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Monday, June 25, 2018


Part 1/3 Raquel is standing in front of Santi, nude from the waist up, demanding he look at her and asking if they didn’t have the right to do what “they” did to them, to feel what “they” felt. Santi is extremely uncomfortable. Fortunately for the moment, a noise interrupts. He and Raq can’t see it’s Vicente, having peeped enough to confirm his opinion of Raq and Santi. He backs up in his drunken haze and knocks over a potted plant. The noise stops and Raq approaches Santi and begins to unbuckle his belt. They begin to kiss unemotionally.
There’s a knock at the door. No, it’s not Vic, it’s Rosa, come to warn him that Vic is on the loose and possibly dangerous. Meanwhile, Raq has picked up her tops and locks herself in the bathroom.
Juan is at Lola’s door demanding to be let in. He’s in the post-aggressor mode of being sorry, apologizing and promising he’ll never get out of control again. He loves her, he needs her, and if she leaves him he swears he will kill himself. (Wish he would. ) Lola puts up a weak defense saying he’s done this before, but lets him in, then falls for his crap, again. (If anyone is dangerous, it’s Juan.)
Vic goes to Lisa’s and raises a ruckus. She’s terrified, but hears him accuse Raq and Santi of messing around in the cabaña.
Mia and Nico finally get it on and are enjoying a brief afterglow. ( Nico must be relieved after three years of frustration .) Nico has to get ready to go for his interview for a job in an attorney’s office. Mia’s insecurities return.
Santi can’t get Raquel out of the bathroom. She feels humiliated, not just by Damián, but also by Santi. She thinks she’s horrible and says he’s lying when he tells her she’s beautiful. If that’s true, she says, why did he reject her. Santi tells her he didn’t. He reminds her she rejected him the last time they were there, saying that she didn’t want to be like “them.”
Part 2/3
Nacho catches Santi at the Legato offices and tells him that while he and Agustín were working overnight, Andrés was supervising two big bruisers loading bags of flour in a truck and driving away. Andrés is robbing his own family business. (Do we really need any more intrigue in this tn? )
Mia, having had her nookie with Nico interrupted, flees from his house, promising to see him again soon. Lola comes in after she leaves and asks Nico what went on. Nico says, nothing, absolutely nothing. (He’s very disappointed. ) Lola tells him about the blood in the bathroom.
Raquel is thrilled with her new kitchen AND with Santi. He’s a little embarrassed by her effusiveness. He finally tells her what Nacho saw at the offices.
Meanwhile, in Dam & Caro’s “nidito de amor,” they are enjoying their betrayal time together. They agree that everything is perfect. They even decide to write down the rules for living in their perfect place. ( A lot of good it did them, HA. ) One is that they can’t talk about anybody else or anything else but them. Another is that Dam wants them to come at least once a month.
Raquel is still in the bathroom. Santi is outside the door, pleading for her to open up for him. He finally yells that he admits it, he’s been the idiot all along, believing in Caro’s lies. Raq immediately asks him to forgive her for what she said to him earlier. She’s the idiot, she believed in Dam. She opens the door. He asks her what she wants to do. She's seeking comfort. He embraces her and holds her.
Cin tries to make nice with Mia, but Mia has a burr up her butt. Mia accuses her of spying on her and Nico ( which we know she did ). Eventually Mia opens up to Cin about love and sex. She wants to be with Nico, but suppose that for him it was only about sex. Her insecurities are showing.
Lola and Juan are, well, back to square one, each in their endless loops. He sweet talks her into sex. He tells her she can stop working. He’ll support her since he wants them to live together. She’s unsure of that arrangement. She uses her father’s potential arrival as an excuse to try to get him to leave.
Nando is working overtime. He shows up at Lisa’s door after dark and gets an earful from her about Vic’s drunken ramblings that Raq and Santi were at Dam and Caro’s cabaña getting busy.
Nico gets interviewed by a young and very attractive attorney. She knows who he is and asks him about how he feels regarding his mother. Nico says he only wants to find out the truth about his mother’s death. He gets the job and as he leaves, she sits there, pensive, holding his personnel file.
Santi brings coffee for Raq and for himself. They sit facing each other, speculating on Dam and Caro’s lives in the cabaña. It’s obvious to both that Dam and Caro had plenty of time to do a lot of things in it. Raq says she doesn’t know how she’s going to be able to move ahead without money. Santi promises to take care of her, at least until she decides what to do. In the meantime, they’ll get a lawyer to handle her financial problems with the business. (Red flag, red flag—who did we just see is a lawyer? ) He takes the coffee cups and sets them down to take Raq’s hands in his. He tells her everything is going to be alright. Santi moves closer to her and they begin to kiss, this time, apprehensively, gently, with feelings. She pulls away and softly wonders what they are doing. Santi replies, just as softly, he doesn’t know. The mood is finally broken when Santi asks if she’d like to go for a walk, far away. They don’t belong in this place. Raq decides she’s hungry and he agrees to go somewhere to eat.
Nando confronts Vic at his shack. (He’s so drunk I couldn’t understand everything he said, but this is the gist of it.) Vic assures the detective that he did indeed see Raq and Santi doing things in the cabaña. It should be obvious to anyone that he/they killed Caro/Dam for vengeance and to get them out of their way.
Part 3/3 Raq and Santi are outside ready to leave, but she needs a few moments to breathe. She’s plainly hurt and angry, yet confused by her feelings for Santiago and where they might be taking her. Santi approaches her from behind and puts his arms around her drawing her to him. She puts her arms on his to hold him tighter to her. He nestles into her shoulder and says, “I like being with you. You are very good for me. I don’t want to stop this.” She turns around to him and they find each other’s lips to kiss, numbing their pain with a calming and tender moment.
Santi says he doesn’t want to lose this. He then adds that she’s a wonderful woman and so worthwhile. He wishes she wouldn’t see herself through the eyes of what others did to her, nor see herself as she thinks Dam saw her. If she could only see herself as he himself sees her, she would think differently. Raq smiles at him but says she doesn’t know how to do it, because right now the only thing in her head is that Caro got pregnant during that second two-family vacation they took together.
The two-family gang arrives at a spacious vacation cabin. Raq sets to sorting everyone out, insisting on leaving Caro and Santi in their sound-proof bedroom to do whatever, wink, wink. Santi gets in the mood, but Caro pushes him away. She avoids intimacy in order to unpack, telling him nothing is wrong.
Raq and Lola go off to the store for forgotten items. Nico and Mia have a few minutes to themselves until Fede interrupts. The boys go off and Mia goes back to the house. Santi fires up the grill and gets Mia to help. That leaves a randy Dam and a cautious Caro in the house alone. He can’t wait to get his hands on ( and other things in) her. Caro is clearly uncomfortable with the situation. Dam tells her he needs her and was jealous thinking she and Santi were getting it on. Caro tells him she can’t be with either one of them right now. He corners her and talks about their passion, their forbidden love. She doesn’t want to “do it” there, but he drags her upstairs, not entirely unwillingly on her part, although she puts on a pretty good show of it. They go into an unfurnished room and start panting and pawing each other. Folks start gathering again at the front of the house. Lola goes inside and hears something going on upstairs. She begins to climb the stairs calling out for her mother.

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