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Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Dev comes home from office and gets very happy seeing swinger not in room and his clothes in order in cupboard. Sona comes and says she did not know he is so disciplines. Dev thinks she thinks he did all this. He apologizes and says he was getting used to swinger. She says if it is in room or in garden does not matter, it is in house, that is all matters.
Mamaji asks Ishwari to find his Sunil Gavaskar’s autograph as he has challenged his friend that he has gone. She says she has only 2 hands, let her search. She finds Dev’s birthday certificate and smiles. Mamaji says he remembers she was so excited after Dev was born and did not let anyone see her. She says Dev was so cute, he made her maa from Ishwari. Dev was born at 12:03 a.m. Mamaji says she
performs Dev’s arthi at 6 a.m., this time she should thinking different.
Sona tells Dev that he calls her rabbit, but maa was jumping like rabbit in excitement, she is very excited about his birthday. Dev says maa gets him gift every birthday and always celebrates her birthday. Sona says this birthday also, they will spend whole day with maa, but night after 12 a.m., it is only them. Dev agrees and they both smile.
Ishwari tells Mamaji that he gave a good idea, even she will surprise Dev by performing his aarti at 12:03 a.m.
Vicky stops Elena near her college and tries to speak. She ignores him and says she has moved on and even he should stop pestering her. He fumes in anger.
Next morning, Dev gets ready for office and says any girl will fall for him. Sona tightens his te. He says he will tell his wife selected the dress. Sona says she is very happy that he became indepent and not like before whe he used to call maa for everything. Dev feels guilty. He goes out. Sona tells Radha that Dev has changed for good. Radha yells nothing has changed, she should go and check in Ishwari’s room.
Ishwari irons Dev’s shirt and Dev says he was in a hurry for office. Ishwari says so what, he can take her help any time. Dev asks not to inform Sona. He turns and sees Sona standing. Sona leaves angrily. Dev runs behind her and tries to convince her. She shouts he will not change at all, he would have taken her help. Dev says it is women’s work. She asks if clothes know gender and talks in bengali. He asks to speak in the language he knows and says he is not a chauvanist, but like others, he has some weakness, he cannot do all this. She yells he will be mamma’s boy always. Ishwari enters and asks what is mamma’s boy. Dev says nothing.
Sona fights with Dev that he is mamma’s boy. Ishwari enters and asks what is mamma’s boy. Dev says nothing. Ishwari says it must be something. Sona tells her that she is doing this for Dev’s goodness, Dev needs to be independent and not take mama’s help. Ishwari says what is wrong in helping her son. Sona says it was, but cannot continue like this. Ishwari says taking care of Dev’s needs is her responsibility. Sona says even she stays in this room now, Dev works so hard at office, then why is he so lazy at home. Ishwari’s it is their problem and she cannot understand.
Asha sees Sona’s childhood frock bitten by rat and shouts. Daadi says how dare rat is to spoil her granddaughter’s dress. Asha asks Bejoy to bring
rat trap. Bejoy says she is right, if Sona comes, she will tell food is not hygeinic and will complain.
Dev apologizes Sona. Sona says she wants to make his special day more special and did not want to fight, they should forget this fight and should promise they will not fight again. Dev says she is right, what is today’s plan. She says she is eagerly waiting for his birthday more than she did for her birthday. He says he loving the love, he is very excited to spend his birthday night with him. They both hug.
Bejoy’s family discuss what to keep for rat and tempt him to get into trap. Bejoy taunts Souraav as usual. Their nok jhok and jokes continue.
Ishwari cooks in kitchen angrily. GKB Radha comes and asks what happened, what is she hiding. Ishwari says Sona…forget it. GKB says one should not hide problems, if she does not tell, she will ask Sona what she did now. Ishwari says no need, she will be fine if she takes rest, she does not want to spoil Dev’s birthday. GKB says as her wish. Ishwari asks what mamma’s boy means. GKB asks what bai..Ishwari says it is okay.
Rhea and Nikki prepare hand made greetin card for Dev and joke. Nikki asks what she is gifting Dev. Neha says she is surprised how Sona will leave Dev alone tomorrow after 12 a.m., she does not part ways with bhai at all, if she can, she will run away with Dev even tomorrow. Nikki says bhabi is so cool, she never does that. Neha yells she is very young and will not understand.
Bejoy’s family searches rat and Bejoy scolds Sourav to search rat. Sona comes and asks what are they searching. Family gets tensed, Bejoy hides rat trap behind him and acts as cleaning house. Sona sees rat rat and panics and asks Asha to get food items out soon. Asha finds rat and shows it to everyone. San says it is so cute, they will not kill it. Bejoy says they will not an dasks Sourav to capture it. Sourav captures rat in towel and says he caught it finally. Family’s drama continues.
Ishwari contiues preparing Dev’s favorite dishes. Radha munching dry fruits and badmouths about Sona that Ishwari is preparing ghee halwa for Dev, but Sona will try to stop Dev. She is sure sona has planned something secretly for Dev. Ishwari says why she is thinking wrong. GKB says she is telling right, Ishwari may waste her energy preparing halwa for Dev and Sona takes Dev away.
Sourav and Bejoy work on laptop. Sona says she needs to prepare presentation for Dev’s birthday. Sourav says they are doing same and shows Dev and Sona’s marriage pics. Sona says it is not that good. Bejoy says he prepared it. Their discussion continues.
Ishwari asks Nikki what mama’s boy means. She tells one who loves mother a lot and does not do anything without her permission. Ishwari feels angry.
Sona waits for Dev outside a hotel and calls him repeateldy. Dev gets ready at home and is about to leave when Ishwari stops him and says she has made a lot of arrangements for his birthday and he cannot go out. He says birthday is tomorrow. She says so what, he should spend time with family till then. Dev gets tensed seeing Sona’s calls repeatedly.

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