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Monday, August 20, 2018


We see TBY on his way back to the Capital with his servant when he then thinks about Weiyang and how she cared for him. He then makes a U-turn, probably to go to Weiyang who’s on her way to TBJ. We then see a suspicious figure walking towards Weiyang so they quickly went to hide while Juntao goes to confront him. We then realise that it’s TBY’s servant and TBY then comes into the scene. Looks like they will be going to meet with TBJ together. screen-shot-2016-11-28-at-2-04-08-pm Meanwhile, LMD realised that something must have happened to Weiyang since she’s missing. LMD asks his men (Khan) why haven’t they received any news about Weiyang since they’re been following her. He then came to a conclusion that they have deceived him since they don’t want to save Weiyang. Then one of the men says that Weiyang is safe with TBY and that they have escaped safely. Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 2.08.16 pm.png Oh no! It seems like TBY does have ulterior motives as he sent his servant back to the Capital with a message to CYN. Weiyang however still believes that TBY is only accompanying her because he’s worried about his nephew..
Then TBY’s men comes in saying that they can’t go to TBJ since Hua Tai has been surrounded by the enemy. Weiyang becomes disheartened but then thinks of a way to get in. Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 2.10.47 pm.png Meanwhile, TBY’s servant returns to the Capital without TBY which worries Changru. He then updates Changru on the situation as Changru becomes agitated that TBY is with Weiyang.
Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 2.15.42 pm.png Back to TBY, he is puzzled as to why Weiyang is catching birds. She tells him that he will know later. She then accidently falls from the tree and TBY quickly catches her before she falls. Weiyang then proceeds to gather the birds.
Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 2.18.18 pm.png Meanwhile, CYN burns TBY’s letter as to hide evidence of their liason and tells TBY’s servant to tell TBY that he won’t disappoint him. CYN then gives orders that 24 people will need to help TBY.
Then, we see Weiyang’s plan in the works. She explains the plan’s success to TBY who looks at her in amazement. Juntao and Baizhi then comes in, happy that their plan was a success. TBY then thinks to himself that Weiyang is not a person to be underestimated and that if he has her, he will be able to accomplish his ambitions.
Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 2.21.47 pm.png Because of Weiyang’s plan, she diverted the enemy’s attention and now Hua Tao is no longer surrounded by them. TBJ and his soldiers become curious as to who thought out of this plan. Then, the gate opens and we see Weiyang. TBY and Weiyang then run to each other as they reunite again.
Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 2.24.46 pm.png Then we see the soldiers all praising Weiyang for her plan to divert the enemy. The soldiers and TBJ then toast to each other for their victories before TBY toasts to TBY for protecting Weiyang. Meanwhile, TBJ’s servant is drunk and begins to annoy Juntao. Then, he accidently pulls Juntao into him and they both KISSED which shocks the both of them lol. Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 2.26.23 pm.png Later, when they’re alone, TBJ keeps on praising Weiyang and thanks her for saving him and their country. He then tells Weiyang that he will arrange for her to go back to the Capital. Weiyang refuses saying that she will wait till reinforcement arrives and that she wants to be with him. He tells her that this place is dangerous but she reminds his of their promise of being together forever. She then gifts him with a charm to wish his protection.
Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 2.30.27 pm.png After talking strategies with TBJ and the soldiers, we see TBJ ordering his men to prepare for the upcoming battle. Then Weiyang comes along and gifts him with a protection charm. TBY says, “Shouldn’t you give this to TBJ?”. Weiyang then says that she already gave one to him and that she made these charms herself. He then thanks her and walks away to his room. At first he threw the charm away but then grabs it back, looking at it in more detail, “I want to see whether you protective charm can even protect him (TBJ)”. Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 2.36.54 pm.png Then its nightfall and it seems like TBJ and his soldiers are going to battle soon. Weiyang comes in but he abruptly tells her that she can’t come. She tells him that she might be of help to him but he says that she’s a girl. She then tells him that he’s underestimating females and that previously he praised her. But he explains that this will be a face-face battle and the situation is different. He also says that he has a treasured object and brings out her protective charm, saying that he will come back safely.
Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 2.40.01 pm.png Afterwards, we see the soldiers with TBJ and TBY out in the field. Then suddenly, an arrow shoots straight at TBJ, injuring him badly. Meanwhile, the Emperor praises TBJ for his actions against Liu Song – looks like he’s no longer mad at his grandson. Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 2.43.32 pm.png Then, we see that TBJ has returned to the base camp where the soldiers say that TBJ must return to the Capital to get treatment. Weiyang, looking worried, promises that she will bring him safely there. Then we see TBY returning triumphantly as the soldiers shout out praises to him. TBY then comes in to see his nephew, saying that he has arranged for TBJ to be brought back to the Capital. Then, he leaves and tell his servant to tell CYN the route TBJ will take, “He will know what to do”. Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 2.45.48 pm.png On their way back to the Capital, we see assassins killing their guards and ambushing the carriage. Looks like it was a diversion as there was no one but Baizhi (who escapes) inside the carriage. As Baizhi runs away, she gets followed by an assassin who then gets shot by LMD’s arrow. YAY he’s here! Baizhi then brings LMD with her to meet with Weiyang, unknowingly that there’s another group of assassins watching them.
Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 2.49.49 pm.png Meanwhile, we see TBY being brought back to his room after a drinking sesh with the soldiers. When he wakes up a while later, he gets scared because he’s alone in a dark room (remember how he’s traumatised from childhood), and accidently kills a fellow soldier. He then remembers how the doctors could not cure him but Weiyang could…he then calls his servant and orders him to make sure that Weiyang’s life must be protected. Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 2.54.22 pm.png
Afterwards, we see Weiyang bringing TBJ to a hidden cave to rest. She tries to warm him up before hiding up the entrance to the cave. Then LMD and Baizhi comes into the cave, surprising Weiyang. Outside, we see LMD’s men guarding the cave while the assassins get ready to kill them. However, TBY’s servant comes along and tells them not to as he’s here to bring them back to the Capital safely. Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 3.01.21 pm.png Next, we see them back at the Capital as the Crown Princess hurries to look at her son. She then blames Weiyang for everything bad that has happened to her son and tells her not to get close with TBJ again. Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 3.02.02 pm.png Weiyang then gets escorted back to her house by TBY’s servant and is met with Changru. She then pries for more information from Weiyang and finds out that TBY has saved Weiyang’s life numerous times. She gets jealous after hearing Weiyang saying good things about TBY but remains composed. Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 3.04.25 pm.png Weiyang then meets up with the rest of her family as Granny Li and her mother couldn’t contain their happiness and excitement at Weiyang’s return. Screen Shot 2016-11-28 at 9.18.45 pm.png
Then, Changru gets upset when she realised that TBY didn’t leave any messages for her and that he has time to protect Weiyang. She then worries that TBY doesn’t have her in his heart. Her servant then suggests Changru to personally go and send a letter to TBY who agrees and says that she will write a letter and personally go to his house so that they can relay the message to TBY

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