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Friday, August 17, 2018


Amma ji congratulates Niru. Sagar brought his wife home. He married Janvi. Niru is shocked. Amma ji says I know you have many questions but we will talk later. Everything happens for a reason. Don’t take stress. I am calling them inside. Just bless them. Sagar and Janvi come in. Niru looks pointedly at Sagar. Janvi touches Niru’s feet but he does not react in any way. He looks away when Sagar touches his feet. Niru asks about Ganga.
Ganga is sitting on the terrace teary eyed. She thinks of what Sagar did. I wont cry. I have to handle myself for Bappa and his dreams come what may. I wont cry. Someone pats at her head. She is relieved to see Bappa and hugs him. He says I always told you we have to aim for the real moon and not for its shadow. She says I was only doing that. My moon is Sagar. He
makes her sit. The one who you think to be the moon is not the moon, it is just the shadow. He broke down before a situation only. Your Sagar is nothing but merely an illusion. She says he isn’t an illusion. I love him a lot. He knows it too. But this is only your wish to gain love. You are only looking at Sagar as someone thirsty for love. God is the real love. Understand the real love. You will be at peace then. Love lights inside us day and night and takes away all the darkness, all questions. Figure out that love and your real self. If you find it once then you wont need anything else. See your real self for once. You will be at peace then. Always remember, my brave girl does not need Sagar nor Babu nor vermilion or any support. You only have to look inside your heart to find all the answers. She looks at the moon. Her Bappa is not there anymore.
Niru finds it all wrong. What does Sagar want? Amma ji says only God knows. He wants to talk to Sagar. Something is going really wrong. She talks about court and its formalities. I have called Janvi’s parents. We will do the rest of the rituals once they are here. He still finds it wrong. She reminds him that he also wanted Sagar to marry Janvi. He says I only want him to be happy. Janvi’s father will not be able to forgive this insult. The world is small. Sagar’s career would have been finished. This is what scared me. Did that fear made me do something wrong? She denies. Everyone gets scared of many things in life including me, Madhvi and almost everyone. We all know Sagar does not love Janvi. He only married her in his madness. Let it be. Stay calm and accept it as soon as you can. He feels restless. Did Sagar again do something? She stops him from even completing his sentence. Pray that this marriage is successful.
Sagar is in the corridor when he comes face to face with Ganga. She thinks of his promising words initially while he thinks of her donating him to Niru. They both go separate ways.
Sagar comes to his room. He is taken aback to see his room all decorated. Madhvi and Prabha have done it. Madhvi asks him how it is. You did not give me enough time to decorate the room. Prabha says he stole the most beautiful flower of the world. Janvi smiles shyly. Madhvi is happy to see her in an Indian outfit. She puts kajal behind Janvi’s ears to ward away all the evil eyes. Prabha and Madhvi leave. Madhvi gives her the box of vermilion before leaving the room. Make Sagar apply it. This is the biggest indication of marriage.
Janvi asks Sagar to put vermilion in her forehead. He is about to do so but stops recalling marrying Ganga and his outburst later. Janvi tells him to go ahead. He comes out of his trance. What did I do? I got angry and took such a big step. What did I do in anger? He says Ganga and goes out of the room.
Ganga is sitting by the stairs when she hears Sagar calling out for her. She gets happy for a second but then goes in a room. She closes the door from inside. Madhvi, Prabha and Janvi look at them from upstairs. He bangs at the door. Open it or I will break it. She wipes her tears. She finally opens the door. He asks her to come. I have to talk to you. She stands in front of him as she says no. You cannot go past this. Everything between us got over when you married Janvi. We share no relation now. He asks her how she can do this. She reminds him that he did this. You broke it completely. He says wow. You put the blame of your act on me so easily. Listen to me carefully. It all happened because of you. She says you cannot cover up for your mistake wont by blaming someone else for it. He says you hurt me by donating me there. I wanted to hurt you the same way you did. I wanted to make you realise my pain. She asks him if he is happy now. I am indeed in pain but look at yourself. I told you not to marry Janvi but you went ahead with it. I told you not to take any step in anger which might destroy 3 lives but you dint listen to me. See where you have brought us now. You were stubborn since childhood but no one will be able to set this right this time. She holds the door when he takes her name. She says this door wont open for you now. He asks her to open the door. If you don’t open the door today then I will not come back before this door ever. She says that will be right for us. He leaves from there in anger.
Madhvi asks Prabha not to tell anything to Niru. His health might worsen. Prabha nods. Madhvi looks up and is shocked to see Niru standing there. Did he see everything? Niru goes in his room followed by Madhvi. Niru is in tears. What did I do? I only wanted to make my kids’ life and career better. I feel as if I ruined their lives instead. I am responsible for their state. Madhvi says I am more responsible than you for this mistake. I promise you I will set everything right.
Next morning, Ganga is getting ready. She keeps the vermilion box back without applying it. Amma ji throws a white saree at her. This is in your destiny.

Amma ji throws a white saree at her. This is in your destiny. You should not live in any illusion. You only have this white colour in your life. Wear it. Ganga recalls how she was forced to break her bangles, change her saree in childhood and what all happened afterwards. Amma ji repeats that widow life is a tough Tapasya but you don’t understand. Listen to me. I am not your enemy. I too am a mother. I want to save you from the pain. You are walking on the wrong path. You are a widow. These colourful clothes, vermilion don’t suit you. You would not have to see this day if your husband was alive. Wear white saree. Ganga tells her to stop crying. I am not crying. Why are you crying then? If you think I will accept a widow’s life after whatever
happened then I am wrong. When you could not accept Sagar filling vermilion in my head, how did you think that I will accept it that I am a widow of someone who I never met or knew? I listened to everything that you said till now to keep you happy but not anymore. I will not follow any of your superstitions anymore. I refuse to follow them. I refuse to wear a white saree, to the rule of not eating after sunset. It is ok if I don’t get my love but it does not mean my life is over. This is actually a new beginning of my life. I will live it fully. I will make myself worth something. Amma ji is shocked. Ganga is the flowing water which knows how to make its way and quench others’ thirst. This Ganga is similar to the river. Her Bappa is proud of her. She holds the white saree. From today onwards, I free myself from every bondage of this white saree! She keeps the vermilion box in the house temple. She prays to Kanha ji to give her strength. I should free myself from Sagar and this love for forever. I should be able to forget everything. She gives the keys back to Amma ji. they are of the same trunk in which you have locked my happiness. You threw it towards me that day but I don’t think I need it. I have to do a lot for now. I have to find myself, do something. The journey is way too long. The day it completes, I will come and take this key from you myself. Keep this safely with you till then. Amma ji is taken aback. Ganga says you have to start afresh at times to live happily. I am going to do that only. I just have to
Janvi and Sagar have spent the night sitting outside in the balcony. She tells him to go inside. I did what you asked from me. Listen to me once. He gets up to go when Ganga comes there. She is about to go her way when Sagar holds her hand. Why dint you apply vermilion? She says you wiped it yourself and then ask me about it. He again pulls her to him. You removed me and my love from your heart so easily? She replies how can the one who pelted stone at the mirror to break it can ask this question. She leaves from there.
Pulkit is shocked to know Sagar married Ganga yesterday. Pulkit confronts Sagar. What did you do in your madness? Sagar questions him on his act too. Pulkit says I dint do it happily. I was in some problem. That decision broke me. It was a decision of helplessness. Sagar justifies his action the same way. Sudha ji asks for Ganga from Maharaj ji. She called me. I have come to take her. Supirya is confused. Sudha shares that Ganga wants to live in the widow ashram from today onwards. She had faith that her loved ones live here who will make a dream house for her. She was wrong. The very people broke her trust.
Ganga helps Niru in wearing his sandals. I am leaving for forever. he says I dint ask you to leave the house. She replies that he did not say so but his love created an illusion in her head that this house is hers too. Your words of pitying me broke it at the very same moment. I have no right to stay here anymore so I am leaving. She touches his feet. Bless me. I should become something so I can pay back your favours. She leaves.
Everyone looks at Ganga and Sudha. Pulkit asks Ganga to stop. Where are you going? You are leaving your house and going to widow ashram? Ganga clears that this isn’t her house. He knows about the pain that this house has given to her. You wont leave the house till I am alive. Dadi says home is made from love and trust. I feel you have an equal contribution in making this house. You have equal rights on this house. Amma ji gets angry. Pulkit knows she does not want Ganga to stay in her house anymore. She wont. From now onwards she will live in my house, across the rope. Ganga tells him not to fight with his family for her. I don’t want to live here. I cannot. Supriya too asks her to stay back. Ganga does not want any more favours from anyone. Pulkit knows she feels no one understands her here. I understood how much you value your self-respect the day you came to this house. You cannot stop me from asking you to stay back. If you feel it is a favour then you can pay rent to me. Sudha says only lucky people get such brothers. Ganga touches her feet. Supriya seconds Sudha. Ganga goes to the other side of the house. Ganga looks emotionally at her family on the other side of the rope.
Santoshi buys a bus ticket to Banaras. She feels as if someone is watching her but cannot see anyone. A guy informs Kranti Ma that Santoshi is leaving for Banaras. Kranti Ma tells the guy to do as they have been told. The call ends. Kranti Ma says Santoshi’s time has come. Santoshi sits in the bus holding the Kalash. If doing this task gives happiness to Dhaiya Sir and his family then I will surely do it.
Janvi’s parents are upset with Janvi for taking such a big decision that too without informing them. Niru says Sagar is equally to be blamed. I know that the situation is difficult but not so much that it cannot be handled. Janvi’s mother suggests holding a reception today evening itself. We wont give people time to think or react. Amma ji likes the idea. Everything will be fine. Sagar will take Janvi to temple. Sagar stands there all lost. Janvi hits him with her elbow to shake him out of his thoughts. He leaves from there without saying anything.
Pulkit offers to drop Ganga to college. She has to collect her exam ticket. Supriya says how she will come back. Ganga suggests taking a rickshaw. They notice Sagar standing by the door and listening to their convo. Ganga adds the sooner she learns to walk alone the better it will be for her. She leaves with Pulkit.
Madhvi tells Sagar it was his decision to marry Janvi. What will her parents think if you will behave like this with her? Take her to temple. Everything will be fine. he is sure nothing can be fine again.
Santoshi gets down at Banaras. The goons are keeping an eye on her. They offer to guide her as to where she has to go. He misbehaves a little with her making her uncomfortable. Santoshi runs away. She still feels she is being followed. Kranti Ma’s goons are keeping a track on her. She runs to look for a safer place. Kranti Ma checks to know about Santoshi’s whereabouts. She orders her men to turn it all into a riot. The goons chase Santoshi. They go looking for in a different direction as she hides.
Ganga collects her hall ticket. Bappa, your Ganga is going to make a new start of your life today. bless me that I pass with good marks and climb the first ladder towards success.
Santoshi gets surrounded by the goons. She has reached a dead end. She notices a few people nearby with police who are protesting against something. The goons get alert. Santoshi mixes in the crowd. They update Kranti Ma about the same.

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