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Monday, September 24, 2018


Jae Wan hugs and then kisses Mo Ne. Mo Ne decides to leave the dinner date and asks Jae Wan to accompany him someplace. Jae Wan is silent the whole time. Mo Ne drives while Jae Wan just closes his eyes. Mo Ne brings him at a house; it belongs to her father’s friend. He speaks informally with her because they are out of the hotel. Jae Wan asks her why she is not asking anything, Mo Ne replies the same because they are not at the hotel. Jae Wan wants to touch Mo Ne but can’t bring himself to do it. She takes his hand and holds it near her cheek. Jae Wan and his monologues he asks her to run away and she actually responds to it like she is reading his mind.
Jae Wan quietly sits and closes his eyes. Mo Ne calls spy girl and says Jae Wan is sick and not to let anyone know, and take care of everything. Spy girl tells Mo Ne about Jae Wan’s favorite destroyed painting. Mo Ne sits with Jae Wan and asks if she can’t do anything to comfort him.
Next morning Mo Ne decides to clean the messy place and we meet the owner of the house. Jae Wan wakes up and hears a thud noise. He runs out and can’t find Mo Ne. Panic arises and I’m thinking why aren’t you shouting her name? And then he shouts, but there is no response, though he finds her. Mo Ne is babbling and Jae wan hugs her. She feels the sweaty shirt and asks if he was searching for her. Jae Wan just hugs her tightly. -Her ribs are gonna break. –
On to the happenings of the hotel –  Spy girl handles everything saying they both have gone on a business trip. Joong Goo is up to something. Some hot shot people arrive to attend an event, but something else is going on and nobody knows what. Mi Nyeo checks on Joong Goo because she is worried since the chairwoman isn’t here.
Mo Ne and Jae Wan decide to make the place presentable. I don’t know why they are doing this; they will leave this place in a few days. Cue – cuteness, they are taking turns to order each other around. The owner of the house nags to Jae Wan to take Mo Ne back to the hotel. He seems to notice something about Jae Wan. He opens a box and takes out an old picture and points to a woman saying he resembles her.
Enjoying the calm before the storm- Mo Ne asks if they should just leave the hotel and settle here, separately of course but it would be nice if they lived together. Jae Wan says it won’t be fair to him because he would have to do all the work. Mo Ne says it isn’t because she is funny. Jae Wan just leaves, but Mo Ne follows him and this time has the courage to hold his hand.
Police raid the hotel. Were they gambling? Everyone is arrested. Woo Hyun catches the farm chairman leaving from the back door. Woo Hyun says if he is innocent, he should go from the front door. Spy girl leaves a message to Jae Wan. Mi Nyeo is the one who called the police.
Mo Ne is again, dubbing the cartoon and Jae Wan keeps smiling. Mo Ne again asks to live together and the mood turns serious. He leaves saying it’s late. In the washroom he tells his reflection, “Yes, we should live together”. He starts brushing his teeth and Mo Ne comes in. She too takes the brush and mimics him, they laugh. Mo Ne again mentions living together and marriage. Jae Wan holds her and puts her out of the washroom like she was a mannequin and locks the door. He says to himself “not yet”.
Mo Ne has decided to sleep in the same room because there are mosquitoes in the living room. Jae Wan tells her to take the bed; he will sleep in the living room. He carries her princess style, puts her on the bed and she showers him with kisses. -Wait, I’m not ready, I have to check if I’m alone in the room. Looks right then left, safe. Start now- Jae Wan holds her hand and no they don’t proceed, but have some serious conversation. –dammit-
Mo Ne says she is scared because he isn’t saying anything. She is scared he might leave her. Jae Wan unbuttons the shirt – oh my, are we proceeding again? – showing her the scars. He says this is Jae Wan who has resented one person all his life. He is used to getting beaten and beating others. Mo Ne asks him to stop and hugs him – back hug- tears dripping from her eyes; she says she will wait for him.
What kind of scenario is this? Jae Wan said he would sleep in the living room, and why is he still half naked? Mo Ne asks about the tattoo, why the wings? Jae Wan says he wants to fly. Flashback of the young Jae Wan, who is beaten. Ji Won draws wings on his back and Jae Won does the same for him. Mo Ne kisses the tattoo and is glued to Jae Wan’s back.
Morning – Jae Wan is up and dressed, looking at Mo Ne. She wakes up and is embarrassed for some reason. Why? Because they slept together, but they didn’t slept slept together but slept together. Ohmy did they slept together? Seriously, you guys make me spill everything. Did they slept together as making babies slept together or just slept together? Which is it? My pure and innocent mind.
They sip tea and Mo Ne asks Jae Wan to smile for her, but instead he kisses her on the forehead. She lays her head on his shoulder. Their happiness is short lived because Mo Ne is arrested by the police. -How come they were found? – Joong Goo knows it was Mi Nyeo behind the raid. He asks her why she is doing this, taking him head on. Mi Nyeo says it’s a gift, what he wants will soon happen. His cat that turned into a tiger will come back to being a cat again. Jae Wan calls Joong Goo but he won’t help.
Woo Hyun goes to the farm chairman and he is his father. –Oh, this is new. – Woo Hyun asks for help. But he is no good. Woo Hyun mentions about his noona, who left them. Left them as in going up or left them as in not in contact?
Jae Wan is looking for the guy who signed the contract, but can’t find him. Jae Wan even asks for a favor from Chae Kyung. She says to get the contractor guy and make him spill the truth or get the mastermind behind all this, Joong Goo. Jae Wan is at the police station when Joong Goo calls him, he laughs -and I want to punch in his face- Joong Goo is with the contractor guy, he strikes a deal with Jae Wan, come back to him and Mo Ne will be free.
Jae Wan so wants to meet Mo Ne. He opens the door, but it’s not Jae Wan, but Woo Hyun, who has come to meet her. Jae Wan sent him, he said to protect Mo Ne. Woo Hyun says he is asking him the same thing again. Jae Wan says that was a request this is an order. Woo Hyun asks if he is going somewhere and when he will be back, but Jae Wan doesn’t answer.
Jae Wan once again alone relives the time with Mo Ne and then comes the creepy Joong Goo’s warnings. Jae Wan feels he will never be human until he has Joong Goo’s blood in him. He goes to meet Joong Goo and kneels in front of him and gives him the usb he found. -Oh the original was a voice recorder. – He tells it’s their secret. Joong Goo tells him didn’t he say his father abandoned him. –Wait, does Joong Goo not know that Jae Wan is his son. I’m confused. – Jae Wan asks Joong Goo when he becomes the chairman; he must make him the vice chairman. Joong Goo says that is definite. Jae Wan’s monologue – on this day, Jae Wan died and became Jayden the murderer again.
Mo Ne is released. She is happy to see Jae Wan, but he ignores her. He won’t even look at her so she asks him to. He looks with his usual cold stare and says because of her hotel is a mess, so he is busy and leaves. Mo Ne is stunned.

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