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Thursday, August 23, 2018


Part 1
Dips tells RK ..that Madhu has accepted ..
RK asks Madhu if she din meet? Madhu says.. NO din meet.. RK gloats Dips is shocked
Dips asks her not to lie. .n Madhu asks for proof.. pic/video ? Dips is speechless !! Dips asks Sikky … n he says yes.. n RK threatens Sikky.. n he changes the answer!
Madhu asks.. if Sultan is not allowed in the mall? Dips asks.. why at same time? Madhu says.. someone must have called him.. to set her up.. to look guilty
Sultan returns home.. n thinks about RKs taunts n barbs.. n fumes! Aryan asks about the injury to Sultan.. but he asks Aryan not to be Kaka..! Aryan asks how he got hurt n Sultan says..just something..!
Aryan asks Sultan to bend n blows on the injury n asks if hurt reduced? He says how Madhu had done what Aryan
did now when Sultan was shot! Father son hug..!
Dips alleges Madhu for lying n Madhu says.. its proven that Dips can go to any extent to trap Madhu..! RK gives 8 hours to Sikky-Dips to leave but Sikky begs him not to..!
RK asks them to apologise to Madhu .. but turns n sees Madhu gone n RK screams …
Sultan dabs his injured lip n fumes recollecting RKs insults … Madhu lifts the wet cloth … that Sultan has thrown ..n asks if there is something she can apply Sultan throws things away n asks Madhu to look into his eyes.. n asks why is she here?
Madhu says.. came to say SORRY Sultan says.. not to apologise for RK.. n that its hurting.. him.. to see the words that RK used against Madhu .. how did he demean a hubby-wife relation?
Madhu says.. RK thot Madhu had invited him so. .n Sultan asks.then why did she invite him?
Bittu tells RK that Madhus cell is out of reach .. Radha asks about Madhus friends .. Paddo? RK says not to call .. n says.. Madhu left coz RK being trapped by two jokers insulted her so..!! He asks them to let Madhu be.. n she will return on her own..!
RK tells Dips-Sikky to pray Madhu returns by next morning or he will leave them in the jungle.. to be fed by animals..!
Part 2
Sikky apologises to Radha.. n Radha chides Dips She says that if she knew Dips true colors..she did have kicked Dips out before RK
Dips fumes that Chawl bala is playing games.. fooling all but no one can see.. n resolves that she will expose Madhu n her lies..!
Part 3
Madhu says sorry for whatever happened n thanks him for coming to the party
She asks how Sultan knew something was wrong? Sultan stammers n says.. JUST LIKE THAT ..since he knows she is self reliant..!
She thanks him again…
Precap —- Madhu says..after she leaves.. RK will trust that she returned just for him..! Madhu is about to slit her wrist.. RK keeps screaming.. Madhu ..!!
Part 1
Madhu turned to leave but Sultan asks her to tell him what is happening?
Madhu is hesitating.. n Sultan pulls her arm n says.. dun say.. that i dun have rights ..why playing this game?
Madhu says..she isnt so shallow.. nor playing a game..its a FIGHT.. for her self respect
She says..she isnt a wallpainting to be put on a wall when liked or dumped.. in a store.. when not..! Madhu stops midway n apologises for adding Sultan to the plan!
Madhu tells the whole story…of Party..! Madhu says…she figured Dips was playing a game.. n so sent Sultan a message…n he called her about the party thing.. n Madhu asked Sultan to come to the party n play along!
Sultan asks what did Madhu gain from this? Madhu says.. RK doubted her when Sultan came..but
now there is only one person who doubts her Dips.. She trapped Dips.. n RK trusts her blindly..!
Sultan asks why the lie? Madhu says.. given the life RK has led.. he has no faith in people so to win RKs trust.. one has to play it RKs way.. aka with DRAMA n so she had to become a bit like RK…!
Sultan asks what will Madhu do with this? Madhu says..she has won his love n heart n when he will do fully .. there will be a noise ..n that will be the sound of RKs heart breaking.!
Sikky is packing n Dips asks him to not irk her.. She says.. they are not going anywhere esp not coz of Chawl bala..! Sikky tells her to sit put n he will head out.. n Dips does emotional atyachar on him
Dips says.. she knows Madhu well .. n she wont leave her mission incomplete n so will be back..
Sultan is surprised with Madhus plans.. n Madhu recounts the whole story.. of whatever RK did to her.. till date..breaking her heart.. trust.. self respect .. n how RKs mood changed.. n he forced her to come back in his life..!
She says.. RK cares .. for her. .coz ..if she is hurt it will hurt him..! Sultan says.. Rk can do what he did coz he is RK but she is not RK…
Sultan says.. this is not Madhu … the Madhu he knows.. bonds people.. not breaks them! Madhu asks Sultan not to weaken her stance!
Sultan says..she is above any feeling of hate or anger.. so not to become something else..! Madhu says..she cant forgive RK .. n needs to punish RK..!
Madhu resolves.. RK ka ghamand toot kar rahega..! Sultan asks what about her heart? Madhu says..its broken …nothing is left inside..!
Madhu asks him not to weaken her.. n that she will return the pain back to RK.. n says.she is ok to be called names for this..!
Part 2
RK is sulking in his room ..recollecting party stuff..!
Radha consoles RK RK says.. he doubted Madhu ..true but why she left tho she knows how much he needs her..!
RK screams.. that Madhu is mine.. n why she doesnt understand that he needs no one but her in his life…! He turns n sees Madhu ..
Part 3
RK asks Radha to leave…
He asks Madhu how should he apologise to her
He says he has asked Sikky-Dips to leave. . .n assures all will be well . .Madhu repeats n walks a bit away..!
RK asks if Madhu has forgiven him? Madhu stays mum!
Precap — Madhu takes a knife.. n is about to slit her wrist.. n asks RK if after she dies…he will be convinced that she returned only for him ..?? RK is shocked..n keeps calling … Madhu..!!

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