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Wednesday, September 26, 2018


Scene 1:
Location: Sagar’s residence
Ammaji stands flustered as her secret is out, when sagar blurts out everything. the family members have a mixed reaction, as to how they dont know about it, and how they never noticed her. they also get to know from sagar, that ammaji mixed medicines in her drink secretively. they are tensed. ganga is shocked. but ammaji distracts them all and asks sagar to dry up. she takes ganga too to freshen up. she silently complies. sagar’s mother is tensed as to whats going on in the house.
In her room, Ammaji mixes the meds in her drink, while ganga is busy catering to her wounds. she herself is tensed, as she has flashes of the night before. she talks about her visit to the crematorium. ammaji denies it outright, and ganga asks how did she gets
woudned. ammaji responds how would she know. she asks how can she know, as she is irritated with her sleepwalking, and has a hard time managing it. she then serves ganga the milk laced with the medicine. ganga is boggled but complies nevertheless. ammaji eyes the time, and ganga gets tensed. ammaji leaves asking her to drink it. ganga is boggled at this recent turn of events, and what sagar said, and the family’s reaction to the incident as noone knows about it. she thinks that ammaji seemed tensed, and that something is wrong. she listens ammaji instructing the Maharaj that she shall lock the main door. ganga gets an idea, and throws the milk outside the window, and then sits back again. ammaji returns back asking if she drank. she lies and says yes. ammaji is relieved. she again eyes the time. ganga says that she is feeling sleepy, and has a heavy head, and says that she shall go to sleep. ammaji hurriedly complies, and says that she shall sleep too. ammaji stealthily packs the bags, as ganga pretends to dose off. once ensuring that she is fast asleep, ammaji takes her bags and sits on her side of the bed. after sometime, she checks if ganga is asleep, and being assured, she sits beside her, and caresses her face, saying that its just for one more night, and begs her to support her, as she is doing this for someone, who they both love too much, and asks her to come along. she picks ganga up in sleep, and then makes her walk with herself. ganga silently complies. ammaji takes her out through the main door, and outside.
Later, in the night, maharaj wakes up, to check whether ammaji did close the door, and finds it ajar. he is shocked. he thinks that its good that he saw, as ammaji forgot, and then closes the main door, and then gets bacl. he then notices that ammaji cant be seen in her bed, and thinks that he should go and ask if she needs anything. he goes in, and finds neither ammaji nor ganga in the room, and wonder where they went. he decides to go and tell sagar. he rushes up the stairs, and then warns sagar’s mother regarding this, who is shocked listening to this, in the middle of the night. the entire family gets awake, and are tensed. sagar thinks that maybe ganga was sleepwalking again, and ammaji went after her. he rushes out to catch up with them. his mother is tensed as to whats happening here.
Outside, the house, sagar and pulkit run far and wide to find out whats the matter. they get no success.
Scene 2:
Location: Outside
Ammaji takes a rickshaw, and makes her sit and then herself sits too. the puller asks what happened. she asks him to hurry up, and he rushes and starts. they ride through the stillness of the night, while ganga thinks that her doubt was right, and she is indeed upto something. she thinks that ammaji is lying about sleepwalking, and wonders where is she being taken, after lying to the family members. he asks where she wants to go. she responds that its the crematorium. he is shocked and scared too. he says that he finds it weird. she asks him to be concerned with his work. ganga wonders whats she doing and why, and hiding from the family. she is determined to find out. he lands them some feet away from the crematorium. she asks whats this way of leaving them stranded like this, and asks him to help this lady down, and he complies. ganga continues with her pretense. after getting them down, he hurriedly leaves from there. ammaji then takes ganga and lands at the crematorium. the fake saints arrive, and are happy to see ammaji with ganga. they turn around, and ammaji silently follows them, with ganga. she is sure that this is where she came last night, and her visions werent wrong.
As the saints prepare the pyre, ammaji calls them and tells that they got the girl. they are amused. ganga slightly opens her eyes, and witnesses the men, leeringly eyeing her, and remembers seeing him last night. As ganga is made to lie down on the funeral pyre, the culprit sadhus start their ritual. they tell ammaji that once contact is established with the lord, they shall know for sure how to save sagar from his urder trap, and for that they shall have to make sacrifice of the girl. ganga lies still, tensed hearing it all. meanwhile, his aide talks to the bidder, who he plans to sell ganga to, who gives him ten lakhs, and the rest after they get the girl. he takes the money and goes inside, and signals it to the main baba, that they got the money. ganga thinks that she shall have to lie unconscious for sometime, so that they find out what they are upto, and once and for all, break this superstition of ammaji, as they are merely lynching money off her. the fake sadhus start their bogus rituals, while ganga watches on tensedly. They say that they shall have to sacrifice ganga’s life, to Bhairon Baba. ganga wonders what he shall do, and he senses danger everywhere. she then gets an idea, and discreetly and stealthily sends a message.
Scene 2:
Location: Prabha’s residence
While prabha’s husband sits tensed, thinking about yash, and the recent turn of events, Prabha comes to him, and asks whats the matter. he says that he doesnt know what to do, as his life is in ruins. he cant show his face in the market, stranded by his family and relatives. he says that he is branded as a killer’s father. she tries to comfort and assure him, asking if he truly believes yash killed jaanvi. she says that it might be that yash is being implicated by ganga and sagar. she says that she met a huge lawyer, who has assured, that he shall save yash. he says that yash has confessed to his crimes. she is shocked. he says that had yash gotten his punishment earlier, he wouldnt have done this, and now only punishment can save him, and once behind bars, he shall realise what he has done. she asks what if he gets capital punishment. he says that they should have thougth about this before he killed jaanvi, given the heinous of his crimes, and that now noone or nothing can save him, be it her, him or the lawyer.
Scene 3:
Location: Sagar’s residence
Meanwhile, back home, sagar is distraught as he comes back and asks everyone about her, but she isnt found. they decide to call grandad. but sagar asks them not to unnecessarily worry him in delhi, if they can solve it here. Just then, he gets ganga’s message calling her to the crematorium. all are boggled. but his mother points out, that if ganga is sleepwalking, then how does she send a message to him. he is set to thinking. The screen freezes on his and ganga’s tensed faces.
Scene 1:
Location: Crematorium
While the buyer impatiently waits for ganga, the saints try and ward off ammaji, by telling her that the girl needs to be sacrificed so that they can save her son. Ammaji tells the fake saints, that she was told that they shall have ganga sacrifice someone, not that ganga herself shall be sacrificed. she says that she cant take this girl’s life, and that she cant continue this puja furthermore, and decides to take ganga back. she tries to pick ganga up, but the sadhu stops her with a dagger. ganga is shocked as she gets up on her feet. they overpower and take off their fake wigs, and come in their true self, and then capture ammaji, and then tie her against a funeral pyre. ganga tries hard to resist, but she gets captured too. Later, Ganga is stuck inside a
black coffin, she asks and screams why was she kept captive and begs to be saved. she goes off into unconsciousness. they take her out, and as she lies unconscious on the floor, they call the buyer, and ask her to take her away, and give them remaining amount. he however inspects the girl first, while ganga lies unconscious. then he agrees, and they lift an unconscious ganga and help him place her in the jeep and drive off.
Meanwhile, sagar breaks free from his clutches, and then rushes in to save ammaji, who was being burnt alive on the funeral pyre, by one of the saints. he hits the saint, who falls on the floor, and then rescues ammaji, who hurriedly asks him to go and save ganga. as he rushes outside, he finds ganga being taken away in a jeep. he starts rushing after the jeep, calling out incoherently to ganga. Sagar rushes distraught on the road, while ganga, who has woken up, struggles frantically, to free herself, calling out his name. the jeep waivers around, as they try and put her down. finally, the jeep bolts into a lamp-post. all run away, while sagar catches up on her. in the tussle, he falls and she lands right atop him. he asks if she is okay. she complies. just then, the police arrives, and they nab the goons. pulkil arrives, and is assured that ganga is safe. then ammaji arrives in a daze. ganga asks if she is okay. ammaji says that she is relieved seeing her alive. Ammaji profusely apologises to ganga, that in her bid to save sagar, she couldnt see their fake appearance and unintentionally, she drove her to this. ganga begs her not to think like this, and hugs her overwhelmingly, as tears stream down her cheeks. ganga says that its wonderful that they found out the truth about those rogues. sagar and pulkil stand tensedly. the police leaves.
Scene 2:
Location: Prabha’s residence
Prabha wakes up after seeing a horrific nightmare, as to how yash gets killed in an escapade by the police. she turns around and finds her husband already awake and in a daze. she asks him why hasnt he slept so late. he says that he is fine. she asks whats the matter as he is hiding something. he lashes at her, saying that he xcant bear lights on, and lashes her to close them. she complies and sleeps. then He remembers how he has been insulted and embarassed in his office by his colleagues, and how he was summoned to the office, wherein the boss, says that since his son is implicated in a murder case, and being involved in this case, its reached higher authorities. he is asked to resign as they wont wish to fire him. he writes a letter saying that his going away, shall hurt her, and he shall have to live with the regret that he stranded her in tyimes of trouble, but he has no other option.
Scene 3
Location: Sagar’s residence
Sagar wakes up and comes out in the balcony, to find ganga playing with a pup. he writes a letter and throws it in a bucket. Ganga gets a letter from sagar, that he shall always stand by her in times of trouble, and wont let any befall her, and asks her to trust him. she too writes back something, and sends it back in the bucket. she writes saying that she knows, and even if he doesnt say anything, she has the faith, that as long as he is there, his ganga shall not have a prooblem. they eye each other overwhelmingly. he writes back saying that when he feeds her to small animals, he finds her behaving like a granny, and then says that he is sure that she shall look equally pretty then too. the screen freezes on their happy faces

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