiro not only has a novia but is gonna marry her and she kind of takes it out on the messenger, but she does have a point that its pretty hypocritical of Analu to tell her to give up on a guy whose engaged when Analu is going after a married man.
Santiago visits Remedios - upshot, he's gonna disappear from her life to protect her. (if I had a dollar for every time a stupid tn character said they were going to do this I'd be rich. Still annoyed with this nonsense, but rich) And he's saying goodbye while she's unconscious so he doesn't have to deal w/her crying as well as his own. He leaves and she wakes up and says his name and then drifts off again.
Sole and Chana - Chana thinks Sole should make Analu listen. Sole can't even look her in the eyes to tell her she's not her mom. Well if you don't someone else will. Analu comes over to tell them Remedios will be ok and she and Santi are gonna talk, this time no lies. Sole is all just remember I love you, I know you'll never look at me the same way but I love you.
Chana is all hey! He's gonna tell her everything why aren't you all over this, but Sole knows she'll never have the courage to tell Analu herself and Santi loves her so its better she hear it from him. When/if Analu comes back Sole will be gone. (like left town gone, or dead gone?)
Best Scenes of the Night
BadAna and Inaki
He wants to know if she'll marry him. She says 'yes, if I get everything I want first.' He's all 'cool, but, really? cause you kinda left me hanging before. Here's what lets do', *pulls out a camera* She's all 'tacky dude' He goes 'no its not for that, you make a taped confession to killing Jenny so I have some security, something to hold you to your promise' She's all 'what?! are you crazy? No way dude!' He's all 'no, no, its cool, you confess to killing Jenny and then I'll confess to killing Daniel and then we each have something on the other. It'll be great then nobody (probably mostly me) gets betrayed!'
She actually goes for the idea and starts recording her confession but we don't actually see it, just the part where she starts out with 'My name is __ and this is all true'
Later Inaki, after some dutch courage, starts his confession with 'my name is __ and this is how I slowly planned the death of my half brother '
Clawd and TioM discuss how very very much he owes her for helping him find his niece. Its a lot. But she doesn't want money, no, that would be tacky. All she wants is a hug and a very conveniently timed kiss. Sue sees them through the glass walls and stalks off in anger, almost running into TioM's lawyer who hits on her and she says 'you're just like him, a pair of idiots. Hasta Nunca!'
Just a few moments too late, TioM pushes Clawd away and tells her that this time he's gonna be faithful, he doesn't care that they cheated on Jenny together, this is different. She's like 'ppssheayeah right, you can't be monagamous you're not built for it' He's all 'yeah I can' She goes 'k but call me when you change your mind, you know I'll be waiting. byee'
Ram and Llora are still fighting about Val (I'm gonna RPC all this except one line Ram says he doesn't have anybody in his life pretending to be his friend waiting to seduce him and I choke w/laughter Umm, actually...)

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