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Thursday, June 28, 2018


Its night, Twinkle is walking in corridor of house, she recalls how Kunj asked for another chance, how Yuvi said that Twinkle was of Kunj’s only, how everyone is happy to see Kunj back, how Yuvi is being silently hurt, jo behji thi dua plays. Kunj is punching bag and recalls Twinkle’s hurtful words, how she said that Yuvi was there for her to hold her hand, he says why i did it? Yuvi is sitting in his room and is restless too, he recalls Twinkle’s words that nobody is asking her opinion, three of them are hurt.
Kunj is sitting in tears and says i did mistake by hurting Twinkle, its unforgivable. Yuvi says to himself that i hope Twinkle forgives me, how could i not try to find out what Twinkle wants, whats in her heart.
Usha comes to Kunj’s room and sees him in thoughts, she says its all happening because of Yuvi, i accept he shut down everyone but what was the need to come in party? why he doesnt leave from here, your relation with Twinkle wont be rectified till Yuvi is here, Kunj says its not about Yuvi, Yuvi has been by Twinkle’s side, they are close friends and i dont have any problem with their closeness, i dont understand how to win Twinkle’s heart.
Yuvi says to himself that i just wanted to make place in Twinkle’s life, i thought she wanted to go back to Kunj but i didnt try to know what Twinkle wants, whats in her heart, Leela comes and says its not your fault, Kunj coming back after years made everything mess, Yuvi says i dont know what should i do.
Babee says to Kunj that i will tell you, i will tell you what you should do, you have gap between you and Twinkle of 5years, you should show your right as husband with love, pacify her till she doesnt agree, she loves you alot, she will agree.
Leela says to Yuvi that i know in all these years, you have been good son and good husband, only i know how you loved Twinkle and took care of her, you did it by your heart so i will say even now to listen to your heart and do what he is saying and then leave it on fate, she gives Ganesh idol and says he will set everything right.
Babee gives Ganesh idol to Kunj and says he will be with you, he will set everything for you, Kunj smiles. Yuvi is in tears.
Its morning, Kunj comes out of Sarna house, he sees Twinkle’s room in Leela’s house. Yuvi comes out of his room and going to Leela’s house too. They enter house again and looks at each other, Kunj says i think i should talk to Twinkle, she is my wife and i should be with her, Yuvi says excuse me i am Twinkle’s husband, Kunj says what happened to you? you signed divorce papers, Yuvi says to Kunj that i am technically Twinkle’s husband as Twinkle havent signed divorce papers and i feel i have hurt my wife alot, i mean all said and done, i didnt ask her what she wants, whats in her heart, i assumed that she wants to be with you but she clearly doesnt want to be with you so i am going to talk to my Twinkle, she is upset because of you, i have never seen Twinkle so upset in these 5years so its better if you dont meet her, Kunj is stunned.
Yuvi says to Kunj that i have never seen Twinkle so upset in last 5years so its better if you dont meet her, Kunj says oh hello, you remember last 5years but you forgot earlier, if my wife is upset then i will pacify her, he starts to leave but Yuvi stops him and says now you are acting like husband? when Twinkle needed you, where were you? you ranaway and Twinkle was broken, i saved her from breaking down, we may not have husband wife relation but we have fulfilled vows of marriage, i love her from my heart and i cant leave her like this, i will get her at any cost, Kunj says Twinkle doesnt love you, i know my Twinkle, i know only i am in her heart, Yuvi says overconfidence? Kunj says not i have faith in Twinkle, lets ask Twinkle whats in her heart, it will be clear whom she takes as
her husband, Yuvi and Kunj stands infront of her house, Yuvi says may the nest man for Twinkle wins.
Yuvi is sitting in his room and recalls his time with Twinkle. Kunj is punching his punching bag. Yuvi recalls how Kunj challenged him. Kunj recalls how Yuvi challenged him. Yuvi says i will pacify Twinkle, i will. Kunj says you are mine Twinkle and i will make you mine again.
Pinni says to Leela that twinkle’s two husband situation is serious, Raman says she is right, what will Twinkle do?
Leela says i know God will do good for her. Twinkle comes there with here luggage, Leela says suitcase? .. this all turns out to be Leela’s dream, she wakes up from sleep and gets worried for Twinkle, she says it was a bad dream, God what if this dream becomes true? what if Twinkle leaves house because of stress? help her God, she has already faced many storms, help her, be with her God.
Leela comes to Twinkle’s room and says i have made your favorite dish, Twinkle says i am not hungry, Leela says i know your tension but not eating food will not solve it, eat it for me, Twinkle says i am not hungry, let me be, i am in stress, if you dont leave me alone then i will leave from here, Leela says dotn say like this, i am leaving food here, just eat it when you feel like it, dont worry, she leaves. Some kids of Leela’s NGO see Twinkle sad, one kid says what is stress? other kid says i dont know. Kids think about it. Yuvi comes there and meets them, one kid asks what is stress? Yuvi says who told you? kid says Twinkle said she is in stress, Yuvi says you want to see Twinkle happy? i have an idea, he whispers idea to kids.
Twinkle is sitting in her room and holding her head due to headache, all kids hold their heads and acts like having head ache too, Twinkle looks around and asks what happened to you all? kid says i am in stress, Twinkle says why you have stress? Kid says when we dont go out, dont play and dont dance then we have stress, you dance with us then stress will go away, Twinkle says who told you all this? Yuvi comes there wearing glasses like Salman Khan behind his collar, kids start dancing with him, Yuvi dances on Dabang song, holding his mobile in his belt and dances funnily, Twinkle looks at him and smiles slightly, he hints to a girl, she comes to Twinkle and asks her to dance with them, Twinkle says no, Yuvi continues dance, Twinkle claps. Yuvi says someone is in stress? its very bad thing, he says to kids that we will say bye to stress and will say hi to happiness, he starts dancing with kids again, Leela smiles seeing that. Twinkle’s phone rings, she sees Babee calling. She takes call, Babee says i am missing you, come here for one hour, Twinkle says why? Babee says for me, just come here, Twinkle says okay, Babee ends call and says to Kunj that Twinkle is coming, Kunj says i will pacify Twinkle now. Twinkle comes to Leela and says Babee has called me, i am going to Sarna house, she leaves. Yuvi says it seems like Kunj’s gameplan to spend time with Twinkle.
Twinkle comes to Sarna house, Kunj plays mandolin like Raj, Twinkle recalls how Kunj earlier played it too for her, Kunj smiles at her while playing it, he comes to Twinkle and smiles, Twinkle is tensed, Kunj sits on his knees and says small things happen in big cities my Sayappa queen, i accept that i did big mistake, i always used to say that you are problematic but i did biggest problem, forgive my one problem, i know your heart is big so please forget it and lets start our life together, give me one chance Twinkle, Sajna ve plays, Kunj opens his arms but Twinkle gets emotional and runs from there, Kunj is sad.
Twinkle comes out of Sarna house and is in tears, Yuvi comes there and gives her hankie, she takes it from him, Yuvi says lets go, he sits on his bike, Twinkle says i am not in mood, Yuvi says i know how much you like bike rides, Twinkle says no, Yuvi says come as a friend? once? he starts his bike and brings it infront of her, Twinkle sits behind him on bike, Kunj sees this from window. Yuvi winks at Kunj and gives jerk to bike, he says to Twinkle that get ready to fly baby doll, he wears helmet and takes twinkle from there, Kunj is angry.
Yuvi is riding bike and says to Twinkle that we have been friends for 5years, i have fulfilled my duties as a friend in last 5years, i want to make one more promise today that i will support your decision, whatever it will be, Twinkle smiles and starts enjoying bike ride.
Yuvi and Twinkle are walking, Yuvi says to to Twinkle that friendship means honesty so i want to be honest with you, you know i have always loved you, i have done everything for you till now, you have been center of my universe so i want you to atleast consider me as life partner and not as friend for once, Twinkle says i thought you brought me here to relax me but you brought me here as you have motive, Yuvi says but.. Twinkle says shut up, i thought i will release stress but you have given me more stress, i dont need you or Kunj rightnow, i just want to be alone, she leaves.
Twinkle is coming back to house, Kunj says she is coming alone so it means Yuvi’s plan failed, he tries to stop Twinkle but she leaves. Kunj says she is still not in good mood, how you light up her mood?
Twinkle comes to Babee and Leela, Twinkle says Babee you knew Kunj wanted to impress me? and Leela Maa you knew what was in Yuvi’s heart for me? answer me, Twinkle says great, you both chose sides too, you didnt ask me what i want, whats in my heart, i thought you both would understand me if no one else but you both also.. just tell me cant i stay alone for sometime? cant i get my space? cant i get time in my own life? answer me, Leela is emotional, Twinkle is disappointed and goes to her room.
Yuvi thinks that Twinkle is not ready to listen but i wont lose like this.
Kunj thinks that i should talk to Twinkle again.
Kunj and Yuvi comes to Twinkle’s house, Kunj asks where are you Twinkle? Yuvi says i need to talk to you Twinkle, Raman says what is all this?
Yuvi says where is Twinkle? Kunj says i wanna meet her, Pinni says two heroes are searching her but heroine is gone, Kunj says where? she says she has gone somewhere, Yuvi says you must know where she is, tell me, Raman says we promised her to not tell about her, Yuvi says this is all happening because of you Kunj, Kunj says if you had gotten out of our lives earlier then this wouldnt be happening, Yuvi says you sit here, i will find her, Kunj says she is my wife, i know where she must be, Yuvi says if you knew her so well then why didnt you trust her? Kunj says dont taunt again and again else.. Yuvi says else what. they both charge at each other but Raman says this is not wrestling ring, if you both wanna fight then leave my house, Yuvi thinks i am coming Twinkle, Kunj thinks i will find Twinkle, they both decide to go to Leela.

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