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Monday, August 20, 2018


Jai and Bani walking hand in hand towards the staircase to go down for the sangeet.Nachiket and Aditya are making sure the decorations are ok and they see jai and bani and get very happy.Bani seeing them gets embarassed and leaves Jai hand. Aditya said that they have been waiting for so long to see jai and bani together hand in hand.Nachiket asks Aditya when you praise people why do they always blush looking at blushing bani and Jai. Dadi comes and tells bani she is looking very beautiful and dadi has planned a puja for Bani during the wedding,Bani asks dadi whether dadi has forgiven her and dadi says completely.
Hearing this Jigyasa comes and says Bani has been brought up by her parents very well.She knows how to change her colours so fast,marry rich guys make them mad after her and take all their money.She tells Bani she has all the Walia property and busines, Bani says it is all yours.Jigyasa tells her it is still legally yours.Jai hearing this comes and says that jigyasa should be ashamed and he will loose 1000 such properties for banis saath. A woman is praising dadi’s clothes saying she is looking totally different from everybody and standing out and she asks for the couple.Jigyasa tells her it looks like she is very eager to see the couple when jai and bani walk down the stairs.The sangeet starts and Nachiket is the anchor.He says everyone in the family is very happy Bani is back and everyone will perform on this grand occasion.Nachiket says the performance will start by jai and bani themselves.Music plays and jai and bani slow dance looking at each other romantically,Rashi is staring at ranveer who ignores her. After the performance Rashi sees ranveer looking at Rano and goes to him and asks him to dance,he ignores her and comes towards Rano who goes away from there.After that nachiket announces the most happening couple aditya-jigyasa will dance and aditya teases jigyasa and dances.After that the life of the 4 children will dance. After the performance atharva-krishna hug jai and bani and varun hugs Rano.Nachiket announces Veer choreographed the performance everyone looks at Veer who is sad and alone.Then masi pops in and starts singing and Dadi and Aditya join in. Pia tries to enter Walia Mansion but the guards stop her telling her a private party is going on.But she pushes them and enters in.Rano sees her and asks the guards to go away.She tells Pia she has crossed all her limits of shame when she came here.Pia says she feels bad for what she has done but has not come her to apologise but to get her son veer back as she needs him and wants to start a new life.Rano tells her even if she is saying the truth because of her deeds no one will believe her when jai comes and throws pia out.Bani sees all this.
Jai and Bani going towards their room. Atharva stops them and tells them that he wants to sleep with them. But obviously Jai and Bani didn? want that hence Rano steps in and tells him to sleep with his Masi. However he is adamant and Jai agrees to it. Rano then tells Bani that even she should get going as she has to put Varun to sleep. Veer very innocently asks where he should sleep, to which Rano tells him that he will sleep with her and Varun. He is smiling and they all go. In the bedroom Jai, Atharva and Bani are sleeping. In her sleep Bani keeps her hand over his stomach and Jai ends up doing the same. Feeling his hand over hers she gets up and moves it away but Atharva in his sleep puts Bani? hand over Jai?.
Maasi calls Bani into her room. On reaching there Maasi gives Bani something. Bani tells her there is no need for that but Maasi says that this was just an excuse to call her here but actually she wanted to ask for forgiveness. She says that a mother is supposed to stand by their daughters in all circumstances but she came into Pia? talks and caused harm to Bani. She says that she is just grateful that Bani is back and asks her if she has forgiven Bani. Bani tells her that in a mother-daughter relationship there is no place for sorry and that she is also glad everything is fine. The mehendi ceremony is going on. The entire family is present and everyone is in a jovial mood. Mehendi is being applied on Bani? hands and everyone is talking and is happy. The song Mehendi hai rachne wali from Zubeida is playing?t? an apt song! They tell her that it is a well known traditional fact that when the mehendi is coming so dark, the husband loves the wife a lot. Dadi says that the mehendi is only on Bani? hands but Jai? love is in her heart. Anu asks Dadi why is she blushing so much and whether she is missing Dadaji. Dadi tells them that you think about those you have forgotten and her husband is always with her. She then tells them how they never used to meet before marriage in her days and how it took Dadaji 6-7 days to see her face since they both waited for the other to remove the ghongat. However on the 7th day there was no light and she fell down hence her face being exposed. She then sings a song her husband liked and she had sung on her wedding day. Atharva comes down and tells Bani to go give Jai a towel since he is asking for it. She tells him to do so but he says she has to. She then is embarrassed and says she has mehendi hence can? go. Rano says she has to feed Varun, Rashi says she has to look after the guests and Dadi says her knees hurt and hence can? go. Bani goes to the room and Atharva is sitting on the bed giggling and smiling. She asks him to leave the room but he doesn? budge. She then asks him why he didn? give it to which he replies that when they give it Jai wets them and Bani tells him that they have become naughty and spoilt. She goes and gives it to Jai and forces Atharva out of the room. Jai then peeps out of the bathroom and they have an eye lock. Rano goes into the kitchen and Rashi is already there. They ignore each other and carry on with their work. Ranveer comes in and ignoring Rano tells Raashi to pack her bags. When she asks where they are going he tells her that only she is going back to her fathers place since he wants to divorce her. She asks him what she has done to which he says many things but the main being getting him married to Rano and then coming back in their lives. He tells her that he doesn? love Raashi but loves Rano. When Rano tries to intervene Ranveer screams at her and tells her that according to Rano, Rashi and Ranveer are husband wife and hence when they are talking she shouldn? interfere. He tells Raashi he wants her out of the Walia Mansion and that he will explain all this to Aditya and Jigyasa. After he leaves Raashi is still crying when Rano comes up to her and tells her that she will talk to Ranveer and everything will be fine. Raashi says there isn? any need for that because whatever Ranveer said was true and she tells Rano that she with her own hands destroyed her life and she gave her husband to someone else. Bani walks into Raashi when she is going somewhere crying but cant probe much since the servant comes and tells Bani that Jigyasa is calling her. She is on her way to meet Jigyasa when Veer falls down and hurts himself. He is crying but she just stands there looking till Jai comes and carries him and tells him not to cry and that he will put medicine on it. Jai asks Bani why she didn? take care of Veer when he got hurt and then tells her that he gets it since she has mehendi. He walks away.
Jigyasa comes there and tells Bani that she understands the pain and that Jai wont understand this since he is a man. She tells Bani to keep her distance from Veer since he is the son of another woman and that she should behave the way she does. She tells Bani that once Veer grows up he might be the cause of worry since he is Pia? son at the end of the day and has the same blood as her and his maasi?. she then taunts her about how poor the sisters were when they came and now how they have taken over, like Bani has Jai, Rano killed one son of hers and has the other in her hold. She tells Bani that Jai is naive and that she has to be the one who doesn? let him get too attached to Veer.
Jigyasa s sitting with a lawyer. Bani comes and JigJigyasa tells her that she got the property papers prepared to be returned to its rightful owner, she tells the lawyer that Mrs Bani Walia is the owner of Walia mansion and industries, and everything that belonged to the Walias. Bani speaks of Mr Walia but Jigyasa tells her that Jai is wrapped around Bani’s finger and after todays marriage he’ll only do what Bani tells him to do. So she wants the papers signed as she doesn’t trust these Mt Abu girls. She proceeds on her rant in front of the lawyer and tells Bani that one should never be shy of doctors and lawyers. Bani looks disgusted, takes the papers and leaves.
Finally the wedding. Jai is in sherwani and sehra and everyone is dancing. Aditya ribs Jai telling him to climb on the horse. Jai is hesitant but Aditya tells him that he must be the only man getting married twice and to the same gir. Jai climbs on with Atharva in front of him. Jigyasa as usual is looking disgusted, Aditya tries to dance with her but she shoves him away. Dai, Maasi and Rano receive Jai and Rano puts the tilak on Jai. All look very happy and are smiling away. Maasi says Jai must be the only father going to get married with his children. At the mandap Jai and bani  are sitting in front of the havan. The priest asks for the brides father to tie the knot and give her away. Aditya steps forward but Jigyasa begins spewing venom again to everyone’s discomfort. She tells everyone that one should tie the Jai and bani knot very tight coz it keeps breaking. Bani and her sisters are fatherless girls who once were dependant on the Walias but this very Bani had stripped them of everything and sent them to live in the chawl. Jai tells her to shut up but Jigyasa said that it was this very Bani who had humiliated them in front of these very guests some time back, why is he embarassed now. Dadi tells the priest to proceed and Aditya ties the knot. Jai and bani takes the pheras and it is constantly juxtaposed with the scenes from the first wedding. Amidst vedic chants Jai ties the Mangalsutra and is about to put the sindoor when he sees tears in Bani’s eyes. He smiles lovingly at her and tells her ‘No more tears’ and fills sindoor in her maang. Everyone begins dancing and they show one of the bhangra dancers climbing the stairs. He goes into one of the rooms and Veer is bundled up in a shawl and carried away.
A heart shaped wedding cake has been organised by Nachiket and Maasi tells him that unlike the English customs where candles are blown out, we Indians light diyas to celebrate. Dai says that Jai and bani are going to cut a heart. A tearstained faced Pia is waiting in a car and the kidnapper comes and hands Veer over to her. She gives him money and tells him that they are not to recognize each other ever again.
Bani is looking for the kids to cut the cake. All come but Veer. Rano goes to call him and comes running to tell everyone that Veer is missing. Jai yells at the Security for letting the kid disappear and immediately guesses that it’s Pia whos snatched him.
Rano blames him for this and says that if he’d not reacted the way he did with Pia earlier then this would not have happened. Jai says that how am I to allow that woman whose destroyed our happiness back in our lives. And how can I give her Veer I’m his Father, Pia will simply turn him into someone like herself. Aditya and Nachiket decide to inform the police and leave. Jigyasa congratulates Bani that Pia by removing Veer has for once made things easier for Bani. Bani looks distressed. Damn Pia, she had to spoil the duffers’ hard earned happiness.
Pia is telling Veer that from now on it’ll just be the two of them. Veer wants to go to his Papa / Krishna/ Atharv and tells Pia that she never plays with him or tells him stories. Pia apologises for not having paid him attention earlier. He cries that he doesn’t want to live with her and Pia snaps at him making him cry. Pia apologises and says that now that Bani Maasi is back they cannot go back to that house and that his Papa and the others of Walia mansion don’t love him.
The entire family roaming around the hall in tension for Veer when Aditya comes in.Dadi asks him whether they found out anything about Veer?Aditya replies no.Jigyasa tells Adity that Pia cannot be trusted and jigyasa hopes Pia does not do anything bad to Veer as Pia can do anything.Aditya tells jigJigyasa that her thoughts are always negative and if she cannot say anything positive to reduce the tension atleast not to add to it.Jigyasa replies telling Aditya he is always yelling at her whenever she is saying something about the three sisters and when happiness came to the home after so many days one sister runied it.Jai asks her to shut up and goes away angrily,aditya follows him but dadi stops Aditya telling him to leave Jai alone as he is very tensed.
Pia is driving alongside veer.She sees the roads are closed and there is a lot of police security for a moment she wonders whether the walia’s are hunting for veer but then she thinks that they wont do that as they did not see Pia.She is passing the road when the policeman stops her and sees the kids in her car.He asks pia who is the child?she says he is her son.He asks veVeerer whether pia is his mother and Veer says yes.The policeman says she is a kidnapper and that is mr Walia’s child.
Pia gets scared and speeds her car and goes away.She is driving at a very high speed with the police following her when she bangs into a tree and the door opens and veer rolls on the road.Pia bangs her head into the steering wheel and is bleeding.
Jai is standing in his room looking worried when the phone rings.The police has called mr Walia asks him whether they found out anything about veer?he says the car Veer and Pia were in had a bad accident and they have been admitted in the hospital.Jai asks the name of the hospital and rano,bani,aditya and jai rush to the hospital.
Jigyasa is in walia mansion sitting on the chair and is very happy and she says Walia mansion is finally feeling like before without any of the sisters when Rashi passes.She asks Rashi where is Rashi going?Rashi replies the kids are alone she is going to them.Jigyas tells Rashi that she is always acting like the childrens maid when none of the children are hers.Rashi feels bad and goes away.
They find Veer’s room and Bani runs to him and tells him she is sorry she behaved so badly with him.The doctor enters and asks bani whether she is veer’s mother and bani says yes and asks the doctor whether she can take veer home?he says yes.Jai sees all this and gets very happy he has tears in his eyes.
The doctor tells the Walia family that Pia is in danger and her head was hurt badly but veer is safe.Rano asks where is Veer?when Bani and Jai enter with Veer.Everyone is glad to see Veer fine.Rano tells Bani that Pia is hurt badly and baBanini tells her she does not know any pia and goes away.
In the car Jai is driving and Bani is sitting in the front seat beside him.He puts his hand lovingly on hers and they have an eye-lock session.Bani tells him to look ahead and drive and she is looking at veer and they smile at each other. Bani enters the home with veer and Jigyasa is shocked to see her.She says she has seen the 8th wonder of the world right now.The kid who she did not even touch till now today she is looking after him and will have to look after him lifelong.Jigyas says destiny has played an adbhoot khel and Jigyasa thinks that Jai married bani in majboori as pia is his first love and right now he is in the hospital with Pia and she is here alone. Jigyasa tells Bani that god knows what Pia and Jai are doing alone when Jai enters. she asks Jai how is Pia?he replies i dont know and goes away.
Rashi enters and bani asks her to get Veer milk.Rashi says ok she will get it in veer’s room but bani says get it in my room.Rashi tells bani she is very nice and Bani goes away. Jigyasa tells Rashi if she thinks bani is so nice then why doesnt she learn from Bani and share her husband?her husband is going away in front of her eyes and who is he going after?that bani’s sister rano.Rashi is stunned.

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