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Sunday, October 21, 2018


Everybody is gussied up for Llora's thing and Abue gives Leonore a sparkly necklace and earrings.
The older gals send TioM upstairs to light a fire under BadAna and when he knocks and asks is she decent she strips down to her teddy before she trills come in to his immense discomfort. And then she shimmies back into her little black dress as he tries not to watch, and makes him zipper up while she makes some innapropriate remarks about what a hottie he is. This performance causes him to try to explain to her that there are different kinds of love and they shouldn't confuse them, but BadAna isn't confused one little bit. She knows who she's in love with, the man she puts above all others. Marcelo, tioM guesses. Noo she usta be into him but its totes over now, he's not the man she loves more than herself, and she winds herself ever tighter around TioM inching closer and closer to his lips, do ya wanna know who it is? it's... it's...
Me! Announces Inaki coming in and breaking the mood. And even though BadAna goes along w/him, she doesn't have a happy face or voice.
TioM gets very serious and says he and Inaki need to have a discussion while BadAna gets finished dressing. As Inaki is stuttering and stammering about how he's honest and hard working and crazy in love w/BadAna, she's gloating to herself that TioM looked jelly of Inaki.
Tio gives Inaki his blessing as long as BadAna agrees to marry him and he takes her far far away from her sisters and him. (Maybe he'll taker to Egypt, they can visit Denial. Oh wait, most of our characters already live there.)
Sue and Julietta get to the reception and give BAdAna dirty looks
Abue and Leo tell TioM they wanna help Sole. He disagrees and doesn't want to talk about it.
Also he broke up w/Sue so they can't be friends w/her.
Inaki mentions to BadAna what a near miss Sue had. Why, she could have ended up thrown off a bldg too if she hadn'ta broke up w/TioM. And all this time he thought his biggest challenger for BadAna's affection was going to be Marcelo's ghost, tsk.
Analu and Remedios arrive and are welcomed by Abue and Leonore. Marcelo and Old Flame look on approvingly
Abue and Old Flame clear the air and admit their technological flirtation and their enduring love. And its back on! For good this time.
Hugs and kisses.
Facundo gloats at Ramiro. (Imma condense here, for dropping bombshells this stuff was surprisingly boring and hard to focus on)
And confesses all his crimes to him
Facundo killed Evaristo for his betrayal and generally being a liability and also the girls' parents in revenge for a business betrayal.
Ramiro rants and raves.
Facundo has/had some crazy plan to bring Marcelo over to the dark side and make him his successor.
Val and Llora play. Slowly and morosely.
Facundo says this is Llora's very last performance, and lets Ramiro listen to the recital on his phone, his henchie is there getting it all for him.
Ramiro agonizes.
Llora gets up and speechifies. She'd like to thank everybody who was ever nice to her. And she's happy Leonore is fam for realz. And forgives Tio (way too public a venue for this stuff imo) and loves'er sisters but she's gonna dedicate the night to Ramiro, wherever he is.
And now Nerina's gonna get up and sing w/them.
(oh shoot I missed somepin when I tuned out while Nerina was singing)
Now we're at the circus, but Nerina's still singing, but BadAna is wearing a different weirder dress. And Llora is missing. (aw man, what did I miss?)
Abue's friend congratulates herself on her matchmaking.
Analu does her thing.
Llora is getting out of a cab in the woods and asking the cabbie to wait for her. She remembers meeting w/BadAna away from the pension. When BadAna saw her on stage last night and all the things she said, made her feel ashamed. Ramiro came over to the house looking for Llora but BadAna didn't tell him where to find her but now she'll tell Llora where to find him.
And now she goes into the cabin in the woods and finds and unconscious Ramiro and starts useless shouting questions at him.
Val arrives and pays the cabbie and tells him its ok to leave now he's the lady's novio. He's learned from Marcelo, he's got his hand out of sight on the gun in his waistband the whole time.
Sole tells Chana she wants to ask Evaristo if the stuff Leonore tolder is true. Chana says Ev's dead. I don't know when or how, but his spirit came to tell me goodbye. But I know stuff too and Leo's story is all true, and Ev did a lot of stuff to that fam in revenge for yr mom.
Inaki runs into his dad backstage. Dad is overjoyed to see him, but Inaki is a snot. Tadeo has to go on stage and Inaki climbs up to the rafters and remembers BadAna tellingim during sex that its time for him to prove his love for her, and he starts sawing on a rope up there, presumably to kill Analu. But Marcelo is prowling around backstage doing his bodyguard thing and sees Inaki and trains a spotlight on him, spooking Inaki to climb down right into Marcelo's waiting beating. But Inaki rallies and Javi comes backstage just in time to see him clock Marcelo w/a convenient 2x4 and knockim out. and now there's Analu crying over her poor hurt love and stunned Javi saying he doesn't know what happened.
Llora finally gets Ramiro to wake up and he tellser Val killt Gina and getser to help start to free him (something about his spine and pulling something out? ewww) and in comes Val. He's been waiting for her.

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