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Monday, August 20, 2018


Epi begins with Sagar realising his mistake and apologizing to Niru. I have hurt you a lot because of what I did in the past days but not anymore. Now I will become a good son. They share an emotional moment.
Next morning, Sagar gets ready. Janvi talks to him about Pag Phera ritual. If I go then you will come to pick me up, right? Sagar tries to leave but she does not let him. She asks him if she is important to him or not. Will I ever be able to become your wife in the real sense? MAdhvi asks her what she means by that. You are my DIL and Sagar’s wife. Sagar agrees. You are mom’s DIL. Janvi adds that she is his wife also, right. Sagar leaves without saying a word. Janvi thinks not to go to her parents’ home. I cannot leave them both alone. Ganga will do anything to win him back from me. Madhvi
says he has just promised his papa he will change for good. Give him some time. He will realise his responsibility towards you as well. Don’t be afraid of anything.
Niru is giving dictation to Raghav ji regarding a case. Sagar says papa. Niru is touched to see him dressed for the court. Both Niru and Raghav ji bless Sagar. Niru makes Sagar try his shoes. They fit Sagar perfectly. Niru calls it a moment of pride for every father when his shoes fit his son. he also gives him his lucky pen. Madhvi is happy to see them both happy after a long time. She tells Sagar about Janvi cooking something for the first time today. He goes out without saying anything to her. She complains to Niru. Niru is sure Sagar has heard her. he will stay back for breakfast. Pick out my clothes for me. I will go to court today to see my son’s work. She is concerned about his health but he says I am hale and hearty after seeing my son understanding his responsibilities. She agrees. Raghav ji too is happy to see Niru happy after so many days. Niru gives the credit to Ganga. She is the one who has returned our happiness to us. Raghav ji shares that it is her exam today.
Ganga is doing last minute revisions. Supriya comes there with sweetened curd. Ganga recalls Madhvi making her eat sweetened curd before all her papers. She also used to specially ask Niru to pull her ears while wishing her good luck. A flashback is shown. Ganga asks Babu to pull her ears so she can do well in papers. He calls it her superstition while she calls it her good luck charm. He happily pulls her ears and wishes her good luck. She gets happy. Flashback ends.
Niru too thinks of the same. Raghav ji suggests him to wish Ganga. Niru knows Ganga will not come to seek his blessings today. I have hurt her pride big time. She will never forgive me for this.
Ganga tells Supriya that she will show everyone she is just like River Ganga. Anyone can try to stop her but she knows how to make a way for herself. It never stops. I too will not back down ever and reach my goals. Supriya advises Ganga not to be so stone hearted. Forgive papa. Ganga says Pulkit BHaiya must be waiting.
Janvi has made kheer as per the ritual. Niru happily takes it while Sagar goes outside without even replying to Janvi. Niru compliments Janvi. He also give nek to Janvi. She bends down to touch his feet. He notices Ganga passing from there and loudly blesses her indirectly through Janvi. Do good. Madhvi realises what he is doing while Janvi is confused. Niru says if it was in my hands then I would have pulled your ears to bless you but maybe you wont like it. Ganga is all teary eyed. Pulkit calls out for her as they are getting late. She leaves. Niru leaves with Raghav ji. Janvi is confused about Niru’s blessings. I thought he will wish me like you. I dint understand his words at all. Janvi
Outside, Pulkit tells Ganga that he is more concerned about her paper than her. Sagar hears them. You have paper today? Ganga tells Pulkit to drive. Sagar says wont you even let me wish you. He gifts her the same pen to write the papers given by Niru. Ganga and Sagar talk through Pulkit. She says I have pen already. Sagar wonders what she is so arrogant about. I accepted it when she said she does not live me. Why she always talks so coldly to me? He puts the pen in her bag. Think of this as your Babu’s blessing. He sits in his car while Pulkit and Ganga leave.
Sagar is talking to his client. He looks for a pen but he dint bring any other. On the other hand, Ganga’s pen is not working. She writes the paper with the pen given by Sagar. Mora Piya plays in the background. Sagar watches Ganga studying hard for her exams while talking on phone. She realises his presence and he leaves. Janvi keeps trying to talk to Sagar but in vain. Madhvi notices the same. Pulkit’s bike is not working. Sagar checks the clock. Pulkit tells Ganga to take rickshaw as she is getting late. She cannot find a rickshaw so Sagar leaves her cycle before her. Both Sagar and Ganga concentrate on their careers.
Ganga excitedly tells Supriya her paper went too good today. Supriya says you deserve a party then. Prabha asks them about the party. Both the girls go quiet. Prabha acts to gain
their sympathy. Didi thinks I am at your side while you both think I am with them. I am very much concerned for both of you but I am scared of Didi. You both think I am Ganga’s enemy? Supriya denies. Prabha insists to know what they were discussing. Supriya shares that Ganga’s exams got over. Prabha acts to be happy for Ganga. Ganga wants to wait for Pulkit but Prabha suggests them to be back before evening. She suggests a restaurant to them (Swagat). Ganga tries to postpone but Supriya says you got free today only. Let’s celebrate. Prabha tell them to enjoy. She leaves to meet Madhvi.
Madhvi talks to Janvi. You don’t talk to anyone or stay happy. you will fall ill. Maharaj ji agrees. She looks so sad all the time. No one will call her a new bride. Madhvi tells him to do his work. Prabha seconds Maharaj ji. It does not look like Janvi has just married. Sagar got busy in his work. Janvi says he will take me out only if he cares about me. He does not even talk to me. Prabha says men are like that only. Nothing matters to them other than work. We are here for you though. She asks Madhvi to call Sagar. I know a very good restaurant. Both the kids will enjoy. You can give him your swear if he tries to ditch. Madhvi goes to call Janvi. Prabha is looking forward to the new drama which will happen soon.
Supriya speaks to Pulkit. He isn’t coming. He is worried as about the start up. Ganga begins to check the menu when she notices Sagar on the opposite table. They both look at each other. Janvi likes the place. Sagar wants to leave. She wants to spend time with him even if he is forced to. Just give me this forced happiness. Ganga asks Supriya to head to some other place. Supriya points out that there is no good place nearby. Pulkit stays busy all the time so we don’t go out.
Two guys sitting at the nearby table eye Ganga and Supriya. One of them intentionally lights a cigarette. The smoke makes both the girls uncomfortable. Supriya requests them to go outside for a smoke. The guys say sorry but don’t stop smoking. Sagar is watching it all from his table. Janvi asks him what he would like to have. Ganga keeps coughing because of the smoke. She notices Sagar’s angry expressions. They both recall how he used to help her whenever she used to cough because of smoke. Supriya asks the waiter to make the guys understand or change their table. Waiter shares that the restaurant is full. The guys refuse to stop smoking. Sagar looks at the guys angrily.
Prabha asks Madhvi to sit with her. Maharaj ji will do that work. She gives lassi to Madhvi but Madhvi is worried about Sagar and Janvi. Their tension should go away as soon as possible. Distance between them is not right. Prabha assures her things will get better if they spend quality time with each other. She thinks poor Didi has no idea that problems are only going to increase. Ganga and Supriya have gone to the same restaurant. It will be fun to see what happens now!
Sagar takes an ash tray from the manager and keeps it at the guy’s table. Stop smoking. They ask him what his problem is. Sagar says it is banned to smoke in public places. Plus the girls are not comfortable. Janvi notices Ganga. The guys repeat that those who have problem should go out. Sagar calls it a crime to smoke in public place. They again ask him what that girl means to him. sagar says she is my everything. Who are you to ask this question? Stop smoking right away. The guys get up. The manager asks the guys to leave but they call Sagar a cuprit. He has been misbehaving. The guys challenge Sagar and he too does not back off. Ganga steps in between. She asks Sagar why she has to do all this. Manager takes the guys out. The guy threatens Sagar. You have come with another girl and look at other girls yourself. We will see you outside.
Ganga asks Sagar why he did all this drama. He reasons that it was the guys who were doing a drama. She says I could handle it. why do you something new every time? Why do you have to interfere in every matter? Who are you to me? Supriya tries to make her understand but Sagar tells her to let it be. Ganga thinks she is a superwoman who can handle everything on her own. Her self-respect gets hurt when someone tries to help her. Let me clear it. I stepped in between for bhabhi, not you. We share no relation but Bhabhi means a lot to me. You cannot stop me if I do something for her. He walks out of the restaurant followed by Janvi. Ganga is in tears.
Janvi and Sagar come home. Janvi rushes inside upset. Madhvi asks Janvi about the dinner. Why are you crying? Did Sagar say something to you? She asks Sagar. Janvi says we don’t know if we went there to eat dinner or do drama. What was Ganga doing there? She complains to Madhvi about Ganga. she is at every place where we go to. Be it home, restaurant or any place. Your son forgets everything when he sees her. Ask him why he married him if Ganga means everything to him! Madhvi looks at Sagar.

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