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Sunday, September 2, 2018


This ep begins with Changle happy at getting TBJ on her side. Little does she know that he’s doing this for Weiyang. Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 11.37.31 am.png Later, we see Weiyang thinking of Juntao and how she didn’t protect her. TBY then comes in asking her who’s she praying for. He then changes the subject and says how he heard that TBJ punished Weiyang with strokes and asked whether her wounds are alright. Weiyang thanks him for his concern saying that its alright. TBY then says that if he was TBJ, he would’ve believed Weiyang – are you trying to deepen the wedge????
Then we see fireflies and TBY asks Weiyang to wish for something. Looks like TBY purposely did this so that she can be a little bit happier. He then tells her to think about why he always save her and tries to make her happy, “I hope that one day your heart will have me. I will wait for you. I hope that there will be a day when you stop resisting me”. Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 11.39.15 am.png The next day, we see Changle going to see the Princess who suddenly invited her. This makes them suspicious but Changle says that since this is the palace and she’s TBJ’s wife, the Princess won’t be able to do anything bad to her.
When Changle arrives, the Princess quickly greets Changle and tells her that she has a gift for her. She praises Changle for knowing the animal and then asks her to quickly carry the cat. So Changle carries the cat, believing its a type of tiger, and snuggles it. The Princess quickly smirks then laughs out aloud as Changle has black markings on her face and clothes. The Princess tells Changle that its just a cat showered in black ink. She then says that Changle can’t even distinguish between a cat and a tiger. This infuriates Changle who then walks away but not before getting laughed at by servants. Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 11.45.03 am.png Meanwhile, Changru gets news that TBY has been going to the palace frequently at night and that whenever he goes back home, he’s in a happy mood. Changru gets annoyed as she knows Weiyang is involved.
Next, we see Weiyang with Baizhi doing chores. Weiyang questions Baizhi’s laughs who tells Weiyang that she saw everything last night. Looks like Baizhi is rooting for TBY and Weiyang to be together. Weiyang tells Baizhi to stop talking about it and that its impossible for them two.
Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 11.53.22 am.png Then, we see the Empress and the other concubines in a banquet. As soon as one of the servants brought in the clothes, the Empress instructed the servants to show it to the other ladies. The ladies complimented the material saying that it’s gorgeous. The Empress then gifted it to one of the ladies who gratefully accepted it. She was then instructed to wear the outfit to show it off. However, we see TBY’s mother looking jealous at being left out. But then, the lady who wore the gift faints and promptly died.
Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 11.56.40 am.png Later, eunuchs and soldiers comes into Weiyang’s workplace to accuse them for poisoning the Empress’ outfit. The soldiers then searched the place to find the poison but found nothing. Then a maid went to Weiyang’s work station and found the poison in one of the clothes. Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 12.01.32 pm.png Meanwhile, the Empress pleads with the Emperor to investigate this deeply in order to give her and the dead lady justice. The eunuch then comes in saying that he found the culprit. He brings in Weiyang which shocks TBJ and TBY. But we see the look the Older Prince gives to TBY…might be his doing?
Weiyang pleads for her innocence but the older Prince says that there might be someone supporting her and brings up TBY. Looks like its just a dirty plan the Older Prince and the Empress concocted to get rid of TBY and his chance for the throne.
Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 12.04.08 pm.png Weiyang then speaks with the Emperor alone and tells him that she’s innocent since she won’t gain anything from harming the Empress. The Emperor continues to question her and even asks her if she’s using TBY. Weiyang pleads innocence and says that she has never used anyone. The Emperor then orders her to find the culprit within three days and if she fails, then she’s the culprit.
Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 12.11.04 pm.png Then Weiyang walks out of the Emperor’s room alone to find TBJ waiting for her. TBY then comes into the scene asking if she’s alright. After talking to Weiyang, Weiyang tells TBJ that since he doesn’t believe her, he shouldn’t worry about her fate. TBJ then leaves and we see Weiyang trying to remain composed. Weiyang then tells TBY about the Emperor’s orders and TBY feels sorry for her since she only got involved to frame him. Weiyang tells him that since her life has been saved by him, it is alright to use this life to save him. TBY then says that he will protect her but Weiyang says that if he wants to help her, it will be best if he stays away from her. But TBY refutes by saying that the masterminds are using her to get to him, so if he saves her, he is basically saving himself as well.
Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 12.16.03 pm.png Later, we see TBJ and Chengde thinking about the culprit and that the murderer must be from Huai Yi Bureau (Weiyang’s workplace). TBY then instructs Chengde to investigate all of the palace workers at Huai Yi Bureau.
Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 12.23.48 pm.png Meanwhile, TBY arrives home angrily. Changru goes to him and says that they can make the Emperor believe that Weiyang was the one who did it herself in order to not implicate TBY. TBY dares her to hurt Weiyang but Changru quickly says that she’s only thinking of him. TBY then calls on Changan to ask about the progress on getting evidence on the Older Prince. Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 12.26.48 pm.png Next, the Older Prince’s servants tells his master that Weiyang will not be able to find out the culprit. The Older Prince smiles since the Emperor is now suspicious of TBY and that he will no longer be a threat to him.
Then, TBY comes into a conclusion that this plan was masterminded by the Older Prince who is using Weiyang to frame TBY. Suddenly, he says that Weiyang is probably in danger as Chengde says the Older Prince will hurt Weiyang. Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 12.33.28 pm.png Meanwhile, Baizhi keeps on guessing who the culprit is by listing the servants’ names. Then the head maid orders Baizhi to go on an errand. While she’s walking, she sees Changru and believes that she might be able to help Weiyang clear her name. Baizhi quickly asks another servant to help her on her errand while she runs after Changru. Too bad Baizhi didn’t hear Changru talking bad about Weiyang as she pleads with Changru to help Weiyang. After Changru leaves, Baizhi looks back and sees Changru walking in a wrong direction. She then secretly follows them.
Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 12.38.14 pm.png Next, we see TBJ and Chengde rushing to find Weiyang. Unable to find her at her workplace, they separate. Then we see Weiyang on an errand before getting quickly knocked out by an eunuch and carried away. Soon, TBJ goes to the place Weiyang got knocked out at and finds evidence of her being there. Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 12.41.49 pm.png We then see the eunuch trying to throw Weiyang in the well but she wakes up. The eunuch quickly faces her with a knife as Weiyang tries to get answers from him. Just as she shouts for help, TBJ saves her from the eunuch who runs away. He quickly asks her if she’s alright which surprises Weiyang at his caringness. She thanks him for saving her and he explains that he was just walking by when he saw the eunuch and didn’t think that he saved her. Weiyang the believes that if TBJ realised it was her the eunuch was trying to kill, he wouldn’t save her. She then walks away disappointingly but not before being told by TBJ to be careful in the palace.
Oh, looks like that eunuch was the assassin who previously disguised herself as the real Weiyang (forgot her name). Screen Shot 2016-12-02 at 12.45.45 pm.png Back to Changru, Baizhi finds that she’s going back home without even seeing the Empress as per plan. She then asks herself why would Changru trick her. Just as Baizhi was going to tell Weiyang about it, she was interrupted by the Head eunuch’s entrance who gave Weiyang the poisoned outfit to help with her investigation.
Later, Baizhi drops the key to Weiyang’s chest and remembers Weiyang’s words to try and remember the time when she didn’t have the key with her. We then see a flashback where Baizhi was dizzy and rested at Changru’s residence. She remembers that she passed out after drinking water there and becomes suspicious that it might be at that time when someone took the key from her. But she couldn’t believe that Changru will do this to Weiyang since they’re good sisters. Seeing Weiyang, she tells herself that she will tell her about this after they find culprit since her mood hasn’t been good these past few days.

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