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Monday, September 24, 2018


THE PAST: Raquel goes to see Carolina at her house and she tells Carolina that she is not mentally unstable and that she only wanted to babysit Benjamin, but what happened was an accident, and she criticizes her for hurting her with her words by making her useless in front of Damian. Carolina apologizes and tells her that she cares about her but Raquel replies that she doesn’t believe her because Carolina hasn’t looked her in the eye for a long time and she wants to know what she is hiding from her but Carolina goes anxious, crying and goes speechless.
Raquel then tells her that her instinct tells her that Carolina isn’t being sincere with her and therefore she can’t continue to make her her friend and so she has to separate from her and so they can break their catering partnership to have an individual one but Carolina doesn’t want the friendship to end like that but Raquel then suggests to her that better still she can buy out Carolina’s share of the catering service business but she will discuss that with Damian but she warns Carolina not to try telling Damian about this because she will do that herself. Raquel leaves and Carolina looks so depressed.
Damian tells Lola that Andres isn’t going to pester her anymore but he needs to know what’s going on between her and Andres but Lola refuses to reveal anything to him and Mia seeing her dad with Lola, she goes jealous and ballistic and decides to go because she complains to her dad that he cares for everyone except for her his daughter but always caring for that Carolina and he wants to know what is going on between him and her.
Antonio rebukes Godoy for sleeping with Celia and due to that, he takes the case about Celia from him and if the press should find out this, it will go against the police. Godoy apologizes but Antonio advices him to try straighten things out with Celia and also tell his wife Laura about it but that looks very difficult for him but Antonio asks him to do that and get them out of that mess his infidelity has caused the police and could cause his marriage and Godoy agrees.
Santiago tells Nacho that he is upset because of the rift between Raquel and Carolina, and he fears that he is going to lose Raquel’s friendship.
Carolina feels terrible about her actions towards Raquel and how her attitude has cost their friendship, and says that she screwed up everything, but that she won’t mess up with Benjamin.
Vicente goes to Carolina’s home, and in Florencia’s presence tells Carolina that her lover Damian hasn’t paid him his silence money and Florencia goes shocked.
THE PRESENT: Bebo asks Lola to file a police report against Juan, but she’s too scared to do it.
Federico goes with Luz and he meets her son and they play with him.
Nicolas tells Mia that he won’t get in the way of Raquel and Santiago’s happiness because Damian and Carolina were the ones who betrayed everyone, but Mia refuses to accept her mother’s relationship with Santiago. Quickly, he receives a call from Alina telling him that his dad Santiago has been released and he goes happy.
Juan goes with a gun to attack Bebo and Lola but fortunately, the police arrives to arrest him just as he is about to shoot Lola. Bebo then asks them how they got to know and Antonio reveals to him that it’s because Raquel filed a report against him.
Damian seems to be presenting some kind of reaction and whiles the nurse thinks there is hope that he could wake up soon, the doctor thinks it’s a normal reaction of people in coma and so there is nothing to be hopeful about.
Santiago arrives home and Lola confesses to Santiago that she is pregnant and he becomes speechless.
Raquel arrives home very sad since she doesn’t know about Damian’s reactions now, so she tells Cynthia and Mia that his doctor says that he will never wake up.
Miriam tells a comatose Damian that she feels betrayed by him because she has had to endure Raquel’s humiliations and also to confront his lover’s family for Benjamin’s custody all for him and now it seems Damian is irresponsive meaning he is going to leave her as his dad did to her. After, she asks the doctor to unplug him right away.
Stay tuned to FALL INTO TEMPTATION on UTV from Mondays - Thursdays at 8:00pm Sundays at 12:00noon - 3:00pm. You will then realize that, Somehow, all of us might… Fall into Temptation!!!! God Guide Us.

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