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Friday, June 22, 2018


Sona walks with halwa bowl sadly reminiscing Dev not liking it. Ishwari comes and Sona asks why did she keep halwa on table when she knew it is not tasty. Ishwari says she thought Dev’s taste is changing and he is liking new things a lot now a days, so she did not stop Dev. She says she should take this halwa home as nobody will like her and her family may like it as her family may be habituated to eating diet food without ghee, sugar, taste… Sona says she will take this halwa for sure, it will remind her to learn preparing halwa like her soon.
While dropping Sona home in car, Dev apologizes her that he did not know she prepared halwa, else he would not have commented badly. Sona says mom knew about it as she tasted it before, even then she let him taste it.
He says why would mom do that, in fact she was taking her side . Sona says mom does not like her. Dev says she told she knows mom more as a woman. Sona continues crying. Dev continues convincing her, drops her home and leaves. Sona reaches home sadly. Bejoy asks if she fought with Dev babu. Sona nods yes. He gives her moral gyaan and consoles her.
Ishwari reminisces Sona’s words that she will learn making halwa like her soon and does not get sleep. She calls her doc and asks him to send some sleeping pills as she has run out of her pills. He says still there must be 15-day supply left. She says no. Doc says he will send in the morning. Radha hears her conversation hiding near door, then comes in and asks why she needs sleeping pills at this age. Ishwari says she is tensed thinking what Sona told and is worried soon she will take her place in this house. Radha feels it is a good chance to brainwash her against Sona and yells that she knew Sona is so sharp and will try to sideline even her from Dev’s life. She continues brainwashing Ishwari and thinks she knew Ishwari does not like Ishwari.
Ishwari gets family photo next and picks the one without Sona in it and happilly fixes it on wall. Radha says family is looking very nice. Dev sees that and asks where is Sona in it. Ishwari says Sona is not yet part of her family. Dev says just rituals are left and they are alerady one, soon even rituals will finish and Sona will be part of this family. Ishwari stands fumiing. Sona comes and hears their conversation. Dev sees her and leaves. Ishwari goes back to her room and fumes. Radha brainwashes her again. Sona enters and says she hears their conversation, she wants to be part of her family and what she should do for it. Ishwari says just because she and Dev think, she cannot be part of her famiy and continues insulting her. Sona walks out disheartened.
Precap: Sona asks Ishwari if even she was nervous when she was newly married and Dev told his grandma helped her adapt to her family’s environment, even she wants her to teach her culture of her family.
Sona tells Elena that she thinks Dev is right, they just told Ishwari about their love just now. Elena says why is Ishwari comparing their love to 2-minute noodles. Ishwari says she told lie, so Ishwari is angry. Elena says Dev told lie and not her, he is aunty’s son and should have informed auntyji. Sona says she wans Ishwari to accept her and says she is not worried as Dev is with her.
Mamaji comes to Ishwari’s room and says Radha told she is taking sleeping pills. He says he will tell her their childhood stories. She says she was child then, now she has her own children, if he noticed Dev comes late and does not have food with her, lies he ate at office. He says even Ria and Nikki eat food in their rooms, Dev is grown up and owner of a big company, he has
to meet many people and may be having food with them. She says she only has a son for him she sacrificed her life, now he is grown up and someone came in her life, so mother should sacrifice everything and go away from life or spend rest of life in one corner of room. Mamaji asks if she has gone mad, Dev is different and is obedient son. She says even she thought same until Dev lied her, time has changed, Dev does not have dinner with her anymore.
Sona goes to kitchen and cuts vegetables. Asha is surprised to see her in kitchen and says at least she can talk to her daughter now. Bejoy sees Sona in kitchen and scolds her that he did not spend so much on her education just to spend time in kitchen, she will not do anything which she does not like, he knows she is trying to learn cooking on Dev or Ishwari’s insistence, so it is better if she tries to be herself and not change for others.
Sona comes for work in the morning and sees spicy and oily breakfast on dining table and asks Bhola if so much food is for mamiji. He says it is for whole family including Dev. She asks him to remove everything and prepare poha for Dev. Ishwari comes and asks what is happening. Sona says Bhola has prepared spicy food, she is asking him to keep it back in kitchen. Ishwari says she prepared all this and Dev will have food with his sisters. She says Dev.. Ishwari says Dev is eating whatever she gives him in bowl, does not have food with family at all and does not have time for family. She yells that she is thinking of becoming Dev’s wife and not bahu, Dev has many other relationships to follow, but she is trying him to take him away from family. She talks of becoming part of family, but still does not know how to keep family united. If thread is weak, it cannot holds things together, she is a weak thread.
Asha says all daughters prepare food. He says Dev’s family is trying to change Sona and he does not want to. It is time to meet Ishwari know without informing Sona today itself and see what Sona has chosen.
Sona goes to Ishwari’s room and starts praising her. Ishwari asks why is she praising her. Sona says she wants to learn everything from her, Dev told his daadi taught her everything like a daughter. Ishwari says her mother-in-law evaluated her carefully and selected her for his son, not like Sona who forcefully selected herself without elder’s permission. Sona says she will be marrying Dev soon anyways, so she will have to teach her culture of this house willingly or unwillingly. Ishwari starts thinking.
Sona’s family comes to Dev’s house and introduces themselves. Ishwari is surprised to see them. Sona is also surprised and asks why did they come here. Bejoy asks her to go and work and let elders talk. Asha signals her everything is fine. Radha starts her taunts and says Sona selected a very rich boy and it is obvious for her parents to come and grab the opportunity before it slips. Bejoy says childrens have chosen themselves, it is time to accept their choice. Ishwari says yes, they don’t have any choice than giving blessings. Chat continues. Daadi says their family is friendly and they were taunting Sona since a long time. Ishwari asks since when this is going. Elena says Sona fell in Dev’s love, then got disheartened and was about to leave job when Dev also proposed her, in all this process, it took around 3-3-1/2 months. Ishwari is shocked and thinks Dev lied her for 3-1/2 months.
Precap: Ishwari pops in sleeping pill nervously thinking she has to sleep before Dev comes and collapses on floor.

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