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Tuesday, August 14, 2018


We're back at the pension of perpetual tension. Moe, Larry, and Curly are huddled together arguing. Woe-ledad feels overwhelmed by everything happening. Remedios doesn't think leaving is the right answer, AnaLu would never accept it. But Solebad plans to find a way to convince her. Curly, er I mean, Nerina doesn't think Sole can run for the rest of her life without knowing what's going on, or who's on her heels. She suggests being an inside spy for Sole to help her scheme (That's called aiding and abetting, folks ...and I aim on betting you'll end up en el carcel with Soulless, Ms. YouGotSomeNerve-rina) . Nerverina (yes, she just applied for a spot on my Name-Calling Sh*tlist w/ that move) tells Sole that the family doesn't know who she is, so she has the advantage. She offers to get close to them, so that the 3 Stooges stay a step ahead. Remedios agrees with this plan (Oh are you applying too, missy? I don't care how many eye gouges and boinks on the head Moe-ledad has given you, nobody is this stupid!). Neverina, who has all the great ideas, pitches in further that AnaLu should be kept away from the boutique so she's never recognized. Yea, as if the warden needs a deputy to keep AnaLu further incarcerated! Sole needs time to think, she takes the chest of secretos and asks Rem to keep it hidden for her. (Viewerville arms are exhausted, with dripping fingers stained red).
AnaLetrina and Ernestina come back from the party. AnaLet wants to know why Erne was so out of sorts around Rodrigo. Erne says she already explained they were only friends many years ago. But AnaLet’s not buying it, she even recalls her reaction upon seeing him at the airport. Erne marvels at her inquisitive memory, she explains she wasn’t sure it was him. AnaLetMeIn tries to pry further but Erne’s pulls out AnaLet’s fork, she’s done. AnaLet then asks about the bracelet and her interest in helping with the investigation, but wants to leave Llora out. Erne is happy to hear this but wants to include all of them. AnaLet heads upstairs and enters her bedroom to find the run-away groom has returned. She goes through his pantalones and finds the ring, that Marcelo had replaced, hidden in the pocket. She begins catastrophizing about the reasons he's not wearing it and goes to bed. Santiago wakes up the next morning wondering how he got there. AnaLet has her own questions, she'd like to know where he'd been the last 2 days. “Did you have fun while laughing at me?” They were just recently intimate, and she didn't expect him to run away from her besos. (Maybe during the screwing, he found a screw loose and went to find a repair shop?). He left her there to imagine the worst, and she's sure the reality is even worse than the thoughts in her head
(Viewerville wonders if that's possible). She tells him not to bother hiding it, it's evident where he was. Santi won't lie, he admits to it and doesn't even attempt to justify it.
AnaLet reminds him she's his wife and won't be disrespected under her grandmother's roof. He makes a promise not to hurt her again, but she doesn't place much value on his word. He agrees and then promises he'll be out of her life for good. But AnaLet isn't willing to go through another separation again. Santi thinks it was a mistake to try this at all. She doesn't seem to get that he's not Marcelo, her hubby isn't here and no matter how hard he tries, it'll never be the way it was. She contends that she when she married she committed to forever, for better or worse. He thinks it's no use to pretend to be someone he isn't and who he despises. She encourages them to sit and talk it through. She reminds him that he committed to 6 months. She kneels and pleads her case. Although she's upset, she takes partial responsibility. Her jealousy and anger caused her to be selfish. She understands that when they met, they weren't even aware of her. She ignored the last 3 years of his new life and didn't allow him closure of his recent past. Santi didn't expect this reaction. She wants to forgive him for his infidelity the way he forgave her. He remembers very little of their life, but he thinks these were the kind of moments that helped him fall for her. Just then, Leonor knocks on the door to let them know everyone is waiting downstairs with breakfast. Santi takes the cue and decides to take a shower. AnaLet gets a mischievous look on her face and runs in behind him to help him turn it on —well y'know how hard it is to get the pressure right with certain plumbing.
(Que? Too many entendres? Trust me, it could've been worse. I'm a pun away from being put in a punitentiary, lol. No? Well, forget you then) :P
AnaLu is pretending to sleep as the warden looks over her. She wakes up and Sole notices something is bothering her. AnaLu prefers not to talk about it, they idly chat about the event. She tells Sole how worried Rem was about her coming home late. Sole reassures her that Celia dropped her off, but segues into what she wanted to discuss. What with the city being so big and them missing life by the sea, she brings up the plan they originally had about escaping to start over. She thinks it'd be good for AnaLu to forget Santi (Or is it so everyone else will forget about reconciling with AnaLu, you wench with a heart wrench!). AnaLu can never forget him, and doesn't want to go. Sole pulls back the pressure, and tells her not to decide now. But AnaLu responds that she's changed her mind, so there's nothing to think about it —especially since Sole has given her support of rejoining Danze Aire. Sole still supports her, but she can dance anywhere. AnaLu gets fed up. Sole was the one who brought her here, if she wants to leave then she can go alone. Sole can't bear leaving her so if AnaLu wants to stay, then they'll stay. (Viewerville applauds our AnaLuchador's win this round).
Llora sits with Erne to inquire her opinion. Erne feels uneasy about what it is. Llora assuages her it's not that bad. She explains that Ram has invited her on a lay-cation (well, she didn't really say it like that, but Erne can already smell the pheromones on this one). Erne wants to know what they're celebrating, but Llora says it's just time for them to make their own memories. (We can see Erne's cogs begin to spin). Many things have happened between them recently, and they've argued. Erne doesn't think this is a decent way to make up. Llora right away backtracks, apologizing to Erne for even saying anything and upsetting her. Erne feels guilty and senses Llora's deep set fear. “No, this is just my mother's upbringing that makes me react this way”. Erne recognizes her as an adult woman and tells her she wants to help her fly, not clip her wings. Erne asserts she will let her heart speak, rather than her mother's words in her head. At this, she decides differently, not wanting Llora to keep living in fear. Llora finally opens up about how the idea of spending so much time with Ram scares her. Erne tries convincing her to follow what's in her heart, not her hollow leg (Ok, she may have used the word “insecurity” here. Guarever ….tomato, potato). Llora is afraid of his reaction once he'll see her the way she is. Erne is certain that Ram adores her and even if he hasn't seen her prosthesis, it doesn't mean he won't understand. Llora agrees with her abue, it's something she'll have to face sooner or later since they hope to be married. Erne thinks there's no one who's overcome and deserves as much as her, she trusts her decision. Llora decides to take time to think about it, so there's no regret. Erne philosophizes about the regret of missing something you can never get back, like true love. Llora wonders about Erne's happiness with her hubby. Erne claims to have lived a peaceful life with him. Certain wisdoms come with age. (For once, Erne is ok in my book).
The corresponding true loves of these women, Rodrigo and Ramiro, are doing work on their gadgets. Or at least one of them is. Rod is texting furiously to his Tinder gal-pal. Ram catches him with the ol' “you sly dog, you” jab. Rod laughs at being uncovered. He doesn’t understand how to go about these things, and he hasn’t even seen the face of his conquest, who unbeknownst to him is Erne. He's not even sure if she's even a woman (Yeah, some days we're not so sure either) . And while he doesn't want to scare her, he wants to convince her somehow to meet with him. Ram can offer no advice since he shares the same predicament. He can't even convince his girlfriend to go on a weekend strip —er, trip with him.
Viri visits Ghoulieta. Ghoulieta apologizes for not going to Viri's Clash-ion Show. She's not ready to face the world after her son's death. She mulls over her husband’s workaholic absence. Viri opines that it may be just his way of coping. Ghoulieta wants to change the subject, and presses for details about the show. Viri explains how her extravaganza was a bit of an extra-verguenza. Everything was great, except for the annoying details like Marrano's face, his flirting with a beautiful woman, and the excess spoiling of his niece. Ghouileta sees how she’s slowly becoming entrenched in the family, maybe she'll end up as his wife (Um, not if JudyB has anything to say about it) . Viri tells her to stop talking nonsense ….or maybe just stop talking.
Sole and Rem are commiserating about project Alvarez-Infiltrate. Sole's been up all night thinking about what they discussed. She won't leave. She'll allow Nerverina to get close to the Alvarez family so that they're better prepared, but she finds Nerverina suspect (says the #1 suspect herself). Rem lectures her to learn to trust those who are close to her, they all want the best for her. Sole still looks pensive. She knows that AnaLu will hate her when she learns the truth, she's losing her already. She just recently acted cold to her. Rem asks if she was confronted about Sofia, but Sole says not yet. Rem advises her to talk to AnaLu before she looks into it on her own. She then asks Sole on what she plans to do with the chest. As with all things relating to women and their chests, she plans to burn it like a feminazi at a bra-bonfire. Rem doesn't think this is a good plan (Well Rem, feminazis don't think you were a good plan either, but nobody's writing letters to the jefe upstairs about it). Rem remedies that there are memories in that chest of her lost daughter. Sole visibly aches over her beloved baby girl.
AnaLet is putting on her crayola mask in front of the mirror and catches Santi watching her. She asks why he's looking at her like that. He says he's just looking (and probably wondering how many peels it would take to get to the center of that tootsie roll face). She poses asking him what he thinks. Santi misplaced his manual for proper husbandly responses to wife attire, so he resorts to a simple “Very good”. She's incredulous “That's it?” (Genie buzzes in his ear, “tell her she's magnificent, glorious—punctual”). Once he's done giving her some satisfactory superlatives, she tells him that she's starting to like his amnesia. The other night she felt like Marcelo was back, but in the shower it was like another man ....she finally met Santiago. She doesn't understand the change, but she enjoyed the gentleness different from his earlier roughness. (Guess there's no need for role play, when you've got split-identity disorder). Santi can't stand betraying himself, Marcelo wants to control his life. He felt him lurking the whole time he was with her. Neither can live while the other survives. Marcelo wants revenge. AnaLet wants to know with who, but Santi just wants them to leave. She says he can't go without something important, bringing out his ring. Aghast, he asks where she found it. She didn't realize he lost it but explains how earlier, she found her way into his pants (mmhmm child, both literally and figuratively). She then mentions that the family needs to inform him on an important matter. Her sister is alive and she plans on helping to find her. She notices his silence. He reveals that her change of attitude leaves him perplexed (it's ok Santi, she's a doozy for us too) . She didn't want him to find her before. AnaLet explains that it took up his entire time away from her and distracted him from their relationship. He asks what changed to make her change her mind. His investigation apparently helped Ram when he resumed the case. Santi didn't have a chance to talk about any of this with Ram, so she divulges that AnaLu's bracelet was found and shows him her wrist. (Wait, is that her bracelet or AnaLu's? If so, I'm gonna have to ask Ms. Ernestina to lock up her jewelry in a Leticia-proof safe) . He asks her if this makes her happy? She abruptly says she's hungry and leaves to eat brekky. Santi stays behind to look at his reflection (We don't blame you, sexathang) , he helplessly mulls about what he's going to do.
Maribel and AnaLu are hanging out. She shows the ring she boosted off of Santi, but feels bad doing so. Bel supports her, in that she would've done the same thing. She offers optimistically that maybe his wife will find out it's missing, and divorce him. AnaLu guiltily reflects on the person she's becoming. It wasn't right to take her husband. Bel retorts “She took your love. You didn't know when you met him that he was married. That makes you innocent”. AnaLu confesses that she did know. She read his palm when they first met. Bel interjects that she wasn't sure. AnaLu reveals that she never understood why he mistook her for his wife and why he was so certain she was part of his past. But she didn't care, once she saw all the love in his eyes upon looking at her, it was all she could do not to take it; it was only come to realize much later that the love he had wasn't meant for her. She continues to cry as she unloads what she felt in her intuition. “I stole it, the truth is I've always known. I didn't mind being placed as his lover.” Bel sees that her friend is tormented by this and hugs her.
Tin congratulates Valeria on a new shipment she’s excited about receiving for the foundation. But Dreadmundo comes into the office to break some bad news. An equipment delivery had been canceled and it happened from this particular office. Valeria says it was all authorized in the documents by Erne. He tells her that there was embezzlement and he’d like to give her a chance to fess up before reporting to Erne or the cops. There's still time to fix this, he's sure that there's an explanation and pressures her to be honest. Villantin isn't being very helpful and asks her to cooperate. She's surprised he doubts her too. She declares her innocence “I'm not a thief!”. Dreadmundo repeats that it happened at her computer 2 days prior at 10 pm. She claims she wasn't there at that time, but Tin corrects her because he found her there working, oddly very late. It was the night he invited her to dinner. Dreadmundo elaborates that the money vanished that day and transferred to several untrackable accounts abroad. She thinks this is a mistake and there has to be a way to fix this. Dreadmundo gives her 2 options: Return the money and resign from your position, or have charges filed against you. “Tell me how you want this to end”. (Viewerville impulsively orders a tomato launcher on ebay, express shipping).
Evil-risto is dining at Chana’s place. She is still requesting that he let her see the ladies (I mean, does she really need his permission? This is getting weirdly daddy-like). She senses that they both need her. She can't let the pobrecita, AnaLu's heart to become hard as stone. Only love can save her. She implores him to let her save her. (Chana and Sole's definition of love seem to have been one of prevention, rather than protection. I'm not too keen on this hechicera). Evil-risto appears impactado.
Abue is having brekky with her nietas. Erne includes them in her plans to call the private investigator.
AnaLet thanks her for making them a part of this. Erne is happy for their support, she wants them to know everything and promises to no longer hide anything again. Llora would like Ram to also be included, he worked hard to get them this far. AnaLet plans to cancel all her appointments at work while Llora has to do a few things at the foundation, where she'll have Ram pick her up. Erne is sure Marcelo would want to join them on their sister-hunt, he knows the investigator who worked for him many years before. AnaLet pauses at this and asks who it might be. Erne names the investigator: Evaristo Guerra!

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