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Monday, June 25, 2018


Marcelo and Ramiro spent today’s episode deciphering the complexities of Marcelo’s memory loss and debating each other’s agenda, again with neither mentioning Evaristo. Ev simply must write a book on manipulating people to his own ends. I really think he’d make a fortune once people discover he is a genius.
So let’s begin! Scenes are rearranged somewhat for coherence.
At Ramiro’s apartment Marcelo is pointing a gun at Ram and screams that he is a murderer, he doesn’t know what to believe any more and doesn’t even want to remember. Ramiro tells him it isn’t so, Marcelo really is a decent man, and Santi should really believe him. But all Santi, with the wild look in his eyes, wants to do is point his gun at Ram.
While this drama is happening, elsewhere Maribel moves out from the room she shared with Javier and at the restaurant Llora continues to have a very nice dinner with Mariano. He again attempts to entice her into studies abroad, but she has no desire to leave Mexico. They talk about Valentin. Did tio not like him? Llora is concerned that Mariano thinks that nobody will love her due to her disability and that upsets her. Mariano babbles that he didn’t want Ana Le to be right about Tin, but he is beginning to think she was. Llora doesn’t understand, but asks him to form his own opinion and not be influenced by Ana Le here. Tin is a great guy and Mariano will see that. We shake our fists at the screen, because it seems that tio should have already formed an opinion based on the fact that Tin deceived him and threatened him with a gun. Some people learn slow though, but thankfully for Mariano we have another season ahead of him to chase down the single common sense brain cell running around in his brain.
Having concluded lunch with the uncle, Llora returns home and plays a poignant melody on the piano. Abue and Ana Le listen in, Abue with tender admiration and Ana Le with jealousy.
Tin made an appearance at the rehabilitation center to discuss his own accident with Valeria. Turns out he fell off the side of the building, due to his employer's negligence, while painting. Isn’t it curious, says Tin, that Jenny also fell off the building. Only he survived and she did not have such luck.
Ana Lu has been practicing all episode. She dances some with Tadeo watching. They later share a very nice moment, where she confides that Santiago was the love of her life and she will always love him and Tadeo comforts her.
At the residence Alvarez del Castillo, Leonor is cleaning up. She finds Ana Le’s passport and is surprised to see it in the dresser. Ana Le shows up at right as Leonor is studying it and is suspicious. She is afraid Leonor saw she traveled to Costa Paraiso on the day of Jenny’s death, but Leonor is oblivious to that. They chit-chat some about triplets and how the three of them used to be so alike, and how Ana Le and Llora changed with time. Having dispensed with these pleasantries, Ana Le runs to her room to try and erase the stamp proving she traveled to Costa Paraiso. Now that’s a novel tactic to cover tracks! Good thing for her that there’s absolutely no electronic record of any trips in our day and age, so no sweat, she got it covered.
Back at Ramiro’s Marcelo wants to know what relationship he had with Jennifer. He explains that he saw her on the day she died, after she had fallen already, and she recognized him as Marcelo, as he held her dying in his arms. Marcelo also wants to know how many people Ramiro has killed. What?? Ramiro doesn’t understand. He’s never killed anybody and the only reason he even had that gun is because someone told him that Marcelo is alive and Ram needed to protect himself against him. They also told him Marcelo killed Gina, his fiancé, who supposedly killed herself, though Ram always suspected foul play. Marcelo remembers his fake arrest, seeing Gina’s photo and being told he killed her. Marcelo asks Ram what he thinks about all of this. Ramiro answers he didn’t believe a single word, not even that Marcelo was alive, until he ran into him earlier in the morning. (Is it really still the same morning we started two episodes ago? Seems like about time to wrap up this conversation….)
They aren’t done quite yet. Does Marcelo know Ana Lu? Why, is Ramiro looking for her? Well, of course he is and he must find her. Well, apparently that seals the deal for Santi/Marcelo. He won’t let Ramiro find or hurt Ana Lu and, over Ramiro’s protests that he would never hurt her, Marcelo is back to pointing a gun. He can’t trust Ramiro. In that case, Ramiro thinks he should just shoot him, but if he ever gets his memory back, he might not be able to live with what he’s done.
Right at that moment Marcelo strangely hears the same melody that Llora is/was playing on piano with Abue and Ana Le listening, in a scene that was running parallel to this one. Ramiro thinks Marcelo is crazy, but this jolts another flashback for him and he remembers listening to Llora play the same melody a day before Ramiro’s wedding. Marcelo advised Ramiro to tell Llora how he feels and revealed he knows from Llora herself that she is in love with Ramiro.
Back in the present Santi/Marcelo shares this memory with Ramiro and ice is starting to melt. Yes-yes, says Ramiro, she does love me, and I love her. They are back to rational conversation and Ramiro takes the gun away and stashes it in the drawer again. (Who else thinks we haven't seen the last of this gun in a drawer?) Ramiro still wants to find Ana Lu and Marcelo should trust him that he won’t hurt her. Marcelo asks for Ramiro's trust as well, as he has his own reasons to hide Ana Lu. Ramiro only wants to know one thing – does Ana Lu love Marcelo? Yes, she does, and he loves her too - as Santiago. As Marcelo though he is still in love with Ana Le. In short, he loves both of them and is mega-confused. So is Ramiro I think, and so are we.
Elsewhere, Llora has finished playing her sad melody, much to the excitement of Ana Le, who could barely sit still through it. Ana Le is curious how Llora’s lunch with tio went. Oh, it went very well, tio is very attentive and Llora feels warm and fuzzy he thinks of her even in such a difficult time for him. Ana Le is definitely not feeling the fuzzies hearing about this attention bestowed upon her sister. Abue declares they all should go out more and she has an idea. Miranda told her Dance Aire group (Anibal’s group where Ana Lu dances) will give a big performance and donate part of the proceeds to their foundation. They all must go and be present. Llora is excited and wants to take Tin. She suggests Ana Le takes Daniel, but Ana Le is not interested. Well, how about Inaki then? Now that looks like an idea Ana Le will think about.
In other events this episode, at Remedios’s hostel (where by the way we will soon have not only the entirety of San Nicholas, but about 90% of show’s characters) Orlando runs into Sole. He is mad and she is not understanding why. She has never done anything bad to him. (Quiet admiration for both the hypocrisy display and las agallas to say that to his face!) Orlando isn’t shy to list all that she “hasn’t done” – arrange for his beating, which led to his current physical state, and also his new “job” as Evaristo’s boy, which by the way involves protecting Ana Lu and Sole. So really, Orlando’s dream job. Towards the end of this conversation we are starting to think that maybe he should indeed be thanking Sole. Sole though is suspicious and wants to know exactly what Ev told him. Orlando says Ana Lu will not find out the truth from him.
Orlando leaves Sole and goes off to watch Ana Lu, who is still practicing. They chat about being old friends and rekindling their friendship. They both hurt each other and are even now. They get back to the hostel, and have a tender scene and decide to be friends again. Maribel watches and is jealous as usual.
Ana Le, the ardent worker that she is, we find out did not return to work after lunch, as she was entertained by Abue! She offers this explanation of her absence to tio Mariano, as she demands to be taken to dinner, since Llora was taken to lunch. Mariano wonders whether she has her own life and it seems as she does not. He begrudgingly agrees to take her out and she begs a five minute leave, supposedly to go look at her schedule for Monday. She really needs some time to stash her passport in her work desk drawer. (We are making a note of that, as it seems this is definitely coming back to bite her somehow).
In the hallway she runs into Inaki, who invites her to dinner. Oh no, she is busy – another time. Tio overhears and tells them they should go out to dinner and enjoy the night. He is tired. Ana Le looks disappointed, but seems to have forgotten all about it in Inaki’s company at the bar, where she tells him she finds him amusing. She gets a phone call from Daniel (who, in an earlier scene, was told by his mother that Ana Le was at their house looking for him. Daniel blows a gasket and calls his mother stupid for not calling him right away, so clearly a nice boy. The mother – Viridiana’s friend - was sitting around looking at her child(ren)'s old drawings and seems to not have a very happy family life). Inaki asks to answer Ana Le’s phone and she dares him to do it. He does dare and, to Ana Le’s amusement, tells Daniel that Ana Le is his girlfriend and he needs to get back to her and hangs up. He goes further and says he’ll kiss Ana Le as soon as she finishes her drink. He dares that too and we end on their smooch.

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