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Friday, June 29, 2018


Part 1
Madhu breaks down near RKs poster..n screams RK! RK hears the noise n wakes up from his sleep with a start..! He notices Radha waiting to talk to him…!
Radha tells him that seems he had a nightmare…pretty expected.. after the deed he did! RK tells Radha that he has done what he had to. .no discussions! Radha says.. he has to answer… coz.. if things with Madhu were a game..then whatever he said.. the other nite near temple was a game? RK says.. they are un related..! Radha tells RK that no one will trust him.. n RK says..he forgot whatever happened 16 years ago.. n so considers Radha his mom!
Radha reminds RK about Madhus efforts.. to reunite them..! Radha asks RK if he never loved Madhu the girl who loved him with her all… not for a day.. a month .. not ever? The girl who taught him to love?? Never ever?? RK says NO ..n says.. looking in ur eyes.. n never LOVED her.. n wont EVER!
Radha asks him why he did this? RK says.. coz he has no fear.. n its the truth..! Radha says.. Madhu isnt broken alone. .but his life is destroyed to…! He isnt God .. n they will see who will God punish for RKs misdeeds..!
Next day morning.. RK in sleep says.. BIWI .. get tea..! Radha overhears.. RK wakes up n realises.. n corrects himself…! Paddo comes in her room n looks for Madhu .. !
RK screams on the servants n asks for tea..! They say getting..! RK says. his tea should be on the table n Radha says.. seems he din sleep.. ! RK hates the tea..! Radha reminds.. that the servants know how to make bitter tea for him . .only Madhu knew how to add sugar..!
Paddo comes near Madhu n Madhu gives her tea..! The duo hug..! Radha tells RK that.. slowly he will realise that.. the one he has destroyed.. has taken his life with her..! RK throws the cup and says..he doesnt miss her. n doesnt care.. n all will be back to original..!
Paddo puts the radio on n its bindiya chamkegi song n Madhu gets flashbacks..! Madhu puts the radio off n says.. SHE WANTS TO FORGET ALL n MOVE ON! Madhu comforts Paddo n says.. that she wants to being back to happy like before RK came in..!
Part 2
Madhu resolves to forget all … ! RK tells Radha that he is telling the truth..! Radha takes the glasses n starts to throw on the floor… RK asks what she is doing? Radha says..that.. loud voice..n shouting cannot change the truth..! She says.. that only time will decide…who is right.. she (about RK lying about Madhu) or RK
Part 3
RK asks Bittu where he was n talks of some interview.. but Bittu keeps mum! He asks Bittu the matter.. n he hands over his resignation..!
Precap — Dips.. is in the parlor where Madhu is working n Madhu does her padicure! Dips asks her to put blood red color nailpolish ..Madhu does so quietly..!
Part 1
Bittu is standing holding an envelop and RK asks him the matter! He takes the envelop and opens it and reads it..! Its Bittus resignation letter..! He hands over his cell too! RK asks what crap is this? He says..its his way to protest?? Bittu says.. what he did with Madhu…n RK says.. keep quiet! He says that ! Bittu says..he is betrayign the blood running in his veins! RK says..he had paid for it! Bittu says.. Madhu din all this for money.. she did all thsi for her feelings..! He bawls saying .. Madhu wanted to make his life happy ..n she loved him ..! Bittu says.. Madhu made this house.. home.. ! He only purchased a bungalow..! Bittu says.. Madhu put life in every human in this life.. n he has no value for her..! RK says.. ENOUF! He says.. scene is getting extended! He asks if Bittu will stop praising Madhu? Bittu says..he wont.. and RK better leave.. n be the support of Madhu..! Bittu says..cant work with someone like him ..! He says..he gave 10 years to RK n he only thinks of himself..! RK calls Sikky n tells that he will handle all RKs work from now n tells Sikky to throw out Bittu out of the house! Sikky pushes Bittu out and Radha asks the matter? Bittu says.. relations are breaking.. one RK broke.. another he is brekaing! RK says..he is throwing Bittu out.. n he does not need anyone! Bittu says..when Madhu was there.. he din need anyone but now he will need..a friend. .a support.. a punching bag..! Bittu says.. no one will be there to look at him .. n he will be left alone! RK fumes n slaps Bittu! Bittu says.. THANK U… Chief.. n says..he has only made him more confident! He tells Radha that.. RK loves.. Madhu a lot..! He pleads RK to call Madhu back..! RK asks Sikky why Bittu has not been thrown out n Sikky pulls Bittu out..! Bittu tells RK that he will be left alone without better call her back..!
Madhu is on her way to work n Paddo asks if she is sure? Madhu says.. yes..! Paddo asks Madhu to take some more time but right then Trish comes. .n tells her to get ready n that she will drop her at work n gives her prasad from Siddhi Vinayak! As Madhu steps forward she stumbles n hurts her feet.. n Paddo tries to reach but Trish stops n let Madhu do what she wants.. to fight..with life..! Paddo calls Trish n Trish joins her! Madhu is back at Lemon’s! Someone calls n asks for appointment for Madhu ..n the owner takes the booking.. ! The caller refuses to give her name! One of the laides sitting in the parlour is excited seeing Madhu as RKs wife.. another one says.. she is ex-wife..! Madhu says.. she is no longer Madhubala Kundra.. she is Madhubala Malik.! The parlour owner tells Madhu that someone has aksed for booking for her..already..! The parlour owner asks her to start work..! One of the other girls at the parlour expresses sympathy to Madhu but she tells her to let it be..! Right then Dips arrives.. and asks for pedicure appointment from Madhu..! Dips tells Madhu that HER FOOT… as in she needs pedicure..! Dips takes her seat n parlour owner asks Madhu to attend to her on priority..! Madhu hesitates.. but Dips insists..! Madhu relents.. n asks her to get started..!
At Kamal Studio .. the assistant tells RK is there..! All go to call the heroine..! The girl comes and she tells RK that she din expect that her debut movie will be with RK! The assistant asks RK to ignite the lamp but RK asks the heroine (Shradha) to do it..! She does..! All clap! RK is sitting and director explains the scene..! Its to be shot on a jhula (swing)! RK touches the swing and remembers the studio Karwa Chauth night..! The director asks the matter! RK says..wont shoot the scene on swing.. n goes to his vanity! The heroine is scared.!
Madhu is doing pedicure of Dips n Dips akss her to remove her nail polish n put the blood red color instead! Madhu stays quiet! Dips says.. that its so nice.. that Madhu is at her feet..!
Part 2
Dips says.. ‘Bhagwan ke ghar der hai andher nahi.. sabko sabki sahi jaga pahucha diya’! Dips clicks Madhus pciks n says.. memories! Madhu calls another girl n tells to get old magz so that.. her mouth is shut.. n time passes! Dips says.. no need n says.. her time will pass better yapping withi Madhu! Dips tells Madhu why so hostile? She says..she wasnt the one who threw Madhu out! Dips says..some flowers look pretty in a vase n another on roadside with beggars! Madhu is quiet! Dips tells MAdhu that..she hopes the nail cutter she is using is clean? Madhu is quiet n Dips tells Madhu that.. customers are Gods incranation .. so answer..! Madhu says yes mam! Dips says.. the word MAM .. feels nice to hear . .instead of bhabhi ..!
Part 3
Dips tells Madhu that the clothes look so nice on her.. where the designer heavy saree ..looked like Madhu was forced to wear them! Dips tells Madhu that a donkey wears the costume of a lion n he enjoys. .n the day the truth comes out.. the donkey is kicked to death… ! Poor Donkey..! Poor Madhu..! Madhu keeps mum! Dips tells Madhu that moral of the story is … One can create magic on people by being fake. .but the day reality comes out the same people ..kick out..! Coz its important to stay in limits or big price needs to be paid..! Madhu ends up hurting Dips nail n Madhu says… the toe nail was spreading so thought to chop it.. so it stays in limit!
Precap — Dips is running on the treadmill n hears Madhus interview..! Press ask Madhu since when she n RK separated n if their relation is over! Madhu says..relation never end.. just love ended..! RK overhears the whole thing. standing behind Dips..! Dips says.. VERY NICE!

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