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Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Tonight’s ep: Repeat of german and Berta conversation… Repeat of call between Antonio and Gina… Repeat of Connie telling Gina and Gonzo where Hono, Matt and Adri are… she reluctantly tells them Berta and German are spending the weekend together, they are lovers.
Gema talks to Adri and Matt, she is not happy that Berta is German’s new conquest… but the commitment of fidelity is by German, not her. Gema assures Hono, Adri and Matt that the investment German initiated with the MR company will continue, she will arrange for it. Hono and Matt thank her. German comes out as Gema pulls away in her SUV… and then German finds himself being scanned by all three of Hono, Matt and Adri.. German looks like he would like to be on land of the lost right now instead of there.
At LaB, Anibal is still trying to figure out the password of Augie’s laptop. Mati brings up conversation and tells Anibal that she used to call Anibal ‘el guapo’ and Jeronimo ‘el hermoso’. Anibal tries that and it works, and he proceeds to jump the dance of joy.
At Las Vegas, Saul is at the slot machines… Nata and Marina are already there… looking for him. They look frustrated, seems they have been walking around for a while (two pregnant women? Take a break, ladies!) Saul wins some money and goes beserk very loudly so that works better than a ‘instant sale at kmart’ revolving blue light with pre-recorded announcement. They are behind him in a flash. Mar: I thought you had left the game/gambling, Saul. (he is frozen at seeing the two of them, as if he has seen a ghost of gamblings past… tries to make a run for it and Nata and Marina are in hot pursuit)
Back at LaB, Anibal is showing Carlos and Lazaro, Allison and Mati the info on Augie’s laptop. Augie had investigation information on Marina, with info about Saul who is a former boyfriend of hers… also the flight info for Jeronimo on the day of the wedding. Anibal tells them he heard Augie saying he was going to prevent/stop the wedding, and that all this info confirms he did it. (Lazaro and Carlos signal to each other … of course!) Mati: And all to get la Senora Renata for himself. Car: We have to call Nata. Maybe she too is in danger. (Mati agrees)
Back at Las Vegas, Nata and Marina get some guards to stop Saul and also to watch him while Nata questions him. … (Nata with a funny broken english.. I hope I never sounded that way when I first spoke english at college…) Nata: Why did yo tell me that she had left with Jeronimo? … Saul: for money! I did it for money! I had to pay my gambling debts! Nata: And who gave you that money? Saul: Agustin… Agustin Dunant paid me to say that! (Nata impactada… )
Nata: how do you know him? Saul: I know him because he looked for me! He hired me (me contrato)… One day he called me. His call was a perfect timely fit (me cayo como anillo al dedo). He said he would pay all my debts! I was broke! I owed a lot of money! Nata: For what? To make Jero dissappear? Saul: No. Please, no! To look for Marina and to ask her to come back with me. Mari: You lend yourself to that for money?? Was that the reason you suddenly came back in my life to tell me you loved me and that you had changed into a new man? Saul: I know you did not deserve that. That you have always been good to me. But if I did not pay all I owed I would be screwed. Marina, understand me, I was desperate! They were going to kill me! Nata: Enough! What did Augie ask you to do when you two flew to Mexico? Saul: To go with Marina and then return to tell you that she and your husband had escaped together! That is all!! Nata: NO, that’s NOT ALL!! My husband is missing! And if you don’t help me find him I swear to you I will drop you in jail! I swear it!
At MR manor, Matt, Adri, Gina, Gonzo, Hono and Connie are eating together Matt is wondering if Berta is Fina’s daughter, could they be together?
Adri: Yes, of course, and at Ibarrola’s apartment, right? What place would be better than that? (they bounce the idea back and forth, Hono and Gonzo say it is worth checking it out) Gonzo gets up to call the police.
At German’s apt, Berta is sleeping, Fina wakes her up, tells her she has to go home. Berta: Don’t you see that I don’t have a home anymore? I must be the worst of women for all of them. Fina: Except for your mamacita Gina! She would never turn her back on you. Berta: I would not be so sure… she says she loves me as her daughter but has never treated me as Nata. You should see how she pampers her, especially now that she is a poor abandoned wife. Fina: You have to play smarter. You have to play being the poor woman who fell for a married man, and believed in his promise to divorce and gave herself to the man who she thought was the man of her life. … besides your mamita Regina will understand you since she did the same. She fell in love with MY Gonzo when he was still my husband! What moral authority would she be able to tell you anything?
At Las Vegas Nata and Marina keep questioning/squeezing Saul for more info. Mari: I traveled with you, not with Jero. Saul: Yes, you traveled with me and not Jero, I used his name! Nata: Can you explain how you can do that? The measures that airports take are very tight, I don’t get how you did that. (I don’t either, but Augie has money and money is a good tune most people dance to) Saul: Augie had it all planned. He knew of your wedding to Jero and he bought tickets to MC for that same day… one in your name (Marina), one in mine and one in Jero’s. Augie confirmed Jero’s boarding pass via internet and gave it to me. When we got to the airport, you registered your and my ticket… I put away the pass and used the one Augie gave me with Jero’s name, with a false id that had Jero’s name on it. That is how the records indicate that it was Jero who boarded the plane. Nata: I don’t get how someone can manage to do this and I even think it is machiavelic… but I am still confused… (really, Nata?) You called him to arrange a meeting with him. You called him at the hacienda. Saul: Yes, I called him to arrange the meeting. Augie asked me to do that. To go to the town market. Marina: Where you and I met? Saul: Yes. But I never really met with him. (we see split screen where Saul watches Jero walk in and then Marina walk in but he stayed by the car, also we see as Matt and Lazaro watch Jero walk in and then watch Marina walk in) He and I had never met. (We see as Melesio is watchin everything and signals someone after Jero walks in. We see Jero meet with someone he thinks is Saul but it is not, it is someone Augie sent) (After Melesio and the guy have guided Jero away, Saul meets with Marina…) Saul: I swear to you! I have no idea where Jero is! What would I win hiding his location? I don’t know where he is!! (Nata and Marina force him to come with them to go to MC… they will even go with him to his room to get his bag and passport)
Carlos tries to call Nata, but her cell is off… Lazaro suggests they go to police. Carlos says they should wait for instruction from Nata… better not do anyting that might interfere with her investigations… besides, how do we return the laptop we stole? Anibal says lets copy the files and then we can return the laptop. Carlos gets a usb memory chip. Carlos tells Anibal he is very brave for all this he is doing. Anibal and Kari are taking Allison to a psychologist (for her weight problem)
At Saul’s hotel room, Nata is smart enough to ask him for his passport. HE has to give it to her.
Antonio arrives back with Padre Seve… Antonio tells him about the investigator Gonzo hired to find Jero, he must be around here. Antonio tells Seve that Marina and Nata went after Saul who is the only lead to find Jero. They went to Las Vegas to find Saul. Padre impactado.
Sabina continues to care for Jero and is looking frantically for the phone number for LaB to contact Mati and Lazaro. She tells the young man with her, that if she does not find the number he will have to go to Guadalupe valley to find them.
At airport, Saul asks to go to bathroom… Saul tries to convince Marina he does love her and really wants the best for her… She wants nothing to do with him. But he gets to rest room and escapes via the vent…
Fina and Berta at German’s apt… they agree on what Berta has to tell her ‘family’. Fina encourages her, only a few more days to collect your inheritance and then you can send them to kingdom come… Berta tells Fina she will go with her to Switzerland. Fina is ecstatic… when Berta leaves.. Fina: I knew it!! You are mine… you and I, dear… we will be together always…
Nata calls Gina… tells her they did find Saul, he has no idea where Jero is but he did tell them that Augie is responsible for Jero’s dissappearance. Nata asks Gina not to tell anyone about them finding Saul and that they know everything.
Gonzo and Hono and Matt arrive with a roam of police to German’s apt as Berta is exiting to the street. Fina watches the whole thing from a window and gets nervous. The men ask Berta for Fina. They swear Berta has been in constant contact with Fina. Matt gets mad at her. Berta again plays the victim, saying after what happened she knew they don’t want to see her so she came here… Hono says how convenient… Gonzo says he is there for another reason. They will have the police scan the apartment.
At airport, Marina and Nata realize Saul escaped… (Nata’s english accent sounds better now, boy she learns fast! … is it me or is Marina slimmer now than when she got pregnant? She must have SOME morning sickness) Nata hopes Saul won’t tell Augie anything. Marina does not think so, Saul is a coward and also an addict. They always look after their own interest.
Nata: Well, if Saul does not know where Jero is, the one that must know is Augie… lets go.
Back at the popular Ibarrola apt… They don’t find Fina, turns out Berta had told Fina about a staff room upstairs and that is where she hid before the police got up there. Berta nags about them thinking she is still in contact with Fina… Gonzo won’t let her off so easily, tells her they have to talk, will see you at the house later. Gonzo tells Hono that even though we didn’t find Fina here, I have a feeling Berta does know where she is. SO we have to keep Berta on our side.
Berta is amused at her mother’s memory and smarts. And you are my favorite person. (so you wrote about her when you had to write about your favorite person in 2 nd grade?)
Adri insists to Gina that Berta is a monster, capable of doing anything to hurt her sister. Adri says she thinks she knows who can tell her what type of relationship between Augie and Berta. She will find out. She leaves and Connie tells Gina both Adri and Nata are very impulsive.
At doctor’s office Anibal and Kari manage to get Allison to see the doctor.. esp when the doctor wants to see Allison alone first. Anibal is VERY supportive. Allison admits of her Problem with anorexia. (I don’t know about seeing a doctor about an anorexia problem when the doctor is so obviously obese… does Allison want to go from one extreme to the other??)
Carlos gives Prissy the check and resists one last attempt of hers to kiss him and get him to let her stay… he tells her he likes her as a friend, but his heart and love belong to Mati… Goodbye Prissy.. have a good trip and thank you… (Good for you Carlos!!)
Berta plays her pittiful me script with Gina… Gina tries to show support… Berta dares to compare her relationship with German with Gina’s relationship with Gonzo.. and swears she did not know about there not being an actual contract deal happening. Gonzo tells Berta that German is a trickster… (yeah right, but good strategy, Gonzo!) Gonzo wants to see Gina in the study… they leave and Berta smiles celebrating her success…
At the study, Gonzo is mad… he can’t believe a single word of Berta’s babbling… he is irrate about Berta comparing their stories… Gina says we have to continue faking whe believe her, because you did not find Fina with her, did you? No. Gina tells Gonzo Nata called and tells Gonzo that Augie was behind Jero’s dissappearance.
Fina gets out of the staff room and gets back in the apartment, but not before she is seen by Matt’s friend, she wonders how many lovers German has… Fina calls Berta. Fina asks why did the police come. Berta tells Fina it was Panchita who saw them. Fina is still in building… there is no safer place than the one they already revised. Berta assures Fina that she convinced Gina and Gonzo… I told them all you told me to say and it was so easy, like taking a candy from a kid (yeah Berta, you would use that analogy… nothing more CRUEL than taking a candy from a kid unfairly)
Nata meets with Gina and Gonzo… she is nervous that they should be doing something else, like finding Jero… Gina: How are you? How do you feel? Nata: worried… this guy escaped… but at least we know what happened to Jero. Why are you like that? Did the investigator tell you anything? Gonzo: No, nothing. Gina: But we discovered something else, something related to the two of us (Gina can’t stop crying and smiling)
Nata: Why are you looking at me like that? Gina: How? Nata: That way, like you are looking at me. Forgive me, I think I am more sensitive with Jero missing and the baby… you make me remember things about my infancy with your mom, Dona Cata and… (she remembers her first birthday with Gina, Dona Cata and Roberto, all together happy with Roberto giving Gina the pendant) this is all very strange, don’t cry.. don’t do this to me… Gina: No, it is not strange… it is all very real. My mother, Roberto, you and I were together in that party as the happy family we were.
Nata: What do you mean like the happy family we were? Gonzo: Nata, Isidro discovered in an investigation that Gina’s daughter is not Berta. Gina: The daughter… The daughter that was stripped from me, the one I have been looking for all these years .. and there is no doubt about it… is you, Nata! It is you, my dear!! (Nata has a clueless facial expression like she was just dropped by a machine into another world)
Carlos and Lazaro enter Sabina’s shack and find Jero… Lazaro: Augie is behind all these pigster events! Nata hugs Connie, Gina covers her mouth crying with Gonzo Augie calls Berta: Before they can find me, Nata and I will be gone very far !! (we see Augie with a sword) My comments… Again, Lazaro the hero with his head in the right place.. I am wondering where Nata’s head… poor thing, with a heart condition and a baby in the belly, has had her head spinning and been running around that casino (I was holding my breath) all day! And now this news?? How much can her heart take?? Do they want to burry her before Jero appears? And Berta… she really thinks she and Fina are home free… even if Gonzo is not able to find them, they are not getting the money for sure since Isidro is the Roberto representative (albacea). They won’t know what hit them… esp if they get caught.

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