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Thursday, August 2, 2018


Ishwari enjoys tea with Mamaji, Radha, and Neha. Ranveer comes and gives documents to Ishwari. Ishwari asks what is this. He asks her to ask Neha and says Neha has send divorce notice to him.
Sona at her parent’s house asks her parents why did they hide Sourav’s problems with her. Asha says she told Bejoy to inform her, but he did not. Sona says Bejoy told he considers Sourav and her equal, but he did partiality. Bejoy apologizes. Daadi brings rasmalai. Sona says she is getting late and asks Daadi to pack rasmalai.
Dev enters and is shocked to see divorce papers. Neha asks Ishwari if she thinks she is wrong, she sent divorce notice after thinking thoroughly. Ranveer says he just wants her back to his home. She says she will not come. He asks
what about their love. She says it vanished like her hand prints vanished with hard work. He says doing household chores is not called hardwork. Dev shouts he cannot talk to his sister like this. Ranveer says Neha is only his sister hereon and leaves angrily. Sona enters and greets him. He does not reply and leaves. Sona asks what happened to him. Dev says Neha has sent divorce notice. Sona says she should have thought 10 times before sending divorce notice, divorce is not a solution. Neha yells if they all think she is wronng, she will leave this house and go, this house was never her house. She leaves yelling she will leave this house. Radha starts yelling at Sona that all this happened because of her, why did she bring Ranveer home, now Neha is more angry and will divorce Ranveer for sure. Mamaji asks her to shut her mouth. She continues. Ishwari asks her to be quiet, Neha is very tensed and goes to check Neha. Radha continues. Dev asks her to shut up, if she did not listen what mom told.
Elena walks out of restaurant and sees Vicky entering. She scolds him for stalking him. He ays he loves her and proposes. She stands in a shock. He cotinues that he loves her a lot. She ges a call and she leaves.
Ishwari goes to Neha’s room. Neha yells that she always ignored her happiness. In childhood, whenever she used to get stomachache, Ishwari used to give her pickle as medicine and when she used to get Dev a new shirt and get her just ribbons. She always ignored her happiness and even now she is ignoring her. She has decided to part ways with Ranveer.
Dev goes to his room. Sona asks if he thinks she did wrong by calling Ranveer home, she justs to solve their problem. Dev signals her to be quiet and hugs her. She says once Ranveer and Neha will stay away from each other for some time, they will realize they cannot stay away from each other. Ishwari comes. Sona walks out. Dev asks what did Neha tell. Ishwari says she wants divorce from Ranveer. He asks if he should speak to Neha. She says no, she wil not understand. He says he will speak to Ranveer then and will not let his sister’s marriage break.
Sona sleeping on bed reminisces Sourav’s financial problem and Dev’s concern and tension for Neha. She walks to garden and sees Dev sitting and angrily trying to call Ranveer. Sona dorns shawl on him and says Ranveer must be busy and did not pick his call, so he should try tomorrow. Dev says he tried a lot, but Ranveer is not picking his call at all. Sona says he should rest now and call Ranveer in the morning. Dev hugs her emotionally.
Elena comes to Sona’s home to teach Nikki. Sona enters Nikki’s room. Nikki goes out to get something. Sona gives a cheque and asks Elena to deposit in baba/Bejoy’s account. Elana says no, mesho/Bejoy will not spare her. Elena insists and gives her cheque and says she will rejoin her job soon. Elena
says bye and leaves.
Dev at office breaks things angrily. Tina asks if he is fine. He says he does not have any details of Ranveer and asks to get it soon.
Sona goes to kitchen and seees Ishwari there. She says she did not want to hurt Neha. Ishwari says she knows and says she has just come here and has not understood family members well, so she should stay away from Neha’s problem and let her and Dev handle it. She is married recently and there is no need to fall in this. Sona says she remembers that she told her that she will wait for somedays before rejoining her job, but she thinks now she should rejoin soon before her employees employs someone else. Ishwari says she should rejoin soon. Sona says she can join half day also. Ishwari says she did not become nutritionist to cook, she should concentrate on her profession.
Dev enters Ranveer’s office. Ranveer suprisingly asks why is he here. Dev says if he had picked his calls, he did not have to come here and says this divorce should not happen. Ranveer says he tried to convince Neha so much, but she did not agree and is adamant. Dev says Neha will calm down if he tries, but instead he pushed Neha in a dark cell. Ranveer says mind your language, that is my house and my family stays here. You and your whole family knew about me well before agreeing for marriage. Dev says nothing has gone wrong completely, gives him apartment keys and asks to shift with Neha there. Ranveer says he cannot take charity from him and says he may not know him well, but Neha knows him well and accepted the way he is. Dev says he is doing wrong. Ranveer says Neha wants him to become rich like Dev, but not at a cost of his dignity. If he accepts this one, Neha’s demands will increase., he will not lose his self-respect for anyone. Dev angrily says fine then, my lawyer will speak to you and leaves.
Dev travels in his car and applies brakes seeing a woman in scooty on opposite side and shouts what is this nonsense. He sees Sona and asks what is she doing on scooty. She says she felt like driving, so she sent Elena in taxi and took her scooty. She asks him to sit behind her. He says what…She asks if his male ego is stopping him. He parks car aside and sits behind her.
Dev and Sona then sit on roadside stall sipping coffee. Sona says they should do this often. Dev says he knows. She says they become husband and wife from boyfriend and girlfriend so soon..they should enjoy like boyfriend and girlfriend often. She silently says she is rejoing her job. He angrily asks what…how can she do this..He then laughs and says if he had reacted like this and says whenever he is with her, he lives each moment. She asks if he spoke to Ranveer. He says Ranveer does not want to give a second chance to his marriage at all, he is a wrong man for Neha. He is angry on himself that he did not judge well Ranveer before. Sona says it was not just infatuation, Neha must have seen something in Ranveer and married him even after knowing he is poor, they both have created problems themselves, so it is her and his duty to make them realize their love and sacrifice. Dev says only Neha sacrificed and not Ranveer, now it will not happen, Neha needs her family’s support and not Ranveer’s. Sona says if he remembers how they felt when their breakup happened. Dev says it is not the case with Neha and Ranveer and now Neha will not go back to Ranveer, asks Sona to stay away from all this and let him handle this issue. Sona feels sad.
In the morning, Dev wakes up and smiles looking at Sona’s face. He blows air on her face. Sona says let me sleep. He says chee, did not you brush last night. She checks and says she is not feeling bad breath. He says he did not say that. She says it is a bad Obodro joke. He says even if she does not bath for 15 days, he will not mind. She starts scolding in bengali. He asks her to sleep and close eyes. He starts romantic words and says whenever he sees her in the morning, he feels himself very lucky, etc..She says he is stupid, he does not understand if he is lucky, so she is, how much she loves him. He says girls don’t understand. She says yes girl’s don’t understand and makes sad face. He asks what happened. She says Neha, she wants Ranveer and Neha to feel same like they are feeling. He says Ranveer is adamant and is very egoist.

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