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Sunday, June 17, 2018


Father Teddy holds burial service for Bernardo and Libia and after he continued it with communion service but during Fernando’s turn, he almost refused to give him but Fernando compels and convinces him before he gave him the communion and after and Fernando asks father Teddy why he didn’t want to give him the holy communion if he confessed, and besides, everything he did was to have Sofia by himself because he loves her but Father Teddy furiously tells her that something like that couldn’t be love and he will never know what it means to have someone’s love because Sofia will never love him back.
Oscar tears all of the flowers in the compound and package it as was advised by Don Augustin and he goes inside Jemima’s room to leave them there by slitting them romantically on her bed and Jemima looks so happy upon seeing that gesture from him. Same vein, Frank cries over the fact that he is no longer seeing Rosa again and John asks him to stop the childish act and be a man but Frank seems not to forget Rosa. Same vein, Rosa is unable to rehearse for her music because she can’t also forget about Frank.
Sarah thinks for such a romantic gesture from Oscar, Jemima has to forgive him but she says no way, she will stretch him a little more for him to know how to love a woman and she goes by his stretch action against Oscar as she tells him to never get closer to her again because she doesn’t love him anymore. 
Sofia decides to go horseback riding and Fernando arrives to go with him but seriously and unfortunately for him, the horse hit him and pushes him off with his leg and hurt him and he concludes to Sofia angrily that they have to sell the horse right away for hurting him without wronging him but Sofia refuses to let him. Fernando then hypocritically goes to tell Mrs. Gabriela that Bernardo’s horse attacked him without a reason so, he thinks they should sell him because it is becoming a danger to mankind. Sofia goes against the selling idea but Gabriela tells her that her mind is already made up to sell it. Sofia tearfully walks out and whiles crying outside, John bumps into her and asks why she is crying and he tells him it’s because they want to sell her father’s horse.
Sofia wants to know why the horse attack Fernando and he thinks if it were a human being, he would have spoken to her as to why he always gets nervous anytime he sees Fernando. John arrives and as they chat, Fernando finds Sofia and sees them and questions what the two are doing there alone, and John tells him that she told him that the horse is for sale and he wants to buy it but Fernando tells him derisively that the horse is no longer for sale because he is suffering from took ache and John opens his mouth to check and after replies Fernando sarcastically that, he is no more even interested because indeed he has tooth decay.
Sarah still feels intimidated because she feels she isn’t beautiful but Jemima tells her that she even looks more beautiful than her and Sofia and Don Augustin ask her to never feel inferior and allow any one to intimidate her about her beauty because she looks very beautiful and Sarah now becomes so happy and thanks her grandpa and sister for their love and encouragement.
Armando tries to rape Rosa but she crashes a vase on his head and warns him that she will tell Fernando.
Fernando hires Frank to serenades his wife Sofia in the hacienda and as she comes out, she grows very happy with the gesture but she rather spots and have her eyes only on John instead of Fernando and John knowing that the serenade was for Sofia, he goes mad and leaves the place and all of Sofia’s happiness diminishes as she looks through and sees John no more. 
Don Augustin tells John, Oscar and Franco that Sofia doesn’t love Fernando because he is a good-for-nothing who has never worked before and Sofia needs the love of a man who gives joy back to her because she has suffered very much in life. John then grows very happy to hear that from Augustin and he believes there can therefore be a chance for him with Sofia.
John is making bread and thinking of Sofia and wonders why if she doesn’t love her husband, she still keeps glued to him and not leave him and
Sofia and Eva go to town to get some bread and they discover the brother’s bakery center and unknowingly to them that the place belongs to the three Brothers, Sofia wishes they go there instead of walking another mile to get similar bread from another place and as she enters, she discovers John inside and they get surprise.
“Who killed Libia” utv brings your way Friday – Sundays 8:00pm and repeat, Tuesday – Thursday 4:00pm akye! Saaaa!!!! UTV, it’s all about you!!!!

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