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Saturday, June 16, 2018


John thanks Sofia for being so kind to him and his brother and reveals to her that he loves her very much and she also replies she loves him too but the most unfortunate thing is that she is married. John tells her that he also has a great commitment, but not with a woman and that is what prevents him from loving her freely and Sofia wants to know that very commitment, but it’s not yet time for her to find out that commitment. Sofia and her sisters bid farewell to Father after checking on Frank and Father pulls Sofia back and warn her to be very careful of herself and she would like to know why Father Teddy is being sentimental about saying that but he wasn’t able to give her any reason because he cannot break the secret of confession made by Fernando to his wife. After she left, he asks God to protect the girls from the devil Fernando.
Mrs. Gabriela tells Fernando that father Teddy told her shocking things but as to the particular things, she never told Fernando. Fernando then responds that that she doesn’t need to do everything that father Teddy asks her and he suggests to her that if it’s possible, she should change her priest but Gabriela says that in case Father Teddy shocks her again with his words, she will speak with the archbishop.
Jemima and Sarah try convincing their sister Sofia to try giving Fernando a chance and she tells them she will think about it and so upon reaching home, Jemima and Sarah tell Fernando that they spoke to Sofia about giving him another chance and she agreed to think about it, but he only needs to be gentle and polite with her. He asks them about Sofia’s whereabout and he is told that she went to church to pray for her father.
So, Fernando goes quickly to the church to see Sofia and he tells her he wanted to pray for Don Bernando’s soul too, since he did also love him as a father. After, he tries holding Sofia but she asks him to never touch her because she can’t stand his touch at all since it does reminds of the day she was raped. He asks her if now she is seeing her own husband as her long-time rapist when in fact he married her to make her forget that pain. He asks her if he actually looks unkempt to her that much to continuously reject her and this makes her feel bad but still tells him she can and will never love him in her life.
Eva asks Gabriela to stop the building of the cottage because she sees no use of that since as it is Sofia and her husband Fernando are even not in good terms and their marriage are the verge of collapsing and don’t truly think the two will even agree to stay in it.
Oscar tells Frank that Sarah, Jemima and Sofia are not mean girls and he’s is sure they had nothing to do with Libia’s death and don’t want to hurt them but they have a promise to fulfil as they made to Libia.
John tells Frank that what happened to him was no accident and Rosario has a lot to do with it because someone close to her hates him enough to see him dead, so he should leave her alone and forget about the so-called love he has for Rosa but Frank says that he is not planning to stay away from Rosa because he truly loves her.
Rosa perform at the club but after, she tells her godmother Ofelia that the performance didn’t go well for her because Frank wasn’t present to give her the moral support because seeing him always at her performance always gingers her to do more. Now she realizes how much she loves him but Ofelia asks her to get Frank’s love and thought from her mind but she states that she can’t even though she is trying to stay away from Frank just so she can protect him from not being hurt by Fernando but the truth is she can’t delete his thought and the love she feels for him out of her mind.
Sofia tells Fernando that, instead of him trying to wait patiently for her so to one day hear a word from her that she loves him, she thinks, it will be better to accept that he’s lost her but Fernando says the day he will accept that will be the day he will kill himself for defeat.
Don Augustin pays the brothers a visit at the hospital and he brings great joy to them with her company.
Fernando puts a question to Sofia in front of Gabriela if she wishes for the boys to be brought back to continue with the building of the cottage or to stop them from coming and stop them from coming to stop the continuation and Sofia tells Fernando and Mrs. Gabriela that she doesn’t want the cabin to continue being built and doesn’t want the bricklayers to be back either.

Fernando puts a question to Sofia in front of Gabriela if she wishes for the boys to be brought back to continue with the building of the cottage or to stop them from coming and stop them from coming to stop the continuation and Sofia tells Fernando and Mrs. Gabriela that she doesn’t want the cabin to continue being built and doesn’t want the bricklayers to be back either.
Don Augustin gives several gold coins to John, Oscar and Frank, but John refuses to accept that charity because he thinks they should work to earn that because that is how they were raised up. Don Augustin then tells them that now he likes them more with this great attitude they have shown for not letting themselves be lured with the money though he actually came over to offer it to them so they could use it to cater for themselves.
Father Teddy thinks she has to fight for Sofia to get divorce from that devil husband of hers and therefore wants to write a letter to the church authorities and the archbishop to help him get that divorce for her because she can’t stand to be ruined by that man.
Father arrives at Gabriela’s house to remind her of the burial service he wants to make for Bernando and Libia and Gabriela accepts though not from her heart. Father teddy asks Gabriela if she was the one who agreed that Sofia and Fernando slept in separate bedrooms and, she answers him that, there was no need to do that because Fernando actually was the one who agreed to it as a gentleman. Father then asks Gabriela if she trusts Fernando’s sincerity and she says that she trusts him blindly.
Eva advises Jemima that she should fight for her love and not to do everything her mother does and also should try going out with her sister Sarah to meet people and make friends and not be indoors always just to obey their mother’s tantrums and forgo their own happiness.
Sarah asks her sister Sofia to help her make herself up very well always for Franco so he will love her deeply and Sofia tells her she already is beautiful and needs no make over to look splendid but only believe and have confidence and that will do it best. should continue to have the kind heart she has for everyone always and never allow any one to underestimate or intimidate her.
Father Teddy tells Gabriela that her daughters are already young women and shouldn’t keep them indoors because they need to go out and meet young men and Gabriela agrees to throw a party in her house so to invite young people of their social class so her children could mingle with them but to let them out of the house will be unacceptable and Father accepts it like that knowing that will help the girls socialize with others.
Don Augustin tells Sofia that Frank and Oscar are the great ideal boys for her sisters because they are men who are not in need of money to show how much they are worth and she needs a man like John as well and doesn’t feel it’s right for her mother to look down on the boys only because they are bricklayers or bakers.
Fernando brings to Gabriela the enquires documents he’s made about the psychiatric homes so Don Augustin can be taking to the retirement home and Gabriela looks so much pleased with it and states that they will certainly sent her father away to the place without anyone’s knowledge.

Sofia takes a stroll with her horse and she alights by the river side and walks around and there, she sees Libia’s grave and prays for the eternal rest of her should though she doesn’t know that grave is Libia’s. Same vein, John arrives by the river side wondering how his sister died and who could be responsible.
Eva tells Don Augustin that she paid a visit to the boys and Frank is doing well. Don Augustin expresses to her how he’s missed the boys and together with Eva they plan on how to get the boys back to the house.
John is still on the revenge issue and tells his brothers that they have to find ways to go back to that house so to carry on with their promise but he doesn’t know the way to go about it. Same vein, Eva suggests to Mrs. Gabriela that, looking at the problems she’s been encountering with his father in the house, she thinks Gabriela has to agree with her and continue again and finish the construction of the cabin so that after Don Augustin can live at that place and there it could prevent her from seeing her father very often to argue always and she agrees and the boys are brought back to the ranch.
Whiles Don Augustin keeps them company as they work, Oscar asks him to advise him how to win a woman over and he gives him tutorial that, one is by writing them love letter filled with romantic words, two giving them nice packed flowers and with that she will feel great and pampered.
Sofia and John thinks separately about each other and the love they expressed to each other in most of their encounters.
“Who killed Libia” utv brings your way Friday – Sundays 8:00pm and repeat, Tuesday – Thursday 4:00pm akye! Saaaa!!!! UTV, it’s all about you!!!!

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