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Monday, August 20, 2018


Diving straight in
Badd Ana looks like she wants to stamp and scream as Marcelo tricks Analu into kissing him again w/the promise that it will bring Santi back, but after the kiss he gloats that Santi is dead and will never come back, she helped him kill him. (yeah I know weird sentence, weird logic, weird everything) Analu sobs that she will never give up but is eventually convinced by cold as ice Marcelo that Santi is gone and he, Marcelo doesn’t want to see her ever again, as BadAna cries and screams into a towel in the bathroom and then frantically fixes her faces b/c ‘ he can’t see her this way’
The confrontation between Violentin (yay for whoever made that up, and thanks)
and Ramiro expands to TioM when Val asks what his connection to Gina was and brings up old memories for TioM of his thing w/Gina and her telling him she was scared of Violentin b/c he got violently jealous and swore to kill her and her lover if he ever caught her cheating. TioM lies that his connections to Val and Ramiro is his only connection to Gina, and Val and Ramiro end up accusing each other of killing her.
Athe restaurant Marcelo taunts BadAna, she slaps him and they sit down to dine (just another dinner w/the Salvaterras, dear)
I hate you
I hate you too, just as much as I still love you, and really all this is your fault. You tried to have me killed by Evaristo and I lost my memory, so really you caused all this. Why, why did you do it?
BadAna tries to deny her involvement w/Ev but Marcelo won’t shut up about his hurt feelings and all how he met Analu.
Who is tearfully telling Remedios that Marcelo killed his alter ego (I wish she’d cry more quietly, the music in this scene is really pretty)
Remedios refuses to believe Santiago is really dead
Ram’s dad reports to Evaristo Ram wanting to investigate/prove Llora’s friend’s innocence. Ev’s not worried though, he’ll keep him busy w/other things.
Back to Marcelo’s angry rantcap of the last few months of our show. Also he’s out for revenge, if she hadn’t guessed.
When he finishes BadAna warns him to watch it, he’s just made her a woman scorned and we all know what they’re like. She’s a comin for him too!
Ramiro and Violentin make a mutual non-aggression pact, Ramiro tells TioM. Not that he trusts Val, or TioM for that matter.
Sole prays to the Virgin for help and she sends Evaristo, who jokes, but not really a joke, that the church doors should be closed to people like them. She protests for the umpityumpteenth time that she’s not a bad woman, and tells him about meeting BadAna and Abue hired a PI to find Analu and Marcelo got his memory back and threatened her w/jail again, and Analu won’t go along w/her plan to run far away. When he tells her comfortingly that he will take care of her and she has him, she comes back w/ ‘I have nothing’ and Marcelo told Analu about Sophia and he’s going to destroy her.
Ev counsels Sole to be strong and prepare herself for the changes coming and trust in all the love she planted in her daughter’s heart and pray that she comes back to her. Sole cries that if she loses her she will die, she can’t bear being all alone. Ev tells her she’s not alone, she has a friend who cares for her muchly, not,
like Sole thinks, Remedios who would turn on her in a second if it came down to Sole or her godson, no Ev is talking about, and has brought w/him Chana. Hugs.
BadAna gets home and goes down to the storeroom to take her anger at Analu out on her childhood stuff. She’s extremely agitated and talking about how Analu steals everything from her, and now Marcelo’s love, and next Abue, Leonore, and Llora; but her freak out climbs to epic levels when she thinks how Analu might take away the love of TioM. HIM NO! she screams as she tears apart Analu’s doll.
As if in a trance, BadAna puts the stuff back in the trunk and leaves the storeroom.
The tantrum continues in her bedroom, where she rips and curses her ugly and uncomfortable looking dress, and breaks the mirror and then falls into another trance gazing at her fractured image.
Llora and Ramiro get home; blah blah, we’ll take a trip on our honeymoon, blah some more, Analu will be at our wedding (can we get back to the much more interesting deconstruction of BadAna please)
(ok here we go)
Upstairs Crazy!Ana says the name of the show and starts singing the theme song? And she laughs till she cries looking at herself in the segments of the mirror and naming her sisters. (I’ve always thought they could just be one woman)
Next morning Leonore sees the mirror and the picture BadAna threw at it and asks why. BadAna blames an incontrollable impulse brought on by Marcelo’s new abandonment.
Analu is avoiding Sole and being distant and Sole knows it and tries to get a convo started but Analu just wants honesty and answers and Sole just wants reassurance of her love. No progress here.
Marcelo, in Ramiro’s apt is trying to fend off sleep and Santiago’s return w/ mass quantities of coffee. Ramiro points out that he has to sleep sometime no matter how much coffee he drinks and tells Marcelo what he has already told Santi before: He can’t and shouldn’t fight this other part of himself. Only by re-integrating can he really get his life back on track.
Marcelo tells Ramiro about BadAna seeing him kiss Analu at the restaurant and now its open warfare between he and his wife. Ramiro suddenly grew a brain and figures out that it wasn’t a coincidence, Marcelo set it up. What are you up to Marcelo? Is the question we are left with till the next episode.

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