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Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Augie repeats his indecent proposal to Nata about becoming a father figure for her baby. He wants to give the little critter everything because of how much he cares about her. Nata reacts with shock and confusion.
Karina assures Lazaro that she feels nothing for Doc PlotTumor except pity. She wants to visit him only to give him a bit of peace. Lazaro gives his sweetie a kiss and admires her compassion.
Nata tells Matias and Adriana about her heart condition diagnosis but promises it's nothing to worry about. Oh, and Augie offered to be the father of her baby. There's that little fact too. Adriana thinks it's odd that Augie would offer to be a father figure for the baby of a man he hates. Nata is torn; Augie has always been there for her when times get tough yet something feels wrong about his offer.
Anibal does his best Nancy Drew sleuthing on Augie's laptop. He finds out that Augie has been investigating Marina and Saul.
Regina and Matias convene in Jero's office. They both agree to keep mum about Fina's possible death and will wait for confirmation before they distress Nata with the news. "When will all the suffering end for Renata?" Regina asks. "When?"
Nata says her goodbyes to Gitana as they walk together in the field. "Amgia, we have to leave all this behind again. The vineyard, the hacienda, and Jero. And we're not coming back this time." Nata swears to send for Gitana as soon as she can and sobs into Gitana's beautiful neck.
Anibal barely escapes discovery when Augie bursts into his office. Ani hides in the curtains as Augie manifestos to himself that Nata will be his.
Prissy strolls by Matilde with a smug smile. Mati wastes no time in shoving Prissy in the mud. LOL. Prissy gets up in a snit. "You pushed me!" (Tú me empujaste!) Prissy calls Mati a low-class nobody. "Yes, but at least I defend what's mine," Mati counters. "As long you you stay in this hacienda, I will make your life impossible!"
Honorio pays a visit to everyone's favorite unfairly accused jailbird. Constanza admits she hated Fina but she never would have wished such a terrible death upon her. Connie changes gears and whimpers about getting out of jail. Honorio does his best to give her hope. The cops are searching round-the-clock for Corina.
Meanwhile, the mistress of disguise gives herself a haircut and giggles about Blanca's stupidity. Now she's dead and Fina gets all her money. Ja, ja, ja.
Gonzo gives Jero's information to a private detective in hopes that Jero will be found quickly. The detective agrees to keep everything confidential.
Berta arrives at work to an awaiting German. He's got a house in the country and he wants her to come with him for the weekend. Beth, the secretary, peeks in just in time to see Berta deep-tonguing German. "No puede ser!" Beth sighs to herself.
Nata says her goodbyes to the ladies of the hacienda. There's not a dry eye in the house as Nata tells everyone that she's leaving for good. She asks all of them to keep quiet about her pregnancy. The last thing she wants is for Jero to find out about her baby. They promise to keep it a secret. Nata sobs that she will never forget any of them. Of course, none of the ladies will forget her either. Sobby group hug!
Fina and her kicky new haircut peruse the newspaper. She's pleased to read her own name on the list of deaths in the madhouse fire. Though she gets nervous when Blanca's name isn't mentioned at all. "No! She has to be dead!"
Indeed, she is. Blanca is on the slab at the morgue right that very moment. A supposed suicide note was found in Blanca's pocket (penned by Fina) but the detective doesn't buy it. "A ligature on the victim's neck suggests she was strangled (fue ahorcada)."
Berta asks German to let her visit his apartment early. She wants to decorate it as a surprise. He has no problem with it. In fact, his place is in the same building as Julieta and Matias's apartment. Berta's hackles raise at the news.
Not-Quite-Padre Antonio and Padre Severino have a chat. Padre wants to pay a visit to La Bonita; he's desperate for word from Marina.
Augie opens his computer and gets his angry face on. Uh-oh. Anibal broke one of the cardinal rules of Junior Sleuthing: always cover your tracks. Augie charges Anibal and the two of them end up in a fencing match. (Isn't this how all arguments should be solved?)
Augie holds the sword to Anibal's throat and warns him that nobody betrays him. Anibal plays innocent but when that doesn't work he gives a different excuse about using the computer.
Carlos walks in on Prissy changing clothes. He gets agitated and leaves the room.
Allison and Herminia gossip about Nata, Jero, and Augie's torrid affairs. Trust us, writers, we already know this stuff.
Nata packs the last of her bags and reminisces about Jero's cuddles, kisses, and pillow talk. "You're the most important thing in my life," Jero said. Nata cries. "Then why did you leave? Why did you lie?" Manuela interrupts to give Nata a box of photos and some sage advice. "Time heals all wounds, even the most painful ones." ("El tiempo lo cura todo, aún los dolores más fuertes")
Karina warmly greets Padre and Tony. No, she hasn't heard anything from Jero or Marina. But she does want to ask Padre to take her to see Doc. He's in an awful way and she wants to offer a little comfort. She's too kind for her own good.
Corina, in a Fina-worthy wig, is captured by undercover cops. They handcuff her and drag her away.
Beth delivers Honorio a cup of coffee and comes clean to him about German's constant sexual harassment. He made advances and intimidated her. Beth is on the verge of telling Hon about what she saw between German and Berta but Hon is interrupted by the news about Corina's capture. Hon promises to follow up on her complaints as soon as he can.
Berta and Fina cackle and spit at each other in their lair. Berta is uncomfortable that the entire world knows that Fina is a murderer. She mocks Fina for calling herself free when she's stuck hiding in an apartment.
Antonio mulls over the news that both Roberta and Renata have their father's heart condition. Tony asks if Regi ever doubted that Berta was her daughter. "Of course not," says Regi.
Nata interrupts to give Regina the box of old photographs. She shows Regi the photos of herself and Berta as children. Regina's head starts spinning. Antonio pockets a few of the pictures while her back is turned.
Marina goes shopping for a baby crib with a man. We never see his face. Is it Jero? Saul? Her twin brother? Padre Severino's illegitimate son that he doesn't know exists? I guess we'll never know...
Gonzo and Honorio sit in on the interrogation as Corina gets raked over the coals. Corina admits she was hired by Blanca and Fina to entrap Connie. Hon and Gonzo snap into action. Looks like Connie will be out of the clink by Monday. Gonzo gets a phone call from a different set of detectives. Blanca was murdered and Fina's body was not recovered in the fire. She's missing. "Do you realize what this means?"

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