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Tuesday, August 21, 2018


The doctor tells the Crown Princess of her son’s ill health and that he will try his best to help TBJ. Changle then arrives and shows the Crown Princess her caring nature towards TBJ as she begs the Crown Princess to let her personally help TBJ. This pleases the Crown Princess who gives permission to Changle. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 5.06.58 pm.png Then both Changle and the Crown Princess go outside to welcome the Emperor who has come to see his grandson. Just as he was about to go in, Weiyang comes begging him to allow her to see TBJ. He allows Weiyang to go in, despite the Crown Princess’ protest, explaining that TBJ was able to survive and be back at home is due to Weiyang. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 5.11.51 pm.png We still see TBJ being unconscious even when the Emperor is here. Weiyang tries to go and help the doctor but the Crown Princess keeps on denying Weiyang permission to get closer to TBJ. After a few attempts, the Crown Princess finally concedes and Weiyang quickly goes to warm up TBJ. Then we see TBJ’s complexion getting better as he’s warming up. The doctor compliments Weiyang and tells the Emperor that it will be better for Weiyang to look after TBJ. The Emperor then asks Weiyang if she’s willing and she quickly agreed.
Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 5.15.27 pm.png Later, we see both Changle and Weiyang looking after TBJ. Just as Weiyang was about to feed him medicine, Changle stops her and asks her to let her do it. Changle then tells her that she’s in charge and that the Crown Princess will not want Weiyang to do it. Weiyang just gives her the medicine as she doesn’t want to argue with them anymore and tells her that she wishes Changle will genuinely help TBJ regain his health before retiring to her bedchamber. The Crown Princess then arrives and asks Changle where is Weiyang since she’s by herself. Changle then lies by saying that Weiyang said she was tired which annoyed the Crown Princess. The doctor then arrives to check on TBJ’s health and tells them that TBJ has gotten worse, “Didn’t you guys look after him well?”, and that they should summon Weiyang back saying that she has the experience to help him look after TBJ. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 5.21.03 pm.png When the Crown Princess’ servant goes into Weiyang’s bedchamber to wake her up, she finds out that Weiyang is feverish (there’s camera shots of the food, so she probably has food poisoning). Then we see the doctor performing acupuncture on her hand as the Crown Princess and Changle oversee the procedure. Weiyang then wakes up and the Crown Princess immediately asks her to save TBJ who’s gotten worse.
OMG please give the girl a break! She’s clearly unwell yet the Crown Princess only begs Weiyang when she needs her and will then cast her aside once she’s no longer useful…
Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 6.44.04 pm.png Then we see Weiyang looking after TBJ, feeding him medicine, wiping his face and warming him up. The next day, the doctor tells the Crown Princess that TBJ’s health has turned for the better. YAY! But the next 2 days will be very important so Weiyang says that she will be looking after TBJ these next 2 days. Changle also requests to look after TBJ but was soon dismissed by the Crown Princess after the doctor says that it won’t be too good to have too many people with him.
Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 6.47.47 pm.png Afterwards, Changle asks her servant, “Did you not give her enough poison? How did she just wake up from one needle?”. The servant quickly kneels saying that she did give her enough poison but the doctor was just too good. Changle quickly tells her servant to get up before someone sees. However, unknowingly to Changle, the Crown Princess heard their whole conversation as did Changru. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 6.57.52 pm.png Meanwhile, Weiyang keeps on wishing for TBJ to wake up quickly from his deep slumber. Her wish was soon granted as he gains consciousness while Weiyang cries out loud. He then comes into realisation that Weiyang has been caring and looking after his these past few days and believed that the person who saved him when he was deeply poison was also Weiyang, not Changle. Weiyang admits to everything which pleases TBJ immensely. She then slowly dozes off and TBJ lightly puts her head on his pillow. He also quickly shushes the servant so as to not wake up Weiyang before kissing Weiyang on her forehead. Then, we see the Crown Princess quietly coming in seeing them together and smiling before leaving them in peace.
Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 7.06.29 pm.png The next morning, the doctor checks TBJ’s health once again and tells the Crown Princess that he’s already better. TBJ then wakes up and looks around for Weiyang. His mother tells him that she has already sent her home which disappointed TBJ as he thinks that Weiyang was forcefully removed. But his mother says that she only sent Weiyang back to allow her to rest comfortably and that she’s free to come and see TBj anytime she wants.
Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 7.08.30 pm.png Meanwhile, Changru arrives at TBY’s place and looks around. She smiles as she reminisces the memories she had with TBY but not before seeing the belt she made for TBY on a desk. She then becomes angry that TBY tricked her into believing that he has feelings for her since he did not uphold his promise to always wear the belt. And we see that she blames Weiyang for this.
Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 7.14.31 pm.png Afterwards, Weiyang comes and see Changru who is disheartened. When TBY comes up in their conversation, Changru subtly hints that TBY is treating Weiyang so well since he sends messages to him (and not to her). Weiyang says that he’s not a bad person and that he’s always wearing Weiyang’s protection charm. This infuriates Changru who quickly leaves.
Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 7.15.15 pm.png Back in her own room, Changru cries while asking herself, “Am I not as important as Weiyang? I waited for so long…till I can be by your side…”. Then she makes up her mind and says that TBY is hers and that she will be his only woman. Also, while clutching the belt, she exclaims that she won’t let anyone else steal him away from her. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 7.21.12 pm.png Then we see Changru personally giving a letter to TBY’s servant to give to TBY who tells her that she didn’t have to personally come. Changru then fakes a headache while her servant takes this chance to ask TBY’s servant to prepare a room for her to rest for a while. He then says that he will arrange a room when Changru faints.
Next, we see an assassin going into TBY’s room searching for an item before fleeing when people outside shouted “fire fire!”. Meanwhile, Changru’s servant tells Changru that their plan has succeeded since most of the guards are busy fighting with the fire thief. Changru then leaves her room and quickly heads into TBY’s room. She quickly goes to the secret compartment and attains the hidden scroll before heading back to her room. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 7.27.42 pm.png TBY’s servant comes into check on Changru who says that she’s feeling better and will head back home. Back home in her own room, Changru finds out the secret in the scroll and praised her servant for finding a guy to be the fire thief. However, during their conversation, they realised that there was another guy involved who wanted to look for the scroll. Changru believes that the guy must be CYN’s men who wanted to get the scroll. Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 7.29.55 pm.png Looks like she guessed right as CYN’s men tells CYN that they were unable to find the scroll. He then throws his stuff in anger since their plan failed.
Screen Shot 2016-11-29 at 7.32.19 pm.png Later, we see Weiyang with Changru together asking her about her health. They then talk about marriage while Changru piques Weiyang’s interest as to who she’s interested in. Changru tells Weiyang that she actually don’t know who it is but he was there when she was young. She remembers that when she was crying she came across a young prince getting hit by the eunuchs for punishment. Looks like they both shared the same pain of being belittled by someone else. Also, when the young prince walked away, he accidently left his item which the young Changru picked up and returned to him. She remembered this item and saw this many years later with TBY whom she believes was the young prince she saw when she was young. Changru then tells Weiyoung that she will find that prince and will marry him at all cost. Then, she silently thinks, “Weiyang, from now on you will be my biggest enemy”.

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