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Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Part 1
Meera asks Radha how she is feeling? RK comes out of his room and watches the duo! Meera says sorry for putting Krishna Bhagwans idol in the puja ghar! Everyone looks surprised including Sultan Madhu..! Meera says. bhakti se shanti milti hai man ko! Dips rues.what is this?Sikky tells her her God is here..! Meera asks Radha why she is asking her all this…she knows her name.. its Radha..! RK glares at Meera..! Meera says.. Krishna Bhagwan is same for Radha and Meera..! All look surprised .! Dips says.. Murti-ya missile fired.. gonna be huge explosion! Meera offers RAdha prasad…but Radha looks away from her..! Meera feels bad..! Madhu comes to Meera and tells her to give her and she will give to Radha..! Madhu pulls Radhas hand and puts the prasad in her hand and looks at her pleadingly..!
Radha turns her face away..! Servant comes and tells Radha that MKs pic was broken.. and he got the glass refitted so where to keep? Radha is shocked.. and Meera sees the pic! She says its the same pic and Sultan stops Meera from seein the pic! Dips wonders why Sultan is not letting Meera see the pic! Madhu offers to keep the pic in the room and Radha drops the prasad and tells Servant to keep it in the room! Sikky tells Dips that he is sleepy and going but Dips stops him showing RK walking down!
Meera asks Sultan what is in the pic? Sultan says nothing and consoles Meera! Radha walks away and Madhu follows! Meera wonders if she said or did anything ..? Sultan assures her she did not do anyting! He is abotu to lead her inside when RK stops him and asks why taking her inside? Answer her question .t.ell the truth! Sultan asks RK to be quiet ! RK tells Sultan instead of quieting him telll Meera the truth as truth is not injurious to health.. like drinks! Sultan says. .RK ..! RK says. .he does not drink! Sikky says action sequence! Dips says.. two heroes ..gonna be fireworks..! Sikky says.. looks like KAran Arjun! Meer assk what truth? RK tellsSultan to tell Meera the truth. .like an ideal son and person! Sutlan tells RK that he knows Meeras condition! RK says..he is asking him to forget about Radhas condition n worry for Meera? Madhu comes and tells the duo to be calm..! RK asks Sultan to tell MEera the truth…n why is he so troubled? RK says no problem.. he will tell the truth! Meera asks wha truth? What is the matter Sultan? She asks if tha twoman is troubnled by something? RK asks her if she wants to know? Sultan galres at RK ..! RK says.. listen.. Sultan shouts agian RK..! RJ is about to speak when Madhu holds RKs hand but he removes it..!
RK says that its difficult for RAdha to tolerate that asomeone comes n stays in her house.. n that she is upset that the house which hhe bullt on her late hubbys bought land.. doesnt like anyone coming stayin her.e.. his mom doesnt like guests… she feels sufocated..seeing guests n looks at Sultan.. who glares at him! Meera says.. no problem and they will leave rightaway! Sultan asks her to listen tohim! Meera says.. troubling anyone is not right.. n wants ot leave! She rushes inside.. with Sultan foolwing !RK calls out toSultan n says that if he knew this problem would be solved so easily he would have told it all before! RK tells Sultan that like a good kid listen to ur mom .t.ake ur luggage and leave…! Sultan grinds his teeth and follows Meera..! Madhu looks at Sultan leaving! RK tells Madhu thanks .. for stopping him midway ..n says..she couldnt handle half truth and it was pack up! Madhu stares at RK angrily! RK asks Madhu if she is not happy that he is leaving? Wants to stop him? RK says she can tell him by evening when he returns .. blows a kiss n leaves!
Sikky tells Dips to come with him to help Sultan to pack! Dips tells Sikky with her and tells him that the drama has just started and they cant go anywhere! Sikky asks what about their orom? Dips says to hell with it! Dips says. .Sultan n his mom shouild stay for a special reason! Sikky asks what reason? Dips says.. mummy ji… no matter what it is.. something is hurting Mummy ji a lot! Sikky says he.. err sultan n his mom! Dips says she knows.. but there is somethig more.. ! Dips says.. Sikky din note that Sultan doesnt let his mom see MKs pic..n din let RK tell the truth either..! Dips says it means that every time Meera sees MKs pic..she.. n Dips stosp midway and walks away.. ! Sikky keeps calling out and says.. .she is a nut case too ..just young!
Dips asks Servant where he is taking thep ic to? He says to the room! Dips says.that was for guests. now put it in the hall near main entrance.! Sevant opposes but Dips inists n he agrees! Dips looks at MKs pic n says.. his contribution to the drama is essential..! She takes a walk around and says.. perfect. now time for big tamasha! Madhu comes to Radha and says.. they are leaving for real! She says.. MEera may not be sane but she has good heart and that she decided to leave knowing Radha was in pain seeing them! Madhu asks Radha if she will come when thy leave? Radha is quiet .. Madhu asks her to rest and goes to bid adieu to Sultan-Meera!
Sultan is walking out in the hall holding Meera with the luggage..! MEera says sorry to Sikky-Dips for any errors..! Dips fumes that Meera hasnt seen the pic yet..! They are leaving.. and Dips keeps saying Palat.. Palat. Palat .. dun leave without creating drama..! Madhu calls out to Sultan and he stops in the tracks..! Madhu walks to the duo ..!
Part 2
Madhu says that she is sorry for whatever her hubby did or said and requests her not to take his words to heart! Meera says.. nothing to feel bad.. his mom felt bad and he did what a son should do! Meera tells her that she wont understand Mom-son relation! She says that she should have apologised to Radha for hurting her! Madhu says.. she was gonna come to see them off but she is not well! Meera asks her to take care of Radha..! She says that as such Madhu is so sweet she will take care of Radha anyways! Sikky says… Madhu is so special that even mad people praise her.. but no one praises Dips..! Dips says waitting for thrilling drama but here sentimental drama has started!
Meera says.. i will pray that when my Kid grows up ..he gets a life partner like her..! Meera looks at Sultan and he looks at her..! Madhu Sultan look away! Meera says ..she is leaving..and Dips fumes.. absolute bad luck..!
Part 3
Radha comes and calls out to Meera..! They stop midway..! Madhu is standing in Meeras line of vision! Radha tells Meera that she forgot something.! Dips says.. yah .to look at MKs pic.! Radha brings Krishna Bhagwans idol to Meera ..! Meera says she doesnt mind if it stays there..! She accepts the idol from Radha..! Radha says sorry for her behaviour..! Meera says.. she understands and apologises for troubling her..! ! The duo hug..and Meera blesses Radha to be happy always..! Dips rues that if there is no scope for one paap ..the value of punya will reduce..! Madhu moves from Meeras line of vision and comes to the hugging ladies..! Meera looks up .. Sultan looks at her..! Meera sees MKs pic and is shocked ..!
Precap — Meear says.. this man MK is a thief.. he stole my son.. he is a cheater.! Sultan tries to calm Meera and make her look at him ..and the duo hug..! Radha and Madhu are shocked..!
Part 1
Meera wishes Radha well and steps back when she notices MKs pic
She screams.. YEH AADMI … He is a liar.. he is a thief.. a cheater..! Sultan tries to calm her and asks him to let it go…but she is hyper Sultan keeps trying to calm her Meera says…my kid.. where is he
Sultan says.. ur son is ok ..he is here! Madhu tries to touch Meera when Sultan jerks off and says.. stay away.. n asks who put the pic? Madhu is Dips quickly leaves from there worrying about Sultans strong arms around their necks!
Madhu takes the photo down.. ! Sultan realises Meera has fainted and carries her inside! Radha breaks down as well and Madhu asks her to calm down! She rues that.. Meera saw MKs pic.. n remembered all pain..
Radha discloses that MK is guilty of all the crimes.
.n Madhu is shocked.. but takes her inside! Dips overhears the whole thing!
Madhu feeds water to Radha …asks to calm down..! Radha asks to be left alone .. Dips rushes to her.. when Madhu stops her..!! Dips insists but Madhu interrupts n pushes her out of the room ! Dips says she is the elder bahu so should be part of it!
Madhu says 3 words – Its all drama for Dips but its Radhas life.. second it mite be about Dips MIL but its Madhus mom.. and third thing its connected to RKs dad so she is out of it..!
Dips says DONE? Well listen… one second to tell RK the truth Madhu says n then her one signal and Dips will be out of this house! Madhu says..RK trusts her more than Dips! She says.. LIVE and LET LIVE!
Dips says.. Rishbala mehal mite be priceless but will take only one ignition to be put on fire..!
Madhu comes to Radha.. n she discloses about how MK had relations with Meera… n her own staff used to whisper about her.. but she never knew who she was. n MK never told her either.!
She says.. MK told her years later about the marriage and a kid! She says MK told her .. Meera was out of his life…n so she decided to give a second chance! She says Meera-Sultan are telling the truth a poisonous truth!
She rues that all was well . .n now ..all is a mess…wonder who cast an evil eye on the house! She accepts lying to save the family !! She says she felt guilty seeing Meeras condition … She regrets for not doing anything earlier! Madhu is shocked and in tears!
Madhus cell rings its RK .. .Radha asks her not to tell RK or he will break completely!
Part 2
Radha rues that if RK finds out..he will lose faith on everything.. ! Madhu says..if they hide from him ..he will lose trust on them too
Radha asks Madhu not to tell RK as she has seen him so peaceful after ages..n she is ready to lose his trust for his happiness!
Madhu is worried and struggles … Radha loses her cool and asks Madhu to tell RK rightaway and destroy his happiness!
Part 3
Meera is still crying for her son and hyper.. n Sultan thanks Doc on phone for the guidance! Madhu comes and sits by Meeras side..
She sees the bangle on Meeras wrist and its same as hers..! Meera is still crying..! Madhu recollects Radha telling her the story of the bangle and is shocked..!
Precap — Madhu tells Sultan that Meera will get all her rights! Sultan says .. RK wont agree to this .. neither Radha ..! Madhu says. .one minute..and Radha comes to meet Sultan!

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