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Saturday, June 16, 2018


Repeats: Alfo and Manuela: Allison is not here. She went with Anibal and she went to get the moto with him. The man will last so little for your granddaughter, she better enjoy while lasts. Anibal and Allison pick up the moto… he will give her a ride back to LaBonita. But have to go somewhere else before we get back. At Renata’s room in LaB, the Doctor arrived. He approaches reluctantly… did not know she was pregnant too. How long along? A month, month and a half?
Anibal goes to Padre Seve, tells him want to confess because he is almost sure Agustin had to do with Nata and Jero’s wedding not happening… Padre seems to have seen a ghost. Anibal says don’t know what to do with this info, he is my dad. Padre asks how does he know. Heard him say he would prevent the wedding. Was talking to a man about a plan… a man named Saul… Padre has gone from seeing a ghost to deer in headlights stare. Padre urges Anibal to talk. Anibal is reluctant, noone will believe him above his dad. Padre says find a proof that you are telling truth. Otherwise cannot commit the sin of ommission for fear. Anibal does not want his dad to make others suffer, he always manages to make others do as he wills… like he did with my mother. Doctor says the faint was not caused by the pregnancy but by a heart aurhythmia (sp?) Adri suggest her mom’s cardiologist. But Dr says can’t travel until she gets an EKG and visits cardio at Ensenada. Nata is in a hurry to leave… Nata with Gina in bedroom at LaB… Nata promises Gina to do the EKG. Will do it for the baby. She would leave if it was for her. Gina says the baby will give her the will to go on. Both Gina and Nata are upset… N: Why did he leave me, Gina? He knew he was at liberty to talk to me and tell me anything, so why did he leave me?
G: Don’t understand his actions and can’t accept he did this to you. (strong hug of support) Hono and Gonzo at MC are having coffee, Both are outraged at what Jero supposedly did to Nata. Gonzo says he will hire an investigator to find Jero and force him to assume his cowardness. Will force Jero to face Nata… will force him. Ines and a worker at the center give the cops a picture of Corina… At manicomio, Blanca and Fina are hoping tonight things will go well… Fina is very bossy with Blanca and she bounces back at her, not liking it one bit. Each one has contributed to the society. When we get out, I will call the shots… because I have the moolah. I don’t have to beg like you do with Berta. When Blanca leaves, Fina gives her a devilish stare… (she has something in her mind). Carlos very frustrated the doctor was only able to take one hand’s bandages away. The other one is not ready, and the more he uses it the slower the wounds will heal. He gives up. Anibal meets back with Allison, he is bit nervous. He asks if he can trust her. She reminds him she already shares his secrets about his dead mom and she has not told a soul. Anibal says will need your help again. Sure. Padre gets home to church, talks himself saying he does not understand anything. What do Augie and Saul have to do with one another? And you Marina, why did you leave with Jero? Hard to believe he left Nata after he told me he loved Nata with all his soul. There is something that does not quite fit. I have to find out.. what really happened and why Saul had meetings with Augie. Antonio at LaB asking Gina what Dr said about Nata. So she does have a cardiac condition. Gina says it would not be hard to believe, Nata and Berta have the same dad, so Nata could have inherited the condition too. Antonio thinks to himself that this is another proof that Nata is your daughter and not Berta. Then they change subject to Jero’s leaving. They both are in disbelief that Jero would do this. Gina asks what if he was forced? Only that way would she believe he would do it. She would put her hands in the fire for Jero. He would never leave Nata. Antonio tells her if she is right, only time and God will tell. The God rep on earth, Padre Seve, is trying to call Marina… but her number is out of service. Where are you Marina? Where?? He calls her MC office and hospital but they have not seen her. MY God, help me clear this all up, I beg you.
Nata tells Adri it is incredible how patterns get repeated. My mother had the same thing happen. She was abandoned and raised me alone. Adri says the difference is Jero has not found out you are pregnant. Nata says ‘and he will never know’. Adri raises a little quiet protest. What if he finds out and comes looking for you? Nata doubts that he will care. He left me. And at that point, he decided for all of us. So I don’t care. My child will grow without its dad but will have lots of mom. (she is very upset by now, great acting by SN). Adri reminds her it will also have a godmother to protect it… and a honor grandmom like Gina who will adore it, two ‘dad’s like Matias and Don Gonzo… that child will have lots of love and people to spoil it. Nata is hopeful, it will not need its dad, because it won’t need a Jeronimo Linares. (another strong hug in support for Nata) Mati and Kari are arguing about Prissy… Kari reprimends Mati for stepping aside and letting Prissy make her feel ‘lower category’. She threw a line at you and you fell hook line and sinker. She is a hypocrit. She fakes nice and sweet in front of him but she brings out her claws in front of you. Mati whines now you say I am the one to blame! Kari says even the kiss must have been provoked by Prissy. Mati blames Chalie. Kari insists as ‘enologos’ they can share language. But you… you own his heart. With you he feels other things. You love Carlos, right? Yes. Then defend your love. Fight for him! At the apartment, German is attending a call by his wife, leaving the apt after smelling a garment of Roberta’s (YUCK) … Julieta runs into him… and questions him if he is new in building. Then she recognizes him from Gonzo’s wedding once he tells her his name. He gets frozen cold… That woman, Gema, is your wife, right? I am the ‘fake’ girlfriend of Matias. Did your wife and you move here? No, bought the apt for my son. For when he comes visit to Mex. I come every now and then to check on it. It’s a small small world..indeed! As she leaves he looks her top to bottom over his shades… YUCK!! At jail, Honorio is reassuring Connie… she asks how he could stand this when he was there because of Blanca… he replies because if you, kept thinking about you. Connie appologizes for being so dumb. HE says don’t worry, lets look forward. BTW, have news for you. The video cameras caught Corina’s face and also a woman who works at center says she might know the area where Corina lives. Connie gets hopefull although crying. Manuela tells Kari and Mati that Nata will return to Mex with her family as soon as she gets a medical clearance. Kari understands Nata, LaB must bring her lots of bad memories. Mati says we will have to wait and see what happens with el hermoso. Maybe he is waiting for Nata to leave to come back. It is possible. Antonio gets to church, tells Padre that they do know Marina left with Jero on same flight. Also tells Padre about Saul’s visit to LaB and what he told Nata, although he was drunk. Padre wonders why didn’t he come tell me instead of Nata? Antonio says you are right… it is very strange. Padre says the day Jero came to talk to Marina he said he loved Nata. So there is something else … come with me to see Saul, I will ask him in his face and I will know if he is lying or telling the truth.
Augie goes to LaB, Nata tells him Jero abandoned her. He left with Marina. What are you going to do? Go home to my house and leave everything that reminds me of Jero. Augie asks her not to leave. She insists… HE asks are you sure?... At manicomio… Blanca and Fina meet up with Leandro the crummy doctor. Blanca also wants to leave. Leandro says you pay me the way I want and then you can go too. So Blanca stays with Leandro while Fina heads to utility room with a gallon of gas in hand. Fina pours the gas all over. Blanca has a syringe and nails Leandro in the back several times with it. He falls to floor while Fina makes spaghetti out of the power wires… and then makes them touch the gas that she spilled… it is a miracle there wasn’t an immediate explosion … everyone goes beserk in building, Fina and Blanca both escape and meet up out in the street. At LaB Nata is remembering intimate moments with Jero. Background song says ‘I am here trying to get up from this new blow’… She can’t understand … keeps remembering… when he said they were writing a new love story together… if you had told me you were leaving with her you would have broken my heart but face to face, not like this. (remembers when they went to step on the grapes together recently)… and the fireworks with the ‘marry me again’ sign. Their making love afterwards. Song continues ‘this time I will free myself from your lies and will leave’… Fina and Blanca are out on the street, get rid of the white robes… Fina insists they go to the church right away to get Blanca’s hidden money. Blanca says the post office is closed, Fina says louder ‘but not the church, so we can go get the key!!’.
Again Nata in bedroom, gets a shirt of Jero’s from the armoire… hugs it, kisses it and remembers the not so happy moments when they first arrived together at LaB and he asked Lazaro to put her bags in the guest room… then at the beach when he rejected her request to make love and she told him this was her last time requesting and he would not touch her again. Back to present… you didn’t even take your things…. How do you want me to forget you, Jero!! Tell me how to forget … song says ‘its better that way’… she reminds when he went to Cruz de Amor and accused her of being ‘Augie’s current lover… after not showing up at the appointment/date… and sends him the divorce papers instead… back to present. Now won’t only have to hate your absence, but also your presence. You decided to leave me… very well. You will not be in my life anymore, you decided for the both of us.
Out in MC somewhere, Fina seems to be waiting for Blanca. She comes out with the key. Blanca asks if Fina called Berta… (Fina says yes, not sure if she really did, but says Berta will wait for us at an agreed location). They head away. Right through a high bridge… (hmmm!) … Blanca is running, Fina stops her, saying she is out of breath, have to rest. And then Fina gets the scapular and chokes Blanca with it from behind… Just as Blanca says today we are free, tomorrow we will be rich and powerful, this key will be our passport… Fina chokes Blanca and tells her no, not ours, it will be mine.. because at this moment our association is over. I don’t need you. I don’t need you anymore. Goodbye forever, Blanca… (Fina pushes her off the bridge the stares at her like a mad serial killer, even waving goodbye at Blanca’s body which is spitting black blood from mouth and nose… (flattened brain/skull for sure). Blanca,… blanquita, my queen… thank you again… Goodbye! (runs away happy) At MR manor, Gonzo and Berta are having breakfast. Gonzo asks the maid to prepare Nata’s room for her. Berta asks why. Nata will return to this house. Yesterday your brother confirmed that Jero abandoned Nata to go with that doctora. Berta sarcastically comments that that is bad news.
Gonzo reads the paper and gets alarmed. He has read the news of the fire at the manicomio at the reclusory. Gonzo is breathing hard worrying about how Nata will take these news, with everything that is happening to her. Berta instantly looks like she just ate nitroglycerin lozenges and they are burning up her throat… Do you think my mom… I mean Josefina … would have died? Gonzo does not know, he will find out at the reclusory right away. Berta thinks to herself. Surely you’re alive. I am sure you had to do with the fire. You CANNOT BE DEAD. Julieta calls Adri, tells her she saw German and Berta in the building… and that she saw them kissing the other day as they went in the apartment. Adri is excited to finally get some evidence that something IS going on between Berta and German. Gonzo calls Matias… tells him to make sure Nata does not find out what happened to the mental health center. Matias tells him in return that Nata has some cardiac condition… which puts Gonzo to think… same as Berta?... Even worse… not a word of the Fina issue to Nata… Matias asks about Connie’s case. Gonzo feels very grateful to German. He has won my gratitude and trust for life. He made the measure with our family and that is priceless… Gonzo asks when they will return. Mat says don’t know now until Nata gets cleared for traveling.
Fina meets Berta at parking lot… yerba mala nunca muere… Berta is not really happy to see her. Asks her if she caused the fire. How nice you know me so well… Berta says for her disgrace she does… Fina says since I made so many sacrifices to raise you so comfortably, now you owe me. I need you to register at a hotel so I can stay there… Berta will do but not happily… She will take her somewhere noone will recognize or find her. Takes her in the car (convertible) and tells her to duck… Augie returns to LaB, runs into Gina and Nata… they are heading to doctor at Ensenada. Augie offers to take them… says he was thinking of going to Ensenada anyway… he will be glad to take them. Lazaro is nodding, but is not so sold on the idea. But he has to comply since Nata and Gina accept the offer… Augie lets them go ahead, but turns around and smiles / grins at Lazaro… (this cannot turn out well)… Previews: Fina toasts to Fina for her victory. Nata tells Carlos and Lazaro.. she does not want to hear anything of LaB or Jero once she leaves. Augie offers to Nata that his love is so big that he is willing to take care of her child with her.

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