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Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Scene 1:
Location: Ishaani’s residence
ishaani comes to ranvir’s room and they both compose themselves. she leaves. ishaani asks ranmvir if he got a scolding, and he complies. ishaani starts teasing him about his impending marriage. After they have a hearty banter, ishaani says that she found a good way to escape her marriage, by going abroad for higher education, and then chirag would have found someone else by then. ranvir gets emotional. ishaani asks whats the matter, and asks him to get harshad to agree for her going to america. he complies.
Ranvir tries to insist harshad into sending ishaani for higher education abroad. Harshad is tensed. romil thinks that they too shall settle in america, while devarsh too tries to talk his father to send him to america,
and bear the expenses. Baa comes and reprimands that noone shall go to america and that only they would go back to their house. Baa asks gauri’s husband to inform his family that they shall come to talk. He leaves. gauri and ishaani stand tensed. Baa tells gauri that if she knows that they got to know that gauri ran away with her lover, pranav, one day before her marriage and hence she got thrown out, she wouldnt leave ishaani. ishaani and gauri are tensed. Baa leaves and both the girls are tensed.
Harshad outside, tells baa that she doesnt need to go, as there are males and he and ketan shall go and not her. Baa asks them to take the ladies too, to let them know that the entire family stands beside gauri.
Scene 2:
Location: Gauri’s inlaws’ place
Harshad arrives with his entire family, and as they enter in their house, chetali is evry excited that baa trusted her to find out if they know about gauri’s past. Her husband is terribly tensed that she might do something stupid.
Inside, harshad expresses displeasure at the fact that romil has been thrown out of the house. meanwhile, pranav’s call comes on gauri’s phone, and she cancels it wondering why is he calling her. A lady comes and serves snackls, and chetali is doubtful that they have met before. romil’s brother clarifies that the property had been separated long back, and that romil’s part was used in his education, while he used what he got, and turned into a big empire, and hence he cant do anything about whats already done, and that there’s no point talking about it now.
Meanwhile, pranav’s call continuously keeps coming, and she gets tensed. all others are tensed too. Romil asks gauri who is calling her again and again, and if its important she should pick up. she denies. Romil asks tejal, his brother what does he want now. tejal asks why are they talking again. harshad reminds him that now gauri too is attached to them. Meanwhile, chetali continues ranting when the lady turns out to be her dietician, and catches her lies of having lost 10 kgs. harshad gets angry at her, and falguni to control her. Falguni nudges her to keep quiet. harshad asks pramod to speak up. gauri gets pranav’s call again and shows it to ishaani. She nudges and takes gauri aside. Finally, when chetali gets overexuberant in her display of nonsensical banter, harshad reprimands chetali and asks her to stay quiet.
Ishaani comes out and finds ranvir coming in. She tells him about pranav’s call. ranvir is tensed. He asks her to ignore him and not do anyhing about pranav saying thast with time, he would stop irritating gauri. ishaani remembers chirag talking to pranav, and then tells him about it, and vents out his frustration at him. ranvir asks her to stay neutral. ishaani asks why does he always take his side. Ranvir says that she shouldnt misjudge people like that. ishaani asks ranvir whats the matter, as these days whenever he talks with her, he says something and his eyes contradict it. He gets tensed. gauri comes and shows ishaani the phone, which has pranav’s pic, with her bedroom in the background, and is tensed. ranvir is in a rage and decides that she would teach him a lesson. ishaani stops him and says that they both shall handle this, and that its time to get rid of the fear and stop him. she says that baa is right, as love is a trap, as the person whom you love always ends bu betraying you.Ranvir is hurt to hear this. gauri too says that hiding wont help and they both go inside to find whats the matter.
Gauri and ishaani comes to the bedroom to find pranav, blabbering about how she must still be pining with him. he says that now he has come and they shall go somewhere far away. he takes her hand but she jerks it off. She reminds him that she is married now and they just have a past together and that she belongs to someone else. she asks him to go. he says that her deciding wont help, as else he would tell her husband everything and then she would be thrown out. she is shocked that she sacrfificed being with him, to keep him and happy and safe and he is reprimanding her of betrayal. he shuts her up, saying that struggle got her to shy from marrying him. He starts ranting about what a loser romil is that he couldnt manage to control his own wife. gauri says that she wont hear anything about her husband and that she is embarassed that she once loved him. she says that she is responsible for the fact that romil and she havent been together. she says that she thought that she wasnt ready for the marriage as she thought that she was still in love with him, but she was sadly mistaken. She says that she doesnt care if her marriage means anything to him, but for her it does, and that she wont ever leave her husband for him. He tries to impose himself, and when ishaani stops him, he throws her on the bed, and starts walking out of the door, with gauri’s hand in his. Romil, who is coming in, eyes them both together. Romil asks gauri if she loved him. She doesnt respond. pranav tells him everything and taunts him that she loves him still. Romil slaps him and asks him never to meet her again as her past doesnt make any difference to him. He takes her hand and says that she is his wife now and he wont bear anyone misbehaving with his wife. Gauri is overwhelmed to hear this. ishaani stands happy. the screen freezes on ishaani’s face.
Precap: Chirag finds ishaani at his house, late night and asks whats the matter, as he could have come if she wanted to talk to him. Before he can complete, she slaps him tight across his face, and he is stunned.
Scene 1:
Location: Ishaani’s residence
Gauri is poverwhelmed to see romil standing by her, as he throws prnav out. when he leaves, romil turns to gauri, while ishaani is pleased but turns away to give them some privacy. she leaves from there, closing the door behind them. she comes out and expresses her insistent wish to go to chirag’s right now and doesnt listen to anything that ranvir tries to make her understnd. in the car, she calls chirag that she is coming rightaway to talk to him. ranvis is tensed as she arrives and storms inside.
Scene 2:
Location: Chirag’s residence
Chirag finds ishaani at his house, late night and asks whats the matter, as he could have come if she wanted to talk to him. Before he can complete, she slaps him tight
across his face, and he is stunned. She starts reprimanding him that she knew everything, and that he planned to spoil gauri’s life, by mkixing with pranav, and accusing him of letting his male ego be bruised by the fact that she rejected him, and hence played such a evil prank of spoiling her sister’s marital life to pain her. ranvir comes and hears that chirag did talk to pranav. She starts insulting for being egoist, selfish, emotionless. She finds ranvir and reprimands him too for suggeting chirag’s name in marriage for her. She tells chirag and says that he never wants to see her ever again, and after having thoroughly insulted him saying that he doesnt deserve anyone’s love. a voice calls out saying that this isnt true. It turns out to be pranav, who clarifies that he infact told him about gauri’s marital life, and sent him to her place, not just for revenge, and that he still loves her to the very end, but its important that she hates him, so that she can start being happy with romil, and that this advise was given to him by chirag. Ishaani remembers gauri doing the same for him when she was getting married. She gets emotional, seeing pranav so pained in his life. Chirag composes him. She feels guilty as she eyes chirag, who reaches out to pranav. Pranav leaves. ranvir is tensed. He comes to her, as chirag goes inside. He reprimands her for accusing chirag and insulting so badly, and says that looks can be deceiving, and sometimes things are to be felt by the heart and not by the sight. He asks her to go and apologise to chirag, as she hesitates to do so. ranvir leaves. She comes to chirag, who welcomes her. she apologises, while he asks her to chill and forget. ranvir is tensed to see all this from the balcony. She apologises for every harsh word that she said, and says that she doesnt feel ready to be married to her. He says that she is entitled to her opinion. Chirag tells her that one thing he knows for sure, that her likes her and if he marries ever, it would be with her. she eyes him awkwardly. ranvir is drawn to tears hearing this, unable to see her with someone else. He starts to cheer her by humouring, and that she can always say no to him, even after one month and he wont spoil her sister’s life for that. She leaves, while asking ranvir to come along. But he excuses himself, to compose himself for sometime. Chirag comes and thanks him, for suggeting this idea to be able to win over ishaani’s heart, as sending pranav to gauri’s place was his idea but he made it sound like chirag’s to impress ishaani. He controls his tears, when chirag comments that he knows her so well, that he feels that he loves her. He dismisses it away. He leaves, while chirag thanks him again. He sits in the car and turns on the ignition.
Scene 3:
Location: In the car
While ishaani gushes that chirag isnt a bad person after all, ranvir gets emotional thinking about their past times, spent together. He thinks that he turned ishaani to chirag, and himself stayed away as his love story is one sided, as the person in her life, would be very lucky and better than her, but his passion is just for her.
Scene 4:
Location: Ishaani’s residence
While romil is getting ready, gauri gives him his stuff, while he cares that she doesnt get hurt, when she is careless. ishaani comes and sees them like that, shying away like new found lovebirds, and is pleased. they have a mini conversation, while ishaani smiles. She points it out to ranvir, saying that she was very tensed for both of them, but is finally relieved. Ishaani comments that when two people who are meant to be together, are united, there is no other better feeling that that. ranvir gets emotional. ishaani discusses their case with him, and says that they shall fall in love, and all of this is due to chirag, who handled such a sensitive relation with such care, and that shows that he is very sentimental. he teases her for liking chirag and actually praising him. He presents her the idea of taking Gmat coaching from Chirag, to be able to go abroad, while harshad is under the impression that she is spending time with chirag. He manages to convince her, while she is lost in thoughts. He eyes her emotionally. the screen freezes on his face.
Precap: Baa intentionally hurts Ranvir’s mother’s hands, saying that she should concentrate on her work, and not try to eavesdrop on the conversations in this house. She tells her that servants here just have hands and feet, and not have ears and eyes to the doings in this house. ranvir’s mother is tensed.

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