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Thursday, August 23, 2018


We see Changru visiting Changle saying that since TBJ’s health is better, Changle’s upcoming marriage with TBJ should be no problem. Changru then pretends to be concerned about Changle’s feelings and then brings up how she must be feeling sad especially since her plan to poison Weiyang and to not let her look after TBJ failed. Changle pretends to not know anything but Changru tells her to stop faking as she heard everything. And that the Crown Princess also heard it as well. Changle becomes suspicious with Changru’s purpose, “Why are you telling me this?”. Changru then tells Changle that they have a common enemy, Li Weiyang. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 7.45.11 pm.png Later, we see Princess running excitingly to LMD who’s glad that he hasn’t left the state yet. LMD then tells her that he thinks of her as a friend which pleases the Princess who tells him that he should promise to not go anywhere. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 7.50.01 pm.png Then, Weiyang goes to her room and Juntao hurriedly comes to greet Weiyang. Weiyang claims that she’s glad to see her again and that she knew that nothing bad would have happened to her. Weiyang then begins to check whether Juntao has any injuries, such a mother hen Then she asks Juntao why did she wear a dress? Juntao remains quiet and we see a flashback of her wearing this dress in front of TBJ’s servant who compliments her. However, Weiyang doesn’t give up and keeps on questioning her who tries to avoid the topic. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 7.53.00 pm.png Then we see TBJ and Weiyang walking closely together around the palace. We see Weiyang getting suspicious at how TBJ got injured at Hua Tai, and that there were assassins on their way back to the Capital. She then says how TBY escorted her to Hua Tai, helped TBJ with the battles and is now fighting triumpantly. TBJ quickly stops her from getting deeper since he doesn’t want to suspect his uncle.
Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 8.03.00 pm.png Next, TBJ gets mothered by his mother who stops his from reading books to give him medicine. She then asks, “Weiyang already left?”. TBJ quickly defends Weiyang and tells her that Weiyang does care for him. His mother says that she might be faking but tells him that she saw Changle wrongly. TBJ then tells his mother that Changle didn’t even save him previously but Weiyang. She then becomes disappointed that Changle has lied to them both. But the mother then tells that disregarding Changle, he still must find a girl with status not Weiyang. TBJ tells his mother that he doesn’t care for these things and that he plans to ask the Emperor to allow him, Weiyang and the Crown Princess to live together away from the Capital. Looks like the mother likes the sound of that but tries to play hard to get hahas. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 8.04.32 pm.png Meanwhile, Weiyang goes to find LMD who was staring at Weiyang’s hairpin. She came to congratulate LMD for getting a promotion but LMD tells her that he didn’t accept it. He then tells her to not worry about him but Weiyang replies, “If I don’t care about you who will?”. He then asks Weiyang, “If I don’t go and don’t come back, will you miss me?”. Weiyang then threatens LMD that if he dares to not come back, she will get TBJ to get his armies to bring him back. LMD ends it with a joke and tells her that he won’t leave her. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 8.13.55 pm.png
Later, we see the Princess telling LMD why must he go to Rouran and accept the Emperor’s orders? She begs him to let her beg her father to let him stay at the Capital but LMD tells her that he must go. As he leaves, he accidently drops Weiyang’s hairpin. The Princess picks it up and asks him why does he keep Weiyang’s hairpin with him. She then realises that LMD has always worried about Weiyang instead of her while LMD denies and says that he only cares about her as his sister. The Princess tells him that she hates him and runs away in sadness.
Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 8.17.28 pm.png Then, we see the Princess crying by herself, upset at LMD. She shouts at her servants to get out despite them trying to get her to eat. Then another servant comes in saying that LMD is requesting to meet with her. The Princess refuses and even stops her servant from suggesting to get LMD punished for upsetting her.
Afterwards, we see the Princess ignoring LMD when they walk past each other. LMD tries to tell the Princess something who then dismisses her servants to let them speak privately. LMD then explains that the hairpin is indeed Weiyang’s but that they only have a brother-sister relationship. He then says that only Weiyang looked after him when his mother passed away. Hence, he only thinks of Weiyang as his close family member. This calms down the Princess who believe his words and says that he is her good friend in this world.
Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 8.23.47 pm.png Meanwhile, Juntao comes in saying that there’s a message for Weiyang but she doesn’t know who’s the sender. Weiyang reads the message but can’t figure out who would send this to her. The next day, she lets TBJ read the message who says that the person who sent his has motives. Weiyang agrees and says that the person who wrote this letter has the scroll and definitely knows Weiyang’s true identity. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 8.28.22 pm.png
Later, we see Chengde and Juntao together. Looks like they are having a sweet moment! Then we see Weiyang teasing Juntao about Chengde who quickly tells Weiyang that there’s nothing going on between them. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 8.31.36 pm.png Next, we see the Crown Princess shouting for help as her legs hurt. Weiyang then asks Juntao to help the Crown Princess back to her palace, but the Crown Princess stops her and says that she wants Weiyang to carry her instead. Weiyang then piggybacked the Crown Princess all the way back to her room before personally pouring tea for her.
Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 8.37.06 pm.png Then Weiyang proceeded to leave but is quickly stopped as the Crown Princess asks Weiyang to help her massage her legs which still hurts. Looks like Weiyang knows what the Crown Princess is up to while Juntao complains that its not Weiyang’s job. The Crown Princess then tells Weiyang to massage it lighter, then harder, then lighter before complaining that she massaged it too hard. Weiyang then tells the Crown Princess outright that she knows that she’s faking her pain who quickly denies it but then admits it. Weiyang then says that she played along because she’s TBJ’s mother and is an important person to TBJ. This pleases the mother who then still continues to play hard to get. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 8.43.58 pm.png
Meanwhile, we see Changle being sad and despondent. Looks like she’s anxious since she’s losing the Crown Princess’ support. CYN then walks in and tells off Changle for not already becoming TBJ’s wife. She then begs her cousin to help her but CYN just says a sentence “明强融多,暗箭难防” – False friends are worse than bitter enemies.
Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 8.44.25 pm.png Then, CYN’s man asks CYN why does he support TBY and also support Changle’s desire to marry TBJ. He then says that once he gets his hand on the scroll, he won’t be TBY’s underdog anymore. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 8.51.24 pm.png Later, Changle tells her mother of her failings. The mother tries to console her but Changle tells Da Furen that she’s getting tired of this. Then a servant comes in saying that Changru sent this message to Changle. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 8.51.52 pm.png Then we see Changle telling Changru that she can’t do what she’s asking of her. Changru scoffs and tries to persuade Changle. Looks like Changru is revealing her true nature in front of Changle. Remembering her cousin’s earlier words, Changle then agrees to work with Changru to get rid of their common enemy, Weiyang. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 8.54.20 pm.png Later, Changle asks Chunming about her mother’s eating habits. Chunming tells her that Da Furen has been eating less and less and is not awake for long. Seems like there’s not too long to go till Da Furen’s death…
Once alone, Changle tells her mother how she regrets bringing disappointment to her mother but today she made a clear decision [to get rid of Weiyang with Changru].
Meanwhile, we see Changru looking at the hairpin Weiyang got for her in anger as she scarily says Weiyang’s and Changle’s name.
Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 9.02.59 pm.png Next, we see Weiyang anxiously waiting for another letter from the anonymous person. Weiyang then tells Juntao that this person must want her to be anxious so that she will lose her calmness in order to make careless mistakes. Baizhi then comes in saying that she received a message that TBY is coming back and the Emperor is throwing a banquet for his return.
Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 9.06.30 pm.png Then, we see the Emperor with the Crown Princess and TBJ happily having a meal together. Soon the Emperor begins to experience headaches which worries the other two. He tells them that he saw a doctor recently and realised that it must be due to old age. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 9.09.15 pm.png Later, the Crown Princess tells TBJ that she’s considering to spend her days happily outside of the palace. This pleases TBJ and his mother continues to say that she only wants her son’s happiness and that she won’t be against him and Weiyang together. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 9.13.31 pm.png Afterwards, Juntao comes running to Weiyang saying that there’s another letter for her. Weiyang quickly opens it to find a map saying that she must go to this place alone in order to get the scroll. Juntao says that she will secretly follow Weiyang but Weiyang tells her that there might be people following their every move. Juntao then asks Weiyang if she will tell TBJ about this. Seems like she’s in a dilemma because if she tells him, he won’t allow her to go alone and if she doesn’t, she will feel guilty since she will be breaking their promise.
Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 9.14.08 pm.png She then tells Juntao to get her ink and paper. Weiyang then copies the map and instructs Juntao to deliver the map to TBJ only after half a stick of incense burns after she leaves

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