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Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Scene 1:
Location: Pandal
Devarsh takes over as the MC for the show prganised on the occassion of ganesh chaturthi. chetali starts gloating of the performance that she is going to give. Devarsh announces baa as the first performer, much to everyone’s shock and surprise. gauri is stunned as to how this happened. ranvir joins them and asks gauri if she is okay, and gauri vouches that ishaani is fine. Amidst huge claps, baa makes her appearance for her performance, while all her family cheer on for her. ranvir meanwhile tries to find time to talk to harshad, while he is busy mingling with the guests, with baa’s eyes all over him. baa asks about disha, and knows that she she shall come later. baa is tensed and thinks that something is up and that she shall have to
find it out. Chetali meanwhile refuses to dance with her husband, citing issues of his age.
chirtag again confronts ishaani, while she is with gauri. ishaani looks away, and gauri is visibly tensed. Finally they both walk away, while chirag smiles. before they can talk, they find alia and zain coming to be a part of their festival. Alia exclaims on the decoration. Akash and meethi join them too, and exchange greetings. Alia expresses her sympathy towards ishaani and she gets tensed. Gauri takes alia aside, and tells that chirag is here and she doesnt want ishaani to be distracted and needs her help. Alia takes ishaani with her to dance. gauri refuses to leave her, but ishaani asks her to go ahead. ranvir comes in saying that she shall be with him, and ishaani shall not be bored. All couples start dancing, alia and zain, meethi and akash, while ishaani starts coughing. ranvir goes to get water, while chirag takes this chance to stand beside her. ishaani is tensed. gauri and romil dance too. Chirag is asked by a friend, why he isnt dancing, and he says that he doesnt have a dance partner, as the one who was there, isnt there anymore. ishaani is tensed and leaves from there, while devarsh stops her, asking her to enjoy the dance. ranvir gets water and asks if all is okay and she complies. ranvir is tensed for her.
As the aarti begins, all take ranvir as he does it best. Ranvir finally takes in, as he prays to the lord to forgive his mistakes, and get everything normal again in ishaani’s and harshad’s life. Ishaani finds that ranvir is hurt due to beating too loudly. She then notices the fingernail wounds, and asks whats the problem. ranvir gives an excuse that it was a cat, but ishaani says that she knows that these came from a girl. Before ranvir can answer as she stands tensed, devarsh takes her away to dance. ranvir thinks that she would have to tell harshad.
Scene 2:
Location: Ishaani’s residence
baa comes, while disha is pacing nervously in her room. disha says that she couldnt come as she was sick. Baa notices the fingernail wounds on her hand, and disha refuses to divulge the truth to her. baa scares her reminding her the last time she burned her hand. Disha relates everything truely to her, while saying the she started getting jealous of ishaani, as everyone chose ishaani oevr her, and rejected her, even ranvir, and baa is shocked that disha, being such a family girl, chose a servant to throw herself at, and is about to punish her, but controls herself just in time, although she is in a furious rage. Baa says that she could have had ishaani being with ranvir, but taunts disha at her raging hormones which she didnt have any control over, that she could even settle down with ranvir, a servant. Disha is reprimanded that ishaani even being her best friend, was satisfied with jsut that. Baa tells her that she wont ever be able to be married, if this side of her gets out. baa asks disha to do just what she says, if she wants to salvage her respect even a single percent. Baa tells disha that ranvir was trying to tell something to harshad, and before that, she would tell falguni everything, just as she tells her word by word. disha scared listens and finally complies. Baa eyes her tensedly, as she leaves.
Meanwhile, harshad cxalls falguni asking whats taking her so long. She says that she prepared sweets after a long time hence got late. she hurries to get ready. just then disha, comes in and hesitatingly says that she needs to say something. falguni asks her to hurry up, while she starts crying. Falguni is shocked as disha shows her the wounds on her neck and arms. Baa sees them from the keyhole. Falguni asks disha who did this to her. disha pretends to be distraught and tells her that it was ranvir, and falguni is shocked. disha again reaffirms that it was ranvir. baa is amused to hear this, while falguni is unable to believe, as she stands shell shocked. baa thinks that he is gone now, for two things, first he loved ishaani, and secondly disha loved ranvir. The screen freezes on her face.
Precap: Falguni goes to harshad and angrily tells him about disha’s confession of her trauma, while he stands unperturbed. She is in a rage, as she finds ranvir coming in. Falguni comes and slaps ranvir, asking how could he do this. She asks him how dare he try and get physical with her daughter
Scene 1:
Location: Ishaani’s residence
Disha tells a sob story, just like baa had taught her, and how ranvir has bad habits and a bad character too, and that ranvir had made advances before too, but she snubbed him off, but last night he tried to force himself on her. Falguni is apalled. Disha says that he has bad feelings for ishaani, too, as he loves her, and doesnt want her to get married, just like he did with chirag and ishaani, and that he was pretending that he was trying to unite them when actually he was breaking them off, being disloyal to Harshad. disha breaks down saying that when he thought that he couldnt get ishaani, he made her a bait, and tells what a bad character he is. falguni is shocked, while disha collapses on the bed. Falguni storms out in anger.
disha is scared, while baa is tensed. They both watch falguni leave the house in fury and rage. disha rushes after her, while baa watches them both. Falguni goes to ranvir’s room, and starts rummaging through stuff, to prove what disha accuses him of, and finds the sunny leone’s magazines and Cd’s that he sees, confirming her worst fears. She opens an old briefcase, and is shocked to see what she finds, ishaani’s pics and other childhood stuff kept safely. She begins to believe Disha’s accusations, breaking the bottle of alcohol that she finds.
Falguni gets the briefcase and hollers at disha, and asks her to stay here, and not cry, as she is going to the pandal and that she wont leave him for what she did. She leaves in anger, while dishga is tensed herself. baa comes to disha, saying that her mistake is unforgivable, but still tha stain is on rnavir now, so that respect stays in the family, and he is out. After baa leaves, disha evilly thinks that now ranvir would have to pay the price for rejecting her.
Scene 2:
Location: Pandal
Chirag keeps trying to find chances to talk to ishaani, while she continuously tries to avoid him, wheras he begs that he wants to talk. harshad finds them both, and goes to ranvir asking him to take care of the situation. harshad tells ranvir to dance with ishaani, to distract her, being a son and not consider himself a servant and sends him forcibly. ranvir goes to them and faces chirag with a stare in his eyes, and takes ishaani’s hands and gets her to dance, while chirag leaves in tension. They both start dancing, while ishaani too reluctantly joins in. harshad thinks that had falguni been here she would have seen ishaani dancing, and wonders why didnt she come by now. Amba doesnt like it though. Amba takes her husband aside, while he asks whats the matter. Amba tells him that this time its different, and informs him about ranvir seeing the moon and behaving strangely since last night. Amba says that ranvir shouldnt have gone with ishaani. Her husband tells that Harshad instructed her. But amba stands unconvinced.
falguni is angered and comes to harshda who excitedly shows her the both of them dancing. Falguni goes to harshad and angrily tells him about disha’s confession of her
trauma, while he stands unperturbed. Harshad is shocked to hear falguni’s accusations, and asks her if she realises whats she saying. She asks him whom does he not believe, her or his own daughter. harshad is tensed. Harshad asks the servant to go and get ranvir. He complies. ranvir gets down in a rage. She is in a rage, as she finds ranvir coming in. Falguni comes and slaps ranvir, asking how could he do this. She asks him how dare he try and get physical with her daughter. she starts reprimanding him for doing such a disgusting thing. Ranvir tries to protest and tells falguni that disha is lying. but falguni doesnt listen to anything and starts slapping him. harshad stops her, asking wahts she doing. she asks him to ask ranvir only what he did. ranvir says that he is speaking the truth. Falguni asks if disha is lying then, and why would she believe him and not her daughter. harshad says that he believes ranvir and doesnt know about the truth but cant believe that ranvir can do something like this. Falguni tells him that whatever ranvir had done till now, was not out of loyalty or true friendship to Ishaani, but out of bad intentions. baa too comes in affirming falguni, and says that the person who he calls his son, and that one day she had told him that he would stain their faces, and he has done the biggest betrayal. she says that he had a bad eye on both ishaani and disha. harshad is tensed, while ranvir is tensed. Sensing some problem, the servants goes and gets ishaani too from the dance floor, and she rushes out.
Devarsh announces the next performance to be of his own mother. Chetali takes over the stage and starts dancing, on a peppy number, and all enjoy, while her husband joins in too.
ishaani is shocked to hear falguni’s accusations about ranvir for ishaani and disha. ishaani takes ranvir’s side, and again tells her that its a misunderstanding. falguni asks if disha can lie about this, and ishaani says that she really cant believe this. harshad too supports ishaani. ranvir tries to tell them the truth, and tells about what disha tried to do with him. harshad asks whats he trying to say. he starts narrating everything saying that he was embarassed to even think about telling this, and shows the wounds. harshad asks why didnt he tell this. ranvir says that he was searching for time to tell harshad about this. ishaani believes ranvir, while falguni is shocked. Harshad decides that he wants to talk to disha first. ishaani assures ranvir in her eyes.
Chirag calls disha, and says that he needs her help, and that he knows what she wants and that he too wants something liek that. disha gets interested. Chirag eyes them evilly. the screen freezes on Ranvir’s tensed face.
Precap: ranvir is beaten mercilessly in the police station, while amba and his father are distraught.

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