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Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Janvi gets all the more upset to see Ganga and SUpriya come home just then. I will get my answers today. What’s my status and what does she want! Sagar asks her where she is going to. She replies that it does not concern him. Janvi walks to the other side of the house followed by Sagar. She confronts Ganga. why don’t you leave us alone? I know you intentionally came in the same restaurant today. what do you want? Why don’t you let husband and wife live happily? Supriya calls it a coincidence. Janvi calls Ganga overly smart. Understand it Ganga that Sagar cannot be yours now. He is married to me. Leave us alone for God’s sake. Stop following my husband. Sagar tries to say something but Janvi does not let her. Madhvi asks Janvi to come back. I will talk to Sagar. Ganga stops her. She turns
to Janvi. The sooner you understand it the better. I did love Sagar but I never loved your husband and never will! I wanted to make Sagar mine for forever but I have no relation with your husband. I left you both alone long ago. It will be good if you both leave me alone now. You thought you will get his love by snatching him? Truth is you both aren’t together even after being together. you should think why is that so! Janvi says how you dare talk to me like that. Sagar is and will always be mine. You are jealous of me as you could not get him. I know girls like you very well. You wanted to trap a rich guy like Sagar. Love was just a sham. You only wanted money. Sadly, you could not do so as everyone here knows your truth. Why don’t you go somewhere else? Try trapping someone else. Sagar angrily says Janvi. What are you saying? You wont talk like this again about Ganga! There is a limit in a relation. You are crossing it. Janvi asks him what they both are doing then. You married me and went to someone else on the first night itself. What should I think? How do I accept it? She calls Ganga a low class girl. She is your mistress, right? Sagar shouts at her to stop. Not another word or it wont be good. Don’t forget that if we can marry by signing on one paper then this relation can also end by signing on another paper too! Both Ganga and Janvi are stunned. He leaves. Janvi asks Ganga if she is happy. this is what you wanted. You are a widow. You cannot get happiness of marriage so you want to ruin my happiness. But I wont let you do this. I wont let you win! She goes. Madhvi looks angrily at Ganga.
Ganga blows conch in her room. She is hurt by what happened just now. Supriya asks her how many voices she will try to drown in the noise of conch and till when. Ganga replies she will try till she can. I have to ignore all these voices, the insults, the taunts. Anyone can try as much but cannot sway me from my path. Ganga means flowing uninterrupted. This Ganga will also reach her destination. Supriya knows it already. My Ganga can never lose. Exams are over. You should find an internship for yourself. How can I not respect your self-respect? You spoke of paying the rent. Ganga happily nods. you are very good. You are saying this to encourage me. Wish everyone else could understand me as well. You understood me in such less time.
Niru asks Madhvi to bring tea in his study room. He finds Sagar sleeping there. He asks Madhvi about it. She says he might be working till late. He does not buy her. I know there is something else. I know he married Janvi in anger and rush but it wont be easy for him to live this relation. I told this to you that night itself. It’s all because of me. I shouldn’t have separated Sagar from Ganga. Maybe this is good for everyone. She says maybe. How come you began to use this word? You always said or did something with full confidence. He cannot see his kids breaking down. She asks him to trust her. I wont let my son’s relation break so easily. I wont let him play with Janvi’s life. He has married her. this isn’t a game. It is a relation of lifetime. I thought time will help but now I cannot leave anything on time. I will do something.
Ganga buys newspapers to find job for herself. Pulkit calls her mad. She speaks about how difficult it is to find a job. He calls her filmy. She says internship is very important for me. I will have to prove myself. It is very important for me. He nods. Madhvi calls out for Ganga. You have to prove something else as well. I raised you with so much love since you were a kid. You will have prove it that your Babu was not wrong in bringing you home. You also have to prove that you are capable to repay all the love that we gave to you. Will you be able to do so? Pulkit asks her what she wants to day. Madhvi asks Ganga if she will be able to do it. Ganga agrees. It is good that you asked me to pay you back. Don’t worry. I will repay each and every favour done by you even if the payment is too big. Madhvi asks her if she will back out later. Pulkit advises Ganga to clearly ask mom what she wants. Ganga tells him not to worry. Just like Babu, Bahu ji is also asking for the payment of her love. she isn’t doing any favour on me. what can be better than this? You bargain before buying something. I only have to pay now. Tell me Bahu ji what is the cost of your motherly love. Madhvi asks Ganga to come with her. Pulkit again tells Ganga not to fall in anyone’s words. They are trying to trap you. Take care of yourself. Ganga goes with Madhvi.
Sagar is surprised to see Ganga in the study room. She asks him if he isn’t happy to see her. They both talk about the new sides of each other that they are getting to see / meet nowadays. He walks up to her. what all happened? How did it happen between us and why? Why did you do this? Tell me how we reached here. She moves his hands away. He immediately backs off. I am sorry. I know you don’t like me touching you. you had told me not to touch you. I am sorry. So many distances have come between us. You snatched all rights from me. Why are you here now? She shows him their joint piggy bank. We have to do some counting. He opens it right away asking her to count it and end the matter today. She moves a coin towards him. This is for the day I came in the house upon your asking and Amma ji let me stay back. He moves a coin towards her for she let him win intentionally in cricket. They keep thinking of the old times as they distribute money equally between each other. Sagar says they both have hurt each other badly. No one is less, neither you nor me. We dint even lose any count. She denies. We are still not even. you have one coin extra. I have come to take count of that only. He gives another coin to her but she says it wont even things between them. He asks her what she wants. She asks him if he will be able to give what she wants. He can give his life on one gesture. Why do you ask then? She points out that what she is asking for is more valuable than life. I want you to give all the rights to Janvi that a wife deserves. Epi ends on Sagar’s stunned face
Sagar is stunned. You want this? She nods. He walks up to her. No, you are lying. You don’t want this. This is why you are not even looking in my eye. She wipes her tears and turns to face him. Now I am looking in your eye. You have married Janvi. You have some responsibility towards her. Don’t make the world blame me for your relation. Don’t let the world taunt me. Accept Janvi from heart. Give her all the rights. For me! He says Sagar can do anything for you. I wont even waste a second in ruining myself. I know this is why you are saying this to me. I will destroy myself if I have to but don’t be upset. I accept Janvi as my wife now. Are you happy now? We are even now. She picks up her share. He looks hurt. She says thank you to him and leaves. Sagar says thank you Ganga. You killed
me from inside today. Thank you!
Outside, Ganga calls out after Madhvi. I did what you asked from me. You have raised me with so much love. I had begun to think of you as my Maiyya. I repaid that favour today. She shows the coins to her. Madhvi stands quietly. Ganga goes upstairs.
Sagar keeps looking at the coins and thinks of Ganga’s words. You turned out to be very particular about hisab.
Madhvi notices Sagar going upstairs. I wonder what happened to him.
Sagar comes to his room and makes Janvi sit on the bed. I came to you. Are you happy now? She tries to say something but he does not let her talk. She is after me! She wants to trap me for money and fun. This is what you said about her. She gave me the biggest punishment today. She took herself away from me. She closed all the doors. Janvi again tries to get up but he makes her sit down. She has taken a promise from me. I have to accept you as my wife from heart and give you all the rights. He shows her the mirror. Look at yourself. Mrs. Janvi Sagar Chaturvedi! You are really lucky to get the name that papa refused to give to Ganga. you are lucky to have the mangalsutra of my name. The vermilion which Ganga wore in her head since childhood but could not claim! You are really lucky to have all of it! I give you all the rights. This is what you wanted, right? I had no idea you would be so desperate to get me that you never thought what I want. You did not think who my heart beats for. I was angry so I married you. I agree I made a mistake. You were in your senses atleast. You put all the blame on Ganga! Ganga is anyways great. She did another great thing. She first donated me to her Babu and now she gave me to you. Janvi is in tears. He tells her to be happy. You made Ganga lose. Truth is Ganga still did not lose though. Only I have lost. From today onwards I am your husband and vice versa. You have all the rights on everything that is mine. He keeps her hand on his chest saying this body belongs to you too. She pushes him away. He says this is what you wanted. You wanted to come close to me. You must have realised this is a dead body. This heart is only for name sake. Sagar breaks the mirror and shows it to Janvi. No one can handle broken relation. You will get me but whenever you will look at our relation you will always see it broken and scattered, like your face in the broken mirror. This is the truth of our relation! He leaves. Janvi cries. Madhvi comes there hearing the noise. She notices the broken mirror and Janvi.
Sagar stands outside in the balcony. Sad music plays. Someone pats at his shoulder. He turns to look at Ganga. She blows at his eyes and picks up a tear from his cheek. In her room, Ganga is unable to sleep. She imagines Sagar patting at her head. She sits up startled.
Janvi looks at the broken mirror. She takes out a bottle from the drawer. Yash greets her. She closes the door so no one can hear their convo. Why did you come here? He says you forgot me. She tells him to go but he tells her not to worry. You stay alone here. Sagar does not stay with you. She is shocked. What’s Sagar doing in balcony when he has such a beautiful wife? I pity you. He takes the sleeping pills from her hand. I can end your pain. She raises her hand to hit him but he holds it. I only came to ask how you are doing. He gives a medicine to Janvi. Take one pill with water. It will take you to heaven. You can see its effect then. You will wake up fresh. She is hesitant but he asks her to trust her friend. I have helped you so much. I will go but do take the pill with water. You will thank me always. He jumps out of the window. Janvi picks up the glass. Yash looks at her from outside. You will be in another world as soon as you will take the medicine. He goes. Janvi throws the pills away.
Next morning, Supriya and Pulkit come to wake Ganga up. Supriya covers Ganga’s eyes when Pulkit shows the newspaper to Ganga. She realises that the result is out. She does not find her roll number in the list. It means I did not pass the exams? Pulkit and Supriya say sorry. Ganga is sure her papers went fab. Supriya starts laughing. Ganga is panicked. Pulkit sweetly scolds Supriya for spoiling the surprise. He takes the paper from Ganga and shows her another article. She has topped in Banaras. Ganga is elated.

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