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Saturday, August 18, 2018


Posters showing Laxmibai executing the missionaries appear in Jhansi and other parts of Bundelkhand. As expected by the British, subjects of Jhansi and kings of neighboring kingdoms are shocked by the massacre carried out by Laxmibai.
Narsinh Rao tells Laxmibai that the British wanted to incite the subjects against her. Capt Hugh Rose orders soldiers to post Laxmibai's poster in all neighboring kingdoms to stoke hatred against the queen of Jhansi.
Nanasaheb Peshwa informs Tatya Tope about the conspiracy against Laxmibai and also about Queen Victoria's decision to annex Jhansi.
Nanasaheb Peshwa orders Karma to rush to Jhansi and inform Laxmibai about the British conspiracy. He also asks Karma to advise Laxmibai to remain vigilant.
On his way, Karma learns first hand about the hatred for Laxmibai. On reaching the palace, Karma shows Laxmibai the poster and makes her aware about the hatred brewing against her. Karma asks her to keep an eye on Laddi.
Laxmibai assures Karma that she will very soon find the traitor. Will Laxmibai succeed in finding the traitor? Laxmibai orders Karma to inform the other soldiers regarding the meeting at the secret venue.
During the secret meeting, Laxmibai clarifies to the kings of the neighboring territories that she was not responsible for Jokhan Bagh massacre. She also convinces the kings from the neighboring kingdoms to join the big struggle on June 23.
The traitor quietly sneaks outside. The unidentified traitor later sends a message informing the British about Laxmibai's plan.
While concluding the meeting, Laxmibai states that Nanasaheb Peshwa would attack the army from Kanpur and they would take attack from Gwalior.
Laxmibai learns that Karma was not present for the meeting. Laxmibai notices a man and tries to nab him. However she is unable to catch the traitor but she finds a typewriter hidden under the bushes.
She also finds a ring placed under the typewriter. Capt Hugh Rose receives the message. A British soldier informs Capt Hugh Rose that as per their plan reinforcements had arrived.
At Tatya Tope's behest, Indian soldiers part of the Kanpur regiment prepare to revolt against the British. Laxmibai declares
Karma was the traitor. Karma states that she would give his life but would never betray the queen of Jhansi. Ghaus Khan too is unable to believe that Karma would go against Laxmibai.
Unable to bear the treachery, Laxmibai brutally whips Karma. Capt Hugh Rose sends message to his spy that reinforcements had arrived and to foil Laxmibai's plan, he himself was heading for Gwalior.
Laxmibai receives the message and replies to Capt Hugh Rose that his plan would fail as she had learnt about it.
Capt Hugh Rose learns about the soldiers of the Kanpur regiment preparing to revolt. Capt Hugh Rose decides to use the policy of divide-and-rule.
Before leaving for the war, Damodar and Moropant perform a puja and wish Laxmibai good luck. Jhansi aristocrats are shocked when Laxmibai forbids them from accompanying her.
As soon as Karma gains consciousness he rushes towards the palace to stop Laxmibai. No sooner did Karma reach inside Laxmibai's chamber he notices that the traitor is none other than Laddi whom he had suspected earlier.
He also finds her typing a message. Capt Hugh Rose receives a message from Laddi that Laxmibai was headed for a meeting on the border of Jhansi. Karma leaves the palace so that he could expose Laddi as the real traitor.
Bandhu's daughter, Kali stops Laxmibai from continuing her journey. She and Laxmibai have a duel which Laxmibai wins.
Laxmibai spares Kali's life and states that like other Indians, her father too believed that she had killed the missionaries.
While Karma is on his way to stop Laxmibai, Laddi along with her comrades attack Karma. On hearing Karma's cry, Kali along with her aides rush to his aid.
At the temple, Laxmibai addresses the prince and kings that they need to be vigilant and careful. Laxmibai learns about the treachery of her compatriots.

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