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Friday, June 29, 2018


In some half-drunken edition of the Truth Game Carolina said something about Santiago always comparing her to Raquel, which Damián knew was a lie. It was difficult to determine whether it was that or teasing, as Santiago did not think this amusing. Raquel decided that Santiago had to have been teasing her because she was young, beautiful, an excellent cook, etc. Carolina then went on about Damián, saying that he was a good man, loyal, etc., while Santiag tried to divert this conversation to less personal information and commentary. Raquel poured another drink, saying that this should not cause problems between “intimate friends”.
None of the adults realized that Mia was in the next room, eavesdropping near the open door space. Federico caught her and expressed his concern that she always thought badly of people. With some irritation she could not entirely conceal she told him she was intelligent enough to see the evil in people. “Can you really not see that in Carolina?” she asked him. He told her that he saw nothing of the kind. “Carolina is a good woman and a good mother, she loves us, and is a good wife. Enough already.” “ Federico, I have to see if this is real, my imagination, or if I'm going nuts,” she told him. Federico gave up and went upstairs to his room. Raquel asked Damián whether he would want to change anything about her. “ No, not a thing,” he said. When he kissed her Carolina did not like this. She looked as though she had been rejected. Santiago kissed her shoulder. He did not notice. Raquel looked at them with approval, then Carolina said, “About men, and Damián. Who knows whether a man is faithful or not?” She stared at Raquel, who went on about their friendship and how Carolina would never say anything to intentionally offend them. Damián looked away and remained quiet. Finally Raquel had them all stand for a group hug, during which Carolina looked at Damián, who was distinctly uncomfortable with all this. The following morning they left the vacation house. Carolina and Damián were picking up the rear and she turned around to tell him off about initiating the Truth Game. “One thing is obvious,” she said to him. “You will never leave Raquel for anybody.” Santiago came back inside to get her and Raquel called out to Damián.
Raquel and Santiago kissed in the front seat of his truck. She felt guilty about it but could not help herself. He went over to the driver's side and got in. He sat down, reached for the clutch, and his hand fell on the barrel of the pistol in Raquel's handbag, the pistol she had taken from Andres' office. He started to panic. “ Calm down,” she said, tears running down her cheeks. “I realize I did a stupid thing. It was a temporary madness. Please trust me.” He then looked at the photo of the nude and pregnant Carolina. “ Where did you find this?” he asked. “ It was hidden in Damián's office. You know what this means, don't you?”
At the same moment Laura played back the 911 call recording over the air for the whole of Mexico to hear. At the end of the recording Laura addressed her audience. “With this recording we have confirmed that Damián Becker was conscious at the moment when Carolina Rivas was shot. Therefore he knows the identity of his mistress' killer. [???] Did the killer know about the secret relationship of these lovers? Or was this simply a crime of passion? Vicente Rivas, brother of the deceased, has just brought formal charges against Raquel Cohen and Santiago Alvarado. Victims of deception or victimizers of the couple? We will continue to investigate.” She looked into the camera with a smug expression.
Santiago and Raquel tried to decide what to do. He begged her not to show the photo to anyone. He did not want anyone to take Benjamin away from him. He asked where she had found the pistol. “ In Andres' office.” “ Why would have have a pistol?” “ For protection. Damián didn't want him to have it, but he knew that he had hidden one. I had to look for it.” “ I'm going to take you home and take care of you.” They kissed briefly before he started the motor. It didn't occur to either of them that they might have been watched at that moment. Raquel was still upset when she returned home. Her children and her sister were waiting for her in the living room. “ Mother, were you at the hospital?” “ Yes,” she choked out. “ How is father?” “ The same. Excuse me, I need to be alone.” She went upstairs despite Cinthia's attempt to stop her. “ What happened between Santiago and my mother?” Mia asked. “ Between your mother and Santiago?” Cinthia asked, confused. “ Nothing happened,” said Federico. “They're only friends.” “ Only friends? Like Father and Carolina?”
“ You are unbearable, Mia,” he said. “Always talking nonsense.” He left the room, unable to take anymore. Mia looked at Cinthia. “ Tell me the truth. What do you know?”
Carolina had taken Lola to the doctor's office for contraception and disease prevention counseling. The doctor was happy to see that Carolina and Lola were communicating about this, with a comment that he should hear more of this in his office. He then said he wanted to talk to Carolina privately and Lola left them alone without question. The doctor informed Carolina that she was pregnant. She was shocked, or pretended to be. He told her that it was only a few weeks, but congratulated her and Santiago.
Santiago and Raquel were conversing as he finished up in the kitchen when Mia returned home from school with her classmate, Julieta. Raquel greeted her enthusiastically, happy to see that Mia had friends. Mia then said they would go upstairs to her room because she didn't like seeing Santiago in their kitchen with her. Santiago was a little disturbed by that but Raquel asked how things had been with him and Carolina. He said there were problems and Raquel told him that where there were problems or fights there was the chance for reconciliation, implying that make-up sex would be a Great Thing. In fact, she encouraged him to fight with Carolina specifically with the reconciliation sex as a goal.
Carolina ran into Nacho and Augustin at Legato when she went to see Damián. She told them that she was there to see Damián about her catering business. She did not realize that Andres was in his office, watching her through the glass walls as she spoke with the secretary. Andres was studying the video of Carolina and Damián christening a couch that would be in the catering facility. After this Carolina went back into the office space only to be accosted by Andres while she waited for Damián. “ Carolina! Who is the favorite in this place?” he asked. She rose, knowing what to expect from him, saying she had to go. He almost slammed the door shut as she was almost close enough to exit. “ You have to stay,” he said. “Were you here to f--- Damián?” Another insulting remark ;ater she slapped him. “ Are you challenging me?” He asked. “In that case I'll tell your husband what you've been up to with my cousin. This is really beautiful,” he said, as he opened his laptop on Damián's desk. He smirked as her desolate expression got worse. “What can you say to that, slut?”
Julieta and Mia talked about Joaquin and other boys at school. Julieta told Mia that Joaquin was seriously in love with her and “He's dying for you.” Mia was not ready to believe this. She was more interested in revenge and asked Julieta whether she would be willing to help.
Gabriela went to Raquel's place to see Santiago, introduced herself as Raquel's friend, and asked if he would do a similar remodeling job for her. She gave him her business card and said to call her at his convenience. He left the two women alone and Gabriela tried to mend fences with Raquel after the indecent proposal she had made at their last meeting. Raquel was not sure where to go from there. Gabriela told her that they could drop the whole thing if it made her uncomfortable but did an about face by saying that she and her husband wanted to be completely honest with her and Damián in the name of their friendship. She went on to say that they were honest with themselves that to have desires for others was perfectly natural. Others were repressed and others deceive, but they want it all out in the open. “ I don't get what you're trying to say,” Raquel said. “Are you saying that you want to get it on with my husband?” “ No. Correction: I want both. You and him.” She continued, ignoring Raquel's shocked facial expression. “Because between us desires are shared, understand? It's nothing individual.” “ Thanks, but no. I don't understand you, Gabriela. Why do you want to get it on with someone else's husband?” “ Because that's the secret of this lifestyle,”Gabriela said, as though she were offering chocolate truffles. “It's the perfect antidote to jealousy. Besides, this lifestyle opens up another world. Another world of sensation, pleasure, another connexion with your partner and to others. It's most honest thing there is.” She paused only for a moment. “Deception, on the other hand, is something else. Deception is sad. This isn't.”
“ I'm sorry, but I can't take any more,” Raquel told Cinthia. She went on briefly abot how tired she was of the lies and feeling like a fool. She didn't want to talk about her feelings for Santiago. Cinthia tried to tell her that she shouldn't feel ashamed of this after Damián's deception. Raquel told her that she wasn't sure whether the feelings were real or a desire for revenge. “ Why don't you just get it on with him?” Cinthia asked.
“ How should I do that?” Raquel asked, in tears. “How can I do that when I dodn't know myself why I'm doin it? If it's real or revenge? That isn't good. It's not good if done out of hate. It's not good if I can't look him in the eyes.” “ Well, what are you waiting for?” Cinthia said. “For Damián to wake up and tell you to your face that he deceived you? That he doesn't love you and that he boinked Carolina?” “ What are you saying?” “ Why are you showing so much mercy after what he did to you?” “ Because the man is in a coma and he is my husband even though he made a mistake.” “ A mistake? What if he made another?”
“ What? Where are you going with this?” “ Damián cheated right under your nose. Right in your own house.” “ Don't talk about things you don't know anything about.” “ Raquel, it's a lot more than you can believe.” “ How?” “ You want to believe he's great and perfect. You thought that marrying Damián was the greateest trophy you ever scored and now you see what it is. A stubborn man who has deceived you.” “ Why are you talking to me like this with such resentment?” “ Because of what you did to me, Raquel! You left me alone. You locked me up in a hospital and only to maintain appearances. You denied to the whole world that I had an addiction. But your husband did much worse things and you never knew!” “ What worse things?” Raquel was crying harder. “What worse things? What did he do? What happened?” “ Carolina was not the first woman he deceived you with. Before her, there was me.” Raquel stared for a moment, unblinking. “ Did you get that? Damián was in my bed first.” After a pause, Raquel hauled Cinthia to her feet and looked her in the eye. “ Tell me,” she said. “Tell me that you're telling me this to vex me. That what you're telling me isn't true.”
“ Raquel, it's true. It's the truth.” Raquel slapped her hard. “ You are a disgrace!” she shouted. “You are garbage just like Damián!” She turned away for a second to wipe her tears, then looked back at her sister. “When did he do this?” Cinthia hesitated and Raquel shouted. “When did this happen?” “ That's not important! I was drugged! I was crazy!” “ Do you think that justifies it, idiot? I am your sister!” “ I was on drugs! You don't know what it was like for me!” Raquel left the room, leaving Cinthia to contemplate this disclosure.
Nicolás answered his cell; it was Mia, whom he had promised to call and hadn't. He explained that he had been taking care of his little brother because Lola was out with Juan. He told her his interview had gone well and he got the job. They talked about the news story. Nico was now convinced that there was something between their parents. She told him she missed him. He said he started the next day at his job. Santiago arrived home so Nico ended the call. He and his father talked about cleaning the house and Santiago explained that he and Raquel had been at the cabana and that Vicente is bringing charges against them. Nico asked why, but Santiago clearly didn't want to talk about it. Nico wanted to talk to him but Santiago asked “Why, to judge me?” which resulted in Nico not telling him that he had landed a job.
Antonio was studying the corkboard in his office when Andres entered, telling him he wanted to press charges against Raquel for stealing his firearm. He had seen the news report regarding the 911 call and announcing that Vicente was filing charges against Raquel and Santiago. Antonio didn't say so but was not particularly eager to comply. Finally he asked Andres whether he knew about Damián's dalliance with Carolina, implying that their relationship was the foundation for disclosure. “ What does that have to do with it?” Andres asked. “ Your paranoia. It's one thing to think she took the weapon but to speculate on the motive?”
“ So what do you think?” “ Did you or did you not know that Damián and Carolina were lovers?” Andres did not answer.
Nicolás reported for work in clothing that was much too casual for the office. His new boss asked whether he had a suit and he admitted that he had borrowed the one he wore to the interview. She then told him they had to go out to buy him one immediately, then rose to get her purse. He told her he was going to buy one out of his first paycheck, but she ignored this, saying “If you're smart, you'll be making a lot of money” before telling him to shut the door on their way out.
Had Nicolás had more experience he would have notice that she was no more appropriately dressed than he was. Her blouse was the same color as her jacket, but it looked more like a lacy undergarment from Victoria's Secret.
Raquel went to the hospital and into Damián's room. She stared at his face and spoke in the most controlled voice she was capable of. “ How many other women did you deceive me with? You boinked my friend. You deceived me, Damián. And you didn't have the least regret deceiving me with my sister. You hated me. You hated me.” She got up to her feet and moved her face closer to his and whispered. “Traitor.”
She then left the room.
Miriam and her shark sat opposite Andres in his office. He ended a phone call and told them that Raquel had been in the hospital but had left. Miriam was indignant, demanding to know what they could do since Raquel now had a firearm. She was aware of Vicente's accusation and asked “What more proof do we need?” Rueda told her that justice could not be rushed. Miriam said she was sure that Santiago killed Carolina and that Raquel was his accomplice. She asked him whether a restraining order could be issued and he advised her that it would be difficult because Raquel was Damián's wife. However, if he presented the puzzle pieces such as the arguments, the pistol, and Damián's infidelity it might be possible. Miriam told him to help Vicente bring the charges. He said he would get him a good lawyer, then took his leave.
Santiago went to see Antonio, who had no inclination to arrest him or Raquel. However, he told him that if a judge ordered it he would have to. He told him about Andres' visit and asked him to tell him everything he knew about Raquel.
Laura met with Lola, who was not inclined to trust her after the broadcast. She suspected that Laura – rather than helping her with Juan – was fishing for information about Santiago and Raquel. She was proven right when Laura brought up her involvement with older men and asked whether she had ever boinked Damián.
Nicolás was trying on a new suit and it was a perfect fit. His boss told the salesman to bring some shirts as well and he complied. Nicolás was not seeing through this situation; he had obviously never seen Tony Richardson's 1963 classic film or he would have realized that he was playing Tom Jones to his boss' Lady Bellaston. During this time Mia tried texting him and he put off answering. She became increasingly impatient and sent him several texts, finally ending with “Thanks for ignoring me.”
Santiago told Antonio he had Andres' pistol, which he had taken from Raquel. Antonioi told him to bring it in right away and asked him why Raquel took it. He explained everything about this to Antonio, who tried to warn him that a judge could order a DNA test on Benjamin. Santiago refused to allow it, declaring loud enough to be heard in the outer office that Benjamin is his son and that they should be looking for his wife's killer.
At Andres' orders Azucena brought Carolina some water and Andres pretended to be concerned, saying that the company doctor should look at her. He sent Azucena to check up on Damina. Carolina was not about to allow that. She tried to leave, but Andres stepped into her way. “ Oh, no. I'm not going to allow you to deceive your husband, my friend, and my partner. You aren't going anywhere; you're staying here. We're going to see what we have to do. You will do something for me or I will reveal those videos. And if you say anything to Damián I will see that your husband sees those videos.”
Mia and Julieta met and Julieta told her that all had been arranged. Nico and Federico caught up to Mia just as she asked Julieta if she had the pills. The two girls walked off to initiate their plan. Mia brushed the boys off, much to Nico's irritation.
Santiago called on Gabriela who told him she wanted the same job done on her kitchen that he had done on Raquel's. She wanted to make exactly the same “deal” with him that Raquel had. He asked what she meant. She sat next to him and started caressing his thigh. HE stood up, saying they should take a look at her kitchen. He must have been desperate for the money this would pay.
Federico and Nico went back to the Alvarado house where Lola was in bed with Juan. Nico called out for her, then went up to her room. She was in her underwear when he opened the door to her room without knocking. Juan was at the end of the room on the side where the door was hung and therefore not visible to Nico, whom Lola told she was alone.
Mia emptied powder from the capsules into a drinking glass. Jovita came to her door to tell her that Joaquin was downstairs to see her. She rushed out while Julieta hid the brown pill bottle and picked up the lemonade pitcher. “ Why did you come to see me?” she asked. “ To apologize,” he said. “I regret everything that happened.” “ You regret everything that happened?” she asked. “After you shamed me in front of the whole school?” “ Mia, look, I was wrong. Now I realize I like you. A lot. Mia, forgive me. I promise everything will be different. I swear.” “ Very well,” she said, smiling. “Let's go to my room.” She turned around to lead the way.
“ Who's home?” he asked. “ Nobody.”
Andres put a business card in Carolina's purse. “We will meet at this hotel in an hour. If you don't show up I will call your husband.” “ A hotel?” she asked. He then noticed that Damián was just outside the office. “ In one hour,” he said. He picked up his laptop and opened the door to Damián. “ What are you doing in my office?” Damián asked. “Leave us alone.” Andres left without another word. Damián closed the door.
“ What are you doing here?” he asked. “ Damián, you have to help me,” she said, shaking. He took her shoulders in his hands and both turned to the glass wall. Raquel was just outside.

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