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Wednesday, June 20, 2018


It was a dark and snowy night with icicles everywhere and roads blocked, but hey, that’s real life in New Mexico and old news. Let’s get on with our review of the last CME: Honorio gets the news in his office that Constanza will be released due to the confession of Corina. He promises to take care of Beth’s complaint about sleazy Germy’s proposition as soon as he gets Consta sprung. At La Bonita, Antonio questions Regina if she has ever doubted that Roberta is her daughter. You never ask anything for no reason, what are you getting at? Renata brings the box of pictures and papers into Jero’s office and shows Regina that they are Roberta’s not hers although she is is some of the pictures. Antonio pockets the real birth certificate with Roberta’s name on it proving she is Fina’s evil spawn.
The crib scene, mystery suit puts mobiles up with Maritata saying how much her twins will love this bedroom with the balloon mural and the matching cribs with mobile arms over them. But we don’t see who it is. This is a very mean, very nasty, very cruel, very RED HERRING in a black suit jacket! And Red Herrings never, never look as good in a suit jacket as Jeronimo does. But at least we know where the Tata is hanging these days.
At the police station, the nylon coifed Corina spills that the director of the manicomio hired her to pose with the Trojan baby and it was for money (anyone surprised?) She further reveals that his office attendants were inmates named Blanca and Fina who prompted her to present the baby at the Centro Regina and to roll in the Trojan stroller to leave with Constanza. Honorio tells the lawyer that he will go give good news to Consta while the paperwork is cleared up. After his cell phone call, Gonzo tells that Blanca’s body was found at bottom of a bridge but with ligatures around her neck so they know she was strangled. And, Fina’s teeth don’t sync with any of the bodies found so Fina is still missing. Gonzo and Hon compare notes that they are all in danger if Fina is at large. They both know that with all she has done she is capable of anything. Gonzo fears that Renata‘s newly revealed heart condition make it necessary to hide news of Fina from her until the appropriate time. Hon realizes that Renata’s heart condition is too much of a coincidence. In parallel discoveries, Augie and Roberta talk about the same thing. Augie is sure he knows the truth, he already knew Renata had heart problems when he sniffed her unconscious body at his hacienda after her accident. Remember that sickening scene? Roberta lies anyway maintaining her public image as Regina’s daughter. Something in this estupida tells her not to totally trust Augie’s invitation to tell him everything. Augie admits he would rather have a jailed Fina be his mother-in-law than Regina who is too honest for his taste and a great friend of Jeronimo’s. She would cause more problems in the long run.
Padre Severino at La Bonita in the chemical room, gets the truth from Carlos that PrissyPants kissed him, you know how women are he says with more irony than he realizes. It seems it was momentarily exciting but she is a part of my past while only Matilde is part of my future he swears. Matilde overhears and grins behind the door. Finally she has heard a complete sentence of truth.
Anibal shows up at La Bonita with his wounded paw which Alison notices. Anibal says at first, oh it’s nothing, then tells how badly Augie hurt him when he discovered the computer hacking. They both decide it is time to tell Renata the truth. Augie decides with Melecio that it is also time to move forward with his next step. He demands that Melecio find out who at La Bonita knew that the vines were taken to Cruz Sin Amor.
Matilde tells her side of the story to a confused Padre. She doesn’t think the wedding is off. So she takes Padre in hand to go talk to Carlos out in the chem room. We draw a quick breath before they appear as Prissypants shows up and tries to woman handle her Charlie. Now she is wearing alluring dresses with frilly décolletage. Finally, for crying out loud, Carlos backs away without an audience to impress and when Matilde arrives moments later she confronts him sweetly, Padre says that we are not going to get married! Carlos, did you say that? Of course, he stumbles and stutters, I still want to marry you. They play back and forth with who feels what all the while, PPants is listening outside the door. Carlos finally gets on bended knee to ask her to marry him once again. This time Matilde is the one getting kisses while the green PPants looks on and finally leaves in a pouty huff as Matilde and Carlos squeal with delight and kiss in front of the Padre.
The seeds of doubt are in Regina’s talk with Antonio about her bad feelings about her daughter Roberta. She believes she is her daughter but is haunted by Panchita’s story of seeing Roberta and Fina outside of the house handing off that box. So she still has only drops of doubt, but Antonio says casually well, let’s show the photos to Gonzo because he will know which girl is which. He lived with them from the time they were nine.
Matilde gets to show Carlos love and kisses in front of her rival. But Ppants thinks a lot of her pants and swears this gata will not get over on her. We will see who will win this she says as she stomps off.
Anibal shows his hurt hand and reveals his fears of Augie. Padre thinks Anibal must stay away from Augie who is clearly dangerous. Marina must be found then she can tell them whether she left town with Jero or not.
Augie has a sword fight with himself and that menacing sword in a steel arm on the wall, as he swears vengeance is his. He threatens to rid all those against him especially now this means Anibal better find a new place to sleep. Well, who is going to win this match? Augie is talking to himself way too much.
Renata is sad in her room in such a real way, this is hard to watch. She remembers so many loving moments between her and Jero, in jail, on the beach, around the hacienda. We hear him say she is the only woman he will love for the rest of his life. As the lyrics repeat, no me abandones accompanies raucous laughter, rending of clothes and fun wrestling on the bed. It still doesn’t add up. She cries on Adriana’s shoulder who reminds her that it isn’t time to jump to conclusions.
Carlos is getting smarter by the minute now that his head seems to have cleared. At his side, Bitchybritches points out that Matilde is voluble (voluable) and not to be trusted. She argues her point of superiority with Carlos, sometimes we lose ourselves and we are so crazy in love we forget who we are says Bitchybritches suggesting Carlos needs a high class piece of pants like her?
Back to the hysterical scene with Adriana trying to get Renata to await final judgment since they don’t know really what happened. He may not have left, he might have been kidnapped. Renata anguishes but he might have had an accident then Adri begs her to calm herself and think of the health of her baby when she is so upset herself.
Anibal and Alison are eating in the kitchen when Alison becomes almost as disgusting of Bbritches as she spits food into her napkin then drops the filth on the floor. Anibal sees her do it and says well you are not eating and she protests that she can’t eat because she is ugly, fat and unworthy. He thinks she is sick and so do I This is another hard scene to watch. I am not so interested in teen angst and realize the psychologists will have a field day with this important public announcement but it makes me feel dizzy. Let’s get on with the detective work, please.
Back at the only jail cell in Ensenada, Hon explains Corina’s testimony to Constanza and that Blanca has been found but when she asks about Fina, he says no, neither Fina nor her remains have been found. They have to assume she is still out there threatening the peace.
Fina steps into a cab in her new hairdo and clothes. Gonzo alerts a surprised Roberta that Fina is loose and all of them have to be on guard. She plays dumb surprise with real energy. He brings up the Germy trip to finish his project. Roberta plays kitten, gee Pa is it important that I go with Germy? Gonzo thinks that she will learn a lot about the business (Germy will give her the business). She says what ever you like, Pa. I wlll go if you think I should. Gonzo hands her her alibi: It may be safer for you to be out of town for a few days with that wicked Fina lurking about.
Fina in her little fur shawl enters the post office where she retrieves two huge envelopes both filled with lots of pesos, dollars and euros. She grins and counts and grins and sniffs right at the boxes which seems stupid but no one else is watching her and she does look over her shoulder often but grins more than we have seen for along time.
Constanza is popped out uf the slammer and hugs her husband and brother with relief and joy. She wants to go home and find clean pink clothes and a pink bubble bath, well at least a bath. She tells the lawyer who says all the paper work is finished and she is free to go. She asks him that if he talks to the baby’s parents, they will know now that she was not at fault, but they should also know that she took excellent care of their baby while she was with her.
Padre Sev comes home with Antonio whom he asks to go to D.F. to look for Marina. He has to know she arrived safely but he has been out of the parish for so much time with his illness so he wants him to go soon. Antonio agrees to go at the end of the week. Padre goes to get a drink of water while Antonio opens the purloined birth certificate.
Renata and Matias and Adrina eat while discussing that Julieta saw Roberta kissing Germy down the hall from her apartment. Renata is surprised but Adriana pushes on with the news that they doubt if she was raped by Zeke when he took her back to Augie’s after the Padre’s party. This is a pure lie, insists Adriana while Kari listens intently outside the door.
Regina hears by phone from Gonzo that Constanza is finally free. Everything is returning to normal she declares. Well not everything say Gonzo. Fina has disappeared so they have to all be alert. (Something tells me that with this much insisting they are not going to be alert..) They decide that Renata must be told about Fina but Gonzo wants to tell her in person. Regina then asks him does he think he can tell Roberta and Renata apart in photos when they were children. Of course he can.
Antonio reads the birth certificate with satisfaction then calls Isidro to discuss that Renata is the true daughter. Antonio wants to tell Regina right away but Isidro wants to get the other proofs together to present all the evidence to Regina and the authorities at one time. Antonio says, she is coming to DF tomorrow so we need to get everything together quickly. Isidro gets off the line to update Inez and they laugh that the proof is finally clear. The birth certificate made a day or two after Roberta was born was made out with Fina as Mom and Roberto as Pa It was her original name and has finger prints too. So Fina must have changed baby Regina’s name to Renata. She later passed Roberta off as Regina’s daughter so she could get close to the inheritance and all will be revealed now they are now sure they have solved the mystery. At least someone is laughing tonight.
Antonio tells Padre he will go to DF tomorrow on the first flight. Why not the weekend like you planned? Well I have other things to do. Padre writes out Tata’s address in the city so Antonio can go look for her.
We get more bittersweet romantic scenes in Renata’s memory of kissing, laughing and again, Jero’s and her words at the jail that nothing else will ever separate us again. Jero keeps swearing his eternal love, even all the way back to the heart carved into the tree. A few bad moments are revealed of Jero’s rejection, but mostly lovely ones fill the screen. He teases her freckles that he can’t do with out. She grips her stomach and remembers. She sinks onto the bed of so many passionate scenes, candles but only has pillows to hug. She looks longingly at the door as though he will suddenly appear through it.
Next time or so: Constanza joyfully learns Renata is pregnant. Fina at last has money. She seems joyful too. Antonio reaches Marina de Tatas’ house. She swears that Jero did not leave on the plane with her. So Antonio asks the question we all have, if he didn’t come with you, where did he go? And I want to know, who Augie paid off to falsify the manifest of passengers then?

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