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Sunday, June 24, 2018


Carolina admits to Lola that it’s her test and suggests to her that it’s best to wait till you’re married to have kids (PSA#1001). She determines she’s not preggers and calls Damian right away to let him know. She’s been worried her kids might tell Santiago—Why? (You figure it out, Dam.)
• At the grand manse, Santi has finally finished the kitchen remodel. He and Raquel are sad to see this day come because now they’ll have to forgo their daily chats and heart-to-hearts.  Santi thanks her for helping him get on his feet financially with the business. Thanks to her and Dam he’s now having to turn away business.
• Godoy and Antonio discuss the fact that both Caro and Dam were alive, and he was actually conscious after the accident.  Godoy conjectures that he must know who Caro’s murderer was; they also must assume it was somebody close to them, somebody in their inner circle who was extorting them for the cash.  Why? Because, says Godoy, there were no complaints filed for extortion or harassment or anything else by Dam and to have done that would have exposed his and Caro’s great sin to both families. Godoy suggests they concentrate their efforts on finding who in their group of acquaintances could be the criminal.
• Santi and Raq argue about her wanting to do the DNA test.  He fears she’ll take away Benjamin and the boy is his—and that’s that. She tries to explain she only wants more answers since there’s so much they didn’t know. She has no intention of taking Benji away from him. (Viewerville fears, though that the telenovela gods may have different plans if Mimi gets wind of the truth and/or Dam regains consciousness and they learn that he really is Dam’s love-child.)
• Mia acts like a snot to her Tia Cinthia, asking Cin where she’s been. Cin says something like now Mia’s going to be spying on her also? Mia says she’s learned that Cin was in a hospital because she was a [no-good, rotten, stinking] druggie and storms off.
• Federico comes down and he chats with Cin about having started work at the factory. He’s become wise to the fact that neither his grannie or his daddy’s cousin want him there. It’s as if they really mean to shut her and Raq out and take everything away from them. He promises he won’t let that happen.
• Juan the Stalker calls Lola to yell at her for sicking the police on him. “—You should have died like your friend, Patricia! You hear me!” She drops the phone she’s so panicked.
• Meanwhile, Raq visits Dam in the hospital and tells him a couple of times that Carolina is dead. She gripes to him about hiding the fact that Benji was really his and Caro’s son. She reminds him of the time he refused to even think of her and him having another child, kidding/complaining they’d be like grandparents to the kid, but they made love anyway.
• Caro puts her secret plan into action. She mends fences with the hubby and they get busy. Now, if she gets preggers with Dam she can easily claim it is Santi and hers.
• Next morning Dam and Caro text about his thinking he’d have liked being father to her baby—though he’s got Raq lying naked on his stomach. Caro calls him crazy..
• At School, Lola asks how his mother took finding him in bed with her. He says it’s all good—all normal. So she’s used to finding him in bed with girls? No, he explained Lola was his girlfriend. Lola is impressed and pleased. What more does he need to do to prove his feelings, since he’s already declared himself to her mother?
• At the factory, Andres has the Head of Security place another camera in the Banquet Hall without letting Dam know.
• Nico and Mia reminisce of the time he asked Mia to his house and they were caught by
• Nicolas and Mia spend time together and she tells him there’s never going to be anything serious between them. She gets a text from Joquin of the now junked Jeep threatening that he knows she was behind the fire. Nico promises her that if Joquin tries anything he’ll have to deal with him; he’s going to protect her no matter what. They kiss. They get interrupted by Juan and Lola.
• At the banquet house/office, Dam and Caro are kissing up a storm. She pulls away cuz she’s so confused over this whole situation. He admits something’s changed him: he’s fallen in love with her. They get busy on the kitchen table again.
• Lola complains to Laura about giving her away to Juan. She denies it, but even so Lola’s been threatened because of it. Lola tells her to find her sense of self-esteem and not to let herself be mentally bullied or physically beaten any longer. Lola must give this man up and get free of him, emotionally. She knows better than most since she was involved in a similar relationship once, just as sick.
• Tonio wants Godoy to question Vicente’s ex-wife, Lisa, again as he’s now become their lead suspect. Certainly, he wanted to get his hands on that cabin since she took ownership of her parents’ house. Tonio then gets a call from the judge and tells Godoy that the judge is sending out a written order for the DNA test to be done. He feels sorry for Santi who’s lost his wife and now may lose his son, at least figuratively, if not actually literally.
• Raq and Santi have driven to the cabin to look around more. He admits to her that he doesn’t really want to dig around there any longer. There’s nothing there that really interests him; it’s too painful and he wants to just leave it be and move on with his life. She, though, cannot do that. There were so many secrets and she wants to know what Caro really meant to Dam—what she, his wife really meant to him as well.
• Santi gives Raq a pep talk about all her good deeds and accomplishments since she feels she was nothing but her hubby’s shadow. They go inside. She noses around the kitchen and living room and finds a wine bottle with a picture in it. Turns out that the picture had notes on the back. While Santi looks through Caro’s closet and finds a pair of lacy knickers…..
• …we observe Dam and Caro enjoying the last of the wine, cozying up to each other by the fire. She has a selfie of them she’s gotten printed up and she is writing a note on the back. Caro has written that this love might overcome any obstacle. Dam writes ‘We shall preserve this room always as a place of happiness.’
• Santi looks stunned as he and Raquel read what’s been written and saved on the back of the photo. Reality is finally hitting him square across the chops. Raq isn’t satisfied. She’s got to mark the space as hers now and disrobes. Santi isn’t gettin’ with the plan, though and stands there drop-jaw impactado.
• Outside, meanwhile, Vicente, drunk as a skunk and in another funk, begins nosing around the strange black SUV parked in the driveway of the cabin. He tiptoes to the window and peaks in. He sees Santi there. Does he see Raq there half nude making her move on his ex-BIL????

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