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Wednesday, August 29, 2018


In Midtown, at Remedios’s Rooming-house, Santiago is inside confounding Ana Lucia even more by telling her that once she learns what he’s had to hide from her all this time she’ll come to hate him. Yes, and it has to do with his wife--but what, dios mio? So, the best thing is to forget him and all they meant to each other and never seek him out again. She’s determined to teach him, to show him that it just won’t be like that! “--¡Adiós, my love!” Santi’s convinced otherwise. He races off like the confused and cowardly lion he is—again. Ana Lucha is as perplexed as ever.
Outside, Chana goads Ramiro about wanting to be The Great Avenger, and not caring whose hearts he breaks in the meantime, even though he feels a great injustice has been committed all these years. It’s not that she disagrees with the intent, but caution is called for here. The truth can be a double-edged sword [un arma de dos filos]. Santiago appears and is impactado to see the soothsayer. She tells him his past has caught up with him and it’s only just begun to hit the fan. Remedios races after him to beg him to come back inside and put the rest behind him, not to run away from poor Ana Lucha and her. He’s sick at heart, he’s broken Ana Lucha’s heart-not Marcelo--, but that’s the way it’s got to be. Ram and he head out and Chana warns Rem that the storm’s approaching.
Uptown at Miranda’s manse, dinner’s just about to be served and Ernestina finally gives Rodrigo a chance to explain after 40+ years, about his supposed betrayal with another woman—and how dare he leave without a single word of explication. Rod says she closed herself to him. He tried; when he came, her parents refused to let him near her—and she’d agreed to do as her parents wanted, to marry the man they felt best for her and her station in life. He tried getting a message to her through Leonora, but she’d refused to have anything more to do with him. Ernestina defends her husband as a good and decent man for whom she held great affection. Rod points out that she never truly loved the guy and the difference between her and himself is that, in the past 4 decades, he’s never again loved another woman.
Valentin and Ana Laura are having lunch at Valeria’s. They give her the news that they’re doing a piano and oboe duet to raise funds to keep The Foundation afloat during the time that it takes to find the embezzler’s trail. Ana Llora and TinTin give her their vote of confidence and assure her Ramiro’s on her side as well, looking into what might have happened.
Rod continues that he left the country for foreign lands a broken-hearted man. Well, it was a good move [acierto], says Erni. Look at all you amassed by it. Sure, financially. However, there’s more. He went looking for the pregnant girl who claimed Rod had knocked her up; he challenged her and got her to admit that it was Erni’s papi that knocked her up, threatened her, and had her lie about it to Erni. However, he cannot prove it because when he confronted Erni’s papa about it, the guy denied everything. Erni has a mental flashback to Chana’s words that afternoon. Rod only remembers the woman’s name, nothing more. It was Margarita. (Dun-dun-dunnnnnn!!!) Miranda is now as much a broken heart mender as her hubby. All four go in to dinner as friends and lovers, “just like old times.”
At the same time, Evaristo and Soledad are discussing how her mother, Margarita, was the love of his life. When she died, he apparently took Soledad in as his own. Sole had a miserable time of it. Ev’s wife and kids despised her and treated her like dirt. She was his lover’s daughter, after all, though not his blood. He had taken her in. They had hated him and her for it. He hopes to make it up to Sole somehow. Sole gets up and delivers an emotional blow to the old bastard when she tells him that once Ana Lucha and she are finally safe and sound and away from all of this, then she’ll consider possibly thanking him for it all and thinking of him as a stepfather, but not until. All the bitterness of her childhood prevents that right now.
Meanwhile, Mariano and Samuel discuss Ana Leticia’s tantrums and odd, unnatural jealousy where the other women in his life are concerned. Marcelo’s return really hasn’t done much towards putting a halt to that kind of behavior either. Sam chalks it up to Mo’s having been like a father to her and that daughters are always jealous of their daddies. However, speaking of Marcelo, Sam’s not convinced that Marcelo had really lost his memory. The last meeting they had he was sharp as a tack and as cunning as ever. He knows all of Mo’s dark past and secrets and could really ruin him. Mo could lose it all. Mo agrees he has to find a way to control him. Threats will do little where Marcelo is concerned.
End parte 1~
Parte 2~
Evaristo has a sitdown with Orlando once Sole has left the coffee shop. Now that Nieto Numero Uno is dead and mouldering in the ground, Orly’s being “promoted.” He gets his own set of binoculars and a car to boot! Wow! And, he gets an eyeful of Ana Lucia on Steroids—yep. It’s her sister Ana Leticia and he’s not to let her out of his sight. (Orly begins salivating as badly as any bully bulldog. More, in fact, the slime!) He’s to watch her every move and write it all down in his very own notepad.
What he is watching, is Ana MiMi and Claudia declaring war. Claudia has A MiMi all figured out and it won’t be so easy getting rid of her as A MiMi might think. Claudia will go head to head with her and she’ll have Ana Leticia tied so tight she won’t be able to even twitch [parpardear = blink. twitch, ]. If she plays nice and helps Claudia to get close again to Mo and she will say only nice things about his adored niece. So make a choice. What’s it going to be.
Evaristo warns Orly that while Ana Lucha is all sweetness and light with a heart of gold, her sister is exactly the opposite: “she has no soul, nor a conscience, either.” Ev explains that A MiMi is bound and determined that her family never finds Ana Lucia and that Ana Lucia never has the opportunity to inherit any of the family fortune. She’ll do absolutely anything to avoid that possibility.
Mo learns that Sam has the hots for Viridiana.
Valeria informs TinTin and Ana Llora that the only two people who had access to her computer is she and Edmundo Fuentes. (Is that a hint of worry passing over TinTin’s face? Could he and Eddie be partners in crime here?) Ana Llora says there’s no reason to mistrust Eddie Boy since he’s been her granny’s CPA for decades and not a peso has ever gone missing. (Yep, TinTin is definitely finding it hard to stop twitching while sipping that tea.)
Maribel confides in Ana Lucky that she has the hots for Ram (who has a real job and an actual savings account). Nobody’s ever fought for her before and it was S.E.X.Y. Compared to him, Javier is just a kid.
Santi, at the same time, tells Ramiro that he’s not sure he should continue living at the manse. Ram says that Marcelo and his wife have managed to hide their distaste for each other well enough in front of the family. Santi brings up Valentin’s name and was incredulous to learn the guy was in a wheelchair. He doesn’t know why, but he wanted to kill him!
TinTin and Ana Llora are now having coffee and cake at a restaurant somewhere. TinTin tells her he’s not certain that Ram has enough experience to really track down the embezzlement. Ana Llora has total confidence in him. Talk turns to Marcelo and that he’s living at the manse with the family again now. TinTin tells her he’s glad to get the chance to know him better now that they’ll be rehearsing there all the time.
Ram and Santi discuss TinTin’s possibly being in that wheelchair do to Marcelo’s evil deeds, among them Gina’s death. Ram explains how he was Gina’s ex and blamed Ram also for her death. Santi is adamant that when Marcelo appears again, Ram will ask him whether he was the one that killed Gina or not. Ram finds out that Santi and Ana Lucha have broken up for good. Santi is tired of pretending…..
At Rem’s again, Chana has a chat with Ana Lucha. She is in tears because Santi is also lying to her. Everyone is lying to her. Well, not everybody. Chana hasn’t been. (Ruh-roh!)
Santi admits to Ram that he chickened out when it came to giving Ana Lucha the truth about her past. He could only drop the hint about Sofia Hernandez and then backed off.
When Sole returns from work that evening, Rem is waiting for her. She warns Sole that Santi was there earlier and spoke to Ana Lucha, but she doesn’t know what they discussed, only that she’s now in a bad way because of it. Rem says she simply cannot put up with this anymore. She’s going to tell Ana Lucia all of it! Soledad screams she can’t!
Santi and Ram continue discussing the pro’s and con’s of Marcelo’s cruel behavior in dropping hints about Ana Lucia’s past and daring to kiss her in front of his wife. Ram says he’s laid the cards out on the table for both Ana Leticia and Ana Lucia so she can get ready to accept the truth. “—This is the only way the issue can begin to resolve itself. We ought to learn from him.”
Sole begins a chat with Ana Lucha who admits she’s been doing lots of working out because it’s either that or lying in bed all day and crying her eyes out. She refuses to do that. She won’t do it. He came today, and they talked about all the lies Sole’s told her. But that’s over. She wants the truth. It’s now or never. Sole better fess up now or who knows what may happen between them afterward. Ana Lucha wants the whole truth and she wants it now!!

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