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Wednesday, August 29, 2018


We see Weiyang still washing clothes but is helped by another fellow maid who tells Weiyang that she was previously a Lady like her and was from Liang. That maid soon blames her previous King for her demise but Weiyang was quick to defend the dad. However, the maid says “What would you know? You’re a person from Wei” which shuts up Weiyang as she doesn’t dare to reveal her true identity. Then another maid comes buy picking up a pile of dirt and pebbles before purposely putting them on the clothes Weiyang just finished cleaning, bullying her to do it again. However, she gets taught a lesson by Weiyang who spanks her bottom like a child with a wooden board, garnering chuckles from the other servants. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 1.26.21 pm.png
Then we see TBJ and Chengde outside of the place Weiyang is at, worrying about her situation. Just as they were about to leave, he hears a maid shouting Weiyang’s name aloud. So he quickly rushes in to see what the fuss was about. The head maid arrives to abuse her authority and punish Weiyang by ordering her to be slapped by the mouth 20 times. TBY comes in time to stop the servants as Weiyang looks back and sees TBJ. The servants suddenly act nice as TBY scolds them for treating Weiyang unwell. TBJ then leaves but TBY purposely asks him whether he forgot something. TBJ then says that he will never forget his mother’s killer. Weiyang then becomes upset seeing that TBJ still believes she killed his mother.
Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 1.37.05 pm.png Later, Weiyang thanks TBY for helping her. As TBY reaches out for her hand, she quickly flinches and takes a step back before saying how he didn’t have to help her. TBY tells her how they’re friends and that friends should look after each other. He tells Weiyang how he’s still wearing her protection charm and how he won’t throw it away since it allowed him to get back home safely. TBY then tells Weiyang that TBJ will marry Changle soon which shocks her. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 1.43.19 pm.png Next, we see TBJ asking the Emperor to grant him a marriage with Changle. This surprises the Emperor who thinks TBJ is muddled but TBJ tells him how this was his mother’s wish. The Emperor tries to dissuade TBJ by saying that his marriage with Changle will bring consequences. But TBJ repeats that he must fulfil his mother’s wish. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 1.46.15 pm.png Then, Changle comes in to see her mother. She dismisses everyone to tell her mother how she is finally going to marry TBJ. The mother then wakes up as Changle tells her mother how happy she is especially when TBJ personally said that he wants to marry her. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 1.48.39 pm.png
Later, we see Changru staying up as her servant tells her that she must rest. Seems like she is upset that Weiyang is alive thanks to TBY. She then tells her maid how it is easy for TBY to see Weiyang now that she is in the palace. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 1.51.31 pm.png Afterwards, we see Weiyang reminiscing on her memories with TBJ as everyone is sleeping. While that is happening, TBJ also thinks of Weiyang, missing being with her. Unable to sleep, Weiyang then continues with her chores alone in the darkness as she keeps on thinking back on her memories with TBJ. TBJ alike, drinks alone in silence, pretending that he’s with Weiyang.
Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 1.56.45 pm.png The next morning, we see the head maid acting nice to Weiyang telling her to not do these work. Weiyang refuses saying that this is her job and that it won’t be fair to the other people if she doesn’t do the work. Then we see eunuchs bringing in wedding for Weiyang to personally bring to Changle for TBJ’s and Changle’s wedding as per Changle’s request. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 1.58.01 pm.png Happy to be married to TBJ, Changle gloats about it to Weiyang as she makes Weiyang put on her wedding clothes. She repeatedly makes Weiyang tell her about her new status as TBJ’s wife..seriously…does this make you happy? Poor Weiyang! However, unlike Changle’s happy face, TBJ’s face is quite gloomy despite the festive decorations. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 2.03.28 pm.png Then, Changle walks into the family room dressed in her wedding attire as her mother smiles at her proudly. Weiyang then walks in, giving her greetings to her father and grandmother. However, she was soon rejected by the father since she’s the Northern Liang’s Princess. Then a servant comes in that its time for Changle to go. Weiyang then proceeds to leave as well but Changru quickly goes to her and playing the innocent sister role. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 2.08.29 pm.png We see TBJ waiting outside of Changle’s home as per custom, as Changle gets seated into the carriage. Then Weiyang and TBJ lock eyes sadly before Changle gets Weiyang to help her into the carriage. Unable to do anything, TBJ watches as Weiyang bends over for Changle to step on her to get into the carriage. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 2.15.25 pm.png We see Weiyang with the marriage procession as they walk into the room. This is such a sad and heartbreaking moment! Walking behind TBJ and seeing him getting married to someone he doesn’t love!
Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 2.20.14 pm.png They look at each other, quietly tearing – this makes me want to cry as well! Btw, this song is amazing, captures their feelings perfectly! As Weiyang leaves, TBJ looks at her walking away before glaring at TBY who just looks away.
Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 2.19.01 pm.png Back at the Li’s household, it seems that Da Furen has finally passed away after screaming out Changle’s name.
Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 2.24.20 pm.png Later, we see Changle and TBJ in their marriage chamber. After TBJ dismisses the servants, Changle tells him how she waited so long for this day – can’t you see his sad face? He’s clearly not wanting to marry her. Instead of completing the marriage ritual of drinking the wine, he just leaves saying that his mother has just passed away not long ago so he must complete his duties. Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 2.26.38 pm.png
Looks like he can’t wait to get out of his wedding robes as he leaves them on the floor while gazing at the moon. Meanwhile, Weiyang is washing clothes alone in the night.
Screen Shot 2016-12-01 at 2.31.42 pm.png The next morning, TBJ prays to his mother asking for her forgiveness for marrying Changle to save Weiyang’s life. Changle then comes in and calls him husband! She tells TBJ that she’s here to greet her in-laws since it is her first day of marriage. However, we can see her shaking as she prays to the late Crown Princess, fearing that something bad might happen. And it did! Her servant accidently knocks onto the late Crown Princess’ jewellery box which shocks Changle who quickly tells her servant to clean it up.

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