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Sunday, September 23, 2018


Amma ji seeks Baba’s blessings. Niru looks on from upstairs and shakes his head. Madhvi checks all the jewellelry boxes but everything is empty. Amma ji gave away everything! Pulkit questions Supriya as to why she dint stop Dadi. Supriya says I tried to make her understand but she dint want to listen to anyone. She gave him everything in the name of superstition. Niru is upset that Amma ji believes Sagar is home bcause of this fake Baba. I wont spare him. I will send him to jail. Amma ji counters him. Baba has saved Sagar. Niru retorts that it all happened because of Ganga and Pulkit. Sagar would not be a free man today if it wasn’t for them. Pulkit helped Police while Ganga brought Mehri to the court in time. Pulkit adds that what papa did is also plausible (Niru looks at him in surprise). He resigned
from judge’s position and fought for Sagar. Amma ji does not find it unusual. There is something bigger than all that. It is called God. Madhvi worries only for her jewellery. Niru tells her against it but she shares that that Baba was about to curse Supriya and her unborn baby. This angers Niru. I wont spare him. Give me his address. Amma ji gives him her swear. You wont do anything to Baba or you will see me dead. Our family will be ruined if something goes against us now.
Police comes to Ratan’s house to arrest Yash. They show them the arrest warrant and search warrant. Ratan and Prabha try to talk to Inspector but he tells them to let them do his work. Yash is not found at home. Inspector says I will find him. He wont be able to escape justice this time. I will get him punished. He is involved in drugs and has killed Yash too. Ratan is stunned. Prabha denies. Someone gave you wrong info. Yash does not deal in drugs. This is a lie. Inspector says truth will be out soon. he escaped last time but it wont happen this time. He leaves. Prabha asks Ratan to save her son or he will be hanged. Ratan slaps her. This should be the punishment for a criminal. If he comes before me today then I will strangle him myself. He breaks down. I kept asking you time and again if Yash is on a wrong path. You always lied to me. I shouldn’t have supported him in that MMS case. I was mad to try to take revenge from my sister. I should have scolded Yash when he had made his first mistake. He wouldn’t have become a devil today then. People are right. Those who dig pits for others fall in the pit themselves. I was trying to take revenge from Madhvi Didi but my own family is finished today!
Sagar thinks of all the incidents from the day of Janvi’s death till today. Ganga joins him. what are you thinking? He says we all have been through so much in the past days. once I gave up on life completely but then I saw you in danger. I decided to fight then. it is cowardice to run away from problems. I can be weak but not coward. He cups her face. I cannot bear anyone hurting you. This thought worries me like anything. I can fight with the world for you but cannot see you in trouble. A tear escapes her eyes. He holds one. Don’t let your pearls go waste. I don’t deserve it. She asks him why he says so. He looks sad. I have always given you pain, have cheated you. why do you still worry for me then? She replies that she has lived for him since she has understood life. I love you since I was a kid. Why will I not worry about you then? He rues that he made her cry not once but many times. She feels bad to see him sad. She thinks of something and smiles. She tickles him in his ears with the corner of his saree. She says I will take revenge. He again tells her not to do it but she does not stop. She asks him to catch her if he can. He follows her limping. All the family members look on and feel happy. Pulkit and Supriya also join Sagar and Ganga. Amma ji says happiness is back in our house after so many days. Sagar is so happy. Hope no evil eye falls on our house from now on. Pulkit holds Sagar back so as to stop him from catching Ganga. Sagar calls it unfair. You always take Ganga’s side. Help me at times. He tells his family members how they also do the same. He gets emotional while talking. Everyone is against me. I know she is troubling me, playing with me. I know why she is doing all this. You want to see me happy. What am I doing? I have only given pain to everyone. They all get teary eyed. Sagar apologizes to all of them. Papa had to resign for me. I am a loser. I don’t deserve anyone’s love. Pulkit denies. Sagar hugs his brother who comforts him. Amma ji and Madhvi go to him. Madhvi hugs Sagar. It isn’t so. Don’t say it. He cries. Ganga is in tears as well.
Ratan comes to meet Yash at where he is staying. Police is looking for you but don’t worry I wont let anything happen to you. Yash says I dint do anything. Mehri is lying. Ganga might have forced her to lie. Ratan hugs him. I know you cannot do anything wrong. I have brought juice for you. He pours it for Yash in a glass. Ratan thinks of Ganga’s words (of getting Yash’s fingerprints). Yash tells his father that he will leave from here. I will call you and mom there too. Give me some money. I have no money. Ratan takes the glass using a kerchief. Yash asks him but it but he gets Prabha’s call just then which manages to divert him. She tells him to run away asap. Don’t trust anyone. Your papa saw your messages in my phone. Go away from the location. Don’t trust him also. He would be coming there anytime. Yash looks pointedly at his father. He manages to get the glass from Ratan’s hand and breaks it. You came to take my fingerprints! Ratan gets a little hurt in the process. Ratan says I could not believe it too but I understand it now that you have turned into a devil. You only have killed janvi. You want to punish Sagar but you will be punished for the crime done by you. He shouts for police to come in. Yash is here only. Yash panics. Police enters and arrests Yash. Prabha shouts against it but in vain. Ratan cries.
Shaanti Puja for janvi’s soul is being held in Chaturvedi House. Janvi’s family comes as well. Everyone gets up seeing them. Pulkit greets them. We have kept Shaanti Paath for Janvi today. Join us please. Janvi’s father walks up to Niru. He hugs Sagar and cries. Forgive me. We have thought so wrong about you and said so much not just to you but your entire family too. I don’t deserve to be pardoned buy forgive me if possible. Sagar says please don’t do so. If it was someone else in your place then he would have done the same. you have lost your daughter. In fact, I should be apologizing. I could not become a good SIL. I couldn’t keep your daughter happy. Please forgive me. Janvi’s mother says we are sad that our daughter has left us but we are happy to have found another daughter in Ganga. She kisses Ganga’s forehead. If it wasn’t for you then the truth of our daughter’s killing had not come out. You helped her get justice. I will never forget this favour of yours.
Ganga hugs Janvi’s mother. Pulkit asks them to join them in the puja. Sahil apologizes to Sagar and hugs him. Janvi’s family sits for the puja. Ratan and Prabha come there just then. Madhvi tells them to stop there itself. How dare you set foot in my house? Leave! Sagar had to bear the consequences of your son’s deeds. Ratan apologizes to her but she refuses to listen or understand anything. Leave now. Nothing is left to say now. What to say to the person who will try to kill his own nephew! I am ashamed to call you my brother. Prabha came from another family but you were my own brother. The amount of time you spent in adding poison in our lives could have been utilised well in upbringing Yash in the right way. Ratan is in tears. Madhvi says they wanted bad for others so this happened with Yash. It
isn’t wrong. You both are more responsible than Yash. What is the use of the love which puts kids on wrong path! Prabh tells her to stop. You are talking and I was listening but not anymore. You talk of upbringing? What will you say about Sagar then? He married his girlfriend in childhood and married Janvi when he was fed up of her. He was already married then. Judge’s son and lawyer himself acts like that? I agree my upbringing was wrong but you kept two DIL’s in this house. You talk about upbringing? I feel bad to speak ill of some dead person but I will say it today. She gave money to Yash to make Ganga’s MMS. Ratan tells her to stop but in vain. Your sister started it. She tells Janvi’s parents the truth. Janvi was dying to be with Sagar so she paid money to Yash to make Ganga’s MMS. Everyone is stunned. Ratan asks Prabha to come. You said enough. Prabha blames Janvi for ruining Yash’s life. She died but trapped my son. Nothing good will happen with anyone here. Ratan takes her with him.
Sagar is in his room. He thinks of his marriages with Ganga and Janvi; how Janvi begged him to be with her and love her; and of Janvi hanging from the fan. Ganga comes there. Why dint you switch on the light? He realises her presence when she switches on the light. He wipes his tears. She says whatever happend with janvi was wrong but she wont come back now. You cannot run away from the truth by being in dark. He says I am trying to forget it but it all keeps coming back. It keeps flashing before my eyes time and again. She says there is no need to forget everything. Forget the bad part that hurts you. You can keep all the good memories with you. Not everything between you two was hurting. She was your good friend. You liked her as well. You both must have spent some really good moments together. think of that. It might hurt a little less then. He looks at Janvi’s photo. She asks him to come with her. I will light a diya before her photo. He holds her hand. You are asking me to segregate between the bad memories and good memories? Will you be able to do so? Janvi did so bad with you. She insulted you in court. Yash said so much about your character in court yet you say so? She nods. I am not upset with janvi at all. You stay upset with people till they live. I have no complaints when they are no more. He is taken aback by her honest reply. She lights diya before Janvi’s photo.
Sagar holds Ganga’s hand so as to stop her. What are you made of? Did you not hear what Prabha Mami said? She insulted you and tried to show you down. How can you forgive her so easily? Ganga says not just Janvi but you and I are also responsible for it. Why blame Janvi alone? She did all that to make you hers. I understand love very well. I know what it is to love someone like that. You don’t understand though. He says I don’t understand. What do I not understand? You or your love? She says you cannot understand my yearning or you wouldn’t have sat here like this. You know how my heart breaks seeing you sad. I am trying to get you out of this pain but you aren’t helping me at all. Janvi died in a second but I die every second seeing you thus. You don’t care! Amma ji keeps looking at you all the time with the hope that she can see her old grandson once again. You don’t even worry that Babu has aged in these past days. He has questions written all over his face. He keeps wondering all day why all this happened with his son. You don’t even think of your mother. She hasn’t eaten properly since days. She is only worried about you. Control yourself. Don’t kill who is alive. Save your family from breaking apart. If you don’t hold yourself together now then everything will be over. I will die from inside with this suffocation. She leaves from there teary eyed.
Amma ji gives Sagar’s kundli to that fake Baba. He says you feel so but will your family believe. I don’t think so because of your DIL. Amma ji apologizes to him on Supriya’s behalf. I don’t care what my family members think. I trust you completely. See and tell me about my grandson’s future. He acts to count some facts. It is difficult as his kundli has Markesh Rog. This is why his first wife died. If he marries again in future then his second wife will die too.
Madhvi and family tell everything to police. Inspector asks for them to help him make the sketch. We will catch him easily then. Supriya and Maharaj ji help the sketch artist. The sketch is made. Inspector says we will begin to look for him right away but you have to make sure Amma ji does not fall in his words again. Sagar asks them what happened. Inspector tells him everything. We will nab that fake Baba soon. Niru filed a complaint against him yesterday only. We have the sketch with us now. He excuses himself.
Sagar looks upset. Ganga asks him if he will come with her to some place. He says where but she asks him to come. Don’t ask any questions. They leave.
Amma ji says it means Sagar will never be able to have a family of his own. Help me find a solution. Baba says it is a dangerous one. She ends up telling him about the hole in Sagar’s heart. Please do something. He smirks and again acts to do some calculations. Amma ji tells him not to worry about money. Baba suggests AMma ji to do a Maha Yagya for 2 days straight. Who is your grandson most attached to? She takes her name. This is why I am doing this for him. I can do anything for him. He suggests sacrifice her life for Sagar’s sake. Will you be able to do it? Will you be able to sacrifice your life? Amma ji readily agrees. I can do anything for my grandson. Baba acts to be happy. It isn’t an easy thing to sacrifice your life for someone else. There is another way. You need to bring an unmarried woman for 3 days straight during Maha Yagya to cemetery. That same woman will have to make a sacrifice on Amavasya night. She asks him if that woman will have to sacrifice her life as well.

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