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Friday, June 1, 2018


Scene 1:
Location: Urmi’s residence
A scared ishaani asks who is talking. The guy says that he is the guy from the posters, and asks if that shall help them be caught anywhich way. She is shocked and tensed. Leeringly, he asks her to remember the nightmare that they put her through, or forgot, as they definitely cant. he says that if its becoming hazy, they can meet again, for reliving old memories. She is tensed at the lewd behaviour. Shaurya and damini tensedly ask who is it. karan enters just then too. When shaurya speaks in the phone, the guy cancels the call. Ishaan is dazed and they all ask her why is she so scared. urmi is shocked too. She drinks the water. While tears stream down ishaani’s cheeks they are all very tensed and worried. she sits down in a state of shock,
after having received the call. shaurya asks her to tell who was it. she says that it were the same goons. he asks who. she stammers out of scare and shock, and hesitatingly tells them, and then tells everything. they are shocked. She says that it was the same person who had done wrong with diya. Diya hears this from the balcony and is shocked. they ask ishaani to speak up. She says that he said that they havent had enough and shall come again. she is highly scared and traumatised at the phone call. urmi along with others are shocked and apalled. he says that its okay. damini says that its not okay, as her worst fears of threatening calls are coming true, and that the threats are coming for ishaani now, due to diya. Shaurya says that the threats were for diya. damini asks what if ishaani is the next target, and asks how is he so engrossed, that he can forget about his sister, ishaani for the sake of that girl, diya. shaurya protests that he cares for his sister. Damini says that if he is so concerned, then diya should be out of the house, and it isnt her concern, where she stays, whether she goes to hell, or better yet dies even. they are outraged at her callousness. Anirudh asks how can she be so cruel to diya, and where would she go in such a time, where it isnt safe for her at all. urmi asks her to think about it. sandhya says that diya too is someone’s daughter, just like theirs. Damini says that diya isnt her daughter, and she only cares for ishaani, and she doesnt care where diya goes. She points out to karan, that he being the fiancee, its his responsibility to take care of diya. karan is in a fix. karan is shocked, and says that he cant take diya, as his mother wont allow. damini asks him to go and convince then, as she doesnt care, if diya is in his house or on the roads, but she wont stay here. Diya steps down saying that she is right, as she wouldnt want anything to happen to the house or ishaani due to her, and that she shall leave. damini snidely thanks her. Karan asks whats she saying, and where would she go. Diya comes to him, and begs him to take her, while he is irritated, saying that she shall convince and beg his mother to take her anyhow. she then turns to ishaani, asking her not to be afraid as nothing would happen to her. she assures that they have supported her immensely and she cant become the reason for their problems. uirmi comes and asks her to stop, and then is again adamant, that diya wont go anywhere, as her going out, after the threats isnt safe at all. diya says that she cant stay here and pose a threat to ishaani. anirudh finally stands up and speaks that she wont go anywhere, and shaurya is right. He says that for humanitarian sake, and for the safety and security of diya, she is welcome to stay here as long as she wants. damini taunts and claps them for their selfless service to diya, and asks what about ishaani. Anirudh says that he cares for everyone, and till he is here, nothing would happen to anyone, as he too loves ishaani as much as she does. he says that he shall arrange for police protection, and that noone needs to be scared as they cant stop living, due to some petty goons. He asks diya not to go anywhere, as she neednt be scared and she can stay here always. karan is immensely relieved. He asks diya not to be bothered by anyone, and asks if she trusts him. She breaks into tears and complies. He assures her that all would be right. He then turns to ishaani and gets on composing and assuring her too, who is visibly traumatised. He cites her as his brave girl, and asks how can she be weak, when her grandpa is there. damini eyes urmi and diya angrily.
In her room, diya remembers ishaani’s phone call and damini’s retaliation, and the discussion that ensued. just then, shaurya and chiku come in laughing and guffawing. Shaurya asks chiku to do it again for diya. They try and cheer her up. she resignedly asks what happened. Chiku says that he had a breakup. She tries to follow the link, as shaurya talks about chiku’s various hilarious breakup, where the gf took revenge by posting pics of chiku dressed as a girl. this causes diya to laugh, and they revel and enjoy seeing her happy after so long. shaurya gets emotional seeing her happy. Chiku is relieved too.
meanwhile, on the roof, urmi calls the police and asks if there are any developments, and then talks about the threat calls. She asks them to catch the culprits soon, and the police takes it on the ego of the police department, and assures her that soon they shall be nabbed. shaurya comes and urmi tells everything, adding that it feels they shall have to follow up. He takes this responsibility on himself, saying that they can also print the pictures in the newspaper, AWAZ. she asks about diya, and he talks about her laughing. they are both happy for her, and hope that everything is soon okay.
Scene 2:
Location: Police Station and AWAZ’s office
Shaurya is prompt and diligent in his follow up with the police, about any whereabouts or leads in diya’s case. In the office, shaurya instructs the employees, that the sketch shall continue to be printed till; the goons are nabbed. he is highly thorough with his follow up from the newspaper and the police too. Many days pass. One evening, shaurya waits in the police station, while the inspector begins to get irritated with him and his pstering. He asks him not to be here so much, as his pestering wont help them catch the goons. Shaurya says that its been 23 days, and he is no closer to finding a single clue, and asks how long would they take. the inspector shamelessly says that they havtn been able to. shaurya asks how and what effort are they putting in. the inspector says that they are doing their work, but maybe they have left the town. he asks if he found a clue through the newspaper. shaurya says that its his effoert, but for the police, its their duty, and he is answerable to them for that. the police asks if he is reminding them their duty. shaurya says that he would remind him, if need be, and its due to this attitude, that the police is being degraded these days. he assures that the minute he gets any info, he shall tell him. Shaurya resignedly leaves, in a huff.
Scene 3:
Location: Urmi’s residence
Shaurya comes inside, and finds the entire house in darkness. he hollers as to why the lights are off. He then starts shouting for urmi, ishaani asking where’s everyone, seemingly worried now, as noone responds back. Suddenly the lights go on, and all wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Ishaani gets a cake for him, and asks him to cut the cake. But since he is so frustrated, fr their safety, he screams at ishaani and asks her to shut up. Ishaani is hurt and boggled. All others are surprised too at this reaction. The screen freezes on shaurya’s angry face.
Scene 1:
Location: Urmi’s residence
Shaurya lashes out terribly at ishaani, saying that she doesnt care about the environment in the house, and isnt she mature enough to understand that he wouldnt want to celebrate the birthday. Anirudh asks him why is he overreacting, as its just a small celebration. he lashes out saying that he doesnt want, as he is sick and frustrated of running after the police, and doesnt feel like celebrating. he says tht ishaani should understand this. Anirudh says that ishaani went to great lengths to orrganise this. Shaurya says so what, after what happened to diya, he doesnt need anything, Alok says that its understandable he is stressed, but he doesnt need to be angry like this. urmi asks him to calm down too and asks him to take a look at ishaani.
he finds ishaaani sulking and in tears. urmi says that they can enjoy a little. Shaurya calms down a little, and then apologises to her, saying that he vented out his frustration on her. She dumps the cake on the floor, in aggression, and leaves. Shaurya apologises, but she rushes to her room. Anirudh is upset. damini however evilly smiles. shaurya collapses on the floor disappointed. all are tensed.
The next morning, while ishaani and damini are in the drawing room, shaurya comes down and finds her still angry and ignoring him. He asks if she is still angry. she denies, but he pesters on. she asks him not to fight, while he tries to cheer her up, again apologising profusely, and ishaani finally gives in and they smile again. they shake hands. just then, urmi gets diya down, and Diya wishes him for his birthday. he immediately lets go of her hand, and turns to diya, shocking ishaani. ishaani eyes her stranded fingers, while shaurya gives attention to diya. ishaani gets irritated. urmi suggests that its a good time, and they should all go to shirdi. he complies, thinking it would be good for diya. he asks damini and ishaani to get ready. damini deneis to go. he turns to ishaani. ishaani says that she doesnt believe in worship and all. Shaurya says that he shall be there with her. but she asks him to carry on, as its his birthday and he should celebrate it the way he wants. He asks if she sure doesnt have other plans for him. she denies, and then he leaves. damini again instigates ishaani, that when she wanted to celebrate he didnt, but when diya wanted to, shaurya instantly agreed, and that this was what was her fear all along. Ishaani says that she is right, as shaurya has changed a lot. damini is relieved.
In the room, ishaani searcehs for her laptop charger frustratedly, while damini comes in saying that she shouldnt take out her frustration on things. Ishaani tells damini that diya isnt shaurya’s gf. damini says that diya isnt, then he cares so much, then what if she becomes the gf. Ishaani is frustrated. Anirudh hears this from behind the doors, while damini saying that shaurya isnt her blood brother too, as he is samrat’s son. she says that they dont love or care for her. She says that neither shaurya nor urmi loves her, and they both just enact to love. ishaani leaves in a huff. Anirudh comes in angrily, and hollers at her for being so callous, and becoming such a lowlife, while she listens least bothered. She shamelessly says that she has no shame, and she shall break this relation. She asks him not to react, as he forced her to do this. she says that she shall, as the property is ishaani and hers only. She tells him that the decision is his, if he includes shaurya in his will, then she shall continue like this, and if he doesnt, then she might think about her motives again. she leaves. Anirudh is tensed.
Scene 2:
Location: Gaurav’s residence
Chiku is looking for his hankey, when nupur comes in with it, saying that she got it. He takes it frustratedly, tauntingly saying thank you. She shyly says that in friendship, No Sorry No thankyou. She rushes out, while he is irritated. he gets one of his gf’s call, and nupur finds him talking lovingly, she gets irritated and asks jealously who was he talking to. he tells her unabashedly about his many affairs. Nupur is outraged, and decides to get asha. when she comes, nupur insists that she asks what her son is upto. Chiku gets frustrated, and finally nupur tells her that he has a gf. Nupur is shocked, that asha takes it very casually, much to chiku’s amusment. She begins that a girl and a boy can never be friends. Chiku gets frustrated and asks asha to take her out. she complies.
Scene 3:
Location: Shirdi and Karan’s residence
Shaurya gets a call from karan and he receives it no resignedly. Karan says that he had called and why isnt diya receiving the call, and where is she. shaurya says that she had aclled but he didnt pick up. he says that he wa sbusy in auditions. Shaurya says that its good, since he has had his media coverage from diya enough. karan asks him not to taunt, and asks where’s diya. when shaurya says that they have come to Shirdi, karan gets berserk, asking why wasnt he informed, as he too would have come then. He asks why wasnt he told. shaurya says that he doesnt have an information bureau for him, and besides why does he want to know. karan says that its his right. Shaurya asks what he wanted to know, as there’s no media coverage here. karan asks him not to cross limit and talk nonsense. Shaurya cancels the call. karan is angered.
As shaurya along with urmi and diya rest in a restaurant, shaurya and urmi assure that she would win and particularly after visiting the temple, as his blessings would open new doors for her. Shaurya asks them to wait in the car, while he just comes. they comply. urmi gets a call, and asks diya to sit inside, while she just comes. she complies. urmi goes to receive the call. Meanwhile, the same rapists arrive on a bike, and get down. While diya waits in the car, she hears some people humming the tune, the same song that the goons were singing that terrible night. They leeringly talk about how they need to find a new prey, and reminisce, as to how wonderful the last one was, talking about diya. she eys them in the rearview mirror, and is recounted of the nightmarish incident. she scaredly peeps out of the window, and finds that its the same people, at the tea stall. She is shocked, and immediately puts her head back inside. She is petrified. the screen freezes on her face.
Precap: Just then, Urmi comes inside and finds diya completely shaken and terrified. She hurriedly asks diya what happened. Diya points to those people, from the rearview, stammering and unable to speak up. urmi is tensed. shaurya too asks whats the matter, finding diya so scared. Finally Diya speaks up. shaurya asks where are they. She tries to say that the people are there beside the Paan stall. shaurya hurriedly looks outside.

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