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Sunday, September 2, 2018


This ep begins with the Older Prince colluding with his servant about framing TBY and that they don’t have to worry about Weiyang since time is running out (she only has 1 day left).
Screen Shot 2016-12-03 at 2.14.04 pm.png Then we see Weiyang analysing the poisoned fabric with Baizhi’s help. Seems like she’s out of options and doesn’t know what to do. The next day, the eunuchs arrive to see if Weiyang has found the real culprit.
Screen Shot 2016-12-03 at 2.15.01 pm.png Meanwhile, the Older Prince tells the Emperor that he only requires a day to find out the true culprit. Then the eunuch comes in saying that Weiyang has found the culprits and asks if the Emperor could go and see her so that she can explain. The Older Prince gets anxious and tries to dissuade his father from seeing Weiyang by saying how she’s distrustful. But the Emperor says that he will personally see her to see whether she’s telling the truth or not. On his way, he meets with TBY and TBJ who were waiting outside, and tells them to follow him. Screen Shot 2016-12-03 at 2.19.05 pm.png The Emperor then arrives at Weiyang’s workplace. He immediately asks her who’s the murderer which Weiyang says that the murderer is here. She then explains how this outfit was able to go through security checks and she found clues from the outfit. She then asks all the maids to show her their hands and immediately grabs the head maid’s hand, “It’s you”. The head maid accidently reveals herself and Weiyang proceeds to explain how she knew it was the head maid through flashbacks. However, the head maid acts arrogant saying that it was not her while the Older Prince badmouths Weiyang. Weiyang remains composed and says that she has another evidence. She brings out the small bag which contains the poison saying that this bag must have been created by the culprit. Hence the threading and that specific material can lead us to the culprit. Screen Shot 2016-12-03 at 2.23.05 pm.png The eunuchs then presented the materials to the Emperor and tells him that they found those cloths from the head maid’s room as well as from one of the other maids. Weiyang then says that only the head maid will thread this particular yarn (found on the small bag) since she doesn’t trust the other maids to do it. Having nothing to say and defend herself, she quickly begs the Emperor for her innocence. Then the Princess arrives and presents evidence that it was the head maid’s doing. She then gets dragged away and we see the Older Prince looking agitated. The Emperor then praise Weiyang and asks her how did she get the guts to risk her life like this. Weiyang says that since she lost loved ones, she’s not afraid to risk her life. The Emperor then promotes Weiyang as the head maid who will be in charge of Huan Yi. Meanwhile, Changru watches the whole situation in frustration before leaving the place. However, little does she know that Baizhi saw her.
Screen Shot 2016-12-03 at 2.36.18 pm.png Afterwards, Weiyang gratefully thanks the Princess for finding the evidence to help Weiyang proclaim her innocence. She then tells the Princess that she wished she was an ignorant woman who is poor and humble so that she doesn’t have to live like this. While she is talking with the Princess, TBJ watches her from behind a pillar, listening on their conversation. Then TBY comes into the scene praising the Princess for her fast work in the investigation. But then they notice TBJ who spoils their mood by acting cold towards Weiyang. TBY then purposely gets closer to Weiyang saying how he will not let her feel wronged while putting his hand on her shoulder.
Then Changle arrives… this a party? Screen Shot 2016-12-03 at 2.51.35 pm.png
Then they quickly cut scenes to Changru and her servant talking about Weiyang and how she always survive death. We also see Baizhi in the background eavesdropping on their conversation but accidently knocked onto a bamboo post. Changru then slowly walks over to Baizhi (who’s still hiding behind that post) while her servant quickly grabs Baizhi’s arm. Baizhi then confronts Changru about her lies and tells her how she knows that they stole her key to Weiyang’s chest and how they framed Weiyang previously. Changru immediately slaps Baizhi’s face by saying that she’s speaking nonsense before getting her servant to grab hold of Baizhi who bites the servant’s hand. Changru then gets the bucket and repeatedly hit Baizhi’s head, with the intent to kill her. Hearing the eunuchs’ voices, Changru and her servant flee the area, leaving Baizhi by herself. Screen Shot 2016-12-03 at 3.01.27 pm.png Back to Weiyang, she gets informed that something bad has happened to Baizhi. Weiyang immediately runs to Baizhi and sees her unconscious. When asked about Baizhi’s health, the doctor just shakes his head. Oh no! Weiyang is going to lose another friend Screen Shot 2016-12-03 at 3.09.59 pm.png
Meanwhile, Changru and her servant was hiding behind a wall, listening in on the situation. Baizhi spots Changru hiding behind the pillar and points to her direction but too bad Changle was in between them and everyone believes that she was pointing at her. As Weiyang pleads Baizhi to stay strong, Baizhi tries to tell Weiyang the truth but loses strength and eventually passed away.
In anger, Weiyang goes to Changle who was guarded by her maid so she slaps her instead. Changle then tells her maid to slap Weiyang back and even TBJ reciprocated her order. But TBY quickly stopped them and told Weiyang to be more rational. Changle then says that she did not murder Baizhi and that there’s no purpose to hurt her. Screen Shot 2016-12-03 at 3.15.20 pm.png Then its dinnertime for TBJ and Changle. She tells him how happy she is that he’s accompanying her to eat. As she talks about his mother, TBJ tries hard to remain composed (since he knows it was Changle who killed his mother). Seeing his change of expression, Changle misunderstands that TBJ believes Weiyang’s words and that she killed Baizhi. TBJ then tells her that this matter will be investigated thoroughly and she will be innocent. Happy again that TBJ ‘believes’ her, she then asks him whether he can stay the night and he just got up to leave. Again, she brings up Weiyang..god she’s not confident in this relationship.. Screen Shot 2016-12-03 at 3.18.42 pm.png Meanwhile, we see Weiyang alone in the dark thinking about Baizhi and their past. She then proceeds to walk to the well. Thinking that she was going to jump in, TBJ was about to run out to save her but another maid saves Weiyang and tells her that Baizhi wouldn’t want this. However, Weiyang is still in grieving mode and can’t think rationally at this point. Chengde then tells TBJ that he has informed the Princess who is on her way here. Right on time, we see the Princess quickly running to Weiyang and trying to comfort her saying that she must be strong. Weiyang just says that the people who loved her has already left her and that the person she loves hates her. She then tells the Princess to get away from her because the other people who were close to her are no longer on Earth
The Princess then gives Weiyang soup to drink in order to let her sleep peacefully. Weiyang drinks it and then lies down on her bed. Meanwhile, TBJ plays the guzheng as Weiyang drifts off to sleep.

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