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Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Andres finds Mia bleeding on the bathroom floor.  He screams for Miriam. One look and Screamin' Mimi starts running around in circles asking "--What do we do?" (Try calling an ambulance-Duh!)  Later they've called a private physician? to make a house call. He brings up another "S" word: Suicide. (The mental state of Miriam and Family is not lookin' so good when it comes to custody.) Will the doctor allow himself to be bribed into silencio instead of notifying the policia?  He's got to get back to saving Mia's life. Leave that for later, ok?
Raquel looks for p.j.s in Santiago's drawers and finds a different kind of pistol instead. Turns out to be Santi's dad's pistol and the only thing that remains from his father and something she cannot ask him to get rid of. He refuses.
At los Becker, Cinthia gives Godoy the keys to his apartment back. She tells him she's changed and will be getting a real job and trying to make it all up to her sister. He tells her what a brave thing she's doing and how admirable she now is. SinCin bats her puppy-dawged eyes at him. She tells him how Laura came by the other day wanting wanton details about Benji and how Laura threatened Raq and the family for not coughing up any good, juicy tidbits. Godoy promises she'll never darken their door again.
And while Nico is sewing his wild oats at the cougar's casa, Federico and Raquel decide he will oppose Mim's taking of Benjamin. Raq and Santi are a bit puzzled about Alina's calling Nico at all hours of the night to do her supposed job-mandated bidding. "--You're going to have to separate Nico from that woman somehow." "--Yeah, but how?"
When Nico comes home, Santi puts down his proverbial foot. Nope, he will not forgive Nico for not being there during an important family meeting.
Mimi runs to Damian's bedside to complain to him about Mia's nearly taking her life and it's all because of him!!
Back at los Becker, Raq returns home and tells SinCin about the pistol she found--yep, "--it was his policeman daddy's and I'm afraid he may do something crazy with it." The phone rings. Andres calls to tell Raq about Mia's attempt and that she's serious enough to be put in the hospital. She and SinCin race out and for the hospital.
At the same time, Godoy arrives at his home and enters the house. He tells Laura he wants his things. He sees her in a negligee and closing the bedroom door. He suspiciously asks who she's got in there and if she's alone. "--Mind your own business. You chose to abandon me and it's no longer your house.  Get out. This is not the time to come asking for your stuff.  Call me tomorrow." (So much for telling Laura off. Thanks for nothin' dude.)
We move back in time and see the younger version of Laura as a News Nymph. She was pressuring Godoy for news notes even then. The difference is she was much sweeter and more wily about it. He was a sweeter version of himself as well. She was about to lose that figure of hers -- she was preggers!!
Over at Santi's, Fede has just overheard another conversation between his daddy and Caro. He is embarrassed and races out without listening to Caro's explanation.  He tells Lola that he heard his dad and her mom speaking to each other on the phone. "--So?"
Back inside Caro tells Dam about Fede overhearing her but she isn't certain how much he heard.  Dam says he'll figure something out to cover.
At los Becker, Mia and Nico come downstairs while Santi and Raq are still arguing over his accepting the loan.  Nico wants to go but Raq insists he stay for refreshments. Mia notes that Jovita is peeking around the corner. Mia follows her into the kitchen and threatens to have her fired if she opens her mouth. Jovita has no choice but to comply. Mia tells Nico Jovita won't give them away. Ok. Good deal. When Santi and Nico leave, Raq tries to get something out of Mia but she races up the stairs. Raq tries getting something out of Jovita. She can truthfully tells Raq that she "heard" nothing. Mia stops, menacingly, at the top of the stairs to listen to that response.
Raq calls Dam to tell him about Santi's refusing the loan. They needed the money,, right? Well, he says, you really think it is such a good idea?  I thought we talked about this. Yep, and Dam didn't agree with the idea and says he doubts much that Caro would either. He wasn't in favor of the idea. She should keep to the kitchen since business isn't her true cup o' tea......But, in the end he tells her to go ahead with it to keep her happy and out of the way......Then Dam calls Caro back and explains how this will be the perfect excuse for Fede to have overheard the two of them arguing with each other on the phone. That's fine, but Dam is not to go after the truth with Vicente. If he does, he can forget ever seeing her or Benji again.  Lola arrives just then and wants to know why she was arguing with Fede's papi.
Out in the car outside the house, Santi tries getting the truth about what Nico was doing with Mia upstairs. "--You think I was born yesterday, or what?" He explains Nico's to leave Mia alone as he promised and mainly because he doesn't want problems with the Becker family since they're going to invest in their construction business and Caro is too proud to accept this. Anyway, everything will be fine. Just keep this in mind.  (I think.)
Caro tries to give the agreed upon excuse but Lola won't accept her negative behavior and claims now the shoe's on the other foot, why is it any different for her papi to get ahead due to the Becker's influence?
Dam arrives at Vicente's place and wants the truth or he's not coughing up any more cash.
Meanwhile, Mia texts half-naked selfies to Nico. She texts she want him to finish what they started.
At the current crime scene, Antonio tells Godoy this is a very important case and he has the chance of being promoted if he manages to solve it. There were two models and one was killed. They had some high class "clientele," if he gets his drift. Godoy interviews the roommate of the victim and she says "they will come after her now."  She doesn't want to testify or anything.
Lola tells Fede to stop imagining what isn't there between their parents. Fede agrees. Then he implies he wants sex with Lola. She tells him there should be feelings involved when sex is the topic.
Fede leaves the house and gets a lift from a male friend, Danny?  Fede says he needs a drink and thanks him for being a good buddy.  "--Amigos only?"  Yeah.  Andy and Fede kiss till Fede breaks it up. "--Excuse me, but only.  Forgive me if I gave some sign but I didn't mean to." Andy says he thought differently. Fede says not to confuse things and then takes a call on his cell. Mia's at the hospital, Nico tells him. Fede asks Darling Danny for a lift there. Ok.
Over at la palacio de puma --or better stated-- cougar's "cage",  Rueda has come to lay down the law with Alina. Oh yeah?  Yeah.  He tells her she's gone too far this time, going after his son. He wants to put a stop to it. He'll offer her a huge pile of pesos provided she take a powder and leave town for good.
At the hospital, Raq learns from Andres that Mia' in surgery. This time she cut a very important vein in her thigh. Raquel races out looking for Mimi.
At los Alvarado, it's late, yes, but Bebo knocks and wants to visit.  She tells him Dad and Nico are at the hospital since Mia's there for some reason. They haven't told her as yet. Bebo came by to tell the family that the pizza delivery boy is going to testify for Nacho since he had rescued him when somebody tried to rob him while delivering the pizza the night Caro was killed.  All is now well in Mudville..... (apologies to Ernest Lawrence Thayer). Lola says he can stick around and keep her company.
Back at the hospital, Raq finds Mimi and threatens her if anything happens to Mia. Andres begs Raq to mind what she says to Mimi. Raq turns around and spits at him, all paws and claws, mama lion-like. Miriam, The Benificent Abuela, was supposed to be looking after her! She knew what the girl was capable of! Mimi sneers back she wasn't to blame. Raquel's to blame tramping around with that brute of a bricklaying construction worker!! Raquel hauls off and slaps Mima a good one across the choppers. (Definitely don't miss t.v.!)
SinCin is texting somebody (Godoy, we presume) as Santi and Nico arrive.  She points the way to the appropriate lounge and they race off.
The doctor comes out of surgery and asks why all this scandalous behavior in the operating room lounge??  What's the prognosis, Raquel and all ask the doctor. "--Serious, very serious!"

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