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Thursday, August 30, 2018


Part 1
Madhu asks RK why is he not letting her apply med on her wound n wants to live in pain? RK says.. correction. .wanna live with this pain. .n that he deserves it for hurting her.. for breaking her hurt. .for cheating her..! He says its the punishment! Madhu asks RK not to be so good and not to love her so much! RK says .. my sweet.. bichari biwi.. must be wondering where she is stuck n wondering how he is talking with so much sweetness to her? Madhu asks why is it important for him that she should trust him? RK u..n Madhu asks why do u love me? RK cups Madhus face .. n Madhu cups RKs face ! BG- Tum hi ho ..! Rishbala eyelocks..! They both caress each others cheeks..! Madhu in tears..!
Bittu comes screaming ..Chief n the moment passes..! RK asks what? Bittu says Paddo is
here..! Rishbala are both shocked..! They rush downstairs..! Dips comes smirking to her room and Sikky asks where did she go? Dips chawl n Sikky asks.. to find them a new house? Dips says.. stupid n says..she went to find out Madhus plan and also instill fear in Paddos heart ..! Sikky asks what she found out? Dips says that she wants to avenge her heartbreak by breaking RKs heart. .n that the cat is out of the bag.. ! Sikky asks why did she scare Paddo? Dips says.. to stop MAdhu she will come.. she will remind Madhu the consequences.. n it will all come out in front of Radha-RK ..! Sikky asks what will she get? Dip says.. when truth comes out.. the truth diggers name will be out to n she will be in home n Madhu out..! Radha greets Paddo ..! Rishbala greet Paddo n rK asks come suddenly ur here? All well?
Paddo remains quiet..! Radha asks Paddo to take a seat but she refuses..! Dips tells Siky ..’Laut ke RK ghar ko aya’! Sikky will be fun..! Disp says.. when the whole live telecast happens here.. its beter than repeat! Sikk ysays whenever Dips does such giri hui harkat..she looks cute! Paddo says..she wants to talk to her daughter alone..for a few minutes.. if Radha is ok? Radha agrees..! Dips worries about paddo brain washing Madhu. .n stoppin her..! Dips asks Sikky what to do? Sikky says Dips is the vamp..she has to think of a better plan if this one fails.. n she looks cute when her plan ki pungi bajti hai..! Dips says its not funny! Paddo goes aside with Madhu …!
In Rishbala bedroom .. Madhu tells Paddo glad u came..! Paddo asks Madhu when is she getting married? Madhu says. .in two days! Paddo tells Madhu that in chawl she could not react coz she was shaken …but now she is scared n worried for Madhu..! She tells Madhu that she is against what Madhu is doing. .n doesnt want her to do all this.. especially after knowing the consequences..! Paddo tells Madhu she wont let her do this.. she tells Madhu she is not RK ..she cannot be happy by hurting RK or anyone..! She tells Madhu that if she tries to break RK ..she will get broken herself.. then what? Will she be able to live..will she be able to look at herself in the eye? Madhu is quiet..! Paddo asks Madhu if she has thot what all RK do after this? Will this revenge drama end? She says.. as a girl Madhu will win but her daughter will lose.. she will break..and she wont let this happen!
Paddo asks Madhu not to do this..! Paddo tells Madhu that she has raised Madhu with lot of difficulty.. she says she din kill Ballu for all this..! She asks Madhu to forget all this.. and says that today RK wants to marry her.. but all this is his zidd..! She reminds Madhu that if he can all this for avenging 4 slaps.. what will he do if she will break his heart? Paddo tells Madhu that for RK his pride is his life.. n she wont let Madhu break like this n asks Madhu to come with her! RK comes n says NO…! Dips-Sikky eavesdrop the convo! RK asks Madhu to listen to Paddo..! RK says.. he doesnt wanna come between them.. but Paddo being scared is legitimate.. n why not . .afterall RK broke her heart. .insulted her.. hurt her. . so she has every right to be scared.. ! He says…Paddo wont want Madhu-RK wedding..n she is gonna be scared of RK ..! RK says.. he did what he did. . in anger or hate or rage.. or madness but he cannot justify what he did..! He apologises to Paddo.!
Sikky-Dips keep overhearing.. the convo! RK says.. he wishes to apologise to everyone.. the whole Malik family .. for his every sin. .n crime..! He says he is a cheap.. disgusting person. .its a truth. .but the bigger truth is that he loves Madhu .. a lot..! Madhu is quiet..! RK says that its a matter of surprise that afterall that has happened Paddos daughter loves him just as much..! RK says that the problem is he cant live without Madhu ..she is his oxygen.. his heartbeat ..his life saving drug..! RK begs Paddo for Madhu ..his life.. n asks her not to tell Madhu to step back.. n not to tell Madhu ..not to marry him…! RK tells Paddo that he knows he is not worthy in her eye for marrying Madhu n that there is no pressure on her. .but he only can beg for Madhu from Paddo..! Paddo ignores RK n tells Madhu that she said what she had to .. rest the decision is Madhus..! Paddo is about to leave n RK stops her n says. .this is not just Madhus decision its theirs.. Rishbalas decision.. that they are getting married n will stay together forever.. n he wont let anyone come between them.. no matter what he has to do.. ! RK glares at Paddo..! Paddo is freaked..n quickly walks out..! Madhu follows Paddo..!
Part 2
Paddo is walking down the stairs n Madhu keeps calling out to her! Radha asks if the convo between mom-daughter is over? Paddo asks Radha if words will matter when a Mother talks n a Daughter refuses to pay heed..?! Paddo turns to leave…! Madhu is emotional..! Radha stops Paddo n tells her about pre-wedding functions .. Mata ki Chowki .. Mehendi-Sangeet..! Paddo requests Radha not to ask her to be part of any of the functions..!
Part 3
All are shocked with Paddos request..! Paddo says..she just cant it! Radha calls out to her ..but Paddo leaves..! Radha looks at a distraught Madhu..! RK puts his hand on Madhus shoulder n comforts her..! He asks Madhu to come with him…! Madhu says. .not now..! RK says.. ‘Main hoon na’! He nods at Radha reassuringly n Rishbala leave..! All watch confused..!
Precap — RK n Madhu are in their nightwear n RK is holding Madhu n says..happily that his Madhu is back..! Madhu pushes RKs hands away n turns n walks away ..! She breaksdown n then runs to him n hugs him…! Madhu says.. ‘Yes.. i have come back to my RK … n FOREVER’! RK smiles..!..
Part 1
Sultan is on the phone..n asks Kaka to come back early…
Theres a knock at the door n its Paddo
He asks about Madhu … n Paddo says. ..till now .. yes. .but after what she is planning to do.. dunno what will happen
Paddo says.. RK did everything Madhu asked him to. .but when she turned RK down.. she saw the anger n rage of the OLD RK
Paddo says.. this time.. RK really . .n Sultan says. .loves Madhu ..! Paddo says.. even if its fake.. when he finds out Madhu played him… its scary the consequences..
Paddo tells Sultan ..she cant see Madhu break again.. as RK can do anything.. ! Sultan calms Paddo… She begs Sultan to protect Madhu ..
RK brings Madhu to Sitara Studio n says.. he never entered inside the gates.. coz he was
He tells Madhu ..he understands. her state of mind after Paddo left.. as it feels like all is gone.. after parents leave..!
RK tells Madhu that now she wont be lonely ever in her life.. n he is with her.. forever..! He says.. his every word to Paddo was true…
He rues that he culdn control his anger.. n Paddo walked off…
RK says.. he knows..she thinks he had shared about his dad.. but all that became lie ..after he dumped her.. but the pain was not fake..!!
He shows Madhu … ‘another darkness of his life’ n asks her to accompany n Madhu holds his hand…
Sultan Paddo says. .no idea.. but u have to stop Madhu all cost..! Paddo says.. to forcefully bring Madhu from RKs place.. n take her to some place where she is safe..!
Sultan hesitates but Paddo says.. he has to save Madhu.. just like Madhu has saved him always…!! She orders Sultan to do as told..!
RK brings Madhu inside a dark room ..its a hall .. n Madhu is scared so he lights his lighter..! RK shows his dads rocking chair.. his dads pic… old gramaphone..
Madhu reads a note .. left by RKs dad for him..on a record of Mr. India..n the note reads about how magic is in small things in life… RK says.. some things are connected..
RK says..he used to sneak in to listen to the gramaphone…! He asks her if it will run? He asks Madhu to pray n tries to run the gramaphone..n it runs …
RK makes funny faces… ‘Karte hain hum pyaar Mr. India’ … Madhu is in tears n RK makes ..funny poses.. n expressions … Rishbala lauf… The record stops n RK says.. I LOVE U MADHU n hugs her..!
Part 2
RK tells Madhu that he never thot he would come there.. n share this part of his life with someone…
RK says… in this whole wide world.. she is the only front of whom he can be just HIMSELF …
He says..he loves her.. he loved her when he hurt her.. .forced her..n even loved her…
Part 3
RK says.. the studio is of his dad… n he feels his presence.!
He says.. he never lied about loving her.. n that he only lied to himself.. but he loves her.. n will keep loving her..!!
Precap — RK tells Madhu that his Madhu has returned to him .. n Madhu moves away from him . .n then runs back into his arms..n says.. yes.. ur Madhu is back…!!

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