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Friday, August 24, 2018


Sagar continues to vent his anger out on Janvi. My papa thinks the same. he thinks that the defence lawyer is more smart and intelligent than me. Are you happy now? He heads upstairs followed by Ganga. Janvi wipes her tears.
Ganga claps for Sagar. Wow, advocate Sagar Chaturvedi! You troubled everyone just because of losing a case. He says you don’t know anything. You weren’t there. Ganga shares that she was present there. I saw everything. He asks her if she enjoyed seeing him humiliated. She says you know me so well. Truth is I was really happy to see you there. I was praying for you as well. Remember all the games that we played in childhood? I always wanted you to win. I always used to encourage you, clap for you. I was so proud of you today in the court. I thought you have changed so much
and have matured. But I was wrong. You are still the same. You still cannot bear competition or defeat. You dint change at all. You cannot bear anyone winning or believe it that someone else can be better than you. You still don’t believe it that the other lawyer was better than you.
He wants to know if she means Palash was better than him. Ganga says yes. I could have lied also to make you happy. I could say that the other lawyer was not as good as you but I wont lie. I want your good, your progress. He holds her. Why do you think he is better than me? What did you see in him? She repeats that the other lawyer is better as he trusts his brain more than heart. You will have to overcome your weaknesses if you have to win. Sagar says ofcourse you will like him. You too are like him. You don’t have a heart. You would have understood me if you had a heart. You only have arrogance and have extra self-respect. Your ego, self-respect, and mind has taken over you. You and Palash are alike which is why you see everything good in him and everything bad in me today!
She asks him if he feels better after taunting her now. You have always done this. You have problem with someone else but take it out all on me. He sits down quietly. She too sits down next to him. Will you listen to me now? You might not believe me but truth is that I want to see you reaching new heights. I couldn’t bear it in the courtroom that someone defeated Sagar. I couldn’t bear it in childhood too. Sagar thinks of their childhood (kite competition). I have always wanted that you never see defeat but a true and honest person learns from his mistakes. There are two sides of a coin. Truth too has two sides. One, that other lawyer won. Two, you used your heart so you lost. Think on these lines if you can. She turns to go but he holds her saree’s end. You have become so smart and speak of two sides of truth. You couldn’t realise it till date that there could be 2 sides of our truth too. it is true that I take out all my anger on you. Have you ever tried to figure out why I do so? I think of you as mine and take it all out on you. You get upset with your loved ones only. I married Janvi, hurt you and took revenge. This is one truth. Another truth is that I too am dying because of it. We both are being punished. Am I right? Ganga wipes her tears. He says you took yourself away from me by giving me your swear but (he touches her face) even if any amount of distance comes between them; he can extend his hand anytime, not touch her yet touch her soul anytime. This is also one truth! Ganga opens her eyes with a start. He backs down. I can drown in your tears even after being far from you. She asks him to let her go. It was all past. It cannot come back. Please don’t do this to me. Don’t push yourself in this fire which will burn everyone. Leave me. you are married now. She goes. Ganga notices Janvi standing outside. Janvi leaves without saying anything to her.
Janvi closes her room’s door and cries. Sagar’s words echo in her head (of touching Ganga’s soul). Madhvi knocks at the door. Janvi curtly asks her if she has some work. Madhvi denies. She notices Janvi worried. Janvi says everything is normal as per you. Why do you worry now? Who cares for Janvi? Your son married me and brought me here. It is my problem however way he behaves with me. nothing is right with me. I can’t take this anymore. I don’t want to see anyone. Just leave. She closes the door on Madhvi’s face. Janvi is in tears again while Madhvi is concerned. What happened to Janvi? She never behaved like this with me before.
Janvi continues to throw stuff in her room. She looks at the medicine which Yash gave to her. She looks at the pill.
Pulkit asks Ganga to check Supriya. Something has happened to her. I cannot understand anything. Ganga goes with him. They hear Supriya vomiting. Pulkit shares that it’s happening since morning. Plus she is feeling dizzy. Both Pulki and Ganga get concerned for Supriya. They don’t let Supriya say anything and make her lie down. Ganga asks Pulkit to call doc home. Pulkit agrees. Doc only will scold Supriya. She does not listen to me. Pulkit complains to doc. Supriya smiles. Doc says it happens in such condition. It is morning sickness, nothing serious. Pulkit asks about vomiting (still confused). Doc shares that Supriya is pregnant. Ganga hugs Supriya. Pulkit is elated. Ganga teases him calling him papa ji. ganga hugs both of them. You both have given me such big happiness today that I don’t know what to do. I will inform Babu and Bahu ji. They will be thrilled. Pulkit stops her. He tells her against telling anyone. they don’t care about us then why include them in our happiness? Ganga says this is not the time to be stuck in past. We both have no clue or experience of this. Amma ji and Bahu ji will take very good care of Bhabhi. Pulkit stays put. He goes. Supriya says if Pulkit does not want then we wont tell anyone. Ganga says this is a very big (good) news. Everyone has a right to know and be a part of it.
Madhvi asks Niru if they cannot be happy. Don’t we deserve to be respected? Niru says understand Janvi’s mental condition. It isn’t easy for her to bear what’s happening with her in this house. Sagar behaves so badly with her. She is bound to feel bad. Maybe her mood was off so she spoke rudely to you. Madhvi understands Janvi’s problem. I have always supported her and tried to make her understand that problems come in marriage even if you know someone from many years. She was so rude to me. She closed the door on my face. I always treated her like my daughter and she did this to me. He smiles. Ganga never behaved this way, right? She is taken aback. Where does Ganga fit in here? He says some decisions hurt you for life, making you realise where you went wrong. She asks him if he wants
to call her a culprit. He denies. We all are culprits in this somewhere. We try to hide the truth but truth is a crime has happened in our house. We have been unjust with Ganga. We will never be free from this. Sadly, there will be no court case, hearing or punishment ever yet we will have to bear this punishment always. Seeing Janvi and Sagar’s incomplete relation we will yearn for life. He leaves. Madhvi shakes her head. Nothing wrong happened. I wont let my son’s relation stay incomplete. I wont let his marriage fail. Never!
Sagar observes Palash. He thinks of Niru’s advice to follow legal logics and mind and of Ganga’s words. Niru tells Sagar that Janvi’s father called regarding a case. He wants you to handle it. Sagar declines. Why does he have to recommend my name? Raghav ji reasons that he would want his SIL to get a good name in future. Sagar does not want any favours from anyone. He reminds Niru of his words. Do everything on your own. Niru nods. I still say so. Sagar asks him if he should say no then. Niru agrees. But meet client once. It will be bad manners. I would be proud if anyone calls my son self-made. I wont like it if they call you rude. Sagar agrees. Niru tells him the name of the client.
Palash meets Mr. Malhotra. You are bribing me to hide the truth? Malhotra offers to make him a legal consultant in his company. Palash knows he wants him to keep quiet. I don’t want money. I would have stayed with my parents otherwise. I have a problem. I like freeing my society from high profile criminals like you. Palash talks of the drug business this pharmaceutical company is doing in the name of medicines. I will uncover your truth. Malhotra calls him impractical. You don’t know who you are messing up with. Palash says only people who don’t trust themselves regret. I can see it in you. we will see who regrets what later. Sagar comes to Malhotra’s office. He notices Palash leaving just then.
Ganga and her friend meet a lawyer. They want to work under him (for internship) but he has his hands full. Ganga says we will come to court daily to learn if no one hires us.
Palash scolds his intern for wanting an off. Hire a replacement in your place if you want to go or you wont get an off or certificate.
Ganga and her friend talk about internship. Palash’s junior overhears them. He stops Ganga. She recognizes him to be second year’s law student. Manav nods. He asks her to intern in his place till he is back. She is elated. Who do I have to work with? He asks her to come with him.
Malhotra’s goons give a warning to Palash but he isn’t afraid. Manav brings Ganga there. Palash and Ganga look at each other. Palash asks Manav if he dint find anyone. manav requests him to hire her. I will be back soon. Palash asks Ganga if she knows anything else about women rights. Is she well acquainted with law? I see more of a leader in her than lawyer. Manav requests him so Palash agrees. Manav happily thanks him. He tells Ganga her internship is sorted.
Sagar is with Malhotra. He says no to the case as he does not want to use someone’s recommendations. I want work on my capabilities. He gets a call when Sagar is heading towards the door. Sagar hears him. Malhotra takes Palash’s name. He said no to me. Sagar tells Malhotra that there is another reason for him to say no. I reject the work which someone already has rejected. Palash was your first choice. You called me as he said no, right?
Manav speaks well on Ganga’s behalf before Palash. Ganga is in thoughts though. She thinks of Sagar’s insecurity. Sorry, I cannot do this internship. Palash looks at Manav who explains Ganga how lucky she is to get internship so soon. she cannot disclose the reason yet thanks him for thinking about her. Manav tries to make her understand but in vain.
Malhotra says I dint call Palash. He came to threaten us. He only filed the PIL against our company. He wants to frame us in Drugs Mafia Case. We said no so he threatened us. Sagar thinks Palash is a corrupt lawyer. Malhotra adds that they have sent an executive to talk to Palash. If he still does not agree then we will have to find another way.
Ganga again tells Manav she cannot take up this job. Malhotra’s goons drive past Palash. One goon fires at Palash who gets hurt on the hand. Manav rushes to Palash. Palash challenges the goons as he drives away. there is no point attacking from the back. I wont be scared. Manav tries to take him to hospital. I told you to hire security but you don’t listen to me. Palash refuses. These kinds of people cannot break my confidence but I will fight this case and win it as well. Ganga thinks of how Babu was also this brave. Ganga stops Palash. I have changed my decision. I am ready to support you in this fight for justice.
Sagar says I also want justice. After knowing how Palash is blackmailing you I will have to change my decision now. Sagar also says yes to Malhotra.

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