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Monday, June 25, 2018


Present Time: Godoy is outside of the cabin letting Raquel and Santi know that Vicente is going to file a complaint against them accusing them of murdering his sister Carolina. Santi says “what did he say?” and Raquel Says “we have a right to know what he said” Godoy then tells them that “he is sure that you planned the murder so that you could be together, he says he saw you earlier in the cabin together, you know what I mean” Santi then tells Godoy that he is obviously lying he is a drunk and how are you going to believe a drunk. All Godoy can tell them is that they have to be careful of Vicente and of the press, because the news will be filtered to them. Santi then very accurately tells Godoy, that the filtering will be done by Laura because of him. Godoy denies giving any information to the media (but we all know that he does). Santi offers to open up the cabin for him to investigate, but Godoy does not have a search warrant, Santi says “go get your warrant and I’ll let you in” Godoy leaves, and Raquel and Santi are left to feel an utter disbelief of their situation. At the Becker home flowers are delivered, Jovita is taking them in when Cynthia asks if they are for Mia, Jovita said no they are for you. Cynthia grabs them and looks pleased. Rafa calls her and she tells him that it’s a good thing he called because she needs the supply of drugs; she has some clients that are very interested. He tells her you already have the supply look in the base of the flowers. She does and finds a bag with the drugs. She looks worried. Rafa tells her she is now in and can’t back out.
Nico goes to visit Fede at the office, and tells him that his interview went well. Nico then gets a text and it’s from Mia. Fede asks Nico if he is going out with his sister Nico reluctantly admits it and Fede tells him that he better take care of his sister. Laura goes to the station looking for Godoy, Antonio tells her he is out in the field working on the murder investigation. Laura asks if there is any new news. Antonio tells her to stay out of it, “oh and by the way Juan is being watched” however they can’t arrest him because he has not been accused of anything yet. Antonio then tells Laura to stop pressuring Godoy, Laura says “think of what he did to me and then decide if I am really pressuring him”
Raquel is losing her composure because she can’t believe she exposed herself to him, she cannot believe that they are being accused. Santi tries to calm her down but it is too late for that. Raquel continues to panic. 3 years earlier Lola goes up the stairs calling Carolina, Carol and Dam hear her and begin to panic. Nico then calls Lola to come outside which allows Dam and Carol to get up and again Dam sends Carol out to face the music and come up with a story as to what she was doing in the room. Carol says she was upstairs fixing something she is disheveled and Lola notices but Carol just plays it off and diverts the conversation takes Lola outside and Dam is free to make his escape.
In the evening Raquel is all over Dam (Dam not kissing her back) Santi and Carol are there Raquel turns around and apologizes “are we making you uncomfortable?” Carol actually looks upset at them. Santi says that it’s time to go to bed and Raquel tells them that their room is soundproof and they won’t hear them (wink, wink) Raquel gets back to kissing Dam but he is not at all interested. In the attic the kids are just Chilin and Lola texting away with Juan, Nico confronts her about it but she says to butt out, Mia tells them to keep it down she is trying to sleep. She then decides to go for a walk, and Lola tells Nico to go out with Mia. Nico goes and follows Mia out. In one of the bedrooms Santi is trying to seduce Carol, but she is stiff as a mummy and Santi is not getting any action. Santi complains to her that she is pushing him away; she says she is not pushing him away and tries to kiss him, but has no interest at all. In the other bedroom ditto Raquel is trying to turn Dam on but, his burner is off he tells her that he is tired. Carol manages to get Santi to stop by telling him that Lola’s situation with her boyfriend has her worried, that the fact that she had sex for the first time is worrying her, reminds her of them when they were young and is worried. Santi tells her there is nothing to worry about. Mia and Nico come back from a walk and are arguing Raquel interrupts them asks if everything is ok they lie and say yes everything is fine. Nico goes to sleep and Mia and Raquel talk. Mia tells her that Nico wanted to have sex with her, Raquel is shocked but gets ahold of herself and tells Mia that she will do it when she is ready to do it and not before. Mia says she wants to go to sleep but Raquel wants to continue conversation. Present time: At police station Santi is listening to the 911 call that Dam made the night of the accident. Antonio apologizes for making him listen to it. “You know what this means?” “They were alive after accident, and carol was shot and Dam was hit on the head with the shovel” Santi thanks Antonio for sharing the information. He says that he was going to come and talk to him about Vicente because he is accusing him and Raquel of murdering Carol. Santi tells Antonio, "you know that I am incapable of doing that". Ant knows but he suggests that Santi not get involved with Raquel because that is just going to cause him problems. Santi asks Antonio to do him a favor and to keep this information away from press, but Antonino can’t promise that (of course he can’t he has a rat in the station) As Santi leaves, Antonio asks him who does he think did it. Santi says that there is only one person he thinks did it and that is Vicente because he is crazy. At the Alvarado house Lola is on the couch crying, Nico comes in and asks her what is wrong, she says “mom is dead; I don’t know what to do with Benji, and Juan….” “What did Juan do to you?” Lola does not answer and simply hugs Nico. Laura and Godoy are having their daily debriefing. Godoy tells Laura about the 911 call and about Vicente accusing Raquel and Santi. Laura because she is such a good detective says “no Vicente is just trying to steer the investigation another direction” (really Laura?) Godoy then says “Antonio is not being objective because he was friends with Santi’s dad.” (Really Godoy?) Look who’s calling the kettle black. (This police department is such a joke). Laura then asks “so you think that Raquel and Santi were capable?” “Why not?” says Godoy. “You are right a woman scorned is capable of anything?” Santi goes to Raquel’s house; Cynthia says she is not there. Santi can’t believe it because he dropped her off at the house not too long ago. Well she’s not there. He begins looking for her, calls Nico to ask if she is there. She is not. Raquel is at Dam’s office, she is looking for something, anything. She goes thru files, drawers, sees a picture of herself with Damian during better times, puts it down continues searching (music playing is hauntingly desperate) she finds an envelope and a picture of a very naked, very pregnant Carol comes out of the envelope. Raquel collapses, grabs the picture of her and Dam, brings it close to her face and then throws it and screams with excruciating, heart pounding pain. She is devastated. 3 years earlier. In the cabin Dam walks out of his bedroom walks up to Santi and Carol’s door and simply stares longingly. Raquel and Mia are outside having a mother daughter heart to heart. Very endearing. Mia confesses that she is ashamed of her body (what she has done to her body) and that’s why she doesn’t want to be with Nico or any other man. Raquel reassures her and tells her everyone has something that they don’t like about themselves. Mia smiles and appreciates what her mother tells her. Dam sees them outside and comes out to them, he hugs Raquel, Mia tells them they behave like boyfriend and girlfriend. In the meantime Carol came out of her bedroom as if she sniffed something was up. She spies at the trio outside, and does not know what to do with herself, Santi also comes out of the bedroom begins looking for his wife, finds her and she lies that she went out for a glass of Dam…water I mean. Santi tells her it’s late to go to bed, but no guess what “I feel like going for a ‘walk’” Santi obliges, but she really wants to go out to where Dam is to put a stop to the “love birds” So Santi and Carol go out and interrupt Raquel and Dam. Raquel is none the wiser and invites them to go have some drinks. Mia who has a 6 th sense about these things goes to spy on them, Fede catches her and says “what are you doing?” Mia confesses that she thinks that “Carol is a bad woman she is jealous of us, and she is jealous of mom and would be happy to be with dad” Present time: Raquel continues to torture herself in Dam’s office then moves on to Andres’ office; she looks thru his files, and drawers, eventually finds a gun. Takes it with her. Santi is telling Cynthia about the Vicente accusations and that the police will begin investigating everyone. Cynthia asks “everyone?” "yes everyone in the inner circle of the victims". Cynthia looks very preoccupied. Raquel gets to the hospital grabs Dam and screams at him to wake up. She asks why does he have a picture of a pregnant Carolina, she is shaking him violently a nurse comes in to tell Raquel to stop. Raquel says “if someone did half the things that he did to me you would understand." The nurse is unable to stop Raquel. (between the police department and the hospital's inability to perform their duties, the truth will never be known) Nico gets a call from the attorney she says he got the job. She "personally" selected him. Nico is very happy. Does not realize that the attorney is talking to him in a seductive way. Cynthia gets a call from hospital letting her know that Raquel is there. Santi rushes off to hospital to get her out of Dam’s room. Walks her out to the parking lot, where she puts her purse down and we can see she is carrying Andres’ gun. Santi tries to comfort Raquel the best way he knows, and they kiss again, not passionately instead it’s a kiss of loss, desperation, and desolation.

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