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Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Changle discovers that Weiyang was trapped with TBJ the whole time. We also hear how Weiyang doesn’t want TBJ to know that she saved him or else he will be too infatuated with her which will make their situation complicated. Just as they were about to leave to get more help, Weiyang faints and LMD quickly carried her back to camp.
Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 1.27.51 pm.png We then see Changle excitingly making her way to TBJ as she falls down into the pit. She takes away Weiyang’s cape and hides it in order to get rid of any evidence that Weiyang saved him. She then proceeds to mark her face with dirt and puts a bit of his blood around her lips to make her seem like she’s his savior, before eagerly hugging him. Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 1.28.46 pm.png Meanwhile, the older prince adds fuel to the fire by saying that TBJ was eagerly trying to help Weiyang by risking his life. The Crown Princess fuels with anger thinking that TBJ’s disappearance is due to Weiyang. The Older Prince then says that TBJ has been helping her with the hunt the whole time and continues to badmouth her. Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 1.32.34 pm.png Then, we see TBJ finally regaining his consciousness as Changle fakes sleeping. He’s shocked to see Changle and believes that she saved him the whole time. She then asked him to fulfil her request. He agrees but only if he can do it. Changle then says that she only pleads that TBJ doesn’t tell anyone else that Changle ‘saved’ him. TBJ becomes suspicious and Changle explains that if his mother finds out that Changle saved him, then he will be pressured to take her as his wife. She continues to say that she knows that he doesn’t like so she doesn’t want to give him any pressure so she wishes him happiness and reassures him that she won’t tell anyone about this situation. – do you believe this? I don’t. Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 2.12.42 pm.png Meanwhile, we see Weiyang resting back in camp and soon regains her consciousness. She asks LMD about TBJ who says that he already sent soldiers to find him and they did. LMD reassures Weiyang that he didn’t tell anyone that it was her who saved him. Then Baizhi and Juntao comes in looking for Weiyang, looking worried and apologising for their negligence. Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 2.18.07 pm.png Then Changle arrives back at her tent smiling. She asks her servant to draw her a bath and that she will explain what happened to her then. Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 2.20.42 pm.png Meanwhile, TBJ gets checked by a doctor who says that he’s already better. Everyone looks relieved except the older prince. As the older prince tries to play it off like a small matter, the Crown Princess asks the Emperor to investigate this matter thoroughly. As everyone left, the Crown Princess blames Weiyang for TBJ’s state but TBJ quickly defended her. The mother tells TBJ that she’s disappointed in him for risking his life for Weiyang. As she complains about Weiyang, Weiyang was outside eavesdropping before leaving in disappointment. The mother then tells him that she will find him a good wife but TBJ tells her that no one can be compared to Weiyang.
Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 2.22.25 pm.png Next we see the older prince worrying whether he will get found out by the Emperor’s men. His servant reassures him saying that it won’t happen. Then we see Juntao’s father still getting whipped by CYN’s men. CYN then tells his men that the scroll is with Weiyang and that she will need to die. Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 2.32.42 pm.png
Afterwards, we see a knife cutting through a tent and attempts to assassinate Weiyang. Juntao comes in and they both engage in a fight. Juntao stops the assassin from running away but Baizhi then comes in saying that Weiyang must’ve went out by herself.
Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 2.35.06 pm.png Then we see Weiyang disguised as one of the dancers dressed in purple. The generals and princes all toast to the Emperor while watching the performances. During the festivities, we see Juntao’s dad escaping as he defeats the guards.
Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 2.39.46 pm.png Meanwhile, Juntao interrogates the assassin but he doesn’t say anything. So Juntao orders Baizhi to watch him while she goes and find Weiyang. Then as the Emperor jokingly tries to get TBJ to confess that he has been helping Weiyang with the hunt, TBJ suspects one of the dancers as Weiyang. Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 2.43.20 pm.png As soon as the dance ended, Weiyang quickly tries to present the scroll to the Emperor. CYN then secretly releases a small arrow at her and then shouts out “There are assassins”. CYN tries to kill Weiyang by calling her an assassin but Juntao’s father intercepts and saves her from the ordeal. Juntao comes in (dressed in black) and saves Weiyang from the situation but not before dropping the scroll on the ground. NOOOOO! Then CYN stabs Juntao’s father and promptly kills him.
Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 2.46.56 pm.png As they escaped by horseback, Weiyang tells Juntao that they still don’t know that she’s Weiyang and that it will be safer to go back. They quickly head back to their room and as CYN brings his guards to search Weiyang’s tent, TBJ quickly blocks them. Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 2.50.12 pm.png Just then a noise broke out inside the tent and CYN rushes in. TBJ comes in and finds Weiyang’s arm injured (to cover up the wound CYN gave her). CYN blocks them from getting a doctor but TBJ immediately applies medicine on her wound. Then Juntao comes in and brings in the assassin. As TBJ questions him who ordered him to be here, the assassin looks at CYN before commiting suicide. TBJ then tells CYN to leave since the assassin is dead but CYN doesn’t budge and starts questioning Weiyang. However, Weiyang already has all the answers.
Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 2.50.49 pm.png Then the boys leave, leaving Weiyang with Baizhi and Juntao. From their flashback, we see that Weiyang asked Juntao to slice her arm in order to throw CYN off her tracks. Then Baizhi goes to get some hot water for Weiyang. Next, we see Weiyang apologising to Juntao for her father’s death as she believes it was her fault. They both become sad with grief. Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 9.12.08 pm.png Meanwhile we see CYN becoming quite frustrated as he was unable to catch Weiyang. He believes that she is the Northern Liang’s Princess he has been searching for. Then, one of his men comes in saying that he was unable to find the scroll. CYN then mercilessly kills him.
Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 9.14.28 pm.png The next day we see Juntao finding her dad hanged up in the middle of a deserted place. Just as she was about to go and retrieve his body, soldiers come along, stopping her in her tracks. She then realised that CYN is using her father’s body to get Weiyang. However, TBY’s men comes in and says that TBY ordered them to check the father’s identity. He then goes to checks the body and discovers a tattoo. Afterwards, TBJ’s servant comes in telling them to put down the body or else everyone, including the Emperor, will catch a disease. We also see TBJ’s servant signalling Juntao to crouch down and remain away from the other soldier’s sight. Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 9.18.17 pm.png Meanwhile, the Emperor tells CYN to find out the assassin. TBY then comes in saying that he already investigated this matter and knows who’s the assassin. Then his men brings in Juntao’s father’s dead body into the tent and claims that he was the assassin. When asked to bring proof, he brought in one of those purple costumes (from the banquet) and a witness who affirms that Juntao’s father was one of the performers. CYN tries to deny their claims since he knows that it was Weiyang but TBY was one step before him as he brings out another solid evidence: the small arrow CYN used to hurt Weiyang. Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 9.24.34 pm.png TBY says that that arrow was found from his body as well as another evidence to prove that he was the assassin. The Emperor recognised the pouch which was used to store the scroll (but is now missing) and believes that Juntao’s dad was the assassin. CYN then pleads for the Emperor to give him more time to find out the true assassin but TBY says how the servants are mentally and physically exhausted and that if they ordered to investigate again, they will become agitated… Also since they have the body, they don’t need to waste more time on this matter. The Emperor agrees with TBY and then orders everyone to return to the palace.
Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 9.36.27 pm.png Meanwhile, Changle and Changru comes out of Weiyang’s tent and Changru instructs Baizhi to look after Weiyang well. TBJ then arrives and engages in small talk with Changle telling her to get a doctor to look after her body (he’s being nice since he thinks she saved him). He then tries to see Weiyang but Baizhi stops him saying that Weiyang is already resting. TBJ then leaves saying that he will come back another time to check up on her. He also tells Baizhi to tell Weiyang that he already cleaned up the matter with the assassin from last night’s feast. Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 9.38.47 pm.png Then we see CYN being informed about TBJ’s doing with Juntao’s father’s dead body. Knowing that TBJ has an interest in Weiyang, it didn’t surprise him that he took away the body. CYN’s servant then tells him how TBY was also involved in the investigation process which surprised him a little. Changle then arrives as CYN tells her that if it wasn’t for TBJ, Weiyang would’ve been dead already. They then plan something. Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 9.42.59 pm.png Meanwhile, LMD sees the Princess finally dressed as a girl! At first he didn’t recognise but then quickly gives his greetings. LMD seems flustered and quickly apologises for all the things he did to her as he thought she was a man the whole time. The Princess then runs away in embarrassment.
Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 9.46.54 pm.png Next, we see Weiyang looking better as LMD comes in to visit her. Weiyang then tells him how she was shocked to know that the Princess was a girl, saying how that she doesn’t seem like a Princess and that she repeatedly thinks of LMD as her friend. LMD then badmouths CYN for his poor actions but Weiyang just tells LMD that she still wishes for him to not be involved. Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 9.48.52 pm.png Then, we have a close up shot of TBY reading the scroll Weiyang accidently lost. Looks like he is going to use this evidence to threaten CYN soon. TBY’s servant then tells him how he saw a tattoo on Juntao’s father’s body and that he’s not sure whether it will be of importance. He shows TBY the drawing of the tattoo who recognises it as Northern Liang’s royal guard. He then suspects that Weiyang might be related to this but his servant says how apparently the assassin (Juntao’s father) was in Weiyang’s tent and stabbed her

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